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Dead game :(


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Hi guys, Am i only one who can see that game is dying and only one who is pissed off by it?


Dungeons- there is about 100 dungeons but just 5% of them is useful and people do them and few of them he could never ever see. The differences in dungeons by colour (green,blue,violet) is useless because you can get 50lvl in 1 or 2 days.

Why it cant be separate like this: newbie- boss cca 15-100K, easy- boss cca 100-1M,normal- boss cca 1-5M, hard- boss cca 50-300M, expert- boss cca 300M+? By difficulty give rewards. For special rewards get back 4-man version of dungeons.

Complicated mechanics everywhere and when someone screws it everyone dies and players are more and more toxic, Mechanics should help people to kill bosses faster, undone mechanics heal of boss. Party should die only if is time up.

Open world- In the beginning was possible to farm monsters and get material to sell, not anymore.

Solo dungeons are so complicated by mechanics.

Players can access few raids at week but at free time just 5 dungeons like idiots, again and again.

Sound s it like fun? no? yep because its not.
and that was PvE but PvP is much worse now.

So PvP:


Unbalanced, for example Warden is unbelievably OP class. He can attack like melee or range but he has even 2x more hp and heal and he can even recover extremely fast. His neeed of PvP gear isso low, he can just do his circlehitting everywhere but there is much more problems.

Arena-there is just few players who do it and there is no motivation because reward looks like bad joke and those best players are ending witch ranking around 1900 because they have no opponents and cannot go up.

Battleground- The bigest problem at all, same problem with ranking like in arena, for example, still meeting the same player at bronze ranking but with endgame gear, players like this just demoralize newbies and nobody want to be dog feed so new players are not coming to battleground and if they try and team will loose because of them other players will be toxic and angry about them.

Fraction PvP-nerf of rewards, destroyed funny location to open PvP, like Terrors and Blackwyrm in Misty Woods, now its waste of time.

But P2W events and trove are all the time but what a waste of money in death game.
Teoretical reborn of game is still possible and low numbered comunity can be saved by merch of US, EU or Ru servers.

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Saying game is dead certainly won't help any potential new players try it out.


Blade and Soul has one of the simplest mechanics out of many games I've played, they're not complicated at all. If there's no actual incentive to complete mechanics no one would bother doing them. "Boss heals" is not a real incentive. Deep Wound exists.

Imagine if there were 30 dungeons "worth" doing. I doubt an average player would have time for them day-to-day, meaning they would lose possible rewards as time goes by. As content gets outdated, it's very logical for it to be reduced in rewards. So people don't have to do the same dungeon that's already extremely boring from playing it for 2 years.


At-level-solo dungeons are most well balanced content this game has to offer. I would really like to know what you consider "complicated" in them. Figuring out difference between cats in Outlaw Island? Predicting where the laser beam will turn in Circle of Sundering? M'ao attack patterns? If you spend an hour in them you'll know it all by heart the next day.


Overpowered new classes are a thing in every MMO on the planet. That's how they get people to play it. The only exception so far has been Soul Fighter.

Regardless of your class, if you put some time into it you can get a decent rank in arena. It seems like putting time into their class is something people in this game hate doing.


If a player has endgame gear but is in bronze ranking, there's only 2 possibilities

1 - the player sucks so bad not even endgame gear can carry him

2 - early in the season/season reset when all rankings are reset so naturally some higher ranks end up playing lowbie games

On top of that, arena is the single best way to get moonstone crystals, and soulstones if you want to sell them. And getting gold rank in 1v1 is really not hard.


I'm not saying the game doesn't have problems, but what you listed doesn't even classify as such. And game isn't dead or dying. It's a widespread meme that people are being led to believe because they're discontent with some factors of the game, and they want to force others to believe it. Yet all of those people still play regularly.

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2 hours ago, darthBaal said:


1.Dungeons- there is about 100 dungeons but just 5% of them is useful and people do them and few of them he could never ever see. The differences in dungeons by colour (green,blue,violet) is useless because you can get 50lvl in 1 or 2 days.

2.Why it cant be separate like this: newbie- boss cca 15-100K, easy- boss cca 100-1M,normal- boss cca 1-5M, hard- boss cca 50-300M, expert- boss cca 300M+? By difficulty give rewards. For special rewards get back 4-man version of dungeons.

3.Complicated mechanics everywhere and when someone screws it everyone dies and players are more and more toxic, Mechanics should help people to kill bosses faster, undone mechanics heal of boss. Party should die only if is time up.

