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Everything posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. its definetly your own fault that you got kicked. Thats why i wrote its a personall problem cause it seems like you dont want to progress this means people dont want you in their guild. (Keep in mind since i dont know you all i can work with is ur text) This seems like he gave you a chance to learn but you couldnt manage to. Which is again your personall fault since others might have managed to learn it cause others watch guides before raiding. This sound like you dont want to learn it just get it teached in raid. People expect you to have knowledge of the mech thx to guides they dont expect you to be able to do what the guide says instantly but having knowledge from guides will make learning way quicker and imagine having a progress raid and failing for weeks and someone new comes in not even boothering with learning mechs. I just say people can expect you to know the mech they cant expect you to be able to do it thou. Maybe ask other players of your class who do better dmg. You can probably learn something. Ive also played my class totally wrong in pve before wingrise badge came then someone told me how to do it and magically i got a 50% dmg increase. You got me completly wrong i do belief thoose are your experiences but i always look at what could be the real reason someone acts as he does and mostly new players/complaining players are actually the reason behind it. All i wrote was i dont beliefe the reason you wrote was the actuall reason the leader kicked you. 1. Not boothering with mechs, 2. Not boothering to learn how to play your class, 3. complaining about others instead of trying to better yourselfe. Thats my current impression about you. People who want to progress (yeah litterly everyone in 2xxx wants to) dont want to have people like that. Please dont think i am just here to troll or something i am actully trying to help you by providing information why community acts as it does towards you.
  2. There are 2 reasons for this: 1st our playerbase is super small in arena we starting with gold rank we have litterly like 30 players maybe and their alts. How much points you get depends on how much points ur enemy has. 1600 vs 1450 means if 1450 wins = 31 but if 1450 loses = -8. System is supposed to search at a maximum of 150 rating difference but if que is really dead it can go up to 200 to my experience. Cause balance is super bad since awakening patch and every patch makes it worse instead of better we`ve lost so much players that you will not be able to find alot of players in this game anymore which means system needs to search in a wide range.
  3. To be honest this is a personall problem. While there are alot really nice guilds there are some which are like you described too. If you notice you have such a guild just get another one. All guilds i was in actully teached me the mechs of the dungeons if i ask them too. They dont mind even wiping mutiple times cause of me as long as i show them i make progress in learning what they teach me. (i am a fast learner tho so it dosent need much wipes). Also if you cant manage to make a decent progress and for example your gear stays the same for months of course guilds will kick you cause you are either inactive or you dont wanna progress in the game. very few guild expects you to have their progress when you just start running with them but they expect you to read guides and ask stuff if you didnt understand it from the guide alone. I guess you just droped in and wanted them to teach you. Guides ? Vids ? Talking ? I dont believe that. Even if you turn on BNS Buddy Addons you are unable to see atleast 2 players DPS. unless they kick everyone not in the dps meter they kicked you cause of other reasons. For example you do the wrong mech or you need ages to run to the boss. Probably casue everyone who likes this game is pissed 24/7 because of NCsoft. You do notice how unstatisfied the community is with our publisher ? This toxicity makes it way to the game unintentionally.
  4. Guild ? what are thoose for ? in the last 2 guild i had they managed to create their own groups and they didnt care about the ap as long as you have the minumum requirements the raid needs. Sorry its just stupid. People work for their gear and if i reach 2xxx ap i should be allowed to profit from that. If you dont put in the work to get better gear dont expect to profit from others. There are multiple ways even 1200ap people can do this stuff but they expect to get carried. Thats not a legitimate concern to me. Its a Cooperative Multiplayer game after all. Its like you are saying "to all call of duty players, i am sorry but to win in a game you have to shoot your enemy" its obvious.
  5. Sadly this is the mindset of most new players and they insult even 2200 AP as elitist even tho thats not even much theese days. They get carried throgh most content in early which gives them the mindset that there is no content they cant do with like story gear and they get upset about people asking for specific requirements instead of creating their own groups. New players simply expect to get carried and cant accept it if there is content people dont want to carrie them for free.
