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Everything posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. Personally i think its worth taking the storm dragon and upgrade it but the cost of Riftwalk is pretty cheap. So id say if you want to be safe buy urselfe riftwalk weapons with naryu coin till you have one with 8 slots but if you want to live risky upgrade the strom dragon one. Gem hammers can be aquired via daily dash or future events (if we ever get good events again). Also you must be very very unlucky to not get 8 slots by the time you have Grand celestial 9.
  2. Sorry but i have another oppinion. KFM can be outplayed but Assasin cant. They can take spots even tho people spam their skill at them while they are caping and their movement speed is way to big so even as a SF i cant catch them if they run even if they run with horn in beluga they are faster than i can be. (Might be different for archer or gunner). Now we add in a 15 sec godmode of them plus stealth and 2 tab escapes its litterly impossible to kill them if they are not stupid af. P.S yesterday i played a bit 6v6 again Assasins did 330k in one attack while i can only do 50K with nearly the same gear. Classes with thoose immunity skills like warden, assasin.... are so messed up current patch.
  3. I am sure they listen but they dont want to invest anymore to EU/NA thats why they try to shut it down before UE4 gets released.
  4. It is not fair but it is the only option to kill certain classes. Assasin, Warden, KFM, BM, destroyer..... Now if thoose classes play good its litterly impossible to kill them for non max gear. I flamed the 100 to 0 airs aswell before patch but i always knew it was the only thing that counters classes with crazy defences.
  5. Do i understand this correctly ? You want two kind of ques ? a que people can enter with xx ammount of gear and a que people enter with xx ammount of gear ? Thats something different cause of the HM coins it would actully be worth getting big gear too but it would force us to create two sets of PVP gear aswell.
  6. It even hard to get a full group in Brood chamber with LFP now before the gold nerve i always had a full 6 man group in theese dungeon with LFP by the time i reach boss 1.
  7. Seit 2016 bin ich dabei und es gab noch nie ein Angebot auf Coins. Das ist der klasische Fehler auf F9 zu schauen. 1. Man kann nur Gold gegen HM coins tauschen (HM coin können einige Sachen nicht kaufen) 2. Ncoin sind mehr wert, da man alles kaufen kann damit. 3. F9 kauft keiner, weil der Preis des Goldes zu hoch ist. 1:1 ist der beste Kurs, den man im F9 finden kann. Kauft man aber auf Discord ist der Kurs eben wie ich schrieb zwischen 2.5 und 4.0 je nach Verkäufer.
  8. You cannot cause nowdays NCsoft dosent make codes. NCsoft lets a button appear in ur account which you have to click to activate.
  9. You can craft the gems directly in ur transmute menu but you will need oblivion fragments for it. Total cost per gem is around 2K gold. To my exp the drop rate of the rng chests is super low. Even the chest for 8 fragments never gave me more than xp charms so better not buy them unless you just swap ur credit card for the F10 gems all the time and dont need the fragments anyway.
  10. Nein zum derzeitigen Stand lohnt es sich nicht mehr. Warte bis es geupdated wird oder investiere dieses Geld lieber direkt in Gold bzw. verkaufe deine Ncoin ingame gengen Gold. Der Kurs ist 1Ncoin = ~3Gold. Manche doofe verkaufen auch für 2,5G aber das ist die seltenheit.
  11. Benutzt du BNS Buddy oder einen anderen Custom Launcher ? Diese Launcher zwingen dich nicht die Updates zu ziehen und so kommt es mal vor, dass man ohne Update ins Spiel geht. Ist dies der Fall fehlt dir warscheinlich das Update. Einfach mit dem normalen Launcher mal starten.
  12. I am SF with all the current PVP Accesories expect for earring and bracelet (cause you play pve Bracelet as SF). I have current Soul shield 5 parts and 3 parts avenging and max pvp weapon at stage 6 and i have ~570k HP. I get one shot by archer with one single skill not even a combo but i cant kill some incenerator 3 warden with 370k hp in one full aerial double combo ? The only skill of SF which was actully usefull in 6v6 "glacial Blast" does 0.25 dmg now. I just took my SF as example cause unlike Warden, BM etc. SF dosent have some godmode skill. SF does have his C shield but this shield is gone either in 5 seconds or after some hits. If you cant kill as sf you are useless same goes for Gunner, Summoner........
