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Everything posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. Sorry da hast du wohl was falsch verstanden. Hörst du von dem Support "poste das doch bitte ins Forum" heisst das übesetzt "toll interessiert uns nicht". Desweiteren alles, was du angesprochen hast wird seit 2016 kritisiert es ist bis heute nichts passiert. In Korea haben die, die selben Probleme selbst dort interessiert sich keiner dafür. Es gab seit 2016 ein Q&A Video und dies war irgendein koreaner, der einen Text abgelesen hat, welcher für EU/NA bestimmt sein sollte. Dann kamen da jedoch Sachen vor, die mit EU/NA nichts zu tun hatten zb. Battleground (BR), welches wir in NA/EU nichtmal haben unsere Fragen kommen nicht nach Korea daher macht so ein Q&A auch keinen Sinn.
  2. Have you reported this ? cause i doubt it is a bug if only one player manages this.
  3. Sorry but its not like you are the first to complain about this. They obvisiously dont care about this. If we have luck they keep going the same way as they did with the new glove and bracelet but i doubt it. 1. Accesories need to be farmed through dungeons which need depending on luck between 2 and 270 Runs each. 2. You need alot of PVE Gear. Aransu is not gonna make it ! even if you dont want to play PVE. 3. Keys to open Boxes in PVP are mainly earned trough Daily and Weekly which again is mostly PVE. 4. Scales of any kind are not obtainable through PVP but are needed in high quantitiys in PVP. They cant be bought via F5 either cause the quanitity is not enough. We talked alot about this here in forum already we want them to seperate booth modes so you are not forced to do PVE or PVP depending on what you like but this is not gonna happen cause KR dosent want this it would mean less F10.
  4. Ja sorry aber PVP ist nunmal lvl 60 Content. Der PVE Aspekt von diesem Gebiet ist jedoch lvl30. Warum beschwerst du dich dann ? Die PVP Kleidung ist dazu gedacht, dass man überall PVP machen kann, wenn man es will und diese Spieler machen das halt dort. Vielleicht wollen die auch diese Sonnenbrille ? Durchs killen bekommt man übrigends Prestige was für mich schon anreitz genug wäre dich zu killen, auch, wenn du lvl 30 bist. Ich habe gemerkt, dass die PVP Kleidung dafür sorgt, dass mich andere angreifen und habe die einfach nicht angezogen. Auf max lvl habe ich dann mit PVP angefangen, da es halt vorher einfach keinen Sinn macht. Das eine hat mit dem anderen nichts zu tun. Kindergarten Kinder können nicht stärker werden ausser Sie warten 15 Jahre. BNS kannst du dich schnell hochspielen und dir etwas gear holen das wars. Ergo Spieler ingame können sich vorbereiten wollen aber scheinbar nicht und Kindergartenkinder was sollen die machen ? vielleicht Ihre Mami und Papi holen, die sie beschützen ? und hier sind wir dann wieder bei dem lvl 30er, der sich Leute holen kann.
  5. Thats sadly not the case. NCwest is providing us with Blade and soul but the updates and decisions are made in Korea but the Korean devs dont care about the wellbeing of the western market they have proven this multiple times. If it dies it dies. Recently there was also a written text of some ex Employee who wrote for example even if NCwest sees a specific update is gonna be bad for the western market KR dosent care about what NCwest says about this so after alot of disappointments NCwest is not even trying. Its 14 per Gold box, 7 per Silver Box , probably 1 or 2 per Bronze Box. If it where 100 per Box Moonstones would be like 3 Gold or even 2 Gold each instead of 8 Gold. Well if you have no idea how to earn gold via PVE its not the fault of PVP. For example solo CC runs can be sold, you can farm dungeons with Elder scales and the recent released Accesorie gear or you can raid. You gonna earn a ton of gold. Its keeping PVP somewhat alive. For example i am a player who plays booth PVP and PVE if i couldnt earn money off PVP i wouldnt play it and since i wouldnt have a stable income then (Dungeons the whole day is to boring for me) i wouldnt have a reason to play this game at all cause i wouldnt be able to progress. We all want this but to reach such a point first we either need to seperate booth modes or make PVP great again so people actully enjoy PVP. Making PVP great again is more likely cause it wouldnt cut the income of NCwest as much as seperating booth modes. Again everyone agrees with u people shouldnt be forced to play PVP or PVE but its very very unlikely this is gonna happen cause it would remove the need to buy stuff from F10 cause you could simply farm the stuff. Thats why we need to think realistcly so every cry out of some PVE guy is litterly "cry cry cry i want the stuff for free cry cry cry i am to bored to do PVP" and this is kinda insulting to someone like me cause there are actully people in the past who actully meant it like "just kill of PVP i dont like this gamemode so who cares about it". Would a good idea but to complicated. Just remove the need of running the dungeons to purchase PVP Gear Accesories completly this would remove the need to run Dungeons at all and change all kind of scales you need for PVP releated gear to Bloodstones. Good idea id like to see this if they put in some sacred orb, Elysian crystal to PVP aswell otherwise it would be unfair cause even if PVE people cant get much Moonstone Crystals in PVE they still get some while PVP gets not a single Elysian or Sacred orb.
