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  1. See? Someone that gets it! People these days want to just faceroll keyboard and press random buttons and get top titles / rewards like... Daredevil and Unlucky are also great for stuff like this, not only they give good damage boost so you can clear with less gear, but they are pretty much a "reset" if you get hit once, so it's a test of skill. If you get hit, you failed, not the class (at least when it comes to Hae Mujin)
  2. I mean the event gives FAT rewards, that not every average Joe should get. People with no gear have valid complaints, but the ones with 16k boss AP should be able to kill it in 3 min on any class (if not close to that), not 5 minutes. So that's their own fault for not playing proper, unless they have high ping. But then again, if you have high ping you just have to deal with it since you know you have huge handicap in this game. If they balance around high ping, game will be far too easy for the ones with proper ping (or Koreans). And if the event is too easy, rewards are trash like every event before. So no thanks
  3. lol what I see here is either people with 0 gear complaining or people with actual decent gear that should kill it closer to 3 min, saying they need 5+ min. Sorry to say and you can blame class all you want but it's just skill issue.
  4. So why do you play? Why are you talking about rewards? What do you do with them? Stage 1s faster? And also, how is that fun? Do you get satisfaction just for getting virtual items and a virtual boss dying without a challenge? That's my whole point. Sure you want to relax, but nobody forces you to play games. It seems to me you don't really enjoy this game at all, or games in general, since you want no challenge. Ever thought of seeking another hobby? Because I legit don't get why do you actually play.
  5. It's beyond funny you find stage 5 Altar impossible, when it doesn't even wipe on failed mechs. From stage 6 it starts to wipe and actually becomes a "real" dungeon. I will legit never understand people who refuse to learn mechs and play properly. That's the game. That's the actual boss design (actually at stage 12+ they get more difficult mechs, but after 12 it's just more HP so gear-check). You basically refuse to play the actual game. So legit question, WHY do you PLAY??? You do soul boost and then what? Farm stage 5 forever because you refuse to do mechs and play the actual game?
  6. Because back then people had fun, and they played PvP for fun. Now even the good players (doubt there's any left but w/e) will wintrade simply because it's much more efficient. Why waste time in queue, then to have a long fight when you can have instant q and 5 sec rounds against yourself, a lot faster soulstone income. PvE is full of hacks and bots too, not disagreeing, just saying the game is not even a game anymore, literally just farming simulator and how to farm more efficiently with cheats. And it's all NCwest's fault, because they don't give a crap about hackers and don't investigate properly to ban or anything. 99% of end game players who cheat, would actually prefer a clean game and for fun like it was back then years ago. There's very few with the "lul game full of hacks is fun" mentality. But it's impossible to play clean anymore with so many hacks going around unpunished. Game is doomed since long ago.
  7. You mean pvp wintrade galore? Dude pls, everyone who wants "PvP", is wintrading against themselves with multi clienting, wintrading for soulstones. This game stopped being fun long ago, stop acting like it's for fun and not full of abusers now. These people just don't want their precious soulstone income nerfed.
  8. This is ridiculous. Back on 1st Fortune Favor you could use the argument it was "only" 30 Attack Power, but you've been adding new pets and pay to win collections every single new fortune favor since. Now it's probably over 300 Attack Power from all these pet collections, which are pure pay2win and you know it. To make it even worse, most pets are untradeable and some of the old ones are not even available to get AT ALL anymore. This is arguably the most blatant obvious pay2win aspect of the game since it's literally pay-only. Hongmoon coins are not enough to get even 1 pet, let alone 2 that you need to finish collection (due to daily limit) Can you stop already? Enough is enough. The game is already in the most sad state it's ever been, stop beating the dead horse! People will still pay on fortune favor for the other tabs, because they're decent.
  9. Roll back the patch because of 5 people? You know the vast majority use WASD and play perfectly fine still right? Anyway look how long it takes them to re add controller support back, I wouldn't get my hopes up of them fixing this one fast either.
  10. Honestly this right here is the biggest issue by far with all KR/CN MMOs ported to west. For some reason, beats me why, asian devs get this mentality (or are taught it) that west likes a "harder" game, by harder I don't mean more difficult content, but more expensive upgrades and more grind. And this is absolutely downright false, we are all humans and we all have similar tastes regardless of territory. West does NOT enjoy it to be more grindy/difficult to max your character. But every western version of asian MMOs always has it worse. Easiest example is the HM level exp requirements, KR always had it lower since release compared to us. Why? Do you think people enjoy farming exp? Of course this is one of the more minor problems, but still a good example. But west shop is also always more expensive compared to KR. 100$ for class change when it was far less in KR. Trove having soul/heart/pet/talisman psyches at 300 trove key bonus? in KR you can buy them directly in shop I think 40$ each or less.
  11. It's the Korean boomer developer mentality. They were taught wrong things at school and are completely out of touch with gamers nowadays. Bns is not the only Korean-ported game who makes it way worse for the western version. They were taught this bs that westerners are "more competitive" but they got it wrong in the sense that, they want endless gear gap and NOBODY should reach the top, so the "competition" is about who gears up more instead of actual skill. That's also why, since the beginning of BnS, we need more exp for our HM levels than kr. In reality this is the exact opposite of what gamers actually want. Maybe some day they wake up
  12. Couldn't have said it better. If it was not RNG, I wouldn't mind even a much higher cost than previous souls (they were usually under 200 vials each tier), let's say 600 vials from 13 to 20, would still be reasonable (no rng) But now, you have this rng system to hide the fact you need about 3k sacred oils to max soul and roll good stats on it. If what NCSoft aimed for, is only lucky people to continue playing (that need far less than thousands cuz lucky), then you achieved it, but don't be surprised while everyone else leaves in frustration. Anyway yes the damage is already done and most probably too late to fix. This needs an emergency fix, remove the RNG, make it a reasonable cost (like 500-600 vials to +20), and compensate the people who already tried on souls with stuff back, but this is the issue. This patch should've never been approved this way. EDIT: This applies to gold costs on weapon / accessories too. The insanely low RNG chance is there to hide the fact it costs millions of gold to max them. Again, if there was no rng, and people saw the costs, they'd immediately quit. IF what NCSOFT aim for is only lucky people to continue playing, then have fun with 1/10 players of an already low playerbase.
  13. I'm someone who has been playing this game since day 1. Actually even from headstart and Closed Beta. I have never seen something even close to as ridiculous as this patch in this whole game's lifespan. I made another thread about my issues with this patch: https://forums.bladeandsoul.com/topic/253568-upcoming-upgrade-costs-are-absolutely-insane/ Sure, there were a lot of shitstorm patches in the past. Talisman release patch, needing 350 pet packs (due to multiple tiers) had a LOT of cries, but that's baby numbers compared to this patch, which needs literally THOUSANDS of sacred oils to +20, not to mention another thousand to reroll the rng stats at 5/10/15/20, and the stat gains are not minor, they're crazy too. 3k debuff damage best roll at +15 (1% chance because rng is fun?) is insanely broken. AND THIS IS JUST THE SOUL First time since release I actually didn't farm the new dungeon at all, simply because I'm almost sure I am gonna quit. Unless something changes. But I really doubt it at this point.
  14. Since we copy paste KR while having 1/10 income sources, you guys ready for Heart next patch? 1 sterling scale is 2000 gold now, but I imagine it will go even higher
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