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Everything posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. They are tradable but sold at a way to big price. Instead of making our current Black stones etc. tradable they could simply increase the drop rate of tradable ones which i would prefer its easy enough to get good gear nowdays. Con: You will have even more players which do like 30% of the damage they are supposed to. If we push new players to hard it can also backfire cause we will have even less capable people for mechanics in high end dungeons. Con: The worth of gear gets pushed down even more. Currently if you dont have atleast GC 6 you are a pleb and alot of groups kick you even tho your dmg is more than enough. For example i am currently upgrading my 2nd sf. This SF does currently 2 Million burst and 1 Million stable (sadly cause dont have soul badge yet) even with this sf i can do TSM for example solo but alot of people kick me or simply leave my group. Con: Thoose items drop tons in the low tier dungeons and no one wants them. If you make them all tradable it might result in even more cost for new players cause other players will bid on them even if they dont need them cause they can be sold.
  2. I used the homecoming event (i am an active player) to upgrade my 2nd sf. This SF does burst 2 Million now and 1 Million stable. With that i can run anything expect for Halcyon Hills. Now if we dont count my gems its probably atleast 600K dmg stable. All a new player needs now is the current badge for SF its Wingrise which will probably double the DPS to 1 Million again or even more. Sure you will not get into randoom lobbys for SP or Hangar etc. with that gear but if you have a guild there shouldnt be a problem gearing up since you can simply skip WC belt for example and go straight to endgame gear and soon you can solo most dungeons. It has never been that easy to get good gear but people only see the endgame but dont think about the posibilitys new players actully have to get good gear. In endgame its another story sure you will farm for weeks and get like 2 ap.
  3. You talk about balance in Blade and soul ? Balance is already a meme in Blade and soul. In a game where 1 class is litterly invincible while doing dmg but another dosent have such abilitys there is no balance. If NC would care about it we would have seen a skill patch like 1 year ago and not dmg reduction to everything. DMG reduction dont balance anything it just makes the tanky classes even more powerful while the agressive classes (which are not top tier) lose even more.
  4. It dosent matter how old it is. its still gear and True Hongmoon Heart cost like nothing.
  5. Now i played a bit more 6v6 and got some assasins, destroyer and now i have to agree to everyone complaining. This is Glacial Blast. Other people have probably another oppinion i know that but as someone who plays 9 different classes i think SF is low mid tier currently due to the strengh of the other classes. Why 0.25 ? I barely killed an incenrator 3 player with my air combo. Considering top gear people have alot of skill resets how are you supposed to kill someone ? Also Assasin for example third spec to this day no debuff shown or animation he simply resists without showing any indicator of why. I am so happy if i get them into aerial but with the current patch it dosent even matter cause i cant kill them anyway and if they get on ground they simply heal and have another 20 sec godmode without any animation or debuff shown. All of this wouldnt be a problem if this game had somewhat balance. Why cant you test ur patches before bringing them to EU/NA ? Its the whole reason PVP is dead.
  6. You didnt understand what i reported. If BD uses grab there are several skill you can use to escape his grab like the skill on ur button 2 but thoose cannot be used when bd used ss. This was different before patch. Now its either tab escape from his grab or get his swords which do up to 20k i think. But what if you are a 1 tab class ? its super hard to evade all stuns of BD so you will be *** without ur tab which you are forced to use cause of BD grab.
  7. Most people help them without charging them but if you want to get carried through a raid of course they charge you. Its the decision of new players if they want to buy something or run thoose raids for themselve. You dont need ET Gear to get an ET Group same for any other raid just get a guild. Thats normal if you play a PVP mode its PVP you want to win so you dont want the enemy to have a chance. People actully complain about enemy not losing on purpose ? So are litterly saying if you have max gear and see someone without gear in 6v6 we have to lose on purpose so the guy who didnt put any kind of effort into his gear can win.
  8. Looking at how long it took them to release lvl 45 content i think its gonna be out around 2023 if we are lucky if not around 2025. Since we get the stuff later it may be 2024 for us or 2026 if the game is still running by then which i doubt. When did they announce it ? I think it was somewhere in 2017 so it took them 3 years for lvl 45 content and not even the full lvl 45 content they have to create silverfrost, gunwon etc. etc. Thats why i stoped hoping for UE4 cause i seriously doubt it will come to EU/NA at all. We lost half our playerbase in 1 year its currently on average around 2K (EU/NA together) so 2021 will be 1000, 2022 = 500 ..........
