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Request of an anti-cheat.


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so far i see only 10-15 players asking for anti-cheat or maybe less but with multi account login and type


the rest of player in this game they don't have any issue 🙂

anti-cheat will just make the game not smooth and fps will drop down

also we are make the game more better and we enjoy into it , i hope this topic going to be closed and if there is anyone want that anti-cheat the game can make vote or just lock into the game

we have great support you can record video and report them ! end of story

Edited by Great Person
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9 minutes ago, Great Person said:

so far i see only 10-15 players asking for anti-cheat or maybe less but with multi account login and type


the rest of player in this game they don't have any issue 🙂

anti-cheat will just make the game not smooth and fps will drop down

also we are make the game more better and we enjoy into it , i hope this topic going to be closed and if there is anyone want that anti-cheat the game can make vote or just lock into the game

we have great support you can record video and report them ! end of story

Just because you have a other opinion and say end of story, will not make this topic be closed.

That's not how the world works, your name must be sarcasm, and your post too.

Also too the CM browsing through the forum, don't lock topics down because some people not behave.


Instead delete their bad messages and give them a warning, most will else just troll and post bad content

on purpose, just to lure you into closing the topic, which is their objective, I not want to tell you how to

do your job, but I believe in you being able to see through such a obvious and devious game.

Edited by Ketsueki Tenshi
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Hello, i hope this topic will be more usefull than the avalanche of tickets i already made this year.

I'm talking as actually one of highest assassin gear in EU, playing FULL manualy and leggit : It's been a while i dont even tryhard anymore pve ladder as it's litteraly invaded of cheat, it's ruinning any form of motivation, and made me paranoid already about the trust i had in "referant" players.

Improve gear is actually as usefull as doing achievement, let's do some achievement, it's free.

We got an amazing game, with unparalleled gameplay, plz don't let it fall into the abyss.

Edited by Zai
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What are u talking?

Please stop these dishonesty.

The UE4 doesn't bring players back. Many Players trying to sell acounts back again.

U are calling to be fair but 90% of u are whiners. All the time wailing around when people making some mech fails or havn't much exp. , kicking or leaving the Party when u see low APs. U don't give unexperienced players any  chance to join random parties to learn  etc.... u are cheating peoples Gold with usuriousness prices by selling raids instead to play together. Mostly low Aps ( they don't have such amount of gold ) and many more things. And u calling out here for fairness? how long u have played here. Those flamers are the most unfair players! 90% of u all! SO STOP WAILING AROUND IN EVERY SITUATION AND START WITH YOURSELF 1ST PLEASE! POINTING WITH FINGERS IS ALWAYS EASIER, ISN'T IT?

Edited by Jun IaiJutsu
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after adding anti-cheat ... the ppl who want anti cheat they will get pilot for get top ranks cuz even they are BAD can't reach high rank or they have high ms so they will get pilot ... with or without anti cheat this wont be stop


so you guys asking to stop fixing our class skills to do better combo and let other pilot you for ranking


this topic it's waste of time .

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People against anti-cheat are using Cheat Engine to speed hack, fly hack and remove GCD giving them a large advantage over players who desire anti-cheat in the game. GM's have no way of catching players abusing Terms of Service with Cheat Engine so these players are selling Shimmering Scale runs for their own profit. The only people against the anti-cheat being put in place (like it was years ago) are people currently using Cheat Engine. There are quality of life benefits by not having anti-cheat system implemented; however, the insanely large advantage that Cheat Engine gives over legitimate players is unfair and highly breaks Terms of Service. There shouldn't be a slap on the wrist ban either for cheating like there was last Challenge Mode season. It should be permanent IP and HWID ban.

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You guys should also think about forcing strict rules when it comes to stuff like this. There's no shame to ban people who are actively trying to manipulate dungeons, ladders etc. wtih tampering files and editing client.


If people use cheats, they should have no place in this game. Permanently ban them from the game. 

Maybe start with people selling Thornwind Cavern runs using a flying cheat, should be doable checking timestamps. 

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1 hour ago, skyy said:

People against anti-cheat are using Cheat Engine to speed hack, fly hack and remove GCD giving them a large advantage over players who desire anti-cheat in the game. GM's have no way of catching players abusing Terms of Service with Cheat Engine so these players are selling Shimmering Scale runs for their own profit. The only people against the anti-cheat being put in place (like it was years ago) are people currently using Cheat Engine. There are quality of life benefits by not having anti-cheat system implemented; however, the insanely large advantage that Cheat Engine gives over legitimate players is unfair and highly breaks Terms of Service. There shouldn't be a slap on the wrist ban either for cheating like there was last Challenge Mode season. It should be permanent IP and HWID ban.

