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Everything posted by Rhiakath

  1. I agree entirely. It used to be a way to slowly get one of the upgrade materials otherwise available from either PvP ranking or Challenge Mode, and was a way to incentivize players to do Hard Mode when they could get everything else they needed from easy mode and daily quests. Now it is no incentive whatsoever. It still gives one fusion stones, one old scale that only returning players who don't do hardmode need, and cores that not even new players need (utter trash). How about putting something actually relevant and actually limited there? *cough* soulstones *cough* (not crystals, don't those work in transmute/crafting recipe we all need)
  2. Lack of information in enlightened element's and enlightened jewel's tooltip as to where it can be obtained after the move to the vault NPCs should be considered a bug, since it makes the tooltip incorrect and appears to be highly confusing. The "Acquired from" section still directs people to Dragon Express, and has no mention of the vault. Even though the location of the items is not a bug, the tooltip is.
  3. Lack of ingame explanation about these things could be considered a bug. Adding a text that explains this question that is asked every day on forum might be a good thing.
  4. I see people recruiting for them every day in faction chat (at least Crimson Legion side). Try recruiting in world chat.
  5. I have also tried right clicking, clicking from quick access bar, pressing the number of the assigned quick access bar, as well as left clicking and then clicking on use. I can confirm that none of the known methods of using the soup works in Darkweald, or anywhere else.
  6. More than that is broken in demonsbane ranking menu. 1) only overall rank is displayed on top, no info about class rank (you gotta scroll to find yourself) 2) claiming first time clear rewards is filled with visual bugs I won't even try to describe and uploading images is annoying on this forum, so just log in to live server and look at it yourselves. But I don't think it's broken.
  7. Entrance not included, no. Maybe another emergency maintenance bestows it upon us?
  8. oh btw, don't forget to update soulboost, too, or we'll be getting a looooot of complaining in the coming month
  9. They might come up some time later, or in the later days, it happens sometimes.
  10. You don't need yellow quests to finish soulboost. This has been discussed for five months now with every other person raising it as a "new" "unsolved" issue. It's not. I've done it on multiple characters that had finished story before soulboost became a thing. Do other quests, later stages will unlock after sufficient login days have been achieved. Move on. We've all done it. And to address your future complaints you're not yet aware of: 1) Yes, 3 dungeons in stage 2 are not in F8 anymore, BUT they still exist in the world, it just means you'll have to enter them on the actual world map. Hundreds are doing the same thing right now. Move on. 2) Yes, you actually can't finish several quests on page 4 due to Hall of Trials no longer being demonsbane, no, you don't need them. There are equivalent quests in Grim Nexus that didn't exist when soulboost was first released. They were added for you, to be able to get the same amount of points I had available when soulboost was new. You are not missing any points, you are in the same situation everyone else was before Grim Nexus update. Just ignore the impossible quest, consider its presence a visual bug. There, saved you some future forum posting. You're welcome.
  11. Can you clarify whether it's permaban for 4th week misconduct even if it would be the first offence (clean slate before)? Just curious, not planning anything, just finding the wording to be slightly ambiguous.
  12. No, it will get the quest for Grim Nexus 2 and Grim Nexus 3 done, which is two quests that didn't exist before, and were added as compensation for the other two getting broken, so you have the same amount of max points available as if you started soulboost on day 1 when everything worked, therefore this topic is redundant.
  13. As a replacement there is now Grim Nexus stages 1-3, which was a quest that didn't exist in the original form. Just do that one instead.
  14. Yep, those rankings were back up even before the first race after maintenance. The deletion didn't take properly.
  15. It was clean for the whole hour. I guess one solution is to keep cleaning ranking every Wednesday morning..
  16. I did call it. It's fun event, but shouldn't have ranking. Or at least do something about mathematically impossible times. You should know what those are by now, since KR had the event first..
  17. Originally demonsbane drops, later moved to vendor and obtained for 100 demonsbane challenge tokens each (and were the only way to fuse purple psyches into legendary); then made obsolete overnight with no prior notice
  18. No, not a new item, but a new trading option for an unobtainable item. Also, some people still have challenger tokens, yet nobody cares.
  19. So the patch notes mention that a new item at some merchant requires.. warring faction tokens.. which you get from SSP... except SSP is still deleted? Is this.. intentional? All teams talking to all teams while also knowing what exists in game, yes yes? If you're not sure what I mean: Warring Faction Token USED TO BE obtainable from Soulstone Plains, which as discussed earlier this month, has had all NPCs removed, so there is no way to get them now. But the new item you're adding right now is requiring those tokens. That is problematic.
  20. Let's be honest, the only version of the windwalking race event in our region will be a race between shoes abusers reaping short term rewards you'll never see and report tickets submission. Why would you even complain about that getting delayed, no matter the reason? Sure, the reason is .. sus.. but that's beyond the point.
  21. The only option in the current version of the game is a time machine. Sorry.
  22. Their main source was also deleted from the game. I am amazed that there are still people selling them at all.
  23. I assume they are in a stack. Right click them instead of left clicking and you will get an option to choose how many to use. You can use all of them at once.
  24. I've honestly no clue where these "capsules" are to be found, the only mention of them that I've seen is that you can eat them to get an achievement. But no clue where to get them, can't even confirm that they exist.
  25. They already listed things that were fixed. Like salvaging accessories and gildstones. There's still things that are broken, true, but some things were fixed.
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