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Which new class would you like to see in BnS?


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Hi guys/girls/arctic terns
I'd personally love to see a staff or spear user class, like a melee martial artist staff user. Swinging dat staff while kicking the hell out of you pew pew.

What about you all? Which class would you like to see in this game?

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6 hours ago, Onionio said:

Hi guys/girls/arctic terns
I'd personally love to see a staff or spear user class, like a melee martial artist staff user. Swinging dat staff while kicking the hell out of you pew pew.

What about you all? Which class would you like to see in this game?

Staff / Lancer type class would be really nice, along with a bowman type class. 
I like the idea of the Soul Fighter class because it mixes ranged and melee gameplay, so another class coming along those lines would be quite nice too. (Though, I don't want them to mix 2 classes we already have).


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Just want 2h sword on destroyers... kinda like Siegfried / Nightmare from Soul Calibur or Templars from Aion.


And while I don't really like the guns in BnS, kinda breaks immersion, I find it a bit weird that there's no gunner class considering even a (or two) main character(s) uses rifles and what not... sure it's martial arts... but where does Warlocks fit into the martial arts?! O_o

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6 hours ago, Onionio said:

Hi guys/girls/arctic terns



6 minutes ago, ander01se said:

Just want 2h sword on destroyers...

I really want a huge hammer for my destroyer. Closest I can find is heavy metal and razortusk. Heavy metal is founders-only and Razortusk got tiring eventually. We have scythes, why not a hammer?


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4 minutes ago, IxFa said:



TAPIOOOOOOCA! I love you just for getting that. Full respect.


10 minutes ago, ander01se said:

Just want 2h sword on destroyers... kinda like Siegfried / Nightmare from Soul Calibur or Templars from Aion.

Oh God yes a GS would be so frkin cool indeed.

I'd like also a dual wield class with melee and ranged attacks. Like don't know, a double iron fan lady or double big shurikens that you can use for close combat and switch to ranged depending on situations (like Soul Fighter for example).

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55 minutes ago, Onionio said:

TAPIOOOOOOCA! I love you just for getting that. Full respect.


Oh God yes a GS would be so frkin cool indeed.

I'd like also a dual wield class with melee and ranged attacks. Like don't know, a double iron fan lady or double big shurikens that you can use for close combat and switch to ranged depending on situations (like Soul Fighter for example).





2h sword destroyer. (Gatsu) :p

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7 hours ago, Onionio said:

Hi guys/girls/arctic terns
I'd personally love to see a staff or spear user class, like a melee martial artist staff user. Swinging dat staff while kicking the hell out of you pew pew.

What about you all? Which class would you like to see in this game?

A class with a sword and shield.

I know that's usually in European themed games but oh man id love a class with sword and shield

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Personally, I would really love to play a 'Monk' kind of class in B&S. Basically, it is a melee class fighting with a staff (weapon). Something similar as the Monk in Skyforge or the Chanter in Aion. I think that class would really fit in this kind of Martial-art-game like Blade & Soul.
The classes, which I don't wanna see at all in B&S in the future: Archer, Gunner. They would just not fit in the enviroment of the game at all. It is like Aethertech and Gunner in Aion for example.
I think the monk class itself would fit in this game so much, that Korea should really concider creating it.

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How about a polearm user? Like a Glaive or something? Polearm Fighters were pretty high ranked back then during imperial times and it perfectly fits the asian  martial arts theme. Take Lynn from Vindictus as an example.


A gunslinger won't happen. A korean clan member once told us that the Devs despise gunners/archers because of the amount of npc's using them. It's highly unlikely that there will be a class like that.

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Competent Designer class and GM class. That way maybe the game would get fixed instead of mass content rush or yet more things that dont work, to attract more bots that know how to beat the several year old versions of the game outmoded security.

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9 hours ago, Onionio said:

TAPIOOOOOOCA! I love you just for getting that. Full respect.


Oh God yes a GS would be so frkin cool indeed.

I'd like also a dual wield class with melee and ranged attacks. Like don't know, a double iron fan lady or double big shurikens that you can use for close combat and switch to ranged depending on situations (like Soul Fighter for example).