  6. Just saying but Fire FM gets a dmg buff. They already do 500K in 0.2seconds even in 1v1 where gear dosent matter.
  7. Also muss man dich nun dazu zwingen PVP nicht zu tun, damit du es nicht spielst, obwohl du es offensichtlich nicht magst ? Sorry aber das ist ziemlich dumm. Lass es einfach, wenn es dir nicht zuspricht ! 1. Es ist logischer das mit 60 zu machen, da es eben ein PVP Gebiet ist und, wenn du unvorbereitet in ein solches Gebiet gehst ist es deine Eigene Schuld. 2. Wie es @KoiKoiChan schon schrieb lass dich beschützen, wenn du es so nötig hast sofort die Sonnenbrille oder sonst was zu bekommen. Mit lvl 30 wirst du keine Dragonforge oder besser haben und du wirst auch kein Schmuck haben, da man den erst ab lvl 60 oder 55 anziehen kann also war er unvorbereitet, da er in einem PVP Gebiet keine PVP Sachen an hatte. Es hat sich auch nicht vorbereitet in dem er lvl 60 erstmal wurde, was ja wohl das mindeste sein sollte ! Hat man auch nicht, wenn man kein Gear hat der andere aber schon das lvl hat damit nichts zu tun. Es war einfach nicht vorbereitet und beschwert sich nun, dass man dies tun muss. Ja Spieler sind immer schuld. Es ist nicht so als könnte NCsoft im Spiel sachen programieren nein die haben natürlich nicht die Kontrolle über Ihr eigenes Spiel. (Hier rede ich über KR) Jetzt kommt die Frage "was ist Fairplay" ? Ist etwas ohne Glitches, Hacks, cheats, etc. möglich, dann ist es teil des Spieles und man muss sich darauf einstellen, dass die Ressourcen, die einem zur Verfügung stehen auch eingesetzt werden. Tut man dies nicht etwa aus mangelndem wissen oder können ist es nicht die Schuld der anderen Spieler, da jeder die Chance hat diese Ressourcen zu nutzen! In diesem Falle hat es der lvl 30 Spieler nicht getan und wird natürlich besiegt.
  8. 1. es ist ein lvl 30er Gebiet dort gibt es nichts was von nutzen ist und selbst, wenn du tatsächlich Prestige farmen willst ist das Gebiet falsch, da man dort Jahre brauchen wird um vorran zu kommen ! 2. Wenn du nicht vorbereitet in ein PVP Gebiet gehst ist es deine Schuld nicht die von der Community oder NCsoft. Du kannst dir einfach Gear holen und lvl 60 machen. Niemand zwingt dich PVP zu machen in diesem Spiel ! 3. Limitieren, damit du das farmen skippen kannst ? Nein danke.
