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People hitting max level in only like 4 days......


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The point is that leveling is so easy that you don't need a lot of free time, or to have no life to make max level very quickly.   To max level in 12 hours takes less than 2 hours a day for a week, or 4 hours for three days.

People playing this game hoping for content will be disappointed.  But the pvp looks like some of the best in the genre.


Also, don't think about other people telling about their accomplishments as bragging.  They are basically telling you that anything they can do, you can too.  That isn't bragging.  It should be taken as encouragement to not get discouraged.

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4 minutes ago, Skygenesis92 said:

It is true that some people have acceptable reasons for why they have so much free time or maybe something that is beyond their control but I feel like those reasons are very limited or rare. 




I didn't rush anywhere, what with my alt addiction and whatnot. I'm not 45.


But I had to reply to your post cause I'm sick of this attitude.

Gaming is a VALID hobby like anything else. I don't feel bad taking a day off for a game I love to do headstart. It's no different than when I take vacation days to go to Europe.

It's a HOBBY. I work and I am just as entitled to take time and spend money on this hobby as any other hobby.


I'm tired of the shame game you people play.

Just because gaming is not higher on your list of hobbies or you did not get a job good enough to allow you VACATION days, is no reason to be so mean and hateful. UGH


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4 minutes ago, DeaHamlet said:


I didn't rush anywhere, what with my alt addiction and whatnot. I'm not 45.


But I had to reply to your post cause I'm sick of this attitude.

Gaming is a VALID hobby like anything else. I don't feel bad taking a day off for a game I love to do headstart. It's no different than when I take vacation days to go to Europe.

It's a HOBBY. I work and I am just as entitled to take time and spend money on this hobby as any other hobby.


I'm tired of the shame game you people play.

Just because gaming is not higher on your list of hobbies or you did not get a job good enough to allow you VACATION days, is no reason to be so mean and hateful. UGH


Sounds like you are 45, you did rush and now you're justifying the silliness of it all.

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I understand where the OP is coming from but every game with leveling has those types of players. Personally I don't see the point of playing a game just to rush thru it. From experience with other mmorpgs the players that hit max level really quickly end up getting bored and quit sooner than most casual players or become the "trolling" types.

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51 minutes ago, Skygenesis92 said:

I feel like some people are bragging about hitting level 45 already and if you had early access to the game than it's obvious you are ahead of the rest of us plus priority queuing gives you an advantage as well but my biggest question is what do you people do during the day? Like what about working or school? Do most of you just not have jobs or attend school? 


Logically the more time you invest in the game the faster you'll hit max level but a lot of us can't play like 8-10 hours a day on every day of the week, I'm probably just envious of you at that point because it'd be nice if I could sit at home all day everyday and play this game. I'm pretty sure I'd be max level already as well, also didn't early access start last Friday and I think some people hit max level like by Tuesday or Wednesday so that means you hit max level in under a week and some hit max level in only FOUR DAYS. 


You'd have to have a lot of free time in your life if you were about to go up 45 levels in 4 days, that or you find a fast grinding method that I and others don't know about. I'm sure you can level up at a steady rate by doing side quests and story missions but my point is that hitting max level in 4 days or under a week is still kind of absurd unless (like I stated already) you have no life outside of your house. 


I'd at least like to take my time and enjoy the game, I feel like most of you were just like "OH GOT TO BE THE FIRST ONE TO HIT MAX LEVEL AND RUB IT IN EVERYONE'S FACES, OH BOY THEY'LL BE SO JEALOUS THAT I HAVE NO LIFE AND SPENT 12 HOURS A DAY PLAYING THE GAME STRAIGHT" 


It's not a race people, LIFE IS A JOURNEY NOT A DESTINATION. I saw a thread yesterday about someone complaining they were BORED because they hit MAX LEVEL ALREADY and had nothing to do, maybe you shouldn't rush through the game and take your time, or maybe you shouldn't binge play for 12 hours a day. 

Fail to see the point of this thread other than to complain that some players are bragging about being lvl 45 and you have some serious level envy.

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so you're upset that ppl choose to play the game 24/7 and are giving you crap about it??????



