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People hitting max level in only like 4 days......


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That I told yesterday. One more freeloader player complaining about unfair life. So OP what should devs do for ya? Ban every donator or what? Close access to servers for premium till your majesty lvl till 45?

I play Blade and Soul from Korean beta. I have accounts in China and Japan. But here is a first time when i see a guy that is not happy with that.  Yesterday we got a topic about that it would be nice to get more character slot privilege for f2p players for free. Later some suggested to increase drop rates for free. And now those free fanboys are not happy with lvl 45 premium users. I mean wat?



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You just sound salty. Even a casual can hit 45, I'm sick of the "Don't you have a job/life/hobby?" argument.
some people stream for their jobs, others (Like me) review games like these for their job.
People took off work/classes just to play this game, and for you to *cricket* and moan about how they hit maximum level just spouts that you're jealous.
You're no better than the people who brag, and if they do, it's not going to kill you just because you didn't hit level cap, because eventually, you will, as games these days cater to the casual audience anyway, the game provides you with more than enough things to get you caught up with the level 45's and the time you've spent crying about them, you could be out there leveling too.

This is just like when FFXIV 1.0 players got to keep their level 50 characters (Despite having to RE-DO EVERYTHING) and the people new to ARR wanted their characters deleted just because they "Got ahead". So what more do you want NCWest and Team Bloodlust to do, just give you a instant boost to cap?

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5 hours ago, Skygenesis92 said:

Yeah I know but I hate when people brag about crap like that and then they have to rub it in your face in game like "OH LOOK AT ME AND MY SHINY GLOWING ARMOR AND WEAPONS OF POWER, AREN'T YOU JEALOUS!??!" 


I mean you can be a high level player and not be obnoxious about it, I mean they all started at level 1 just like the rest of us. 



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8 hours ago, Lav69 said:

Sounds like you are 45, you did rush and now you're justifying the silliness of it all.

If you knew anything about this game you would know how to find my characters and see I'm not 45.

But if it makes you feel better to live in delusional lala land where spending 21 days on travel is okay but a couple vacation days on a game release is not okay... Go on. 


You are also clueless about how long it takes to level if you don't care about story. But you're also too judgemental to ever understand that others play for other aims than story or whatever you deem important. 


People like you just can't hide your envy at someone else having more than you. 


People who are happy with themselves don't feel jealousy like you do. 


Do you, though, seems to be making you very happy /sarcasm. 

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One of my favourite things about this game is that if you are in the mood for hardcore optimised gameplay and grinding you can do that, and if you prefer a more relaxed or social approach you can do that too.


Everyone falls somewhere between the two extremes, and no one is better than anyone else because of where they land.


Please remember this when posting in this thread, and avoid personal attacks.

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Don't envy them. They burned through all of the game's content in a few days. You'll be enjoying it for weeks to come. Meanwhile they'll probably be the ones flooding the forums in a week or two with "there's nothing to do in this game..."

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Considering there is still plenty to do even at 45, Im happy with my choice of rushing to 45. I spent 4 days on CBT playing casually and watching every cutscene and I still ended up at 45 with complete endgame on the CBT patch. I didnt need to watch all those things again, so I skipped them. That cuts quite a bit of time in addition to already knowing where to go and what to do for quests. Which items you need etc. All of these things contribute to it. You also need to remember one important thing. The rush to 45 isnt all for bragging. Its for establishing control on the marketplace. Take Moonwater Transformation Stones, a mat required to upgrade all your stuff later on which can only be crafted through professions. They currently cost a fortune and as more people reach 45, the demand will be higher and higher, and who will be the ones to provide those mats? The people who got there first.


Also, 45 is not the max level of the game. In the coming patches, the level cap will be raised to 50. There will also be a secondary leveling system called Hongmoon levels which provide extra skill points. There is so much more content to be had that those of us who have experienced the beginning to 45 content enough times dont need to go through it once again. 


On the note of bragging, I don't know why anyone would brag currently as the progression limits in place mean everyone will be in the same boat with similar gears. There is literally nothing to brag about unless you've managed to break the progression limit and into the Siren gears.

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I can understand getting salty at 45's 48 hours after release .

But 1 week after? that's not surprising at all. 


Here's a few factors for some people. 

1. It's winter so no one is going out. 

2. It's Blade and Soul, incredibly fun and addictive. 

3. People have planned holiday in advance. 

4. People are college dropouts / Jobless. 

On the Sunday 2 days after headstart I was fighting 45's in PvP regularly and in owpvp. THAT is pretty sad. But 1 week after? that's pretty normal and require little sacrifice.