  6. Can i ask you why ? it dosent give you any kind of reward. Maybe for achivement ? I dont flame you NC decided to bring in PVP without giving any kind of reward for this. If we had some reward i would happily kill all the afk players too but for me its just a huge waste of time.
  7. Ich habe jetzt von einigen gehört, dass die bei den Casher Boxen immer den selben Pet gem bekommen haben. Vielleicht ist dort ein Fehler und NC will das fixen. Bisher haben wir meines Wissens nur Sonderwartungen bekommen, wenn irgendwas mit F10 nicht funktioniert und das letzte mal als so eine Casher Box falsch war musste NC alles zurückerstatten. Es ist egal wie kaputt ein Patch war für Spielrelevante Sachen gibt es nur ganz selten eine Extra Wartung, wenn überhaupt.
  8. Fun Fact: Our tops BDs left the game cause BD got to strong. Now we only have the Russian BD left who logs into our server sometimes to snack some juicy HM coins. I hope the untargatable got removed this week but most ive seen in que last week where simply carried by untargatable there are like 2 or 3 actual good BDs in EU. Alot of people would love to reroll for that reason but people like me dont do that cause there is no option to send: HM lvl, Unity stones, Achivements. @NCsoft i thought you want to milk the players ! In 6v6 yeah but imagine playing gear equalized PVP. People complain mostly about 6v6 balance while its way worse in 1v1 cause you are unable to reduce the strengh difference between the classes.
  9. Seelensteine = 1v1 PVP und Naryu Münzen alles was Naryu im Namen hat unter F8 aber allgemein Low dungeons droppen die gut.
  10. Since yesterday my game also crashes after like 5 minutes in the afk farming spot. I cant even farm there cause the game is crashing. On Day 1 it was fine but day 2 gives me only crash.
  11. You forgot the PVP. I dont get why you can kill other players in this zone it dosent give you anykind of advantage. If you would atleast get like 1 of thoose brazer stones in some rng drop or something i could understand but the only reason someone kills another player is to be an as.......
  12. They are just like BM. Just git gud i guess. hahahahahahaahhahahahhahahahahah i would rather love to see them buffing some weak classes instead of the strong classes like they do for like 1 and a half year now. So what are ranges supposed to do in a pvp fight then ? They dont have as much defense abilitys as melees and depending on class their dmg is also less of melees. Yeah they nerfed all third specs in 6v6 just like any other class but it hit third specs more. Range Range DMG > Melee, Melee Defence > Range. Yeah keep saying one of the strongest classes is weak maybe NC will buff your class again. Maybe give third spec untargatable now ?
  13. Well what is the best way of shutting a game down ? reduce the player base. How can they accomplish this without being super obvious they wanna shut it down ? Ignoring Community needs, Allowing cheats, making the game hard for new players, bringing as much pay to win as possible. It might not seem like its hard for new players to us cause we know how to farm the stuff even in early but imagine a new player: PVE he does like 100k or even lower but dailys want him to do DST for example. They might get flamed cause of the low gear which might be ok in our thinking cause they didnt boother to get their tringular gems or even raven weapon etc. Now a new players looks into what he needs to upgrade to the level thoose others are and they quit. Now they imagine they are interested in PVP. They join 1v1 reach 1500 and already reach people they think played for years (mostly pretty bad people but compared to a new player still godlike). They finally reach 1600 and get top 5 player on their alts same with 3v3 one of my chars is like 1380 and since i know the names of the top players i can tell i already get full platin teams as enemy. Imagine a new player winning against thoose. What is one of the biggest complains people have ? the prices of Moonstones, Soul stones. How are we supposed to get cheaper prices on them without new players ? Theese are not imaginary ways for a new player to quite the game thoose are examples ive seen multiple times. I am 100% sure NC knows about this but instead of trying to solve theese issue they do nothing. How am i supposed to think this company dosent want to shut this game down if they dont try to get new players ?
