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Share your Unreal Engine 4 questions with us!


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9 hours ago, Grimoir said:


I mean, show me where they said they would answer the questions during the live stream? They said they would answer them but nowhere did they say it would be during the stream. We will get answers in the forum this week (i am pretty sure).


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2 hours ago, FeuchterLyn said:

Its a totally reasonable assumption most people had cause do you really believe they could answer the questions in forum when it seems they are not allowed to post more than 3 answers each year ?

Is this a joke ? I am seriously not trying to be toxic or anything but its impossible they are the only way for us to get official information and they get paid for it.


Well at first i had the same assumption until i read the forum post again. They did cover the very very VERY basic questions such as pre-download and some other things. But nothing of the specific questions listed here.

So far they talked in stream only about: predownload, character presets, client and its size.

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The preview stream was really bad.

Let's summarize what the stream has shown:

- New dual blade class

- New UI (Options menu in UE4)

- Trove is coming, and got explained

- Predownload is availabe as of wendesday


Compared to what the stream was (supposedly) about this was not enough. You ought to show the new graphic of UE 4 but all we have seen is the traning dummy area and a bit of the new dungeon. Why not go to some of the really beautiful or nicely done places of the game like midnight skypetal plaines or zaiwei? Where you can atually show of the new engine? Why not go into a raid like TT or ET weeklies and go figth a boss so customers can see how the game performs? Scared?


The class was poorly  explained. Barely anything about the skill talents. Just a few words about the general concept of the class. You have done better I'd say.


Got nothing to say about trove. It's the same stupid gamble like it always have been.


Predownload is really amazing. But this and the info that characters will look the same in the new engine was basically everyhting that got answered and relates to the questions asked here.

Literally the very first question asked here, with the most likes and most often repeated one was about cheating and how will be dealt with it. No answer in stream. This was just absurd. The thing the players care about the most got ignored. Are you so afraid to lose your whaling players that you ignore all the hacking? Which just gives the game and your company a bad reputation and kills it in the long run.

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17 hours ago, Shekinah said:

The preview stream was really bad.

Let's summarize what the stream has shown:

- New dual blade class

- New UI (Options menu in UE4)

- Trove is coming, and got explained

- Predownload is availabe as of wendesday


Compared to what the stream was (supposedly) about this was not enough. You ought to show the new graphic of UE 4 but all we have seen is the traning dummy area and a bit of the new dungeon. Why not go to some of the really beautiful or nicely done places of the game like midnight skypetal plaines or zaiwei? Where you can atually show of the new engine? Why not go into a raid like TT or ET weeklies and go figth a boss so customers can see how the game performs? Scared?


The class was poorly  explained. Barely anything about the skill talents. Just a few words about the general concept of the class. You have done better I'd say.

It's because NCWest doesn't have a single staff member who has even basic competency at the game.  They have the lead creative writer doing the class demo.  I mean Hime tried to show the SK solo event and died in 5 seconds to the first attack.  Neither of them have probably ever actually played the game and don't know any basic rotations or bosses.  That's not a fault on them either, it's not their job to be good or even decent at the game, buy why in the world did they not just get someone else to do it for them is beyond me.  They used to work with the community in the past they could have easily gotten someone out of academy to do the class demo for them.

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Hi Crickets,

Thank you all for your questions.

While our team is still very busy with the UE4 update, we're still gathering answers for some of your questions.

And to not let you wait any longer, here is the first round of your Unreal Engine 4 Questions & Answers:


Q: What is the UE4 update and what is part of it?

A: Our September UE4 Update includes the engine upgrade, Dual Blade class, Forest of Echoes dungeon, skill changes, dungeon reward changes, and 2 major events. The other systems previously mentioned on our Revival site will be released in the coming months.


Q: When is UE4 live?

A: We haven’t determined the launch time on the 8th yet but we’ll announce it when it’s been determined.


Q: What are the specifications to run the UE4 client?

A: Check out our blog article to see the minimum and recommended computer specifications to run UE4 as smoothly as possible: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en-us/news/article/5237


Q: Will there be pre-download of the UE4 client?

A: If you haven’t started your pre-download yet, do so now via the NC Launcher. Just keep in mind to switch back to the UE3 client until the UE4 release.


