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What can we expect from the new patch???


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So new patch is here coming finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


what i wanna see, and as always their will be haters that dont see my way, but its the truth.


1. fix  the element jewel system i thought you guys were helping us to get more , rather than slaving our selves for a lil ss.and the end product needs 30 and 30 sacred orbs plus 10g, 30 soulstones cost over 10g already, to farm 30 soulstones apart from daily and weekly rewards either you spam basin for pouches which gives about 1-2 maybe 3 not sure but yea basin is a really time consuming place unless u have good gear to 1 shot everything  .


2. pet pack doesn't make any sense, before i could sell pet pod, or mail to my  main, pods i get from opening event boxes. now if you get pet pack on your alts your stuck with em. sacred oils are bound tho mmm thinking .also to add, to transmute pods you need to have pet pack version that uses bravery  theres one but have you sat down and pencil out the cost lol not worth it. the time it took me to farm farm bravery coins makes no sense cause if you should tally the other mats legit the same cost as buying one.which comes to the point alot of stuff in this game doesnt make sense to farm oppose to the option of buying from market. before when pet enh stones were available  i could spend a day in arena and farm up my mats etc and upgrade my pet. the crafting system is another example, the element system before and now.these are the things that keep repeating the logic of how money works in this game, to farm or not to farm,better off farming gold and buy from market the fun of just farming stuff alone is what use to make this game fun my friend who use to craft alot before craft changes hardly crafting these days i mean the craft changes are nice self gain wise ut for trade i dont see it working out and sooner or later either no one will be selling thse items or it will be at a ridiculous price.


3.some kr update, i am dying for some new skill balance changes since gunner update the balance of this game is thrown out of hands, am tired of seeing gunner top dps dodging nothing stand at a distance pew pew 2 times the whole group dps even with same gear then trash talk everybody else....am tired of 1 gunner killing 20 plus ppl in bg with pve gear isnt it pvp i mean cmon no one with max gear can take one bullet storm rotation, they have 4- 5 to spam .i dont mind gunner at all i have one my self as an alt tho.i mean the kr updates have some good stuff in there for them too like a second esc and a guard break etc .the problem is the dps gap between gunner and every other class in game is so  big . people say thats gunner burst dps but really ppl the other dps rotation for them is decent, the cool down is 1 min with bt ss which almost every0ne should have or be getting soon cause bns made it soo easy now ty for that also  :)  but that dps gap is sad, this gunner was requesting people for vt which i thought was  a trap seeing you dont know em but she asking for 400k plus dps ive never seen that dps on a anyone ever unless its a short fight and didnt last 20 sec, or its  gunner as always ive seen people with vt gear never stayed at that dps if its a burst its  just a burst i might be wrong but yea .and its sad to know you cant play a class of your choice and  at least be on par with dps i mean the gap is so big its embrassing at times if you have better gear and got out dps by those numbers.



you will have people who will hate on the gunner comment but its true thats why kr nerf them they made the game so they know when a class is too op or overpowered to point, i just wish na server would stop suffer anymore of this gunner class just brushing off everything.its not a hate on the class i just want it to fit in more, and at least put up a fight in tag matches and 1 vs 1.i just hope some skill balance change comes soon





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iam ok with your visions but i would like to add as a shadow gunner main . SHADOW gunner need to be buffed by fixing thing like 4_staged triple shot . and dps version of ulti just pure nothing at all not even creative . fire gunner need to be Nerfed for sure. 3.5k crit def + 220k HP on my BM and got deleted by one tab rotation .


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1 hour ago, pikapikapika said:

sum and gunner need to be boosted, and nerf everyone else.

Actually summ needs a minor boost. For the rest gunner needs a nerf and they need to nerf the VT badges for some classes and adjust the HM ultimates to be equal among classes and not like most classes take 2-3s to cast while others 10s

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  1. 'Buy from Trove or our RNG boxes' -NCW
  2. Not gonna happen
  3. LoL

When GS is nerfed you will have some other class to complain about. Why? The dev's haven't been able to balance the classes since day 1 so do you think they will start now? FWIW that combat bug has been in-game since launch and KR still can't/won't fix it.

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1. Agree, I believe the intention was to reduce the cost of legendary jewels / elements and ended up increasing quite a lot, even at 20g it is a really expensive item considering you need 100+ for each accessory (and some of them just become trash after a while).

2. I just think pet pack should be bound to account (the names are really confusing also).

3. I see 3 big issues with current gunner status:

  • PvP outside arena: it doesn't make any sense a character that can hit kill almost an entire party.
  • The burst of gunner is so high that tankers have a hard time keeping aggro and this mess with many mechanics.
  • Class balance: I have a good amount of friends who changed their main to gunner and the reasons are basically: it is an easy class to play, it is not as ping dependent as other classes and it has good DPS. I don't mind if it is OP or not, but the fact is players have many more reasons to play gunner than any other class and it gets harder and harder to form good parties for high end content, hard to find tankers, blue buffs, healers, etc, when you give up playing the class you like the most because it is beneficial to play something else it means something is wrong.
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1 hour ago, StrawberryCarnage said:

Gunner should be removed completely. Apart from dps they are useless, and i have to quit if i see more than 2 in a party( which happens frequently) because everyone else has to cover for gunners. as an SF i never waste a res on gunners

Cover what? They are top DPSer, can tank and does mech just fine if they gain aggro. Their reset spells faster doom on bossses when you have SB/BB in your party. The only thing they lack is party protection, which can be easily covered if other knows how to iframe themselves, not mindlessly smashing buttons. This game does not follow holy trinity, and you can just do dungeon with six gunners just fine.