  13. Nah its RNG if you get the mail. I got it aswell but i am logged in every day. 1 Slot is more like 1.200g. Even if magically the price of gold tripples and you could sell in F9 there are still fees to be paid which means it would cost 410g or something per slot.
  14. They said this is cause of cost reductions but (talking about EU now) looking at how hard it is to get 6 man in Warped citadel or Brood Chamber via LFP the Playerbase must be low now. I dont have enough knowledge about servers but to my knowledge it shouldnt be about the hardware cause even a 15 year old Server system should be enough and thoose cost like what ? 50€ ? Cannot agree. There are ways to earn enough to reach 2K AP or more in a reasonable time. For example Pet gems are like 6K Gold and give nearly 100 AP already or tri gems can be farmed in moon refuge they give how much ap ? 270 ? I am not at home so i can just guess but they give plenty aswell. You just need to play smart but like i always write new players are not playing smart.
  15. Overall it seems to be less dependant. I played BNS with a GTX 650 back in the day and it ran like crap but BDO ran very good but was ugly of course. Blade and soul needs atleast a GTX 680 in my oppinion everything below gave me stutter. Nowdays i play with RTX 2070 btw.
  16. I think you misunderstand. My oppinion is different i dont want PVE to be forced uppon you but if you want to PVE you should atleast be forced once into the low tier dungeons aswell. If you make the scales tradable thou there will be absoloutly no need anymore since the accesories are farmed via moon refugee or story nowdays. Sorry but some of the requirements are way to low even if you have perfect knowledge you will not be able to finish the dungeon. Just look at the tab and think about it will a group of 6 with exactly this gear manage this dungeon ? I doubt it most of the times. It is not but the requirements are stated by actual human beaings. Someone must have thought about it and said "nah its fine thats plenty". If they would seperate between min gear and recommended gear requirements it would be another story but as it is not its simply misleading and new players will get annoyed cause everyone will kick them even tho the game tells them they have the gear. Like i said i doubt it will ever run out. So i dont think we need a solution. Maybe put in some crafting stuff to get something endgame player need to like black transformation stones or whatever. Thats most likely cause of their missing knowledge. Only thing ingame right now i think needs serious price adjustements for new players are legendary gem hammers cause its thousands of gold just to unlock the gem slots. Not only the weapon, pet too. Thats even for a endgame player a bit expensive. I dont quiet get what you mean by that. To know how to farm gold in a reasonable time you need raids or PVP or 24/7 newest dungeon. New players cannot discover this immediatly. First they should be capped a bit by their gear so they can learn to play their classes.
  17. The problem here in my oppinion is they try to balance the game for 6v6 not 1v1 which results in simple dmg adjustments. Sadly the dmg adjustments dont change anything about the skills other than the dmg but most classes need their skills to be changed completly otherwise there will not be any balance cause some classes simply cannot fight back against others. 3 Examples: BM double aerial is to long btw this class has more iframe than Soul fighter, Blade ward from warden gives litterly protection against anything KB is rare if atleast KB would work, Destroyer Iron Will or whatever the 90% dmg reduction is called is 10 seconds to long.
  18. I dont know how long you`ve been playing BNS but there is a well known issue which results in FPS like you are suffering. For example when you game crashes for some reason there is a possibility it will save a file in ur registry this file locks the game from getting more FPS for some reason but when you delete it everything will be fine. Since release i had this problem like 3 times so its not that common but it happens. On the other hand if you run BDO on medium settings with only 50 - 57 FPS you PC might be just crap cause BDO is super easy to run.