4.Open world- In the beginning was possible to farm monsters and get material to sell, not anymore.

5.Solo dungeons are so complicated by mechanics.

6.Players can access few raids at week but at free time just 5 dungeons like idiots, again and again.

1. Considering BC last boss has les than 400kk hp, you don't really need all that much dps to clear it within enrage timer, so an aransu 3 party with legendary souls stage 3 ST bracelets+old elemental jewels, can totally knock it off the map. This means you can do it after a couple of months playing, which is charitably short period of time for a MMO game to allow you into end game content;

2. It is separated. Bosses get progressibvely thicker;

3. There are complex mechanics, not complicated ones. Most bosses can be summed up with "first the boss will do this aoe, then that aoe, then target someone and that someone has to do some menial task like iframing or going to X position". It's kinda embarrassing that people fail some of the mechs after the first 3-4 runs, if they have at least decent ping. Problem with mechs in this game aren't the mechs, it's the adamant refusal to learn anything. "I have big sword! Chop chop chop! Others will do mechs, while I have fun!". Until the players learn that this game is about learning mechanics and executing them properly, sometimes as a team, nothing will change. This is literally what pve is all about;

4. I'd like to see some open world goodness as well, as long as it doesn't bring back the crafting bot collectors that kept all material nodes on cd ALL the time;

5. Nothing complicated about them. Players need to not be lazy while doing these solo dungeons, that's all. Hong doesn't kill people cause he's too op. He kills people cause they're too lazy to move their mouse and press up to two buttons at the same time;

6. TT is challenging. Don't discount it like it's not there. Some people take a whole week of trying to get a clear, whether cause of gear or cause of low skill at the time. On the point about daily dungeons - you can always turn hard mode on. It does bring the failure punishment to max, which results in far steeper proficiency requirements, which in turn results in the practical impossibility of braindeading through content. Absolutely not idiot material;

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So what you doing here...? The game was started even earlier than Heavens Mandate, you recommend make just storyline and make new content possible to achieve in 1 year? Then will be even less people around. If you fink in pvp some class OP go try yourself it, maybe then you get that problem is in other place. Complicated? And you whant to use your 2 mouse buttons all the time and whach TV years long? And you sound like someone else paying real life your bills "I don't pay for games" yes you just staying in them 14+ hours daily no matter what and jealously blaming thous who pay for you to play. It's NOT some kind virtual AI growing itself, there is real people component in it.

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iam agree with OP, this game has too much complicated mech

iam have A9 weapon, trying recruit for TSM normal for daily quest and 12g daily gold
here how it's go
spend 15m recruit in f8
spend 20m clearing boss 1 and reach last boss
some ppl dont know mech, or they know mech mech but failed to excecute it because lack dg run
people more and more tocix after 2nd wipe
people rage quit
after 1 people quit, more people quit too
in the end, only me and 2 ppl in VC still remain, we call more friend to help us
waiting 30 min, until 6 man arrive again
clear the boss

reward : get 12g
so, i spend around 2 hours to get 12g

you know what? i'd rather run IF EL instead this cancer dungeon TY, never gonna touch this thing again until they're nerf the wipe mech
don't put dungeon mech on same level with raid

in raid, all 12 people in voice chat, spending weeks to get the recruit & training mech done, and stick with the same people every single time you run it again
in DG, you spend 1-2min recruit, with stranger, not in voice chat, and they will rage quit when the mech failed

if i have time for TSM, i'll do it to clear IF and EL, if i have more time to do BC i'll do MSP 1-3
this is how normal people will think

Edited by Fiana
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I'm on A9 as well. I recruit for about 2-3 min, requiring mech knowledge and 1,2k ap (I don't even bother checking people btw). Had only three runs out of 90~, which took longer  cause we did those in the wee hours of the morning and people were dead tired. Other runs took no more than 3 min on first boss and then 2-4 min on last + whatever time it takes to run between bosses.

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  • 2 months later...
On 3/13/2019 at 7:01 AM, MassiveEgo said:

I'm on A9 as well. I recruit for about 2-3 min, requiring mech knowledge and 1,2k ap (I don't even bother checking people btw). 

And how many people have you trained to go through that dungeon w/you?  Just curious.


