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Everything posted by Rhiakath

  1. Unless you're mastercard, I'd expect you to have a sufficient burst for DST with a class that's renown for a broken burst to begin with... considering that I can do 25% of boss HP before enrage on my wheelchair neglected class, while playing an even more neglected spec. And Besides, obtaining and upping a Hong bracelet implies you like your alt enough to play it on a semi-regular basis, and probably know how to press buttons efficiently enough. Even if you do half of my miserable dps within 12 seconds, on average it should still be just enough to clear, as long as the rest of the party is in mid to high TTs. However, if I saw a party of 5 low-VT alts, I'd casually leave. Context matters.
  2. Bns players: How do I use this item??? Item tooltip: Drops from X, used for Y that drops from Z. also Bns players: Game too hard, nerf pls. Of course they still manage to die. If reading is too hard, how do you expect them to know what an iframe is?
  3. The issue with those was not that they're separate dungeons, but that they are either buggy as hell, and keep you dancing in circles forever, even when bosses hit 1 HP, or time waste that comes from people AFKing at entrance. Another issue was that vast majority of event dungeons had a daily lockout, despite dynamic quest giving nothing but a useless food item and about 10k xp (which could easily be moved to daily quest that usually gives event currency so that lvl 2-10 characters don't abuse it ((omegaLOL)).). Why would that matter? Because every time someone leaves, dungeon is either 15% slower, or more people leave, and it's impossible to recruit the missing player, since usually normal people don't want to be trapped in event dungeon that gets completed while they're in a loading screen. Or take the banshee dungeon for example. Some people care about actually completing it, while some might not, and just afk while most waves get missed. And instead of fixing these issues (most of them rather simple to avoid, really), NC buries their heads in the sand and give random amount of DC to complete while continuously putting more difficult dungeons into the rotation, and now forcing hard modes instead of giving free choice of dungeon mode.
  4. If MMOs are the opposite of what you enjoy (cooperating with people over many months to achieve common goals and progressing slowly), then why come here to whine about how it doesn't fit what you personally like in a game, instead of just playing Solitaire or Skyrim or whatever actually fits you?
  5. whole scale is not listed as easy mode reward, when you look into dungeon description it's not a bug, it's simply not meant to drop it
  6. It's literally handing out free raven (raid gear, btw, I used to actually farm for it) from storyline.
  7. all I see is "give free stats to my alts" What do you think unity rank is? and I'm not talking about stones, just the free raw stats that weren't earned on that particular character.
  8. Counting event currency is huge help. Judging from average Throne of Oblivion run, majority of the player base can't even count to 4 on their own, so doing the math on event currency is greatly appreciated.
  9. Now imagine having all of those items actually properly tradable instead of having a MMORPG that does its best to act like a single player game.
  10. game makes you skip mushin 1-15 and throws you directly into 16 -> "concerned" players still whine about skipped and all but removed content becoming relevant for one event sure, do go on
  11. Dynamic quests "Fall of the Machines" from Hall of the Keeper rewards "Expired" Barrier Keeper's Treasure chest. The same way, dynamic quest in Hall of the Templar rewards equally "Expired" Templar's Treasure chest, as well.
  12. It's dumb to punish people who want to help their friends with training when they know they are not likely to clear, just because 0.01% of ultra whales might consider abusing it.
  13. What's the point of keeping factions, when newest faction content was when SILVERFROST was *new*? It's clearly a project that was abandoned literal YEARS ago, and has been nothing but inconvenience from the perspective of forming parties ever since. Just delete it, and make clans faction-neutral.
  14. This! And a note with space for a few words so that I know why I blocked someone.
  15. Outdated since awakening (and made obsolete by 1st talent). Magnum first, then fuse with pink badge. Out of the old fused ones, colossus is best. Even better, don't play distortion.
  16. No offense to your particular version of a particular subgroup of a particular branch of Slavic languages, but I'd rather not have to download language pack for every language under the sun. German and French alone are causing enough bloating as it is.
  17. Don't know and don't care which bowless design is yours, you didn't get my vote because the razor is ugly (in both pics that don't include a bow), not because you failed to include the bow. Don't be so presumptive.
  18. Considering that it happens in area that's unlocked in act IX, it's safe to assume that at least act IX needs to be completed first.
  19. I am aware of how iframes works, and Z is literally the only one that doesn't force me to stop dps. Do you honestly see no difference between constantly interrupting dps to iframe/block/dodge and sitting on emberstomp for 12 seconds uninterrupted?
  20. You're missing a bigger issue, and that is - this event disadvantages classes that weren't designed for environment where *every* attack gives CC. I've noticed a very different drop in dps between my WL whose run is doomed after eating two AoEs and my destro that just resists everything and does as well as the parse. Tired of classist events and solo dungeons that punish ranged players. If it's a dps check, then make range tanking possible without disadvantaging non-tanky non-mobile classes, and if it's about mech and timing, then keep the dps req low.
  21. I use English language for client (dunno about OP, just experiencing similar issue at times).. it doesn't happen frequently, and not always after maintenance, but sometimes it does seem to be tied to it.
  22. Nah, most of the time it's whatever the last selection was, but then it randomly switches to NA (and it's not even tied to maintenance schedule). First time it happened it almost gave me a heart-attack, but in general it's just an inconvenience because launching BnS twice and not getting younger are an unfortunate combination of reality.
  23. I got one, too. Suicide button in ToI. Whenever I see a sin, I have to beg it to kill me. It won't even do it on its own, and I'm never getting those 3 min of my life back.
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