  19. The Problem here is how are you going to get the objective if you cannot kill the enemy to take the objective ? Have you ever played a class which is not super tanky in PVP ? Soul fighter, Summoner, BD....... ? Thoose classes are supposed to be attackers but with the current patch they cant take the objectives anymore cause its litterly impossible to kill tanky classes like Assasin, BM, Warden etc....... Before we had one shot aerials for example which gave us atleast a chance to get the objective if the enemy ducks up. One shots shouldnt be possible i agree to that but one shot combos like aerial cause thats actully something you can be protected from if you play in a team. Sadly this dosent exist anymore and the killing potential is gone for alot of classes. To be honest i was never a big fan of 6v6 but i dont see how this can be an improvement to make it even more unbalanced then it already was.
  20. Well you could fix this issue by cleaning ur registry but since you wrote you quit now i will not write how to do this cause it dosent matter anyway you quit already.
  21. Do you have 2 Screens ? I assume you mean your mose gets out of the game and to ur 2nd screen. I have the same problem but due to the lack of a real fullscreen support we cannot fix it. Simply press Windows Button and click into the game again. Sometimes i need to do this after every loading screen sadly and it can be a pain.
  22. let me guess you play a warden or Assasin ? or BM ? some kind of tanky class ? If you cannot one shot classes like this in 6v6 then its litterly impossible to win against them no matter ur gear now. I cant even one shot some incenrator 3 warden anymore and my gear is even a lil bit better than what Miggy Miggs said he has. Some days ago i had the same oppinion thou but then i played a bit more 6v6 and realized i cant kill anything even tho my gear is pretty close to max PVP Gear. What did i pay litterly 10 thousands of Gold for this ? There is not even a refund option.
  23. Like i always write this will never happen cause it makes the need for upgrading ur gear to zero. Why should i upgrade my gear if my enemy gets stronger this way ? If i dont upgrade my gear my enemy will be around the same anyway. There is no way you can balance the matchmaking with stuff like this. If you want to change something to make the game more fair you need to do skill patches. I am very active in this forum cause i am bored alot so i think ive read litterly every post since nearly 2 years and not a single request for matchmaking that does make sense expect for maybe "remove the ability to que with bronce when you are gold" that one was ok the rank difference should be like 100 at max to duo que.
  24. Imagine being a new player with like Aransu Gear. Even tho it is not wipe for people like us with ET gear or even TT Gear they will die. Or for example Warped citadel. Have you ever seen a party with new players that survived last boss ? I havent i am usually the only one staying in the end cause i know the mechs if i wouldnt know them i would die aswell. It dosent matter really what is written there my point it the requirements the game tells are needed for the dungeons are wrong. Just look at J tab how much of the recent dungeons (starting with Heavens mandate) do you think a player could actully do with the gear they ask for ? You also need to consider depending on gear how much knowledge a player should have with that gear. For example if Aransu 3 is required you can expect them to do like 60% of their DPS at best P.S of course in this theoretically party everyone has the same gear no one comes and carrys them. In theory this is correct but looking at how much scales exists and how much are needed i doubt they will ever run out. Even the most pleb player has thousands of them in stash. Low level mats will never be expensive cause we dont have enough new players to reduce the ammount of thoose items ingame. Sadly most new players also quit right after story. Just look at new players they do earn way less than us endgame players thats true but you need to consider their upgrades are also way cheaper. If a new player knows how they can earn more than enough gold aswell but well they are new they dont know.
  25. I dont think we should make the non tradable ones tradable or atleast not thoose we have in our inventorys right now cause there will be to much then and the worth will be copper soon. Imagine other things like Soul stone crystals to get tradable this is not good for the market. NC could also remove the need for thoose scales completly would have the same effect for new players. I simply think since last update you start with litterly VT Gear after story while we started with BT Gear before. I dont think there is a need to reduce the cost even further atleast not now. Even easy mode does have mechanics if you dont do the damage. Not every group does have some endgame gear guy with multiple millions dps. Who is responsible for how the community evolves ? Nearly every toxic thing community does is cause of NCsoft if you think about it. The Gear requirement is no different. Just look at J the Dungeon tab. Halcyon Hills with Aransu 3 ? new players will actully believe that.
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