  14. Meanwhile: 6v6 and 1v1 "am i a joke to you ? " They were added for a reason back in 2016/2017 they didnt exist. If we wouldnt have them they would need to reduce the ammount we can get by alot otherwise the market will be flooded. Then we would have another problem due to the lack of mats we can farm overall. Atleast now Sacred crystals and Elysians are no problem. Again it would hurt the market way more than helping the individual player. I already wrote i am against removing crystals so i would agree this idea is good if thoose drop crystals. 1v1 and 6v6 "am i a joke to you?" What about simply changing the items you need to upgrade low tier stuff to mats you dont need in higher content anymore ? This was suggested a long time ago already. Black Stones for example are needed for nothing why not increase the need of them for low tier stuff and decrease the mats which are used by even the max stages of equipment. In my oppinion you havent thought this completly through. While i appreciate your time and thought you put into it i dont agree to it. PVP is a part of the game and its the part of the game most of the Soul stones, Moonstones come from. So why are the prices of theese two so high ? Its not cause PVP Players are greedy its cause there are just very few pvp players left due to NCsoft constant patches which make pvp worse. Some classes cant even reach the 300 players mark at the end of the season thats including alts already. So what would happen if NC would actully try and make PVP great again ? 1. Players increase in pvp 2. zen beans, blood points increase 3. Players buy Moonstones, Soul stones with their pvp currency 4. PVP Players can supply way more Moonstones, Soul stones than before F5 gets competition 5. Prices decrease of Soul stones and Moonstones 6. Everything else like Transformation stones etc. gets cheaper.
  15. Its cause PVP is pretty much dead we dont have alot of players. I doubt we even have 50 player per class in PVP at all if you would remove all the alts like alot of players requested since 4 years now. Warlock is also the worst class in this game by far. If you encounter BM, KFM, Assasin or Archer you can litterly go afk cause if you are not a pro player. Blade and soul was always a bit unbalanced but the Awakening patch which we got around march 2019 destroyed it completly to that extend that you can litterly play one class and have a huge advantage against the other player. Just one example BM can be nearly 100% of the time untargatable. How is WL supposed to react to something it cannot attack while being immobile and getting theese huge 15K crits in his face even if wl stays in its 50% dmg reduction ground.
  16. I just want to be able to create Soul fighter lyn. Why can warden be lyn but Soul fighter, KFM cant ? The argument back then was cause of the weapons but no one can tell me if a Lyn can hold a big ass warden sword they cant hold some damn gloves.
  17. Now imagine you are 1300 ap or even 1400. Or even HM 15 or something. Reqruitment is not very usefull for you since either no one joins or you get kicked out of some groups. Most new players will use LFP anyway and the point is before the gold reductions you could lfp and get a full group in the matter of seconds. Now it takes minutes most of the time even longer than it takes me to kill the first boss of alot of dungeons. For example yesterday ive done WC. My alt does 1.8 - 2 Million DPS. I was finished with boss 1 but we still had only 3 people.
  18. Maybe cause if you follow the game for a long time like me for example you can see how much effort they put into the game and personally i dont think a company thats not trying should earn alot of money. Where are the needed balance patches for PVP ? Why do we have time restrictions in pvp resulting in bronze ques where you can find platin players (tag team), why do i not have 60 fps while raiding with I7 9700k ?, why do we never see answers from hime or someone else on important topics ?, why are cheaters and system abusers not getting punished ?, why cant we farm the stuff we need in a reasonable ammount of time ?, Why cant we skip pve or pvp depending on what gamemode we want to play ?, why is not a single request like class ranking instead of char ranking in pvp ?, why did they remove BR even tho their KR dude in Q&A talked like we still have this gamemode ? I only buy Premium but even that not with real money. Sadly people still buy like thousands of trove keys this way NC dosent even need to act they can just put in more casher stuff to earn what they lose from the quitting players.