Had someone invite anyone to a group in the theatre dungeon (that's how good my memory is -- I don't remember the name -- I'd have to go look it up).  That said they'd tank and no mechs required.  We cleared it on the first run.  I won't go and get yelled at for not being able to memorize trivia.  We did it twice.  OTOH, he switched to Brood.  He never said anything about that.  And when he got there he started recruiting people for mech roles...

The ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤! (really sorta laughing about it TBH).  In brood I had been there before and remember trying to deflect the balls.  I kept getting knocked over just before the balls would come out and as a slowpoke gunner, of course I couldn't get up in time.  They switched to other configs, but no one could block the balls reliably, even if they could do it the 1st time.


Why?  Because no one can practice that dungeon on their own, and they can't practice it in a group who make snide comments about it being embarrassing.  On top of that, they are told to go get some second class weapon so when they come in their DPS is 1/2 to 1/5 the top players.  That is noted and when groups form that need DPS, who wants the 2nd class players?  Or from the other perspective, who wants to always be  in groups where they feel like they are being carried by the others.  They feel bad enough that many stop trying -- if people are wondering why the player population has dropped by 50% in the past year, that's a strong reason right there -- with the other part being axing all the quests and dungeons in the starting areas of the dungeon.  


It is not enough just to level up most people equipment.  They need practice on that equipment as well.  They need to practice in their class and run lower dungeons with others at a similar level.  


FWIW, when people are on I usually invite people if no one else is doing the dungeons I need.  I don't ask for equipment level and don't ask that they know mechs.  Average recruit time is about 30 seconds.  it can go alot higher than that, but most often it fills up pretty fast.  And I get people down as low as HM12 with less than raven weaps where it is there first time.  If someone messes up, I usually chime in about how it took me forever to learn those moves -- and I'm not making it up.  It did take me forever to learn alot of  those moves and I still fail, so......at least I can hope that others won't grow up to be as paranoid about some of these dungeons.

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On 11.3.2019 at 5:49 PM, MassiveEgo said:

1. Considering BC last boss has les than 400kk hp, you don't really need all that much dps to clear it within enrage timer, so an aransu 3 party with legendary souls stage 3 ST bracelets+old elemental jewels, can totally knock it off the map. This means you can do it after a couple of months playing, which is charitably short period of time for a MMO game to allow you into end game content;

Dunno what you're talking about, Vetarex has 1.2 billion HP when i do it... oh right i don't do it ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ mode.

It took me almost 9 minutes once (three push phases) to kill him because we had not that much dps.


The game already offers you two sets of difficulties, and the harder one gives better rewards, hard mode is where the good stuff drops.

I see running normal mode as a waste of time now unless i do it with an alt because they are too weak.


So you're complaining that 2-3 year old content is too easy now, but don't play the current challenging content ?

If they made everything harder again you would probably quit because you can't do anything anymore.


Also here is an Idea if you want a challenge: Try to solo the older dungeons, i am stuck at Irontech right now because i can't kill the Gorilla Boss before it onehits me.

Edited by Arohk
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@Astarae I can't know for sure how many people in a party didn't know mechs and didn't say, but I had at the very least 50+ runs where someone said they didn't know stuff, so they got to hear the long winded explanations;


1. Indeed he does. But in nm he's practically harmless and with that lenient 12 min timer, those 400kk are basically nothing. I might even ask in the guild if we can try a run with out of story characters just to see if it can be done [edit] you need about 100k dps per character at the end of the boss fight in order to clear it. That's the bare minimum for not enraging the boss in nm. If that's not accessible BC, I don't know what is;

2. It's not a waste for newbies though, and good gold;

3. I wouldn't call bc,dst,tsm hard modes challening tbh. The current challenging content are TT and ET. But sure, I do complain that normal modes are too easy. Nobody learns anything, then complain that the good stuff is beyond their grasp, as if the hard modes will clear themselves. If mechs were present everywhere, people would get some mechanical "sensitivity" and stop laming out on even the most basic of mechs in the rewarding dungeons or in hard modes;

4. After the gorilla does the first lightning where the adds come down, slow your dps down until the debuff you get runs out. Then you can slay it in one swift burst. If you're not strong enough to kill it before next mechs, just dps until you get second adds, then wait again for the debuff, then kill. Don't stack pylons obviously. That's all there is to it. Not really a challenge to be honest. I've already soloed everything that's not mechanically locked out from soloing, TSM being my latest conquer, albeit not satisfying, since it's just a dps slugfest that doesn't kill;

Edited by MassiveEgo
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Am 11.3.2019 um 15:02 schrieb darthBaal:

Complicated mechanics everywhere and when someone screws it everyone dies and players are more and more toxic, Mechanics should help people to kill bosses faster, undone mechanics heal of boss. Party should die only if is time up.