  9. My point is: PVE Players complain and complain about avaibility of Soulstones/Moonstones and demand ways to farm them with PVE which would result in lowering the income of PVP which is already super low if they dont do PVE aswell. If PVE Players get something like they get all the time if some improvements come into the game, PVP Players get something taken from them alot of times and reducing their only way of income this is definetly not a good way just to statisfy some PVE Players. Dont get me wrong i do agree all PVE related Items should be 100% obtaibale in good quantitiy via PVE only but then i want them to remove 100% of the need to play PVE at all if you want PVP Gear. Expect for HM skills which are farmed really really fast there is litterly no reason for PVE Players to join PVP while PVP Player are forced to the following: 1. Get decent PVE Gear cause no one will run the newest dungeons with you if you have Riftwalk 3 and 1st gen legendary stuff. 2. Run the Dungeons 100 times so you can get your PVP Accesories (most of the time even more than 100). 3. Do dailys every single day just like weeklys cause you need Keys to open boxes which are mainly obtainable via PVE. 4. Farm Elder scales cause you need them for current PVP Gear aswell. P.S yeah Elder scales can be bought via F5 but there is not enough quantity so i cant count this but i do count Sacred orbs, Elysians etc. otherwise i would argue that PVP cant get thoose aswell just like PVE cant really get Soul stones and moonstones. Simply put: PVE Players should stop being selfish and demand stuff instead they should think about the consequenzes and show options which would be beneficial for booth kind of players and not hurt the others otherwise i would demand them to give us sacred orbs and elysians in PVP aswell which would hurt the income of PVE Players but well they have more than enough ways to farm gold.
  10. Sorry but you get more than enough of them from PVE aswell i have 15K soul stone crystals and even if you actully need Soul stones just buy them off F5 its not like you are forced to do PVP for them. Also Soul stone plains can be done solo nowdays just farm it if you really dont wanna use F5. Its the only way of earning some money off 6v6. People gear up so they need to be able to get something worth the time spent. PVE only people complain since 2016 they are not getting everything for free while PVP Players always had a hard time getting somewhere without PVE. Events have been ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ since 2 years maybe ? Last event i actully enjoyed was when you ran some event dungeon and got an item you could go fishing with which gave you sacred vials or Divine Grace stone etc. Stuff thats actully usefull but nowdays you either get VT Gear from Events or Vials which are not worth farming cause you need to much event currency for them. @Moderators VT Gear is so outdated you will have it on day one after you reached lvl 60 atleast give em TT gear. I have more than enough orbs. Ever time i wanna enter HM i have an orb thats cause NC give out alot of them for free on a regular basis and even if you miss this you get some fragments every single day for free. To my knowledge MSP is getting buffed and they throw in ET Items and some new item everyone will need. In my oppinion MSP is one of the most boring dungeons/raids in this game and i really hate to see they are actully buffing it and force us to keep running this instead of giving us a new place. If they removed that you need to fill the xp thingie to spawn the boss i would love MSP but thats so boring.
  11. No i dont think so cause your DPS is probably around 130K if you play well while this Raid needs maybe 350K at absoloute minimum. Even with meeting the minimum requirements you need a whole 12 man group and do mechanics which is very very hard to get since most players are not interested to do mechanics in a 2 years old raid which is litterly giving no usefull items anymore after your first run. Realisticly speaking you will need 1.800 AP and decent dmg otherwise most groups will not allow you to join since they want to skip mechanics. Its not hard reaching 1.800 thou or just get a guild which simply carries you through the ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ or like i recommend buy yourselfe into the raids. ET + TT stuff is 7500Gold currently which is earned in like 3 days maybe ? Update: Price increased. Last time i loocked at the prices it was 9K already.
  12. Average DPS i see is like 800K or 1.2 Million. Sadly it didnt increase much in the last year so 5.2 Million is still high end not whale gear of course. Whales do 10 Million+.
  13. Its sad he has to leave too but in the last time you could see he was not interested in Blade and soul he didnt play the game himselfe and in my oppinion a community manager should play the game himselfe. But for someone that didnt play the game he did a pretty good job.
