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Returning player, dailies and dungeons (easy mode) too hard


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I remembered before I left there were more dungeon choices for dailies to do that were quicker and easier. I even got the thornbreaker weapon and had a team of of them but the "easy" dungeons are too hard with bosses being HP sponges. My teams failed multiple times on "easy" because it really isn't easy.


As a returning player, this is a major turnoff in trying to get back in the game and to try to start farming for mats again.


Whoever balanced easy mode need to look at that again and at least nerf HP.


Also add back in the blue dungeons. I don't know why anyone in the dev team thought less options makes things better but it doesn't

Edited by Metatime
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7 minutes ago, Metatime said:

I remembered before I left there were more dungeon choices for dailies to do that were quicker and easier. I even got the thornbreaker weapon and had a team of of them but the "easy" dungeons are too hard with bosses being HP sponges. My teams failed multiple times on "easy" because it really isn't easy.


As a returning player, this is a major turnoff in trying to get back in the game and to try to start farming for mats again.


Whoever balanced easy mode need to look at that again and at least nerf HP.


Also add back in the blue dungeons. I don't know why anyone in the dev team thought less options makes things better but it doesn't

SandStorm Temple and Brood Chamber are indeed hard
You need to try higher Tier dungeons like Thornwind Cavern Forest of Echoes or House of Idols this is way too easy now on Easy mode
And the dailies now give more gold than before in total, i also thought the same with u until i saw top dungeons are easier so now i have changed my mind

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thank you so much for this thread. for us player that got gear its all possible BUT for new players its insanely hard. if you dont fix this the player will go again and then we will have the problem that we had before UE4, dead toxic com left.


i tried to do the easy dungeons with my new alt with CTA gear and we wiped several times and it was so hard and took so long, easy mode should make it easier for new players and not harder. we should show them that they can catch up with the gear and have a chance if they want to farm and dont put a paywall behind.


the performance is so good now, ty for that, but please dont make the people leave again @Hime

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42 minutes ago, Metatime said:

I remembered before I left there were more dungeon choices for dailies to do that were quicker and easier. I even got the thornbreaker weapon and had a team of of them but the "easy" dungeons are too hard with bosses being HP sponges. My teams failed multiple times on "easy" because it really isn't easy.


As a returning player, this is a major turnoff in trying to get back in the game and to try to start farming for mats again.


Whoever balanced easy mode need to look at that again and at least nerf HP.


Also add back in the blue dungeons. I don't know why anyone in the dev team thought less options makes things better but it doesn't

The issue with adding modes and buffing hp now is - it's not the whole patch, so to speak. In Korea this change was in the patch with soulboost/soulpass (gives high tier gear basically), first ancient dungeon and with buffed gear rewards (Et weapon, elder scale tier accs etc.) from main story/raid introduction quests chain. So in Korea just by finishing story you get more or less same gear we get from current CtA. With soulboost/soulpass it's even higher tier gear. We basically just got small portion of that patch, which is ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤.

Edited by WhySoSeriousBro
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First, I want to think you all for sharing your feedback and experience on this. We'll be further reducing the Boss Health and AP to the dungeons for all 3 difficulties. The change will go in next Wednesday during the maintenance.

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What I hate most is the length of time it now takes to do a daily dungeon. Doing the dailies for just 1 char eats up your time so you are unable to do the dailies with your alts. On Easy I don't find the boss really any harder it just takes forever to kill

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2 minutes ago, Hime said:

First, I want to think you all for sharing your feedback and experience on this. We'll be further reducing the Boss Health and AP to the dungeons for all 3 difficulties. The change will go in next Wednesday during the maintenance.

Thanks it will be a HUGE help for everyone

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19 minutes ago, Hime said:

First, I want to think you all for sharing your feedback and experience on this. We'll be further reducing the Boss Health and AP to the dungeons for all 3 difficulties. The change will go in next Wednesday during the maintenance.

just to make sure you understand how much new people are struggling:


the people I tried to get into the game, completly new players, are doing 1-2m dps with the call to arms stage 1-3 stuff. easy mode has 2-3b hp. you guys literalyl need to nerf the HP of easy mode dungeons to less than 800-1b, like 33% of what it has right now for them to actually be able to do their daillies without having to ask older players for carries.



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49 minutes ago, Hime said:

First, I want to think you all for sharing your feedback and experience on this. We'll be further reducing the Boss Health and AP to the dungeons for all 3 difficulties. The change will go in next Wednesday during the maintenance.

I don't know really, reducing the HP already sounds really sad for high geared players. I would understand if the HP reduction is for Easy Mode / Normal Mode, HP reduction for Hard Mode sort of doesn't make it ''Hard'' anymore as even max gear players actually need to do some mechanics now and not just DPS. With ALL 3 difficulties losing HP makes it sound like Hard Mode will become just a parse dummy again..

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1 minute ago, mooti said:

I don't know really, reducing the HP already sounds really sad for high geared players. I would understand if the HP reduction is for Easy Mode / Normal Mode, HP reduction for Hard Mode sort of doesn't make it ''Hard'' anymore as even max gear players actually need to do some mechanics now and not just DPS. With ALL 3 difficulties losing HP makes it sound like Hard Mode will become just a parse dummy again..

I agree with that.

@HimePeople who have low gear, should do EM/NM. There is no place for them in HM.

People with gear rdy for HM sould be able to run HM. Hardmode is Hardmode... it should be hard..

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I don't understand why the NC team feel that this was an issue. I've returned on an old character, playing with the gear we're being given through the CtA and easy mode feel totally fine.


