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unreal 4 pc and consoles


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its been a while since we got some news about this :)
i was wondering will pc and consoles get same server , or consoles will have new and start all from begining like us.....
if not, and they will play game on patch we have u will need to put back blue quests for new ppl if u want them to have full story....
it would be nice to get some news from bns team...we need more ppl playing this game....it is not same like in begining...so emty now....
i hope for better future....

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They wont tell anything because we have no info even from kr about it. In my opinion there not gona be any console bns release they dich it for more profitable mobile versions. Our region is out almost 3 y and there is 0 info about it being true. Also our region is on such big decline because of their shity desicions that making console is just not worth and their best bet for profit is going on mobile games train. Before thinking about consoles they should first fix pc optimization because if they dont console most likely would get same optimization as pc has now.

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6 hours ago, MantisxD said:

Our region is out almost 3 y and there is 0 info about it being true.

What do you mean there is 0 info about it being true? It was confirmed by NC to be in development earlier this year. I have a feeling it will come around the time the game is updated to ue4


Also it won’t be a waste at all for them to bring it to consoles, consoles is a much bigger market than pc, no matter how bad it’s doing right now on pc it has potential to be successful if they can get it right on consoles

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22 minutes ago, MassiveEgo said:

Was it though? Mister Jonathan said nothing about it so far. Therefore it's not confirmed info.

they did say it on stream. they said also they cannot provide an exact date yet but it should be anywhere in 2019.

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5 hours ago, MassiveEgo said:

Was it though? Mister Jonathan said nothing about it so far. Therefore it's not confirmed info.

It was confirmed both by KR and briefly talked about on NA stream. This is where they first mentioned that it was in development in this article: http://m.inven.co.kr/webzine/wznews.php?idx=183304


someone translated it here: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=de&nv=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=ko&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=http://m.inven.co.kr/webzine/wznews.php%3Fidx%3D183304&xid=17259,15700022,15700124,15700126,15700149,15700186,15700191,15700201,15700237&usg=ALkJrhh3g6ezjOkUvfVlHQli4b3KPoMroQ

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  • 5 weeks later...

If they're looking to maximize profit it'll be cross-platform (within regions) and they'll streamline upgrade paths through at least Aransu weapon. There are a lot of people playing on PCs that don't run the game well (mostly due to optimization) and there are a lot of current players with friends that could be recruited if console could play with PC. On top of that is the huge console playerbase that don't have high-end PCs who may be interested in playing. They just need to optimize the game and make gear progression not QUITE as insanely prohibitive, while maintaining cross-platform play to keep reasonable size populations in each region.

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3 hours ago, HatredInfinite said:

If they're looking to maximize profit it'll be cross-platform (within regions) and they'll streamline upgrade paths through at least Aransu weapon. There are a lot of people playing on PCs that don't run the game well (mostly due to optimization) and there are a lot of current players with friends that could be recruited if console could play with PC. On top of that is the huge console playerbase that don't have high-end PCs who may be interested in playing. They just need to optimize the game and make gear progression not QUITE as insanely prohibitive, while maintaining cross-platform play to keep reasonable size populations in each region.

I am 99% sure there wont be any cross platform playing, as Sony and microsoft are not too fond of that feature (especially sony who already turned down the crossplay on several other games). That being said if the game comes to consoles it wont be the same as PC, they will start with the 45 level patch and get updated as the content gets converted.

Even tera that released on consoles was denied cross-platform by sony and microsoft, and they started off with the standard VM1 set and slowly are being pacthed up and updated to match the PC's progression.

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23 minutes ago, DrindiX said:

Pf have to wait for who knows when in 2019 to be able to (hopefully) play raids without the game spazzing out constantly.

The engine upgrade to UE4 will bring optimization but it will still be a CPU heavy game. So if you have a ..ill say "bad" cpu now, even after the engine upgrade you wont see a super performance increase.

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22 hours ago, Grimoir said:

The engine upgrade to UE4 will bring optimization but it will still be a CPU heavy game. So if you have a ..ill say "bad" cpu now, even after the engine upgrade you wont see a super performance increase.