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You don't need to be a no-lifer to have a level 45 already. Even if you've only been playing 2-3 hours since the beginning of the headstart, you can reach level 45. It's been done in slightly under 12 hours before. If you're going at a more leisurely pace it shouldn't take you more than 20 hours tops to 45.


I've played maybe ~3 hours a day so far and I already have 1 max level and a level 20 alt. It doesn't require much time. If you've played in beta you already know the story so there's no point to sit through it all. It's nothing special imo.


This is primarily a PVP game so it's not going to be uncommon for dedicated people to have a full roster of every class at level 45 .

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I just love how people are still, even now, assuming that people who play online games hardcore are no-lifers and "must not do anything in real life".


Before I start, don't get me wrong, I am not nearly as social as some other people but that is a personal choice. If a friend or family calls me up and asks me if I want to go out, I will go out, but otherwise I just go home and stay there. That being said, I have three jobs one which is full time and two part times that take up 50-60 hours a week in total, I am in school full-time at CSU taking online classes, I make time for friends and family when invited, and I get all of this done on top of being able to spend a good amount of time on Blade & Soul.


What you need to stop and realize, OP, is that Monday was a holiday in the US. I had a paid day off work for that holiday. I also chose to leave early on Friday (something I rarely do) and took a little bit of vacation time. This allowed me to log into the game on Friday and not have to go back to work until Tuesday. On Sunday morning I hit level 45 by going semi-hardcore at it, took a total of about 30 hours of gameplay. I saw clanmates hit 45 in about 20-25 hours. 


This game is honestly one of the easiest games to level in and as long as you stick to your questline and don't get distracted or go off course you can easily hit 45 in about a week. The other thing you have to realize is that some of us started in Alpha and we had 3+ level 45 characters by the end of the betas so we had already watched all of the cutscenes and read all of the quest dialouges our first time through, so this time we skipped all of it which vastly increases the leveling speed.


As for players who brag about hitting level 45, instead of coming on the forums and complaining about said players and making a spectacle of yourself you should just be the mature adult you claim to be and ignore them. At every event in real life and on the internet I have always run into those people who like to brag about themselves and flaunt their stuff to look cool, but I have never had a problem just ignoring that person and/or just walking away. 


My point being -- You and others like you need to get over the idea that online gamers who play hardcore have no lives. That's a thing of the past. There are plenty of hardcore gamers now-a-days that have stable jobs and lives but choose to spend their free time on the hobby they enjoy: Gaming. End of story.

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Since the CBT we might know more about leveling up and gaining resources than the people that just began to play. 


I met somebody who actually got level 45 in the first 15 hours of the head start beginning. I don't see why you're complaining if we clearly know what were doing more than you know what you're doing. I don't brag about it, I just play and enjoy myself. The only time I "brag" about it is when I go to Bamboo Village's Everdusk and kill the "Noob killers" so the newbies in faction uniforms can pass safely. 


Also haven't you thought of, "Hey maybe they work at home and already finished their job for the day/errands for the day."

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i got a day job, took no time off work, and still hit max level the day before yesterday.


it really does not take long to level in this game, it's not really designed to take your time up at leveling.


The time consumption come from gearing, like i still only have the awakened infernal weapon because of the shortage of moonwater transform stones.  That's where the game is designed to take your time up, not leveling.

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I was home sick so I had the time to level. I took time to read the main quests and some side quests. I did crafting and stuff.

I spent alot of time farming essences for wheel of fate for costumes and whatnot too.


I never bragged about hitting 45 in the time I did either. I also like the game at 45.

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So why exactly are you bothered by this?  You could be 45 in under 24 hours if you wanted to.  But you don't want to, so why should it bother you?  I personally hit 45 Sunday after head start.  But I also wanted to hit 45 quickly.  I set up my weekend with fewer distractions and outside influences so that I can enjoy the game as much as possible during head start since after MLK day I started class, which put me in the situation where I get up for work at 4am, and get home at 8pm.


Different people have different circumstances.  stop caring about how fast other people level up.  You could do it too if you wanted.

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Honestly it doesn't matter how long it takes you to get to level cap. All that matters is how much fun you are having!  Some people are just more competitive than others, and that naturally is going to happen on a game. 

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For me, its the fact people rush to 45 in the first few days, trying to hit max level asap, but then theres multiple posts complaining about how the end game is so boring. The game was literally just released and they already want more content.

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