Q: Will the entire client need to be re-downloaded to play the UE4 version?

A: Yes, because the UE4 client uses a completely new game engine it has to be downloaded as a full game.


Q: Will the UE4 client automatically overwrite the UE3 client or does it need to be deleted?

A: The UE4 client will not overwrite the UE3 client. You can therefore uninstall the UE3 client after UE4 is live.


Q: What is the new class in UE4?

A: The new class is called "Dual Blade" and it is melee focused. You can read the preview blog article here: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/article/5313


Q: Will existing and new characters look different after the update?

A: Characters will look mostly the same, however they will have different shading, lighting and some textures because of the engine upgrade.


Q: Will there be any events or promotions with UE4?

A: We have a few things prepared for you, including the Dark Omens Bundle – to sign up for the reward and more information on promotions; log in to your NCSOFT account, and go to Settings. Under Email Preferences, make sure the boxes are checked for Blade & Soul and NCSOFT. Our Events Preview blog article will go live later today so keep an out for that on the website to see what you can get with that.


Q: Do we get the same UE4 Version as the Korean game has right now, or will we get an older or different patch?

A: The UE4 content for us will be released through out the next many months. The content may not be 1:1 exactly.


Q: Will the controller mode still be available on the UE4 client?

A: Unfortunately, UE4 will no longer support controller mode.


Q: In case of player influx, will we see a queue system?

A: The queue system is still in place so yes, when the servers hit population capacity, queues will happen. However, we do have backup servers on standby should queues get out of hand.


Q: In the Korean game Bluebuff and Alphacall are removed. Will it apply to us too?

A: Skill changes are universal so while we haven’t received the change yet, it may come in the near future. Yes, these skill changes are present and the skill changes are up to KR July 7.


Q: Is anything being done against cheaters in the game with UE4?

A: The team will continue to investigate reports of cheaters. It helps the investigation if reports include video evidence and detailed descriptions. In terms of patching cheats, we’ll be working closely and actively with the dev team to identify cheats better.

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24 minutes ago, Rynara said:

Q: Is anything being done against cheaters in the game with UE4?

A: The team will continue to investigate reports of cheaters. It helps the investigation if reports include video evidence and detailed descriptions. In terms of patching cheats, we’ll be working closely and actively with the dev team to identify cheats better.


You dont even need to investigate much, just sneak in the PUBLIC discords where all that stuff is being posted and updated, i think its not that hard to figure this out, really.

For example right now in korea its possible to use edited xmls because the game doesnt check the .pak signatures from what i've read, and as long as the .pak is properly repacked it will work, and if that happens in korea it will be the same here obviously.

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58 minutes ago, Rynara said:


Q: In the Korean game Bluebuff and Alphacall are removed. Will it apply to us too?

A: Skill changes are universal so while we haven’t received the change yet, it may come in the near future.


Are you freaking kidding ? That patch was made on 30th june on live KR server, and you told us its not present in this UE4 version ??! DB was introduce on 30th June ! are u stripping what we are able to get and what not ?? or you just "assume" that you didnt get this change.

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46 minutes ago, Rynara said:

Hi Crickets,

Thank you all for your questions.

While our team is still very busy with the UE4 update, we're still gathering answers for some of your questions.

And to not let you wait any longer, here is the first round of your Unreal Engine 4 Questions & Answers:


Q: What is the UE4 update and what is part of it?

A: Our September UE4 Update includes the engine upgrade, Dual Blade class, Forest of Echoes dungeon, skill changes, dungeon reward changes, and 2 major events. The other systems previously mentioned on our Revival site will be released in the coming months.


Q: When is UE4 live?

A: We haven’t determined the launch time on the 8th yet but we’ll announce it when it’s been determined.


Q: What are the specifications to run the UE4 client?

A: Check out our blog article to see the minimum and recommended computer specifications to run UE4 as smoothly as possible: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en-us/news/article/5237


Q: Will there be pre-download of the UE4 client?

A: If you haven’t started your pre-download yet, do so now via the NC Launcher. Just keep in mind to switch back to the UE3 client until the UE4 release.