Hey, just sayign form someone who played in 2016 when they applied HameGuard anti-cheat system, you lvoe your high performance i nthe game now right, be ready for anti cheat to use resources and make  UE4 to run in 20 30 fps and your ms to sky rocket again, for that said reason a lot of the players left, and thta doesnt have to deal with your computer specs or anything , it is jsut how invasive is the kr anti cheat that they have in game code, but yeah be ready for that and then complain again of why the game is unplayable, besides that i agree with most of the people that some XML coding like fly hacks your so popular jump XML who was used in Challenge mode exists, but for most of the player base in this game, who never said a thing until now, and thats how funny it is that this topic is beign brought up now and why it wasnt before? cause those xml's werent used but just the jump, they didnt affect in PVE content whatsoever, in addition i can say PvP is a broken system that bns couldnt fix in years, if you read patch notes most of the classes get buff/nerfs dependign of what korea says never balanced and then returning players believe that they are hacking cause they always resist dmg or are untargeteable. But yeah theres some "hackers" (people using cheat engine) not actual hackers that use there maliciously, and its inyour point send a ticket and record this so called players as far as more than 5 players point this person will work, i do care about game but your anti cheat won't help but make the game unplayable again, bye thanks

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AFAIK, we're the only region (EU/NA) that doesn't have an Anti-Cheat.

Therefore lots of people exploit XMLs, change the global cooldowns of their skills and use 3rd party software like Cheat Engine to flyhack/speedhack, etc., because there literally is ZERO REPERCUSSION in doing so.


Ladders are completely f*d, people aren't only cheating in PvE, they're also cheating in PvP, which makes the game completely unfair and its just not fun anymore. 

In PvE content, people cheat with flyhacks in dungeons to sell items, therefore making bank over people that don't cheat. Seems totally fine????

In PvP, people use auto-casts, casting their TAB-escape or F-Roll automatically, remove GCD, use other XMLs to gain advantages that shouldn't be available to their class. 


The "complaints" about performance are an absolutely irrelevant argument, seeing how KR has an Anticheat too, and their performance is about the same as ours.

Comparing how UE3 was with Anticheat to UE4 says absoultely nothing, its only speculation that it's going to be the same.

Not to even mention that the people that use the "performance issue" as a reason against an Anticheat are probably exactly the people that exploit and cheat to gain advantages, of course they don't want it, who woulda thought.

Every tiny bit of "competition" there is in this game by now is completely gone and while PvE by now just is how it is, since the economy is ruined by those people by now anyways, PvP can still be saved & made fun again.

Don't u think that new players, as soon as they see that theres cheating and other bullsh*t in the game, just instantly will quit cuz nobody wants to play a game full of exploits and cheats where u basically are FORCED to cheat to even feel remotely viable?


So please, for the love of god... just add an Anticheat. Other regions can, so why can't we?


Edited by Lerana
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13 hours ago, Oupy said:

in korea they cant  use xml anymore ,   bring whatever korea is using 


Support of Anti Cheat , no anti cheat , i'll leave again  to hell with the game.

KR can still use XMLs and they have been for the longest time. Don't just say things when you don't know what you're talking about.

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With the release of UE4 the use of QoL Addons & Mods to optimise the game have become obsolete. Sure these programs brought a lot of QoL (Faster box opening, ability to rebind keys etc.) to the game but with it also came a lot of XML & Cheats that gave players an unfair advantage.

A very clear example of this is the ChallengeMode Leaderboard in Thornwind caverns. It became a cheat gallore where people used anti-gravity, speedhack and jump XML to top the leaderboards and get rankings they normally couldn't achieve.
Another example is people selling Thornwind Cavern Dungeons runs for gold because they would SOLO them, they would simply "Jump" with an XML that made you jump so high you jumped over the "Wipe" mechanic that was supossed to instantkill anyone if they failed mechanics. With this gaining an enormous influx of gold faster then any "fair" playing player could ever obtain.

For these reasons & more reasons I didn't even mention I support the implementation of an Anticheat + Heartbeat that will make it harder for players to cheat.