Gunner resets SF/Sum rez, which is extremely helpful in making a raid more forgiving in raid, or in specific dungeons like HH where you have lousy markers and would like to abuse rez instead.

16 hours ago, KlausFlouride said:
  1. FWIW that combat bug has been in-game since launch and KR still can't/won't fix it.

They already dealt with it in KR, by making dragon pulse usable during in-combat, which solves most of travel problems caused by combat-bug.

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13 hours ago, Neog said:

1. Agree, I believe the intention was to reduce the cost of legendary jewels / elements and ended up increasing quite a lot, even at 20g it is a really expensive item considering you need 100+ for each accessory (and some of them just become trash after a while).

2. I just think pet pack should be bound to account (the names are really confusing also).

3. I see 3 big issues with current gunner status:

  • PvP outside arena: it doesn't make any sense a character that can hit kill almost an entire party.
  • The burst of gunner is so high that tankers have a hard time keeping aggro and this mess with many mechanics.
  • Class balance: I have a good amount of friends who changed their main to gunner and the reasons are basically: it is an easy class to play, it is not as ping dependent as other classes and it has good DPS. I don't mind if it is OP or not, but the fact is players have many more reasons to play gunner than any other class and it gets harder and harder to form good parties for high end content, hard to find tankers, blue buffs, healers, etc, when you give up playing the class you like the most because it is beneficial to play something else it means something is wrong.

Next thing you know NC will add a deliberate skill delay to simulate all classes playing at the same ping xD

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I can tell you what we can't expect:


1. Battleground crash fix or matchmaking balance changes

2. Class balance changes (coming in may or something)

3. Working F2

4. Pet pack/pod or element/jewel cost changes, at least not for the better

5. Any major bug fixes in general (yours truly, a Forcemaster with a tabbable aerial)

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Many players still cannot do VT SK now got another one. Must be filthy rich to play this game, more than I can imagine.

New players will have to collect

1. Thousands of Moonstones, Soulstones, Elysian Xtals, and Sacred Xtals.

2. Hundreds of Pet Pods.

3. Around 100 Sacred Oils.

4. Many Premium Transformation Stones.

5. Learning huge pile of mechanics of dungeons.
etc etc. Not to mention pvp and pve equips is a huge different problem. 

One of best money talking MMORPG.


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5 hours ago, HateMe said:

Next thing you know NC will add a deliberate skill delay to simulate all classes playing at the same ping xD

I heard BDO uses skill predictions to compensate ping differences (they chose to host the Latin America server in Miami, so either they actually have that or they think that is where latinos come from).

Some other games also have that unofficially but it is so popular they don't even dare to ban.


@Kozuki Few gunners can actually tank, and by tank I don't mean surviving, but keeping the boss in the same position so melees can also DPS.

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22 hours ago, StrawberryCarnage said:

Gunner should be removed completely. Apart from dps they are useless, and i have to quit if i see more than 2 in a party( which happens frequently) because everyone else has to cover for gunners. as an SF i never waste a res on gunners

this x infinity


gunners ruin boss fights by grabbing aggro and running around takingthe boss with them.  they can steal mobs in pve because of range and once tagged all the mobs are theirs.  I never rez gunners, I never squad with gunners. and I do my best to never assist them.


caveat: a couple people with human decency play gunners and those peeps are great, but super rare.


Gunner is the other way to spell cancer and if I leave this game it is because every total jerk that wants to screw with everyone else IS running a gunner and there is nothing you can do about it in any region or area.   

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3 hours ago, CharlieIsBoss said:

this x infinity


gunners ruin boss fights by grabbing aggro and running around takingthe boss with them.  they can steal mobs in pve because of range and once tagged all the mobs are theirs.  I never rez gunners, I never squad with gunners. and I do my best to never assist them.


caveat: a couple people with human decency play gunners and those peeps are great, but super rare.


Gunner is the other way to spell cancer and if I leave this game it is because every total jerk that wants to screw with everyone else IS running a gunner and there is nothing you can do about it in any region or area.   

Team play at its finest :O

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4 hours ago, Thicc Stoccpot said:

The december skill update in kr increases personal dps for fm and reworks summoner's badges - which is also a dps increase. Would be lovely if next patch includes this 

Totally agree, summoner is like the only class whos mystic badges do not do crap for dps.

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well, next to SUM there's ice FM whose VT badge basically doesn't do squat and pretty much not worth acquiring. Also the buff i mentioned above only applies to fire FM, ice FM remains neglected - which is quite sad... At least now earth SUM have their badge(s) reworked into top dps in KR...


Would be nice to have a token system for BT as well... Fire ring never drops and when it does it goes for 1k gold... I'm really tired now...

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7 hours ago, Kozuki said:

Team play at its finest :O

I wasn't very clear there and I see how you could think that, now after reading your response heh. I cut them off AFTER they have already pulled some crap.

Like I said, there are decent people running gunners and they get it and they don't thrive on making others miserable or just not giving a rip, so those people get the normal respect I give other players in general. Shout out to Winnchester as an example of a gunner pal, and a couple of good peeps running gunners in my clan, so they are out there.


Celestial and F8 are where the bad eggs wreak the most havoc as far as where I hang out. 


Only occasionally do other classes have people acting like jerks, like a sin trying to stealth and tag the mobs right as you are winding up so you kill it for them, but those kind of funny things are rare 

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