Miss kitty left me so I'm sleepin' with my horse D: !



Also I want fan dancers for a class XD

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Honestly I would love it if they made branches to the classes we have already. Like KFM to a different style of fighting, maybe even gaining the SF abilities. Summoner getting better summons and skills. Destro getting a variety of 1H weapons like sword, hammer, etc. Kinda like in Dragon's Dogma. Three initial classes that branch to upgraded ones.

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1 hour ago, DamnedYankee said:

I'd like to see a machine gun class armed with a mini-gun much like a dear little admiral. :D

Vice Admiral

21 minutes ago, arieschai said:

Honestly I would love it if they made branches to the classes we have already

Branching classes can be nice, certainly, as it lets you change playstyle in your already-existing character. That's got potential, but executing it well would be a challenge.

Shaman-Summoner would be nice. You already have earth, wind, fire attacks. You shoot bees, you have magic flowers, roots the bind people. Go full nature. Summon elementals and throw some lightning bolts around.

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I would like to see many class being implimented to BnS
1: Dual wielder (every1 is anticipated for this, even the damn gm already dips on all Kiritos name)
2: I like to see Destroyer that able to wield weapon skin such as Staff(Ogong), Halberd, Spear, and Great Sword(Claymore) 
3: Blade master/Blade Dancer that have weapon skin such as Machete, Light Saber, Beyblade, and French Rapier.
4: Summoner with weapon skin like Street Light, Skull head staff, and Flail.
5: I want to see Shield Class, a class that would be able to throw shield and do attacks like Captain America.
6: Beastkin, I want to see a class which is able to use claw attacks and many martial arts, also have the ability to transform into Beast for short period of time.
7: Rider, a class that which allow player to fight on mount and off-mount simultaneously.
8: Fan class (look up Mai Shiranui), there no say in this cuz every chinese movie has it.
9: Succubus, a class that allow you to use whip and extractable blade like Ivy in Soul Calibur.( and life absorption skills, a hue hue hue) 
10:  Lastly, I would like to see Archer, every seem anticipated for this too eh?

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Don't care for new classes, I want a buff for melee classes. I have ideas, so here's how I'd start.

+%20 to all skills on melee classes across the board.

Since I main destroyer, I see utility in emberstomp benefiting close range. I want all tiers to be party effect.

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4 hours ago, arieschai said:

Honestly I would love it if they made branches to the classes we have already. Like KFM to a different style of fighting, maybe even gaining the SF abilities. Summoner getting better summons and skills. Destro getting a variety of 1H weapons like sword, hammer, etc. Kinda like in Dragon's Dogma. Three initial classes that branch to upgraded ones.

You know, i think you're right about it. You mean a sorta of advanced class unlocked by spending points in the specific branch, like for example:

KFM evolve into Drunken Master: drunken boxing martial arts with ranged spitting alcohol debuffs. Or Monk with the staff.

Assassin evolve into Shinobi or fan dancer: dual wield big shuriken or dual wield iron fans with melee and ranged stance

Destroyer evolve into Defender: Greatsword with high defense and defensive buffs

Summoner evolve into... SupahSummoner(?!?!): Cat turn into a big bear tiger that can be used as a mount too (He-Man theme playing in background), or maybe having new summons bonded to nature like animated trees and blah blah

Force Master evolve into Elementalist: like... Don't know... Mixing two elemental attacks will create a special effect like if you use a fire spell on an enemy and use another elemental spell on him while he has the fire debuff will create a new spell effect. Example: fire spell hit the enemy, enemy has 6 seconds fire debuff, use any earth spell on enemy, trigger gigameteor spell. Or use water spell on enemy, enemy get the water debuff, use thunder spell on enemy, trigger rainstorm aoe area slowing target and giving DoT on whoever is in the rainstorm area around the target (or maybe a cloud following the target and hitting occasionally with thunders dealing damages to him and whoever is close to him).

Blade Master/dancer evolve into Spear/Polearm Master: 'nuff said.

That's all my head can pull out after a drunk night. Now i need a coffee or a bullet in my head to calm down the headache. Bahbye.

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