  14. If you dont want to read that much text just read the stuff starting with P.S. I never have 30 Minutes que dosent matter what rating i play in. If my rating is to high i sometimes reach 8 - 10 minutes but never 30. Maybe you play at like 12 o clock or whenever pvp starts or while most people are at work i have no idea but its very rare i hear from any player waiting 30 minutes. For 3v3 you need a full team to que since 99% of players play this with full team litterly no one is searching alone this means 30 minute que cause there are simply no 2 man groups searching. Now back to the topic: 1. I do agree waiting times are to long but you make it to dramatic. That shouldnt be the main goal for them cause if they finally do something for PVP Players we will naturally get more players which results in less que time. 2. As i read it you want bots even in Diamond Rank this would destroy the whole Ranking here is an example: We had bots back in lvl 45 patch and pvp wise it was horrible for experienced players. I was total trash back then but 1850 was a piece of cake and alot of people i consider trash even nowdays reached plat without problem aswell. So people better understand with "trash" i mean people that dont even know what their skills are doing. 3. If we put bots only till 1600 i totally agree with everything you say this wouldnt hurt high pvp aswell. People should earn Gold rank not get it as a gift cause they play against trash bots. Even now sometimes i need to laugh how bad silvers play most of the time. Just an example: Warlock is total trash there are multiple classes with 100/0 matchup against it so its litterly impossible to lose against warlock with some classes but they cant even hurt me. 4. It is possible but only with wintrading. If high players would keep queing after 1900 Diamond wouldnt be a problem but they know litterly every good player will stop at 1900 so they dont even try reaching 2100. So if you ever see someone higher than 2000 its 99% a wintrader (cheater) only a certain Destroyer could do that to my knowledge in a legit way. P.S I have requested bots to be in 1v1 a long time ago but people didnt like the idea. I think new players need a way to learn PVP how are they supposed to do this if alot of players downrank etc. to get better beans or whatever and what i consider as bad players or even trash could be a powerful enemy for new players they need to have a way to learn and bots are a great way of doing that. Nc needs to do the following: 1. Patch in a Class ranking so people cannot create 100 alts of same class to farm in 1v1. 2. Either remove Awakening from PVP or lower the dmg of certain skills. Better would be a whole rework thou cause balancing is the worst since 4 years now. 3. remove third specs from PVP till every class got it. 4. Remove Keys to open PVP Boxes. 5. Give new players a way to learn like bots and get them interested with nice rewards like cosmetics or whatever. 6. Remove Time restrictions thats the biggest reason 3v3 is unplayable for new players they will encounter top 5 or atleast top 30 players at a regular basis. 7. And most important finally ban wintrader, cheater. Currently cheating, wintrading etc. is in theory banable but NC dosent care about this so you can do whatever you want in pvp.
  15. in the bottom right corner is a symbol which tells you the current progress of current dungeon/raid people are in with ur group. If you dont join the raid you will not get an id so you can still do the raid with another group.
  16. Wir wissen, dass dieses Thema nicht für das Forum gedacht ist, jedoch beschleunigt das bei solchen Themen den Vorgang meistens. Kaum hat Asu das für mich gepostet wurde ich ziemlich schnell wieder entspeert. Mir wurde zwar immernoch nichts geschrieben, warum dies überhaupt passiert ist und mein Premium für 3 Tage ist auch einfach weg aber immerhin bin ich entspeert.
  17. Sorry to tell you but this works as intended. If you decide to join a group which already did atleast boss1 it locks your ID for the week. The only option of doing it again in this week is resetting it but resetts are expensive and usually not worth it since it cost more than the whole raid gives most of the time. Just wait for the next week and dont join groups which already killed bosses.
  18. The difference in skill builds for PVP is most of the time 1 lil skill option cause the others always containt stuff you are forced to use. For example SF ice, you either use Dragonfury or Glacial Blast and depending on what you skill the dmg increases of one skill thats all. Pretty boring. There are certain steps we need in PVP to make it great again but NCsoft kept ignoring players requests which resultet in players getting quieter and quieter cause they know their requests are being ignored and its very unlikely PVP related requests even get send to KR even if its stuff which only needs editing of one word in the programming department.
  19. There are other sites that sell theese and they are reliable. I wonder thou how they can sell 50€ Ncoin for less than 50€ so i guess its not always legal and this could be a reason why NCsoft stoped handing out Ncoin cards.
  20. Yes you have to level up your char first but nowdays lvl 36 is reached in like half an hour or something.
  21. I saw the patch. Some third specs get changes and Assasin seem to get a real good change for once its getting nerved but it will keep being unbalanced af cause they still do not change any of the op stuff people complain about. Just one example but there are many: BM can be 98% of time out of target due to his untargatable skill and does have 2 tab escape skills while doing 15k per hit. Classes shouldnt have broken ass defences while having such an ammount of dmg. Keep in mind this was just an example there are more than enough classes that are broken and need changes but will not get the changes they need. BTW. Fire FM gets a dmg buff. Fire FM can already 100 to 0 you in 0.2 seconds and fire fm has the ability to aerial.
