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Everything posted by ImoutoMaster

  1. Its stupid to look at ladder and say Class X is stongest. For example in high elo we have litterly 2 or 3 destroyer and rank 1 des got atleast 12 Destroyers but i know he is using multiple accounts so he might even have like 30 Destroyers or more. Same with a specific Assasin or a specific BM. Thoose classes are currently the strongest thats true thou but thats not always the case. We had times FM was highest cause he had a specific FM who sold boosting even to rank 1 or 2. This is also the reason i want a class ranking instead of a char ranking so you can only have 1 Destroyer for per Account in ladder instead of 12 like this specific Destroyer has. But litterly every other class expect for BM can get wallbanged super easy. If FM does it correctly you are not able to evade a wallbang cause everytime he does Grab you are forced to use tab escape and guess which cd is lower grab or tab escape ? FM is definetly not the strongest class but such a mechanic shouldnt be possible cause FM is not weak without its wallbang either. If it where totally trash like warlock without the wallbang i would understand it but thats not the case. Have you seen the vid ? he is not playing Third spec you can wallbang normal spec des without any problems. Whole PVP is currently unenjoyable in my oppinion cause if you even reach 1700 (1700 should still be clown fiesta) you will mostly only get third specs and if you have a class without third spec you will not have a nice time there. But NCwest dosent do a thing. To my experience nearly every PVP Player wants third specs to be removed (of course not thoose that only got high rating cause of their third spec) but we are not whales we cant do anything.
  2. Ive never said low equipment should be banned or removed or something like this but if you play 100% pve gear for example Raven weapon or simply story gear you shouldnt be able to join 6v6. It cost litterly 0 Gold to get basic PVP Gear it 100% free but if you decide to join with some char that was just created due to some lvl 60 ticket its just griefing. Other people actully want to try to win but if you have people like this in ur team its not possible to win and you waste your time. Also if you seperate people cause of their gear, it dosent matter how you do it people will not have a reason to upgrade their stuff. Getting more Battlepoints for it is no reason to upgrade stuff cause most people play to get HM coins and thoose are reached by top spots this would mean you could get rank 1 way easier if you dont upgrade your stuff. Its just plain stupid.
  3. Ich weiss schon was gemeint ist aber es ist das selbe Prinzip. Wilst du Open PVP machen ziehst du Kleidung an und fragst deinen Gegner ob er die auch anzieht. Es ist die selbe Funktion du musst halt Kleidung anziehen statt einen Button zur Herausforderung zu drücken. Dies wäre 100% quality of life was du dir wünscht und wenn die Lebenswichtige Sachen nicht ins Spiel einfügen wie zb. die entfernung von Third specs im PVP oder ein Klassen Ranking werden die auch bestimmt keine Quality of life Sachen machen. Wie viele Leute sind vom PVP schon gequitted wegen solchen Sachen ?
  4. Ich als jemand, der sein Gold fast ausschließlich über den Markt F5 bekommt halte so einen drastischen Nerf des Goldes auch für die komplett falsche herangehensweise. Was will man damit erreichen ? Den Wert des Goldes erhöhen. Was wird man erreichen ? Neue Spieler, welche zu 99% PVE only sind noch weniger Gold zukommen lassen. Was bedeutet das ? Neue Spieler brauchen wieder länger um aktzeptables Gear zu bekommen und werden öfter gekickt was zu mehr Frustration führt und die Leute quitten. Stattdessen hätte man einfach die ein oder andere Quelle von Mats anpassen können um deren Verfügbarkeit zu erhöhen und die Preise zu senken aber nein.
  5. The Term "Players" is not enough here cause the playerbase is seperated between 3 groups. 1. Players that only play PVE, 2. Players that only play PVP and 3. Players that play booth which we could call PVX. I am PVX Player but i was a long time PVP Player till awakening to be exact. Thats what i am trying to explain to "PVE Players" but most of them dont even think about it cause they dont play pvp so they dont care about this mode or they are misinformed and think pvp can earn tons of gold without problems. It is possible to earn 36K per 3 days but its not likely anyone will ever do that cause of some restrictions we have ingame. Would hurt income of NC so not gonna happen. Its the same as gear based matchmaking or equalized stats. Just remove any kind of PVE mats from PVP stuff and every kind of PVP mats from PVE Gear but agian this would hurt income aswell.
  6. I think we discussed this several times already so you should know that i am not saying PVP is superior and PVE should be removed or something like this. But i happyli explain it again to everyone who didnt read my probably 15 posts about this already. PVE players are not interested in doing PVP at all and it is not needed for anything expect for the Royal zen bean and depending on Event the other HM skills but they still want more. They want to decrease the value of doing PVP even more by having Moonstones and Soul stones perfectly farmable in PVE. I dont say no thats stupid i would even like to see something like this but not if PVP dosent get any attention at all. PVP Players need to do way more PVE stuff than PVE People need to do PVP which is not ok in my oppinion but that aside they can only farm Moonstones and Soul stones but have to buy Elysians, Sacred Orbs, Oils, ............... but not a single PVE Player said to my knowledge give them a way to farm this stuff then too. The reason i get annoyed by negative comments about the farmability of PVP mats for PVE Players is that thoose expect to get everything without needing to farm something they might not be interested it. I am not interested in running 100 runs of Hangar just to get my PVP Ring either but guess what ? i have to do it anyway! but not a single PVE Player said "remove this restriction" no all they say "give us, give us, give us". Most agree thou that PVP and PVE should be 100% seperated which will probably never happen due to the decrease of income that would bring. i do understand PVE is a part of the game and needs to be played but PVE only players need to understand PVP is a part too which dosent need to be played thou but it exists ! The patches favour PVE aswell every single time but PVE only people cant see this. Now we even get another third spec before any kind of balance patch.