Where you found complicated mech? i wanna try it :)
Honestly they removed all mech exept for DST and BC
Even TSM now is just a joke in normal mode.
Instead of removing mechs in normal mode they should replace kill mechanics by dmg. So you know you did something wrong and can learn the mech for HM

Am 11.3.2019 um 15:02 schrieb darthBaal:

Solo dungeons are so complicated by mechanics.

Well i partialy agree. The mech itself is not that complicated, but some classes have advantages while others have dissadvantages which make it kind of complicated for them.
For Example Hachi at DEN.

As FM you will be placed 8m behind your target when you iframe. If i dont iframe he will kick me in an airkombo, if i do iframe im to far away, he will charge to me and kick me in an airkombo too while Destroyers for exampel can use their skill and they are not cc-able at all -> big advantage.
So yes, while it can be easy for one class, it could be quite complicated for another class.

But you can do the solo Dungeons anyway with some try and error and learning the boss rotation, so they are daoable.

Maybe they should take different classes in account to make them more fair, cause there are always the same classes in the top rankings, but once you know the rotation they should be doable with any class. I even saw a Raven 3 (or 6 not sure atm) FM in the ranking for DEN on the last place, respect Dude ;)

vor 2 Stunden schrieb Arohk:

Also here is an Idea if you want a challenge: Try to solo the older dungeons, i am stuck at Irontech right now because i can't kill the Gorilla Boss before it onehits me.


vor 13 Minuten schrieb MassiveEgo:

After the gorilla does the first lightning where the adds come down, slow your dps down until the debuff you get runs out. Then you can slay it in one swift burst. If you're not strong enough to kill it before next mechs, just dps until you get second adds, then wait again for the debuff, then kill. Don't stack pylons obviously. That's all there is to it. Not really a challenge to be honest.

You still need quite high HP and a good life regeneration, cause he will grab and throw you, since you are solo and no one can stun.
Beside that, its not that hard.

Anyway, ill guess sooner or later they will remove parts of this mech to make it more easy to solo it like they did with Awakend Necro and Glomdros


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On 6/1/2019 at 1:29 AM, Arohk said:


Also here is an Idea if you want a challenge: Try to solo the older dungeons, i am stuck at Irontech right now because i can't kill the Gorilla Boss before it onehits me.

Don't pay attention to the elite commenters -- I tried 4 solo rounds on him today and 

only managedd to get him to 5% at best.... and all 4 rounds went through 2 dragon bloods.


But he'd eventually kill me on some electric grab....and dragon bloods didn't work.

Finally called in a few more people, but really 1 more person and I could  have done it.


I find that true on many dungeons -- by myself especially on gunner with 0 defense...

*ouch* *ouch* *ouch*.

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On 6/1/2019 at 1:29 AM, Arohk said:
On 6/1/2019 at 4:11 AM, Merlin DE said:

Anyway, ill guess sooner or later they will remove parts of this mech to make it more easy to solo it like they did with Awakend Necro and Glomdros


They had to -- they kept having needed items in those dungeons, but no one wanted to do them!

It was such a pain when you needed a ring from Necro or such...but it was so old and so much below everyone, that no one would go.  Took me near a month just to get a piece from there cuz I couldn't solo 3 spots at once.  Even 2 people couldn't do it -- me and a friend tried, but the things that needed protecting were too far apart.


And it *wasn't* because it was hard -- just that you had to protect 3 things far apart and no way to get fast between them.  If IF becomes a bottleneck then they might, but really , right now, it's on the list of dailies every other day or so, so it's not hard to get 1-2 people at least.  The same reasons aren't there.  But if they take it off the dailies and move dailies up to the current top 5 or such...it might be a prob, but it also depends on how often items drop.  I still can't do CS since they increased the difficulty -- and it is always the timer.  2nd CS boss isn't a problem and I can at least do HM now whereas I couldn't after the buff, but it isn't easy and it isn't fast.


FWIW before they were buffed, I could do both HM and CS  Solo and did every time they were on dailies, and both went down in under 20-30 secs at most.  And I lost over 200 orbs when they redid the dungeons.


