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Everything posted by Rhiakath

  1. Unity stone set effects: some of the higher-end set effects incorrectly display "Attack Power" twice, when one of them (with the bigger number modifier) is actually meant to be "Mystic" Seems to break somewhere in the 2200s
  2. Last season was mixed, so it's understandable why we were given Classic (ie. OLD / soon expired) tokens, but current season reward listing also features CLASSIC instead of new Alpha Emblems. Fix pls. <3
  3. The need to go to unofficial servers for this kind of thing is disgraceful.
  4. Really? I wasn't aware that Liberty-fusables were in that chest. Which badge did you unfuse to obtain it?
  5. Delete fishing. Just do it. Never bring it up as a requirement for an event ever again. People will grow to hate you less than they would otherwise. Just do it.
  6. Having the same issue. Golden Oceanic weapon doesn't seem to have a place in F3 at all.
  7. As someone who just recently did a pre-story gear CoS personal challenge on a wheelchair class, I find your complaint to be invalid. Learn how the game works, how your class functions, and what boss requires you to do. oh, and, the place you're looking for is Den of the Ancients, right next to Circle of Sundering, but if you can't pass Dochun, don't even think about Den.
  8. I feel it is important to repeat this: THERE WAS NO SOULSTONE EXPLOIT!
  9. When in doubt, do quests that are: - yellow (story, gives gear, unlocks all the areas, etc) - orange (unlocks raids) - purple (other than windwalking, there's also awakening quest, without which no classes are really playable anymore, and you can actually get some very limited control over your skills) When you run out of those... I don't even know what we're doing, really.
  10. It's called a 'cliffhanger' and it's used to build suspense in drama.
  11. See! Exactly what I was talking about just a few posts up. Did ya see a TYPHOON coming into play with the Moontide Saga? Not likely! Unexpected stuff quota of the week is filled. Can't wait for next week's update.
  12. Yes, but, consider that this is the most exciting time we've had in a loooong time. Every week there is potential for something entirely unexpected to happen that will catch everyone off guard and light the skies ablaze, since the 'event' was published on the forum. When you stop caring about the state of the game, it becomes truly fascinating and entertaining to follow the development... kinda like a drama series. Just consider it a different form of entertainment from what it was originally intended as. Drama series instead of a MMORPG. Stay positive, and remember that we're all just human - the players affected, as well as support that is dealing with this unprecedented situation. Whatever happens, at least we had entertainment to keep us occupied with the lockdown and its aftermath, which is all we could ask for. Many also got good practice writing requests / complaints to support, which is a skill that also translates to real life (even if all you get is bot responses). Appreciate the positives, regardless of what they are mixed in with. Love you all, your fellow soulburn slave
  13. Assuming things instead of reading the item description that pops up every time you put your mouse over the lamp is entirely on you. How more clearly can it get when it's literally there every time you open a lamp?
  14. Saturday evening, and listings are still bugged.
  15. Ye, about that... it's already been well over 48h since the maintenance of Great Yoink started. The listing is bugged with no indication that the non-existing items will ever go away and there is no way to see what items are real and which ones are fake other than attempting a purchase.
  16. It literally said in the description of lamps that they expire on 19th. It also literally said that they have a 5h cooldown, and you didn't open any. Item description doesn't even require you to read forum. It only requires you to read.
  17. Let's not forget that it was NC's mismanagement that created the whole mess to begin with, and now thousands of legitimately obtained soulstones have gone down the drain. Asking for blind talisman and pet aura reverts is going to create an even worse fallout if they don't review manually exactly how many pets, pods, packs and stages prior to the whole debacle each individual character had. Oh yes, and gold dumped on marketplace. Don't forget that there were people working on upgrades for months before the incident, and with current method of yeeting ALL items that COULD have been obtained illegitimately regardless of what someone actually did... is frankly pouring rocket fuel on this already spectacular bonfire.
  18. Nobody would complain if they removed the 500k reputation pearl and lowered the cost significantly :)
  19. Don't worry, we'll get them in F10 probably. Or in trove. Probably both. They got our backs, no worries!
  20. Does it mean that after 3 consecutive mythic fails and downgrades, you can revert it to the higher stage? >_> if not, then the token based restoration on weapons with mythical system is a scam.
  21. Don't bother, it's going to have wrong information anyway. Just wait and see what happens on Wednesday.
  22. Exploit (unintended prices for obtaining a thing) that benefits 1% and leaves everyone else behind - good, no reverts needed; exploit that benefits everyone with equal access regardless of gear and level = bad, let's ban everyone and remove their exploit-gained goods.
  23. You died. Could have been another player, could have been by mobs due to auto-combat bugging out, game freezing for too long, or any unfortunate thing happening. Play with Ctrl+X to reduce the freezes, it slightly increases your survivability in that zone.
  24. I don't see anything different except for login rewards.
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