  7. Thats the problem. Raids will only drop Loot if you are in a raid group not a normal group. I think that should be changed cause you cannot duo or solo raids cause of this even if its perfectly manageble. BT can be run with a party of 2, VT can be run with a party of 2, SK can be run in a solo party, TT can be done in a party of 1 (boss 1 and 2). But nothing will drop.
  8. PVE People farm their PVE Gear but PVP People need to farm booth cause they wouldnt be able to farm pvp gear without PVE Gear. PVE = PVE Gear Cost, PVP = PVE + PVP Gear cost. Last time i checked its more expensive to make PVP and PVE Gear then just PVE Gear.
  9. Whats the deal with all the complains about KFM ? just dont hit 24/7 into their counter or iframes. In 1600+ elo i see alot of people beat KFM without much of a problem cause they are not stupid. Their dmg is also super predictable the only reason you cannot react to kfm dmg is if you get a lag which is happening alot sadly.
  10. Tell me why should i upgrade any gear if we get equipment based matchmaking ? If every enemy got the same gear as me i just make it harder if i upgrade my stuff. This season ive played a bit of 6v6 not alot thou and i reached rank 3 (currently) on Beluga and Whirwind valley (on a dead class thou) i dont have super high whale gear its gear anyone can reach with a bit of time. I still die in one shot of archer for example but i dont think gear based matchmaking would solve any issue here it would just create issue. Our dream of gear equilized Batlegroud will most likely not happen either so just get urselfe a bit gear or dont play 6v6 in the first place. You dont have to enter 6v6 either to get gear cause you can earn bloodstones with 1v1 aswell. You can have: Incenerator 9 Max Accesories expect for glove and bracelet of course. But there are still the old ones. Avengine Soul shield before entering 6v6 at all.
  11. Open World PVP haben wir seit Alpha. Ein Karmasystem ist nicht geplant zumindest gab es bis heute noch keine Information für ein solches System. Du ziehst dir deine Fraktionskleidung an und kannst dann gegen die Feindliche Fraktion kämpfen. Karminlegion vs Cerulion Bambuswache vs Blackram ? vs ? Gebiete dafür haben wir glaube ich 4 es wird aber nurnoch Soul stone Plains genutzt und dort ist PVP eher weniger gern gesehen, da die PVE Leute dort farmen.
  12. Mech is not lazy it was actully really funny and hard when we didnt have like 2 Million DPS Average. Before awakening i had really good gear already and did like 500K this Boss nice back then. Thats not part of the mech thats cause we do way to much dmg nowdays. Its like you say every dungeon below Hangar has shitty mechs cause you can burst all of them down nowdays.
  13. Its still Korean only to my knowledge or am i wrong ? couldnt find it in the Playstore last time i searched. He made a mistake and thought about the prices of the Boxes they sell which is also way to overpriced cause each box is around 420G and you dont get 1 oil per box or even per 10 boxes. Trove keys are around 170G while you still have to buy the stuff you opened with additional gold so it may or may not be more expensive then Boxes. Overall you shouldnt buy thoose keys/boxes at all cause they are way to expensive. They cant fix it as long as people sell cheaper than F9 in Discord and there will always be people who sell cheaper then ingame no matter what you do cause Blade and soul dosent support gold payout in paypal. There where already alot of suggestions we had her in forum but whatever you do it will hurt the income of NC so its not gonna happen.
  14. They tried this like 6 times now ? it always took only like 3 days for BNS Buddy team to bypass all safety messures. @PhoenixMitra i just read your post: Greetings everybody, We have removed the videos from the original post as posting them here is a violation of our forum's Code of Conduct. We want to encourage you to report any suspicious behavior you encounter in game to our Support team. You can submit a ticket via the Support tab above. Our Support team can then take a closer look and investigate. Again, the forums are not the right place for the reports and the forum staff does not have the ability to look into these situations, only our Support team does. Thank you so much for your assistance! Can you please explain to me why we should bother with the support ? they dont do ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ !
  15. Since it takes a long time for new players to get full Tringular Gems they where introduced to make it easier for new players to get some AP. They where never and are not meant to be for endgame if you get better ones throw them away. if you dont agree with that just dont get thoose gems you will be useless regardless of what kinda ap you have as a new player.
  16. Nice another patch which will destroy PVP even more. Good Job NCsoft. This trash outfit and 2 million exp are not making it better. Why not gives every class a third spec ? instead you could just ban third spec in pvp but no.
