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  1. Hello, I close this thread since there's already a very similar one that was created. Please feel free to continue the discussion here: Thank you for your understanding
  2. Hello Han Chunli, Please contact Customer Support and they will be able to investigate the issue for you. You can submit a ticket to Customer Support here: https://support.bladeandsoul.com/hc/en-us
  3. Hello Ksileps, Please contact Customer Support and they will be able to investigate the issue for you. You can submit a ticket to Customer Support here: https://support.bladeandsoul.com/hc/en-us
  4. Bonjour, nous sommes au courant de ce problème et je vous conseille de contacter l'assistance de Blade & Soul en leur précisant par exemple dans quelle zone se trouve votre musicienne ou que faisait votre personnage avant d'être déconnecté. Cordialement.
  5. Hello, Accusing any player, clan, of cheating, griefing, hacking, or exploiting is not allowed on the forums. If you witness any of these acts while playing, please submit a ticket to our Customer Support team, so they can properly investigate the matter. Thread closed.
  6. As there is already a thread discussing this subject, we are going to close this one. Please be sure to keep your comments constructive and following the forum rules!
  7. Hello chilegamerz, Please contact Customer Support and they will be able to help you. Regards.
  8. Nous offrons un pack de compensation pour 0 pièce de Hongmoon aux joueurs qui ont été affectés par le retrait des Qi cristallisés de l'armurerie de la coopérative du dragon. À partir d'aujourd'hui et jusqu'à la maintenance de la semaine prochaine, le 20 octobre, tous les joueurs pourront recevoir un pack de compensation contenant 2 Fioles de Hongmoon et 2 Joyaux gardien. Ce pack de compensation sera limité à un par compte.
  9. Hello, We are working with the devs to add the items exchanges back next maintenance day.
  10. Hello, Please contact Customer Support and they will be able to investigate the issue for you. https://support.bladeandsoul.com/
  11. Hello, Please check this thread : Regards, Amraith
  12. Hi all, I close this thread since there's already a very similar one that was created. Please feel free to continue the discussion here:
  13. Greetings, We would like to remind everybody to stay on topic and refrain from any personal attacks, or this thread will be locked. Regards, Amraith
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