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Boss mechanics in this game are not that complicated. Thing is, some people learn faster while others learn slower. The people who learn slower makes faster learning people annoyed and be toxic. That's all it is, nothing to do with the game in itself. This game is a RPG game. NOT a game like Fortnight where you can just jump in and do stuff without any kind of farming. That's not what Blade and Soul is supposed to be. This game is designed for those who find it fun to learn and practice new boss mechanics and then farm dungeons over and over again till they have what they need to progress, with friends or a friendly random group.

Problem with open world stuff is that some people will then be constantly hogging everything and thus preventing other people from getting anything. As an example would be the old crafting materials you gathered with pickaxes and stuff. Bots basically made sure no one else got them. Which is why all the good stuff are in dungeons as boss drops.


One thing that i would suggest is to revise that training room to included every single boss in the game and scale them into soloable level and so that every single mechanic is included. That way people can practice the bosses before going in to the actual dungeon. No more toxicity there.


Balancing pvp is almost impossible. If you rebalance 3 classes then another class is going to be OP. If you rebalance the another class then some other class is going to OP after that. No matter how you do rebalancing there will always be that one class that is considered broken by the community. So yea, you can't really fully balance pvp. Ever. I have never seen balanced pvp in any mmo game i have played. There's always that one class that dominates others. Which might change between updates.



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10 minutes ago, Amarathiel said:

Balancing pvp is almost impossible. If you rebalance 3 classes then another class is going to be OP. If you rebalance the another class then some other class is going to OP after that. No matter how you do rebalancing there will always be that one class that is considered broken by the community. So yea, you can't really fully balance pvp. Ever. I have never seen balanced pvp in any mmo game i have played. There's always that one class that dominates others. Which might change between updates.

There are games where pvp is really well balanced. The main issue with balancing is shared skills beween pve and pvp. While they have different specs for the two, its stil lthe same skill so any change in one affects the other. the only way they would make pvp here really well balanced was seperating pve and pvp abilities completely.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb Amarathiel:

One thing that i would suggest is to revise that training room to included every single boss in the game and scale them into soloable level and so that every single mechanic is included. That way people can practice the bosses before going in to the actual dungeon. No more toxicity there.

I'll guess the problem is more that many people dont even bother with learning mech. Just take to look at the requirements at F8 for even the simplest dungeons.

When TSM was released i had ~1250AP, we had to do mech even in NM and we also managed to do HM and it was fun to learn it.

Today there is no more mech left in NM, just burst the boss down and for HM they require 1700AP / TT gear for HM.

Eckogen did very good Guides on every dungeon, explaining the boss rotation and every part of the mechanik. His speaking is very well understandable even for non native english speaking people or you can even learn something just by watshing what happens during the mechanic phases.

But as i said, most people doesnt even bother to watch or read a guide and they also wouldnt bother to use the training room to learn mechanics. 


In my opinion NC-Softs biggest mistake was to remove the old 4 men Dungeons and introduces the new normal / hardmode "feature" and the formely normalmode suddenly became the hardmode while you could ignore most mech in normalmode.

From this point people start getting more and more lazy in learning mech since you dont realy need it in normal mode.


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2 hours ago, Grimoir said:

There are games where pvp is really well balanced. The main issue with balancing is shared skills beween pve and pvp. While they have different specs for the two, its stil lthe same skill so any change in one affects the other. the only way they would make pvp here really well balanced was seperating pve and pvp abilities completely.

Depends how it's done i suppose. There's a game called Elsword that has this system and it's bad, veery bad.


1 hour ago, Merlin DE said:

I'll guess the problem is more that many people dont even bother with learning mech. Just take to look at the requirements at F8 for even the simplest dungeons.

When TSM was released i had ~1250AP, we had to do mech even in NM and we also managed to do HM and it was fun to learn it.

Today there is no more mech left in NM, just burst the boss down and for HM they require 1700AP / TT gear for HM.

Eckogen did very good Guides on every dungeon, explaining the boss rotation and every part of the mechanik. His speaking is very well understandable even for non native english speaking people or you can even learn something just by watshing what happens during the mechanic phases.

But as i said, most people doesnt even bother to watch or read a guide and they also wouldnt bother to use the training room to learn mechanics. 


In my opinion NC-Softs biggest mistake was to remove the old 4 men Dungeons and introduces the new normal / hardmode "feature" and the formely normalmode suddenly became the hardmode while you could ignore most mech in normalmode.

