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Everything posted by Rhiakath

  1. This does not exist in the current version of game. It stopped existing exactly when Hall of Trials was released.
  2. I remember people getting banned for exploiting other non-cheats around Bamboo two years ago after certain GM announced how to do a thing on the forum. But what's consistency anyway?
  3. Yep, we know it, but does NC know it? None of them play the game, let alone at endgame. Inb4 thread locked and "if you have any evidence send it to blahblah". Meanwhile I don't need to be good at math or have video proof to be able to tell you that reaching Jupiter on foot is not possible. This is the BnS equivalent of walking to Jupiter in 15 minutes.
  4. You could start by adding a 0 to the end of every instance of gold income in the game.
  5. Yep, KR costs and difficulty with EU/NA income and damage, what could possibly go wrong?
  6. Tiny step forward (kaebi event, nevermind that it's nerfed and just an event), 20 second sprint at full speed backward. Sigh.
  7. No, the word you're looking for is "cheats".
  8. At least that would be more fair across different classes because it removes the class/spec penalty, and is more equitable across diverse pings, as that can also create difference in power based on arbitrary characteristics such as geographical location.
  9. yes, pls nerf WL to the ground and give back the class change vouchers, tired of half of the server being in my ranking for the last two seasons (just don't forget to buff it back after they rolled away, ty)
  10. The event looks rather nice, however it is an event. We'll have to wait for full patch notes with the rest of system changes and potential balances to be able to say anything about long term solutions.
  11. Also, also, soul boost is intended to boost a fresh character, not as means of farming gems (which is why char limit was introduced and gems were moved to higher levels in the first place) So if we don't count that unintended "method", obsidian income is indeed miserably low
  12. Do you feel ready to stream it? Might be nice.
  13. Soulstones are way more expensive in F10 than on F5 today, which makes it a garbage offer. No amount of fusion stones would be worth any amount of NCoin/HMC, considering that using them is more often than not net loss for the player (especially in the downgrade system of weapon/heart/those things, and the high failure rates on accessories). 10 stones for 280 feels like robbery. 10 million xp for 300 is also ridiculous and not worth considering. Skystealer Crystals are IMO garbage considering that we get way more crystals than we get gold for clicking said crystals and they are currently polluting my inventory. You're welcome.
  14. My thoughts on portals in Poharan: yes, chesting bad, remove chesting, but how? There are several ways to approach this particular problem, and I'll list them regardless of their silliness. 1) Ban all warlocks, summoners and blade dancers for being potential offenders, leave game as is 2) Delete thrall, cat and grimwhatever from aforementioned classes, they're annoying to manage anyway 3) Patch the exploit 4) Implement a working antichest that everyone's been asking for since like.. idk, forever? 5) Rely on user reports with various degrees of evidence or lack of, differentiating between malicious reports and actual cheating and try to ban offenders one by one uwu I vote #1
  15. I don't care whether we remain p2w and "farming" f10 is the way to get for example HM Scrolls (cuz let's be fair, you're not getting those basin keys unless ch**ting) or whether we go back to f10 being for cosmetics only, but don't try to sell me garbage. That's just insulting. And if you can't tell what garbage is because nobody plays the game over there, I can't help you with lists that will become irrelevant in a few months.
  16. I had big issues with it in Iron Ark
  17. The issue of having to spam a key for it to activate started with 64-bit client on UE3. In same (12 man raid) conditions, 32-bit client (although prone to crashing) was far more reliable in terms of getting your skills to actually activate. This in turn made raiding on 64-bit very.. uh.. fun and unpredictable, since you never knew when you'll actually iframe/dash or die. Or miss a vital CC and get wiped. This is based on my experience with raiding on "vanilla" (unmodified) client, btw. Another thing, this seemed to also depend on party/alliance composition. For example, having 3rd spec destroyer present would cause "lag" and game to be less responsive, even with characters hidden (even in early Blackmoon days, not just when the spec was new).
  18. Basin actually gives less stuff now for ridiculous amount of time investment. Even mob XP is miserably low considering they have between 120 and 800-ish million HP each (I wouldn't even tp to basin on a low char). Then spend a ridiculous amount of time waiting for boss to spawn (45.5 billion HP, btw), kill it, get a couple of crystals and rng elysian orb or sacred orb (oh right, the pouch also claimed it drops keys, I'm yet to see those; oh wait I won't, because it's A WASTE OF TIME)
  19. You can't exactly discard those quests, literally every char in game has them
  20. Also, I don't know if this is relevant, but I took a month long break when everyone else's Mao/Eva ranking broke (I was unaffected by that). Other than that fulltime gamer
  21. I can login on main and have been doing all the normal main stuff in the last two months that I can think of. Decent gear by main standards, no ultra whale gems tho.
  22. Yeah, I know RU is reliable, I just didn't see the RU info myself, thank you for confirming it's indeed as bad as it looks.
  23. Where did you get info about the magnitude of xp charms? since they have a new name, they could also be bigger Nevertheless, the point stands, why bother with it, when you can afk in Primeweald, or run multis of demonsbane at higher levels. Irrelevant content is still irrelevant.
  24. This patch breaks the record on introducing useless "events" and features, while adding nothing interesting at all, except for maybe top 20 per class. Top 20 for gold rewards, really? Not even top 100? Seriously? OK, cya in May, have a nice spring.
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