  9. You do know it depends on class ? but i agree in 6v6 you shouldnt be able to enter with PVE Gear. I complain about this since They released the first gen legendary for PVP nothing changed to this day. I was hoping it will be like it is with gloves now but then they released another dungeon i am forced to run atleast 100 times (if unlucky 250 times) to get my earring. How are people that do not play PVE supposed to get 6v6 gear ? everyone just asumes they play booth (which is correct most of the time cause they cant choose unlike PVE Plyers ) and PVE Players say PVP gear is cheap and PVP Players earn a ton but cant accept PVP Players need to buy way more stuff off F5 while haveing to upgrade way more gear cause they also need to upgrade PVE stuff to do the forced dugeons.
  10. Maybe cause you are supposed to work for your gear and not get it gifted ?
  11. Hello, even tho i think most people should already know i think its not posted here in forum yet. In Arena (probably everywhere) if BD grabs you and uses SS he can ignore your escape skills (2 skill for example) the enemy can only use his tab escape which results either in a forced Tab escape or in a huge ammount of dmg since you cannot defend against this sword skill BD has anymore. Since i doubt this is supposed to be i thought i post it here.
  12. Just because people have a different oppinion it dosent mean they are whiteknights. If you have a problem with Update x it dosent mean it has to be a bad update for me too but when you complain and i say "its ok" or its good" i am a whiteknight ?
  13. https://discord.gg/s6Y7G7 Das ist BNSAcedamy. Hier findest du fast alle Infos schau nur bitte immer in den Pins, da die Leute irgendwann auch genervt sind, wenn die 20000 mal gefragt werden welches Badge man spielen sollte etc.
  14. I dont raid so i havent experienced it yet but it sounds like a change which is only here to hurt new players. Imagine playing with 12 people that have story gear which should be able to do VT without a problem btw. Its just making it harder for them without any reason. Instead they should have given us a hardmode of the raids where better stuff drops. For example Unity stones but thoose hardmodes should require like 3 Million DPS for example.
  15. There are more than enough options avaible so even story gear char can do 7 dailys. I always recommend new players to get tringular gems from Moon refugee before seriously starting into PVE theese are also farmable by everyone as starter gear. I do agree new players have it hard thou cause if you are new you dont know anything about the game and unless you asked some people which are experienced you will simply get kicked out of several dungeons which makes the impression the community is toxic even tho you as the new player are the toxic one cause you expect to get carried through everything. Its a simple misunderstanding. They also ignore cheating, wintrading and litterly any kind of abuse you can do in this game. If they would atleast punish this stuff most people wouldnt be as toxic towards them as they are. I thought the same way a long time ago too. But for Trove and the boxes etc. there are legitimate ways to get them without spending real life money and thoose are called HM coins (I dont like the limit of 20 keys per day thou this makes it a bit pay to win) and even if you dont like to play PVP for thoose you can still buy F10 stuff with gold from players. Support actully helps you if you get scammed so its a legitimate way of getting the F10 stuff too. While yes it is pay to win it is not that big of an issue i think since support helps if people get scammed. I disagree there is litterly nothing in Premium which makes it worth the money. 1 Trove key per day ? wow 2 Sacred crystals nice or a bit of bonze for killing mobs wow this is making me rich ! Why cant they put in all the quality of life things people want so they dont have to use BNSbuddy or since last patch BNS Patch or whatever its called. Without theese things some players would have quit already aswell. Not gonna happen. Just one example: They know damn well their PVP is unbalanced af and they know what the community wants and needs. Its not even alot of work the simple removal of all third specs till every class has one would statisfy most of the pvp community already for a while but instead they release more third specs and allow them to join PVP. If you look into detail their passion is long gone. There where for example people that previously worked for NC even in the Blade and soul department they litterly wrote no one is motivated anymore cause KR disapproves of litterly everything so they dont even try anymore. Looking of the decrease of players in the last years it likely we only have like 300 players left when UE4 even gets announced for us. Some people estimated when UE4 is gonna hit us and personally i say around 2023 if we are lucky if not even 2025 is possible. Just see how long it took them to make lvl 45 content avaible in UE4 it took them 3 or 4 years now imagine the rest of the content. You can still use XML community found a solution for this several weeks ago. As long as NC dosent punish people for using XML they will not be able to fix this problem.
