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Everything posted by Rhiakath

  1. Oh that's against TOS actually, you can't talk about that here.
  2. the advertised "900+" specifically is 1/12. Mystic can go as low as 487 on a +11 weapon. Using "900+ mystic" as a justification why this upgrade is allegedly good is a bit like "just win the lottery" on top of already scuffed RNG of obtaining one in the first place (especially the first month we've had it, it's not as horrible anymore although it can still take a loooong time to drop your box)
  3. The 950+ Mystic is a gamble stat, and you might be stuck with some extra HP instead, for several thousands of gold worth of rerolls
  4. I lost the count on my thousands of CSC runs for the shield set (simply because no achievement measures it that far), and I am happy to report that 2/8 pieces are still garbage. I have a suggestion, though, to make it more exciting! What if we made soulshields randomly break when you try to fuse them? Add a little bit more RNG, since getting the right box from a right box and then rolling the right stat (which has random quantity of each stat in it) and then fusing it with a random range of extra stats and primers is not enough RNG for this one place. It should also make it RNG reduce the stats when you try to fuse other pieces. And the psyches being fused having RNG value needing anywhere between 2 and 5 per piece is kinda meh. You should make psyches also RNG fail and RNG decrease, because we aren't suffering enough as is. Did I mention I did thousands (plural) of that place and a quarter of my soulshields are still garbage?
  5. This also covers several of the previously raised points. If this was maintained regularly, we wouldn't even have this discussion. Dear NCWest, please choose one of you to play the game and keep in touch with what's outdated and have a basic understanding of the current state of the game.
  6. One solution is to do events during event period. Note that event is not "talk to NPC", but "do the event dungeon". Retroactively, though? Doubtful.
  7. If it retroactively gives the points previously earned that weren't counting, then a lot of people should see many stages abruptly completed
  8. Are you absolutely SURE that this is intended? Are you seriously telling us that we get 6 LIFETIME chances to roll anything usable on one of the more RNG heavy pieces of equipment, which can not be rerolled? Are you absolutely sure about this, even though the previous two stones drop from other dungeons (just like KR)?
  9. What is the reason for this QoL reduction adaptation for our region?
  10. Yep, waited for an entire NEW PATCH, still no merchant that was suppose to come over a month ago. It's not suppose to be this much rng, yet in our version it somehow is.
  11. According to the math, doing daily challenge on 3 characters is sufficient if you don't have any leftover solars and oils. This is normal, and has happened before. Also, RIP thread
  12. Trove actually giving box with HEXAGONAL obsidians and garnets. Not gilded. Just hexagonal. Updated trove, btw Took our feedback, btw
  13. You can also get additional slots for HMC, which is available through f2p means.
  14. So, apparently this is still in "known issues" instead of "bug fixes" for the upcoming patch. Updated feedback: unhappiness about the situation is still high and growing.
  15. Who cares, you'll farm the next dungeon next week and you'll drop it eventually before you get your class specific necklace anyway
  16. I'm running a multi right now and accessories all appear to be random, no select. Haven't seen any weapons yet, tho. If this is true and already live, it's still a huge boost, since weapons drop wayyy way less than accessories. Also, also, what about people that already dropped like 5 different weapons, but none for their class? Will there be some retroactive exchange implemented? Edit: and what about the true weapon? Is that a selection box, too?
  17. I've seen the dark stones box for accessories upgrade drop a few times from pretty much all of them
  18. Hello, I must say that this is trading one confusing thing for another confusing thing. As you may know, we already have skystealer crystals, which are one category of crystal that are used of upgrading skystealer accessories, and then we have sacred crystal, elysian crystal, soulstone crystal and moonstone crystal. If you name this sterling crystal, that might imply that this item is somehow related to accessory upgrades. I urge you to rethink this decision and name it something less confusing and more unique, or in line with what the upgrade is for. Since it replaces sacred vials, maybe name it sterling glass bottle or sterling pitcher. On behalf of thoroughly confused community, Rhiakath
  19. Phrasing aside, this is a valid issue. Merchant's absence from the patch is making everything related to the newest generation of accessories and weapon exponentially more frustrating, which is not needed in the frustrating atmosphere we already have with the upgrade costs and failure chances. Do not hesitate to fix it. Thank you for understanding.
  20. This here is a genuine problem. We do NOT have the INCOME to keep the KR upgrade costs. We do NOT.
  21. Oh my bad.. I thought I liked getting rewarded for doing things, and getting challenges that are mathematically possible.
  22. ...while being entirely unaware of the fact that traditionally every time that hardmode dungeons that were part of achievement got removed, achievement became available through easy mode. This is unprecedented.
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