Q: Will the entire client need to be re-downloaded to play the UE4 version?

A: Yes, because the UE4 client uses a completely new game engine it has to be downloaded as a full game.


Q: Will the UE4 client automatically overwrite the UE3 client or does it need to be deleted?

A: The UE4 client will not overwrite the UE3 client. You can therefore uninstall the UE3 client after UE4 is live.


Q: What is the new class in UE4?

A: The new class is called "Dual Blade" and it is melee focused. You can read the preview blog article here: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/article/5313


Q: Will existing and new characters look different after the update?

A: Characters will look mostly the same, however they will have different shading, lighting and some textures because of the engine upgrade.


Q: Will there be any events or promotions with UE4?

A: We have a few things prepared for you, including the Dark Omens Bundle – to sign up for the reward and more information on promotions; log in to your NCSOFT account, and go to Settings. Under Email Preferences, make sure the boxes are checked for Blade & Soul and NCSOFT. Our Events Preview blog article will go live later today so keep an out for that on the website to see what you can get with that.


Q: Do we get the same UE4 Version as the Korean game has right now, or will we get an older or different patch?

A: The UE4 content for us will be released through out the next many months. The content may not be 1:1 exactly.


Q: Will the controller mode still be available on the UE4 client?

A: Unfortunately, UE4 will no longer support controller mode.


Q: In case of player influx, will we see a queue system?

A: The queue system is still in place so yes, when the servers hit population capacity, queues will happen. However, we do have backup servers on standby should queues get out of hand.


Q: In the Korean game Bluebuff and Alphacall are removed. Will it apply to us too?

A: Skill changes are universal so while we haven’t received the change yet, it may come in the near future.


Q: Is anything being done against cheaters in the game with UE4?

A: The team will continue to investigate reports of cheaters. It helps the investigation if reports include video evidence and detailed descriptions. In terms of patching cheats, we’ll be working closely and actively with the dev team to identify cheats better.

Is this a joke? Will you ever stop this dumb playing?

I know you are nothing but forum's gm and not the person to blame, but literally none of those questions were the ones asked by the comunity.


Go ahead answer me:
+ What are you going to do after people manage to ignore your anticheat and they start with the xml again? ( i mean... it took ncsoft 2 years to move their ass and do something about it )

+ What are you going to do with the massive wintrade? 

+ What are you going to do with pve being unplayable unless you has some of those XMLs?

+ What are you going to do with the huge gear difference between players after the damage reduction is gone? 

+ How are new players supposed to stay playing the game when they literally have NO CONTENT to play other than outdated dungeons?

+ Will you keep moving towards a braindead unskilled game with those 3rd specs? permanently resisting and doing damage without CC being need ( as it was a must if you wanted to win when this game was released in 2016 )

+ Since none of you plays the game, i'll tell you that playing any other spec but 3rd on most of the classes is just inting, trolling, trying to lose on purpose, call it however you want. You made other specs useless compared to how ridiculous 3rd spec are in both pvp and pve, i know some nerfs are coming, specially to FM and Assasin ( took you long also ), but whats gonna happen to 3rd summoner?, whats gonna happen to 3rd warlock?, whats gonna happen to warden's current state? you planning on leaving it full of bugs and insanely strong in BG till its 3rd spec gets released and none plays the current one?


But oh well... what can i say... we, the old top pvp comunity, warned, adviced and asked you for a GM that played the game to see all the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ going on here. Sadly once more we just got ignored


So go ahead, answer me those questions, i have more, way more questions if you wish to know. 

But tbh, you could just log in the game for the first time, play it a couple of hours and see it with your own eyes.


Game is doomed, you keep ignoring your comunity, lying to it, treating them like if they all were mentally ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ or something, Shutdown will soon be forced if you keep walking this path.


But who cares, right?

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1 hour ago, Rynara said:

Hi Crickets,

Thank you all for your questions.

While our team is still very busy with the UE4 update, we're still gathering answers for some of your questions.

And to not let you wait any longer, here is the first round of your Unreal Engine 4 Questions & Answers:


Q: What is the UE4 update and what is part of it?