From this point people start getting more and more lazy in learning mech since you dont realy need it in normal mode.

That's the problem. Laziness. When game has to address these things because community don't have any manners, you know it's bad. The game shouldn't need to start babysitting players to show whats right and whats wrong.


Checking videos do help however it doesn't give you the sort of  "muscle skill" needed to actually do the mechanics. Even after watching guides you most likely still fail the first couple of tries, depending how it works. That's why it would be nice to have those bosses in training room too.

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On 6/2/2019 at 6:45 AM, Astarae said:

Don't pay attention to the elite commenters -- I tried 4 solo rounds on him today and 

only managedd to get him to 5% at best.... and all 4 rounds went through 2 dragon bloods.


But he'd eventually kill me on some electric grab....and dragon bloods didn't work.

Finally called in a few more people, but really 1 more person and I could  have done it.


I find that true on many dungeons -- by myself especially on gunner with 0 defense...

*ouch* *ouch* *ouch*.

That is kind of weird because I do solo NS - HH daily. Grant it, on my warden. Takes practice but can be done. Also helps you learn the attack patterns so, regardless of class or defense you'd be fine. Personally though, I feel they should have a solo version of every dungeon so you can go in, earn a smaller amount of rewards while learning it as a lot of mechanics aren't covered by doing them through the F12 Hongmoon Training Room.

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On 6/2/2019 at 1:45 PM, Astarae said:

Don't pay attention to the elite commenters -- I tried 4 solo rounds on him today and 

only managedd to get him to 5% at best.... and all 4 rounds went through 2 dragon bloods.


But he'd eventually kill me on some electric grab....and dragon bloods didn't work.

Finally called in a few more people, but really 1 more person and I could  have done it.


I deliberately chose an alt, just to point out that it's pretty doable even with a weak toon. At 70% he'll jump to middle and the three adds will spawn. He'll throw a lightning at you. Don't push him to 60% hp. Wait until the electrified debuff you get is gone, then push past 60% for the pylon mechanic. If you still have the debuff from the 70% phase, the lightning from 60% phase will kill you on the spot. When you push him to 40% adds come down, you get lightning again and you have to wait for the debuff to go away before you push to 30%. After you deal with the pylons on 30% it's just dps until he dies. It's literally that simple.

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On 6/3/2019 at 3:32 AM, Amarathiel said:

Boss mechanics in this game are not that complicated.

Neither is programming in assembly language -- so that should be required of everyone before they can use a computer!


On 6/3/2019 at 3:32 AM, Amarathiel said:

Thing is, some people learn faster while others learn slower.

And how many know assembly language?  <.001%.  Your point is mechanics are easy for those who know how and have an affinity.  For those that don't they not only may not ever learn, they may not be capable of learning.  

On 6/3/2019 at 3:32 AM, Amarathiel said:


The people who learn slower makes faster learning people annoyed and be toxic. That's all it is, nothing to do with the game in itself. This game is a RPG

Assembly is the same language everyone uses every day,  but they use simplifiers known as higher level languages -- and some just use "GUI"s.  Computers only speak binary.

On 6/3/2019 at 3:32 AM, Amarathiel said:


NOT a game like Fortnight where you can just jump in and do stuff without any kind of farming. That's not what Blade and Soul is supposed to be. This game is designed for those who find it fun to learn and practice new boss mechanics

Computers were intended for those who like to learn binary and assembly.  What, you don't agree?  I'll bet you are using higher level abstractions to tell the computer what to do.

I'll bet you've never touched a line of assembly or developed a network protocol...


Telling people that they need to learn the lowest level grunt work to work on or play in what they find fun won't get you very far.  I'm sure you've taken what I said to heart.


Different people have different levels of expertise in different areas.  Not everyone is a physicist, or computer scientist, or mechanic.  Thinking that everyone should be able to learn what is easy for you is so unreasonable.  Think about what you are saying?


You remember Stephen Hawking?  He wrote books with his mouth because his fingers no longer worked.  Considered one of the smartest physicists of our time.  And you would tell him he had to perform the mechs without any assisting technology like even a macro keyboard?  Don't the high level players doing mechs and pvp call those who use such programs "cheaters"...