  17. This is the correct answer. The game tries to search for the nearest opponent. It starts with 1 rating 2 rating 3 rating and it was supposed to stop at 150 a long time ago but since NCwest/NC KR decided to destroy Balance and the enjoyability of PVP the system needs to widen the gap of rating. Yes i write NCwest aswell cause they allow cheating,wintrading, abusing of que system, boosting ranks for friends, ..................
  18. I am not sure but i think TB is only sealable up to stage 6.
  19. I was talking here about PVE Overall cause your wrote "what about PVE Players". New Players dont need gold yet they can farm to 2nd gen legenrary with tringular gems and atleast raven 9 or something. Thoose players need a guild and start farming all dungeons. Even Easy mode which they will soon be able to do if they farmed their tringular gems will earn more than PVP cause still people pay alot of Elder Fragments. Of course we are talking about someone who plays 18 hours a day which is alot. If you only play like 2 hours a day PVP will earn way more. Well you asked what you can earn in 3 days max if you play 24/7 and thats around 36K but due to the lack of Keys most people will encounter it just thoose boxes. I wasnt trolling. If you are a new player and always do dailys and weeklys you will have a significate ammount of PVP Box Keys which you can open. Since alot of new players dont know how to progress super fast they will play with Aransu weapon even after like 3 weeks and 3 weeks gives you atleast 84Keys which can be made into: 9828Gold. The fastest way to progress for a new player is summed up in 3 steps: 1. Farm everything you can farm in Moon refugee (Tringular gems and Legendary Accesories) 2. PVP daily to that ammount you own keys for. 3. Get a guild that is carrying you through the newest dungeons so you can skip for example Brood Chamber gloves.
  20. Everyone can learn and its definetly not hard getting to gold. I saw litterl trash players which would be far below average get gold rank. Even if you just started the game if you want to earn money off pvp you will play alot and you will get better to the point you will be able to reach gold urselfe. If best box would be plat thats another story. You can earn alot with PVP but you are heavely bottlenecked by PVE cause there is only X ammount of Keys which you need to open PVP Boxes and thoose can only be farmed via PVE. Even if you wanted to farm that much as i calculated it will not be possible eventually you will run out of keys and you can only get 2 or 3 keys per day but you would need 104 keys. PVE Players can earn way more per day assuming you dont have 2948284527834092 keys for PVP boxes around which no one has. Just run most recent dungeon in hard mode 24/7 you will earn way more cause of the scales. There are guilds that bid 10G per fragment just an example for you.
  21. This calculation is based on assumptions so please dont take it as 100% correct: we talk about 1v1 now and since there is que time i count 30 seconds que per match. For bad players probably less. 2.5 Minutes for each match which is for good players probably like 1.5 Minutes but we take 2.5 Minutes now which means 3 Minutes per match. So you can play up to 20 matches per hour. 20x 647 (+/-10) would be 12940 Zen beans per hour but average player will not be able to win every match so i count 50%. 10x 647 + 10x 49 = 6960 Zen beans each hour. 6960 x 18 hours = 125280 Zen beans. You can buy 104 Soul stone boxes with it which is around: 12168 Gold x 3 = 36504 Gold in 3 days. Again theese are just assumptions i havent tested it myselfe i am to lazy to farm 24/7 i calculated with a market price of 1.95G for each soul stone. Ive already calulated it multiple times here in forum but 6v6 gives less Gold than 1v1 due to the time it takes to play 1 match. Most profitable PVP Gamemode is CBG thou.
  22. Well i give a hint. Soul stones, Moonstones are at a good price right now and someone tested it for me here in forum already even if you are bad/average at PVP he won around 50% of the matches. So it might take a bit longer for the average player but its possible.
  23. I dont understand this. No one wants to hurt anyone with anything evil. All i am saying is i want everyone to have equal farming abilitys for their part of the game which is right now heavily PVE sided even if PVP have in theory a bigger income they also have bigger cost.
  24. He is not allowed to provide evidance here in forum but he sent me a vid via private message and if he didnt edit the vid its definetly a speedhack in Nova Core. Its either super super rare to encounter speedhacker or this is simply NA cause i have the same experience ive never seen any cheater in the last 3 years. Some XML Edits yeah but no speedhacking.
  25. What you described is exactly how it is in EU too. But 3 classes of the same is not that common. Starting with 1450 Rating you have a high chance of encountering Top 5 players or even Russians (no flame or anythign @mods) which are usually even better than EU Players. For average Players its simply impossible to beat them. BD + FM + Third spec BM. Not uncommon here in EU. If you are bad against a specific class then 3 of a kind seem op but it dosent have to be. As SF i struggle against third spec BM, Assasin but i wouldnt ban them just cause i am bad against them. Well most PVP Players dont play much till end of season cause of the balance, wintrading i assume. They just want the HM coins like myselfe. I have 12 chars which are 8 classes and 10 of thoose are just for the HM coins and weekly rewards to be fair. The only reason EU is more alive than NA is probably cause we have alot of Russians here (no flame @mods) they keep the que somewhat alive.
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