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16 hours ago, Hypnotic said:

actually some hypocrites created this post and ppl just spamming stuff because it was promoted in BG discord. Noone is really interested

You're wrong on this, some people are interested. Specially people in the highest rank in both PvP and PvE because they use private cheats that are non public, so getting rid of the cheaters that use the public stuff is great for them, these ppl are the same behind this EU BG discord, basically playtowin guild discord and they promoted this threat meanwhile they selling the public cheat and they keep supporting Gold Selling and Account Selling in their discord, most of of the gold coming from cheaters that has substitute the role of the f2p player already and killed the game economy for cash, and the accounts coming mostly from speculators who buy cheap and resell expensive or either scamers that claim back the accounts later.

16 hours ago, Hypnotic said:

i dont know what you think will hapen. Like i said, this post was created and shared by hypocrites. The most fair option would be to restart the whole server with anticheat so ppl like we all know, will lose their gear they already cheated and have to restart clean

This would only hurt legit players, because cheaters would make their way up again by cheating again, your restart game argument is just a fantasy.

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To everyone else in this thread, including the moderators @Hime @Amraith @PhoenixMitra, stop fighting each other, divide and conquer they say, top players in the game use private cheats, the only thing that is going to be achieved is to make the game perform worse and to get rid of the public cheats, which will change for instance nothing, people promoting this thread are the same people that just cheat in the game with private cheats, the same people that control the game economy, the same people that sell the cheats to the public and the same people who support gold selling and account trading, bunch of hypocrists that think they're better than the rest of people and should always win each game because when they fart is parfum but when you do is an atomic bomb.


If you guys want to change the game situation ask for banning all this turk cheaters selling gold, all the people contributing to the submerged economy market, ask to get them banned. Stop buying items and gold for cash from this losers that only know to make their way up by cheating, don't give them your gold or your money.


Ask to ban all of them permanently for gold selling, account selling, cheating, wintrading, elo boosting, rank selling, piloting and whatnot.


The post count on some people in this thread is like 1-2 posts, and there are already spotted accounts from people who left the game long ago and sold the account and changed ownership like 3 times, ergo, most of the posting here are the same person with multiple accounts to deviate reality and tryharding to change public opinion from both people and NCW workers.


We aren't as stupid tho and as a community we're  not going to fall for it, if you guys from EU BG Discord want to win at the game then play like sportsman, in equal conditions for everyone, stop supporting black markets channel and account selling channel in your discord, stop feeding top cheaters with r1 in every ladder and start trying to get banned all of them.


Game is a joke right now, there's even sponsored people selling gold and items for cash. I've really never seen a game like this, any company would at least try to get rid of this people, any other game punishes people that try to make cash from the game in a non legal way, however NCW doesn't seem to be interested into this for whatever reason. The only solution seems to be exposing the mother company (NCSoft) publicly and damage their image, its the only way they will make a move, sadly as community we don't have such power and seems like the company workers doesn't have a clue either how to make that happen.

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Please enable an anticheat for BNS and perma ban the cheaters. 

I play and love this game since release, it's an unique one. 

Thank you for your efforts to bring us engine4 and make it great to play.

It will be the best game if we have an anticheat program .

No anticheat program= no players, i'll stop too if the game will continue without an anticheat program.

Thank you, Best regards^^


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You're a lil delusional 🤪 @wardenlynftw you're acting like all active pvp and pve players in EU BG discord are cheaters. most of the annoying auto tabbers or xmlers in 6v6 for example aren't even in the discord. and i don't think EU is the only region in this game xd. You're mostly mentioning specific EU cases, that's not gonna fix the game.

anyways people selling gold or selling their accounts is the least of their concern now :d

Some of y'all are real funny with your theories. u should prolly just not talk. Oh well it's content tho 😳

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wardenlynftw has a point though about the double standards of this community, that cheating is fine as long as it's cheats you do yourself, only otherwise cheating bad! Not related to something an anti-cheat can solve but, imagine if there was a petition to get active support to ban all account & gold buying/selling and how many people would get mad on that, mostly people that want an anti cheat here so badly might I add, the irony.

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Steps to improve our non existend anti cheat system:

  • A support / active game mod team who actively have a look into suspicious people.
  • A client sided anti cheat to prevent easily hooking into the bns client.
  • A server sided anti cheat to check suspicious movement (fly/speed hack) and other conditions.
  • Rework of the XML structure to prevent using autocasts

/cc @Hime


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