A: Our September UE4 Update includes the engine upgrade, Dual Blade class, Forest of Echoes dungeon, skill changes, dungeon reward changes, and 2 major events. The other systems previously mentioned on our Revival site will be released in the coming months.


Q: When is UE4 live?

A: We haven’t determined the launch time on the 8th yet but we’ll announce it when it’s been determined.


Q: What are the specifications to run the UE4 client?

A: Check out our blog article to see the minimum and recommended computer specifications to run UE4 as smoothly as possible: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en-us/news/article/5237


Q: Will there be pre-download of the UE4 client?

A: If you haven’t started your pre-download yet, do so now via the NC Launcher. Just keep in mind to switch back to the UE3 client until the UE4 release.


Q: Will the entire client need to be re-downloaded to play the UE4 version?

A: Yes, because the UE4 client uses a completely new game engine it has to be downloaded as a full game.


Q: Will the UE4 client automatically overwrite the UE3 client or does it need to be deleted?

A: The UE4 client will not overwrite the UE3 client. You can therefore uninstall the UE3 client after UE4 is live.


Q: What is the new class in UE4?

A: The new class is called "Dual Blade" and it is melee focused. You can read the preview blog article here: https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/article/5313


Q: Will existing and new characters look different after the update?

A: Characters will look mostly the same, however they will have different shading, lighting and some textures because of the engine upgrade.


Q: Will there be any events or promotions with UE4?

A: We have a few things prepared for you, including the Dark Omens Bundle – to sign up for the reward and more information on promotions; log in to your NCSOFT account, and go to Settings. Under Email Preferences, make sure the boxes are checked for Blade & Soul and NCSOFT. Our Events Preview blog article will go live later today so keep an out for that on the website to see what you can get with that.


Q: Do we get the same UE4 Version as the Korean game has right now, or will we get an older or different patch?

A: The UE4 content for us will be released through out the next many months. The content may not be 1:1 exactly.


Q: Will the controller mode still be available on the UE4 client?

A: Unfortunately, UE4 will no longer support controller mode.


Q: In case of player influx, will we see a queue system?

A: The queue system is still in place so yes, when the servers hit population capacity, queues will happen. However, we do have backup servers on standby should queues get out of hand.


Q: In the Korean game Bluebuff and Alphacall are removed. Will it apply to us too?

A: Skill changes are universal so while we haven’t received the change yet, it may come in the near future.


Q: Is anything being done against cheaters in the game with UE4?

A: The team will continue to investigate reports of cheaters. It helps the investigation if reports include video evidence and detailed descriptions. In terms of patching cheats, we’ll be working closely and actively with the dev team to identify cheats better.

@Rynaraplease pardon my forwardness, but all these answers are a joke. There's literally no new information in those answers, nothing that hasn't been announced before and/or that we haven't already been aware of due to KR streams, which with the way things are right now, are our most reliable source of information apparently.
And don't even get this community started on the last question answered. Been there, done that. All any report ever yielded was automated responses telling us to take our concerns in the forums, only to be facewalled by the Forum Managers warning us, or outright locking the topic.

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1 hour ago, Rynara said:

Q: Do we get the same UE4 Version as the Korean game has right now, or will we get an older or different patch?

A: The UE4 content for us will be released through out the next many months. The content may not be 1:1 exactly.

Hello, I think you refer to my question.


I wasn't talking about content, but engine version. Like the first UE4 version was on the "KR Test Server" and contained a ton of bugs. They fixed some issues and they released UE4 on the "KR Live Server", but it still contained ton of bugs, but they patched it day after day, week after week. They even had connection bug, etc.


Which VERSION of the ENGINE are we going to have ? A version with all the fixes the KR have or an old version of the engine with a lot of bugs and then we'll have to wait 3 month to get a fix (or a week) ?


When UE4 was released, they made a lot of daily patches, I doubt you will do the same.

Edited by Yberion
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1 hour ago, Rynara said:

Q: Is anything being done against cheaters in the game with UE4?

A: The team will continue to investigate reports of cheaters. It helps the investigation if reports include video evidence and detailed descriptions. In terms of patching cheats, we’ll be working closely and actively with the dev team to identify cheats better.