I srsly don't see the point of this thread other than you being so jealous of wanting to be just like them but you can't.... lol

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Words of Wisdom: Play the game the way you want to and let others play the game the way they want to. There's nothing wrong with reaching Lv45 in on day and there's nothing wrong with spending two weeks or a month.


However, being a casual player complaining about hardcore players or being a hardcore player complaining about casual players, that's just bs.

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We should get a grant for a study.  How many speeding tickets do these people have?  Some people are just the type that MUST be the first car in lane.  Then we could do one to see if people who make threads like this also suffer from road rage. ;)

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Max level or the time taken to get to it is nothing to brag about especially with modern MMOs and this generation. It's not hard to reach max level even if you do "have a life". It's less about the grind and more about the end game these days. This generation with multitasking, smartphones, and what not. We want to waste a little time as possible doing many things while at the same time feeling accomplished.

Guild Wars 2 for example, if you had the resources you could literally go from 1 to max level in less than 10 minutes.

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In reply to the OP, many of us that took part in beta and head start and bought founders packs also knew when the game was going to launch and planned vacation time around that.  I work at a Hospital and have 160 hours of vacation time because I never seem to get around to using it.  This was a decent enough opportunity for me to burn some of it.


Also its not that hard to level.  During the beta weekends I worked and still took a character from 1-45 casually with watching all the cut scenes in about 4-5 days.


This game is EASY!!!!

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It seems to odd to me to be hitting max level so fast. My primary experience with MMO's was vanilla WoW from day 1 and it took months to hit max level - which was a huge part of the game's enjoyment. This 'instant gratification' thing makes the entire leveling system irrelevant - why not just start us at max level and have the entire game be a gear grind, since that's what people clearly think is 'enjoyable' now. 

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The real question is, why do you care.


Seriously though, 15 hours to get to 45. Less than 4 hour each day over 4 days, it doesn't take people much.


Oh yeah by the way I think more than half of the headstart was in the weekend, where most people are off school and work.  Think about it.


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I really don't see what the issue is, so a few people are already max level. With how the leveling is in this game it's really not that surprising. I'm going at the snails pace because of the long ques, constant DC and playing when I have kids around and i'm already level 20. 


This isn't a lvl 100 max game.. it's kind of like Guild wars.. low level cap = people reach it fast. 

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I usually quit games at 15 or so because of slow leveling , boring gameplay, and lack of story


This one has had me playing to 35 so far with the week or so ive played


Its not difficult to level and the game keeps things a bit more interesting than others


Not to say this is how others feel

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It's quite easy to hit 45 in just a couple of days.  As mentioned, some people hit it in just 15 hours played.


I was able to hit 30 in 7.5 hours on the first day of headstart.  And thanks to taking a vacation day on Friday, the weekend, the Monday holiday, and premium membership which allowed me to completely skip the queues as well as bonus xp earned.  I hit 45 last night. 


Friday - 7.5 hours and level 30

Saturday - 6 hours and level 38

Sunday - 6 hours and level 43

Monday - 6 hours and level 44

Tuesday - 2 hours and stayed at level 44

Wednesday - 2 hours and hit 45


Total time = 29.5 hours played.

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4 hours ago, Skygenesis92 said:

Oh, I wasn't aware people posted power leveling videos on the game already. I mean that's all well and good for some people but I don't really agree with the concept of "power leveling" 


I'm one of the few rare people that enjoys grinding and hitting max level through my own power, I know not everyone has the patience to spend on grinding so they "cut corners" so to speak. 

stop whining then


Also, there was no corner cutting involved.  It was literally legit, solo gameplay.  So, yes, you just don't know how the game works and you're #$%^&ing about other people for no reason.

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5 hours ago, Laoshottie said:

Some crazies actually hit 45 on day one and two, what did I do? Continued to level with my friend lol because my eyes were on combat and my gon the entire time

You mean some people hit level 45 in 13-15 hours. (Not even 1 day.) 

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If you know where to go and what to do, leveling isnt that hard.. As for the bragging, just ignore it. Its not even an issue of free time. Some people have played the chinese and russian servers and have completed the storyline, no real reason to linger at cutscenes or waste time with useless drabble in towns. No point in complaining about it. Lol <3

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