  22. The fact that community programs like BNS Buddy, DX 12 fan patch etc. do a better job then the patches of some mulitmillion Dollar Company in making the game somehow playable should show you they are working on other projects. I also opened a ticket some weeks ago and i kept responding in the ticket cause i wanted them to take messures but after some weeks of me keeping the ticket open they simply closed it and told me they are not gonna answer me anymore. BTW they always wrote the same stupid computer generated message. I know you are persistent but there are times you should stop its simply gonna tire you out and it wont do anything. If they recognize any kind of bug report youve done so far its cause some Korean guy wrote directly to the devs or some ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ its very unlikely European staff even forwards our requests.
  23. There are known wintraders which got reported multiple time over multiple seasons. Nothing happened to this day they simply got their HM coins and are happy to this day. All i want them to do is removing them from the ladder so they cannot get the hm coins with wintrading but even that is to much work for NC. They do nothing. Before they actully banned 1 or 2 players but that was back in 2017. I know that and thats why alot of people including myselfe already requested a classwide ranking instead of a char ranking. So you cannot have 1 FM in 1400 while the other is in 1900 but again NCsoft dosent listen even tho we requested this back in 2016 already.
  24. Force Master = no chance all FM needs to do is wait for Warlock to use his Godmode healing shield. Trust me i am some top 30 fm at max and top 5 warlocks are piece of cake for me. Summoner= also just wait for his healing shield to be used and burst him down if warlock attacks just use stealth and run. Gunner= only class which is probably somewhat okish still it can simply burst down the pet and most of Warlock dmg is gone and he is wide open. Archer= no chance Warlock is not mobile enough for this class. Did i forget anything ? Of course Warlock is 50/50 they have the same skills. And i dont claim its the worst i simply claim he is useless due to the existance of Warden a class which does more DMG while having the same Buff.
  25. Es geht aber nicht um deine persönliche Meinung oder Empfindung. Sagt die Mehrheit es macht keinen Spaß und oder bringt nichts wird es nicht gespielt was NCsoft dazu bringt es nicht zu unterstützen und in dem Fall sogar komplett zu entfernen statt etwas Arbeit in den Mode reinzustecken. Alles was wir brauchten waren 1. gute Belohnungen und 2. cooldowns auf Item use. Auch, wenn viele sagen das war ok und total balanced. Ich weiss nicht was daran balanced ist ein Item 10 mal zu haben, dass 10K dmg macht und nicht ausgewichen werden kann und auch nicht entkommen werden kann und das konnte man spammen, bis der Gegner tot ist. Es ist als würde man dem Gegner die Waffe rausnehmen und haut drauf er kann sich nicht wehren. Das wurde schon mehrfach requested. Es ist aber leider so, dass NCsoft Devs sich nicht für das interessieren, was die Europäer wollen, wenn Europa die sachen überhaupt nach Korea weiterleitet, was ich stark bezweifel seit die Daily challenge für Tag team für tage gemacht hatten, an denen man Tag team gar nicht spielen kann. Wurde mittlerweile jedoch gefixed. Aber wie kann es dazu kommen, wenn die doch regelmäßig miteinander schreiben ? Und ich habe nicht selten requestet die Zeit restriktionen zu entfernen. Das wird mit Nary Sanctum bald geschehen. Ich vermute aber genau wie viele andere, dass das eher den Hintergrund hat, dass man nicht mehr viel Arbeit in ein PC Spiel stecken will, da Mobile mehr Geld bringt also verwerten die einfach alten Content. Stimmt nicht man braucht keinen Klan einfach nur Gear und Mechanisches Verständnis. Alles andere kannst du über Discord regeln. Schau nach Korea und du siehst was in den nächsten 12 Monaten und ggf. darüber bei uns erscheinen wird. Da kommt nichts neues. Ich wünsche mir auch ein anständiges Open PVP Gebiet wo man farmen kann. PVE rennst du entweder den selben Dungeon, der nichts dropt oder du stehst blöd in der Ecke, da du keine Belohnung bekommst für das rennen von dungeons nach dem ersten mal am tag.
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