Unfortunately, the team behind those ''investigations'' don't do or change anything. this answer probably boils up all the people who asked about the cheats and what you guys will do about them. No amount of video evidence or detailed descriptions resulted in getting anyone suspended for what they've done. all we get is an automated response and that's it. 
Perhaps it's time to actually take action instead of just getting copy paste replies. Most of us even doubt that you guys realize that XignCode is added or not.

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1 hour ago, Rynara said:

Q: Will the controller mode still be available on the UE4 client?

A: Unfortunately, UE4 will no longer support controller mode.

So, can we use a joystick configuration software like joytokey or not? It's really important for me.

Edited by Narudare Aran
another important information
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54 minutes ago, Dragun015 said:

Is this a joke? Will you ever stop this dumb playing?

I know you are nothing but forum's gm and not the person to blame, but literally none of those questions were the ones asked by the comunity.


Go ahead answer me:
+ What are you going to do after people manage to ignore your anticheat and they start with the xml again? ( i mean... it took ncsoft 2 years to move their ass and do something about it )

+ What are you going to do with the massive wintrade? 

+ What are you going to do with pve being unplayable unless you has some of those XMLs?

+ What are you going to do with the huge gear difference between players after the damage reduction is gone? 

+ How are new players supposed to stay playing the game when they literally have NO CONTENT to play other than outdated dungeons?

+ Will you keep moving towards a braindead unskilled game with those 3rd specs? permanently resisting and doing damage without CC being need ( as it was a must if you wanted to win when this game was released in 2016 )

+ Since none of you plays the game, i'll tell you that playing any other spec but 3rd on most of the classes is just inting, trolling, trying to lose on purpose, call it however you want. You made other specs useless compared to how ridiculous 3rd spec are in both pvp and pve, i know some nerfs are coming, specially to FM and Assasin ( took you long also ), but whats gonna happen to 3rd summoner?, whats gonna happen to 3rd warlock?, whats gonna happen to warden's current state? you planning on leaving it full of bugs and insanely strong in BG till its 3rd spec gets released and none plays the current one?


But oh well... what can i say... we, the old top pvp comunity, warned, adviced and asked you for a GM that played the game to see all the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ going on here. Sadly once more we just got ignored


So go ahead, answer me those questions, i have more, way more questions if you wish to know. 

But tbh, you could just log in the game for the first time, play it a couple of hours and see it with your own eyes.


Game is doomed, you keep ignoring your comunity, lying to it, treating them like if they all were mentally ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ or something, Shutdown will soon be forced if you keep walking this path.


But who cares, right?


Right now there is no working bypass for the KR client, meaning there are no xml or even client mods that work there. If we get the same setup, they will not be working for NE/EU either.

Pve is completely playable without edits. If you are bad in playing your class and you cant play without the cheats that is a you problem and not a class problem.

There is also an update with skill balance down the line which makes some specs better than 3rd specs.


These are basic things that already were answered by many players based on what's happening in KR and these are changes that we will not be able to avoid and will get them 100%.

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14 minutes ago, HateMe said:


Right now there is no working bypass for the KR client, meaning there are no xml or even client mods that work there. If we get the same setup, they will not be working for NE/EU either.

Pve is completely playable without edits. If you are bad in playing your class and you cant play without the cheats that is a you problem and not a class problem.

There is also an update with skill balance down the line which makes some specs better than 3rd specs.


These are basic things that already were answered by many players based on what's happening in KR and these are changes that we will not be able to avoid and will get them 100%.

Dont take this in a wrong way, im not trying to offend you.

But im asking for the GM's answers, not some random average player i never got to know

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3 hours ago, Rynara said:

Q: Do we get the same UE4 Version as the Korean game has right now, or will we get an older or different patch?

A: The UE4 content for us will be released through out the next many months. The content may not be 1:1 exactly.

I think it was my question.
What I mean is.. in Korea every Wednesday they fixed some issues, changed few things, etc.

So.. do we get the latest patch in Korea, whats live is in korea, or an older patch?

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1 hour ago, Dragun015 said:

Dont take this in a wrong way, im not trying to offend you.

But im asking for the GM's answers, not some random average player i never got to know

Well you wont get a answer from them because they will never disclose details of a patch before its release, especially regarding class balance and anti-cheats.