Why shouldn't it be that those who use their own natural talents in doing mechs be called cheaters?  It is certainly ridiculous to expect someone like Stephen H. to perform the mechs to the standards of the elites, but that's what we have today -- those who use assisting tech are called cheaters and get banned, while those who are natural wonders at rote-memorization and replay consider themselves gods.  Except what are they memorizing?  99 times out of 100, they are watching someone else's video and memorizing someone else's answer.  In school,  memorizing someone else's answer and using that on a test was called *cheating* -- yet here, they are lauded while everyone else is kicked to the curb.  NCSoft is training the pros to be cheaters (not to mention gamblers).


Of course there's the most basic elements missing from this game that are present in dnd type games (aren't present in pinball type games) -- a saving throw.  With alterations for level and items.  Any time there's a insta death, players should get a minimum 6% chance saving throw with adjustments for level, items and class.  Doesn't exist.  Bosses shouldn't run the same pattern each time either.  Get rid of pinball mechs and insta-death (unless you wanna give it to players too, but that's boring).  I know this is likely falling on deaf ears, but if you can tell me that this game is likely to survive for another 10 years in its current form in the US, then fine, you got the winning formula already.  But it's boring.  Because for many, there is no chance.  For those at the top there is, but only if they pay out enough.  How boring is that?



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On 6/3/2019 at 4:56 AM, Merlin DE said:

Eckogen did very good Guides on every dungeon, explaining the boss rotation and every part of the mechanik.

And I watched his vids .... for a while. Namely because, I can't watch 5 vids and then go do 5 dungeons.  I'm lucky if I can remember part of 1 vid and do that...then get kicked for not knowing the rest.  And there goes the videos helpfulness.

On 6/3/2019 at 4:56 AM, Merlin DE said:

But as i said, most people doesnt even bother to watch or read a guide and they also wouldnt bother to use the training room to learn mechanics. 

But I do try to learn what works best in for what I use in the dungeon.  But they took

that out.  So why use training room for anything now?  My FM is stuck at 5 points left, cuz they jumped me from press '3' , twice and you are elevated to next lesson, to now

press 1111513141. -- but only when they light is over them for < .1 seconds.  Sorry, but there was no build-up in skill to get to following that many  buttons aligned with a moving light+sound.  There was nothing.  Huge skip in skill.  I can do the sequence, but I never am able to synchronize with the game's lights+beeps.  I can't even predict when to press the first key, let alone the rest -- especially when the timing varies.   You call that training?

Jumping from pressing a few buttons with your own timing, to pressing 2-3 times as many buttons at the computer's timing?  That's not training, that's abusive.  So far, I've yet to run into an FM who has completed their training -- other than to learn that the training room is worthless.  You can't even train with the same weapons as you use in the dungeon.

YOU HEAR ME NCWEST/SOFT?  Why would you disable 'Auto' (what you all simple, but its anything but) in the dungeon section of training?


On 6/3/2019 at 4:56 AM, Merlin DE said:

In my opinion NC-Softs biggest mistake was to remove the old 4 men Dungeons and introduces the new normal / hardmode "feature" and the formely normalmode suddenly became the hardmode while you could ignore most mech in normalmode.

They could have had more than 2 modes too.  They could even now -- adding back a

'classic' mode that reverts the dungeon mechs to exactly what they were when they were

released, so anyone can compare the diffs.  It would be educational, at the very least.  As

for 4 women dungeons -- I often do that today.  You just go with 4 total.   Some dungeons I'll take 1 or 2 other people.  Only remember 1 time recently when had to recruit again -- and that was when someone had dropped out (another prob going with low-level types -- they are more likely to drop out if they don't get through it the 1st or 2nd time).  You don't have to take 6.  I try to solo dungeons every once in a while.  My limit  is about NS, though I am finding out on things like CS, and EL, my FM (2 levels below my GS) can complete those dungeons solo when my gunner can't because of how badly NCx has gimped gunners --

slower on everything, recovery, speed, CD...they over did it.  My FM can even out damage my gunner on many or most longer battles -- that's pathetic.

On 6/3/2019 at 4:56 AM, Merlin DE said:

From this point people start getting more and more lazy in learning mech since you dont realy need it in normal mode.

Oh, Haven't noticed that in Brood chamber, but then I'm not allowed to have the advanced equip either for various reasons (too low, too high, too whatever).


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On 6/3/2019 at 10:43 AM, MassiveEgo said:

I deliberately chose an alt, just to point out that it's pretty doable even with a weak toon. 

It would have been more pertinent if done w/a non tank class like a GS.



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