  19. Community will nicht mehr Items sondern weniger. Scales ? warum 20 Fragmente, Gem Hammer ? warum, es gibt keine Waffe mehr wofür man das braucht ? und sehr viel mehr. Macht das Spiel nur unnötig größer und komplizierter. Man könnte die Kosten für 3 Eckige reduzieren aber seit NC mit vollem Kurs auf Pay to win ist finde ich die Kosten der Gems in ordnung. Es sind halt upgrades, die lange halten da gebe ich halt einmal 8K aus für Pulver dafür habe ich davon aber auch Monate lang was. Die kosten für fusionierte Gems finde ich aber viel zu hoch. Schonmal dran gedacht, dass dies eher eine Idee zum Geldverdienen ist anstatt der Community was gut zu tun ? Das Zahlenspiel hat eine weit geringere Chance einen guten Wert wieder heraus zu bringen als Trove kostet aber mindestens genau soviel.
  20. Actully unlike last time we can farm stuff even endgame people need so i like this but i do agree with everyone. This is a farming spot for PVE stuff (pet gems) why PVP ? I think either the PVP should be removed or the auto battle otherwise it dosent make sense why we have auto battle. We cannot afk farm anyway cause we need to defend ourselfe. P.S i will be one of theese that hunts afk people at night will be alot of fun to read all the hate whispers which are not justified i think. People shouldnt hate the guy that uses the system but the guy that brings the system.
  21. Thats probably cause you dont need alot of DPS for most dungeon to solo. Expect for DST, i can solo everything up to CC (CC not included) even with my alt. Just look at the gear of my alt its super cheap gear like True Hongmoon heart, Transcendant 5 soul (free soul from homecoming), Story weapon on stage 9. So why should a main with like 6 or 10 million DPS search for a group ? its most of the times faster alone cause some players need ages to run to the boss.
  22. We are talking about LFP. No matter what time you search for a group in most dungeons it will take longer to find a group than just running through the dungeon alone. Mostly i go in start the search and stop it again by the time i reach the first boss even with my alts cause it simply takes to much time to get a full group. (EU)
  23. It means one of the following: 1. they dont read the ticket and give you some automatic answer, 2. They read the ticket but cause they dont get information from KR they cannot tell anything, 3. You got the wrong person and this person has no idea about the game at all since most NC employees are not playing the game and are not interested in it either.
  24. Du kannst nurnoch 2 Berufe lernen und Sammelberufe wurden mit den Craft Berufen gemerged um es neuen einfacher zu machen. Nun muss man mit Merry Potters haben und dann den richtigen Sammler finden.
  25. Erstmal verkürzt, was der Themenersteller möchte (so wie ich es verstanden habe): 1. Ausschließung von voherigen Gewinnern, damit andere auch gewinnen können. 2. Genauere Regeln und härtere durchsetzung 3. Einstellung der scheinbar Professionellen Teilnehmer. 1. Das Ziel ist es nicht die Ersteller dieser Outfits Glücklich zu machen sondern die Community. Daher werden die auch bis heute nicht ausgeschlossen. Schaffst du es nicht die Community mit deinem Konzept zu begeistern liegt es nicht daran, dass die anderen zu gut sind eher bist du entweder zu schlecht oder hast gerade einfach pech, dass dein Vorschlag nicht dem Geschmack der Communty entspricht. 2. Es ist NCsoft. Regeln sind denen egal, sonst gäbe es auch gebannte cheater oder man würde mehr durchgreifen beim Wintrading etc. Das kannst du soviel verlangen wie du willst. 3. Hier wieder. Es ist NCsoft. Die bauen im Personal eher ab als auf. Wie viele "Community Manager" haben wir heute noch ? und kann man von denen echt sagen, dass die nur Community Manager machen wie es sein sollte ? Meine Eigene Meinung: Das Outfit, welches ich am besten fand hat auch gewonnen. Finde ich verdient.
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