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15 minutes ago, HateMe said:

Well you wont get a answer from them because they will never disclose details of a patch before its release, especially regarding class balance and anti-cheats.


Well those questions arent from ue4's patch, but questions that people have been making for years, and that they always avoided/lied about it.


So you are wrong, since the very begining.


Try not to talk about stuff you cant understand because you will just give a wrong idea to others

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3 hours ago, Dragun015 said:

Is this a joke? Will you ever stop this dumb playing?

I know you are nothing but forum's gm and not the person to blame, but literally none of those questions were the ones asked by the comunity.


Go ahead answer me:
+ What are you going to do after people manage to ignore your anticheat and they start with the xml again? ( i mean... it took ncsoft 2 years to move their ass and do something about it )

+ What are you going to do with the massive wintrade? 

+ What are you going to do with pve being unplayable unless you has some of those XMLs?

+ What are you going to do with the huge gear difference between players after the damage reduction is gone? 

+ How are new players supposed to stay playing the game when they literally have NO CONTENT to play other than outdated dungeons?

+ Will you keep moving towards a braindead unskilled game with those 3rd specs? permanently resisting and doing damage without CC being need ( as it was a must if you wanted to win when this game was released in 2016 )

+ Since none of you plays the game, i'll tell you that playing any other spec but 3rd on most of the classes is just inting, trolling, trying to lose on purpose, call it however you want. You made other specs useless compared to how ridiculous 3rd spec are in both pvp and pve, i know some nerfs are coming, specially to FM and Assasin ( took you long also ), but whats gonna happen to 3rd summoner?, whats gonna happen to 3rd warlock?, whats gonna happen to warden's current state? you planning on leaving it full of bugs and insanely strong in BG till its 3rd spec gets released and none plays the current one?


But oh well... what can i say... we, the old top pvp comunity, warned, adviced and asked you for a GM that played the game to see all the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ going on here. Sadly once more we just got ignored


So go ahead, answer me those questions, i have more, way more questions if you wish to know. 

But tbh, you could just log in the game for the first time, play it a couple of hours and see it with your own eyes.


Game is doomed, you keep ignoring your comunity, lying to it, treating them like if they all were mentally ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ or something, Shutdown will soon be forced if you keep walking this path.


But who cares, right?

pve unplayable? do you have brain damage
huge gear diff? stop being poor
new players getting gear? did u miss the last CTA not to mention the new one starting this week with UE4's arrival? LMAO


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4 minutes ago, Merchant Ow O said:

pve unplayable? do you have brain damage
huge gear diff? stop being poor
new players getting gear? did u miss the last CTA not to mention the new one starting this week with UE4's arrival? LMAO


Why do randoms keep answering about stuff they cant understand?

Stop pinging me you all, im here waiting for the gm's answer, nothing else

Edited by Dragun015
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48 minutes ago, Dragun015 said:

Why do randoms keep answering about stuff they cant understand?

Stop pinging me you all, im here waiting for the gm's answer, nothing else


Players are pinging you because they are free to answer on the forums. Also they are answering you because clearly you seem to not have any idea of what you are talking about.

Especially since the DPS of most players will drop significantly when they cant use edit to automate / remove certain skill functions. as for gear difference, you can spend money to push ahead a bit, you can farm to upgrade and get there. You can get all the gear you want from playing the game and the market.


Also these aren't "randoms" answering you, but players that are playing BnS since the beta.

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56 minutes ago, HateMe said:


Players are pinging you because they are free to answer on the forums. Also they are answering you because clearly you seem to not have any idea of what you are talking about.

Especially since the DPS of most players will drop significantly when they cant use edit to automate / remove certain skill functions. as for gear difference, you can spend money to push ahead a bit, you can farm to upgrade and get there. You can get all the gear you want from playing the game and the market.


Also these aren't "randoms" answering you, but players that are playing BnS since the beta.


Oh damn... you are a beta tester... i guess that instantly makes you a skilled player with a huge knowledge of the game!!!


Just fyi i have also played since the beta and i have peaked top1 class in eu BG ( first season ) and arena 2018.


Trust me i know this topic better than anyone else here.

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