  16. Well i totally disagree here. Battlegrounds needed a dmg nerve its no fun getting one shot without the need of any kind of combos. (Still happens thou sadly but less.) I want the same in Arena so you actully need to combo. Now Summoner can do 100 to 0 without rng in one aerial (before it was rng for them to even do 90% dmg, BM can Z you and insta do 40K, BM Third spec air is still not nerfed i will get around 43 - 46 K dmg, Assasin third still to many rng evades for what it can do ............. .......... overall way to much dmg in arena.
  17. Summon the thrall before ? or use 1+V stun ? With 2K ap you should know the mech thou.
  18. Not gonna happen cause thoose are PVP related things. I cant remember one time they listened to PVP communitys about anything. PVP is just not giving enough income but if you bring PVP Players to quit it means less Moonstones/Soulstones ingame and people are more likely to use their Credit kart. Personally i havent played much 6v6 this season yet just one match to be exact but if the dmg is actully nerved like 50% i think thats a good thing. How often have i seen KFM tremor to do 100% of my health ? how often have i seen Archer teleporting to my team and use one single skill to insta kill 5 of my team. PVP is about the Player VS Player not "oh i can jump to u and do 1 single skill to kill you" I want them to combo me to kill me not press one button. P.S i have Dragonfang stage 6 with 3 set of current pvp accesories + glove and old Earring. My Soul shield is 5 of newest and 3 of avenging. This is pretty high PVP gear so i think i can expect not to get 1.2 Million in one skill which dosent need a combo.
  19. KR Devs most likely havent played in NA or EU in their whole live so they need to depend on what the Community manager and NCwest as a whole gives them sadly we know NCwest staff is not interested in playing this game either. Its very unlikely they test the patches aswell otherwise they wouldnt write wrong patchnotes every single time or they could tell the KR Devs in time something is gonna hurt the playerbase before it comes to us. What we need are dedicated people. People that play this game out of enjoyment and not cause they are forced to do that but sadly 99% of thoose people will not even be able to apply for a job at NC cause they expect you to move to the USA if you want to apply for them. Even such a simple job like community manager needs to live in the USA even tho there is no need for this so this way they cant get people that are actully interested in their games.
  20. As if this was a new thing. NCwest is not motivated at all cause KR dosent disapproves of nearly everything NCwests asks of them. Since the Motivation is killed of they dont do their job aswell and players quit alot. For example NCwest has the power to ban cheaters or punish players for abusing the system like wintrading but since their motivation is long gone they dont bother they get their money anyway. If you cant accept this you should really stop playing this game its healthier for you. Well its not their goal to make the players happy. It might just be a theory but alot of people including me think they are planning to shut down the servers in EU/NA thats why they dont do their job and put out more and more stuff to annoy and anger people otherwise there would be a simple solution for all problems in this game. Create a test server or atleast test the stuff yourselfe. If NCwest cant approve of it guess what ? they simply dont put the stuff into the game and ask KR to change it cause they know its gonna bring alot of people to quit the game. If KR dosent accept this atleast the community knows EU/NA tryed and less people quit. Currently they might test the patches but they dont bother to look into all the changes so their patchnotes are nearly everytime wrong.
  21. Since Janurary 2019 we had not a single good update. There where some small changes which where nice but everytime we get something nice we get something bad aswell and the bad is way bigger. For example they patch in Third spec BM. PVE loses so much FPS we need community patches to make it playable again and PVP balance is no more. Just one example. While having a new way to play is nice the bad things overweight the good and sadly there was no patch since janurary 2019 i could say the good things overweight the bad.
  22. If you are interested in the PVP Part its not worth comming back. Cheating, Wintrading, 298120478128734 alts, balance issue of doom plus having a publisher who dosent listen to anything community asks of them. Its simply not enjoyable anymore. If you are looking for PVE only content it might be worth but quick you will notice we lack ways to farm the stuff we need to get ours gear done so you will be kicked out of party alot cause you cannot manage to get the minimun requirements for the dungeons people want you to have. Soon you will be dissappointed cause you cannot move forward in your gear. If you manage to get a guild which supports you it might be possible thou.
  23. sorry but this will only destroy yourselfe. You will be dissapointed over and over again by ncwest. Money > Playersbase thats what NCwest is about. Yeah i say NCwest cause they are at fault for most problems in this game not NC KR.
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