Seriously people, it seems that you always want someone to carry your ass even in lower difficulty. I've run easy mode dungeons with parties full of ungeared players and we just managed fine.


Take the opportunity to learn both how to play your character and the dungeon mechs instead of whining about content being "too hard" for new people.


The idea being easy mode should be to learn mechs, proper positioning and of course, learning how to use your fingers. A boss fight which is 120s long isn't hard, it's just what it should be.


As an example: I had no idea how TC mechs worked, we spent 1 hours doing the same fight against the 1st boss again and again until everyone managed to do it properly. What's so hard about this? Don't you want to feel some sense of accomplishment? Is being hard carried by geared people so fun?


I would really be ashamed if I was asking for such a thing. If you can't even do it right in easy where mechs do not wipe your party, do you really think people will give you the time to learn mechs in normal/hard mode?


Sorry, but I really don't get it. Most people can't even follow on a CC when you get a FREAKING HUGE alert telling you what skill to use when someone has used a CC before you. You can even, in most cases, just press "space".


////// Edit


Beside, there is no point running easy mode for too long as the rewards are poor. You get the accessories (well, not the Silversteel ones) that we'll receive from the CtA.
Get them and start doing NM.

Edited by healiha
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1 hour ago, Hime said:

First, I want to think you all for sharing your feedback and experience on this. We'll be further reducing the Boss Health and AP to the dungeons for all 3 difficulties. The change will go in next Wednesday during the maintenance.

thank you Hime, it's a relief for everyone i want to say!

Edited by Mizuki
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Today i tried first time ST. I think it was easy. "recommended HM 25" is wrong for it.
There was a mech at first boss. I got a mark, all other frozen. Then only i could attack.
Not sure what it was, but all got unfrozen and we finished it. No one died with both bosses.

Tomorrow i will try the first time BC.


It's also easy to open all 12 chests from CtA.
You need only play 2 of those "easy" dungeons everyday.


When you start tomorrow:
400 x 11 = 4400
11.9. - 5.10: 25 days ( 176 remnant/day )


(10 min.) Sandstorm Temple (ST): 50
(  ? min.) Brood Chamber (BC): 50
(15 min.) Midnight Skypetal Plains (MSP 1-3): 40
(05 min.) Koldrak: 30
(03 min.) Heaven's Mandate/Cold Storage (for complete 4 daily): 40


Bonus > Primeweald: 20
(800 mobs; playing afk for 3h to get the login-rewards)


= 230 remnant/day


When i look at the dungeons we need for remnants, what are the easiest/fastest 2 of them?
Sandstorm Temple
Brood Chamber
Cathedra Cliffs
Stonescale Passage
House of Idols
Thornwind Cavern
Forest of Echoes


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1 hour ago, Hime said:

First, I want to think you all for sharing your feedback and experience on this. We'll be further reducing the Boss Health and AP to the dungeons for all 3 difficulties. The change will go in next Wednesday during the maintenance.

I just hope that this change is enabled only for the duration of the event :3

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2 hours ago, Hime said:

First, I want to think you all for sharing your feedback and experience on this. We'll be further reducing the Boss Health and AP to the dungeons for all 3 difficulties. The change will go in next Wednesday during the maintenance.

Honestly, I think only the easy mode and possibly normal should be adjusted. Whatever the team decides is up to them. Potentially around 33% reduction for easy and 20% for normal.

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3 hours ago, Hime said:

First, I want to think you all for sharing your feedback and experience on this. We'll be further reducing the Boss Health and AP to the dungeons for all 3 difficulties. The change will go in next Wednesday during the maintenance.

Not gonna lie, that's a unnecessary nerf.
People should learn how to do all dungeon mechs to clear it instead just press their face on keyboard and burst everything. The game now is ok, just active the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ anti-cheat, because theres still cheaters around. 
You can let EASY mode only for new and return players complete the daily for their call to arms event, anything else is literally unnecessary.

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Do NOT do Sandstorm temple and Blood Chamber if you are new or return players. These 2 places are bull craps. New and return players can't clear them in easy mode unless they are carried by experienced whales.  They don't have wipes mechanism, but the damage and KD/KB/Daze/Stun alone will kill low health players.  Even you don't die by damage, most likely you won't have DPS to kill the bosses.


Try to do Cathedral Cliffs and above, they are actually easier.


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1 minute ago, Pulsing said:

Do NOT do Sandstorm temple and Blood Chamber if you are new or return players. These 2 places are bull craps. New and return players can't clear them in easy mode unless they are carried by experienced whales.  They don't have wipes mechanism, but the damage and KD/KB/Daze/Stun alone will kill low health players.  Even you don't die by damage, most likely you won't have DPS to kill the bosses.


Try to do Cathedral Cliffs and above, they are actually easier.


I kind of agree on this but... If people just took 2 min to read the mechs of both bosses (it's not that lengthy), it goes without any issue. Though I agree, it's the worst dungeon at the moment.

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6 hours ago, Metatime said:

I remembered before I left there were more dungeon choices for dailies to do that were quicker and easier. I even got the thornbreaker weapon and had a team of of them but the "easy" dungeons are too hard with bosses being HP sponges. My teams failed multiple times on "easy" because it really isn't easy.


As a returning player, this is a major turnoff in trying to get back in the game and to try to start farming for mats again.


Whoever balanced easy mode need to look at that again and at least nerf HP.


Also add back in the blue dungeons. I don't know why anyone in the dev team thought less options makes things better but it doesn't

I tried to do the dungeons with a bunch of seasoned players and even we all were questioning this "Easy" mode and kept asking.. "IS THIS HARDMODE" like when were saying this over and over.. it was pretty mad, crazy..

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