I'm OCing my 7600k at 4.8ghz with gtx 1080 and i'm still freezing with graphics set to the 3 slider.

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2 hours ago, DrindiX said:

I'm OCing my 7600k at 4.8ghz with gtx 1080 and i'm still freezing with graphics set to the 3 slider.

I runa 8700k with 1080 and my FPS, even in raids does not drop under 70 average, i mean it fluctuates between like 65-100 but does not go below that amount. Not Oc'ed. in normal dungeons or open world i have between 100-120

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Those of you waiting for UE4 are going to be sadly disappointed when it is released. All of the "pro"s for UE4 are changes to make things easier for the developer and a few new rendering techniques. Visually, the game may be prettier, but the problems that exist now will still exist when the game's ported. UE4 is essentially UE3 with a better development interface.


Consoles that share servers with PCs is extremely unlikely unless there's an xigncode that runs on consoles (too lazy and disinterested to check).

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On 1/3/2019 at 4:19 PM, SkyStorm said:

Those of you waiting for UE4 are going to be sadly disappointed when it is released. All of the "pro"s for UE4 are changes to make things easier for the developer and a few new rendering techniques. Visually, the game may be prettier, but the problems that exist now will still exist when the game's ported. UE4 is essentially UE3 with a better development interface.


Consoles that share servers with PCs is extremely unlikely unless there's an xigncode that runs on consoles (too lazy and disinterested to check).

actually it's much harder to run 3rd party scripts on consoles;it shouldn't need any anti cheat software.

Also UE4 supposedly makes much better use of multiple cores. So there should be significant improvements there

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1 hour ago, RagingPhenix said:

Also UE4 supposedly makes much better use of multiple cores.

I'm not an expert on UE4, but I've read nothing that supports this statement. I've heard that most of the UE4 API is locked to a single thread, and calling functions from other threads will crash the engine. Also, the game logic cannot be multithreaded except for simple asynchronous calls that use a copy of the game data and can only return a single value.


Some of the limitations probably exist because DX9 requires all rendering to be done on the primary thread; moving to DX11/12 may provide some inherent improvements, but a game engine is/should abstract that away and provide a consistent interface, which means either going to the lowest common denominator or layering additional functionality onto DX9.


As far as my comment about consoles, as a player I'd want reassurances that a dedicated gaming device and general purpose pc are going to play well on the same server. My concern isn't cheating, so I shouldn't have mentioned xigncode. I believe that most games separate consoles and pc's onto different servers, whether it's for real disparities or perceived ones.

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vor einer Stunde schrieb SkyStorm:

I'm not an expert on UE4, but I've read nothing that supports this statement. I've heard that most of the UE4 API is locked to a single thread, and calling functions from other threads will crash the engine. Also, the game logic cannot be multithreaded except for simple asynchronous calls that use a copy of the game data and can only return a single value.


Some of the limitations probably exist because DX9 requires all rendering to be done on the primary thread; moving to DX11/12 may provide some inherent improvements, but a game engine is/should abstract that away and provide a consistent interface, which means either going to the lowest common denominator or layering additional functionality onto DX9.


As far as my comment about consoles, as a player I'd want reassurances that a dedicated gaming device and general purpose pc are going to play well on the same server. My concern isn't cheating, so I shouldn't have mentioned xigncode. I believe that most games separate consoles and pc's onto different servers, whether it's for real disparities or perceived ones.

UE4 is fine, it is also used for many common consoles games (which are running with 8 cores btw).

What you telling sounds pretty much like the current DX9 issues, still this one can be done to run on multi-core, but it is not supported well and causes quite some overhead, which results in basically no advantage in having more the 4 cores.

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Am 2.1.2019 um 17:10 schrieb DrindiX:

I'm OCing my 7600k at 4.8ghz with gtx 1080 and i'm still freezing with graphics set to the 3 slider.

I don't have freezes on my 2nd PC with 3570k (non OC) and GTX 1050, maybe a bit low FPS in crowded area but no freezes. Maybe you should check this forums about such issues...

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On 1/7/2019 at 12:22 AM, Belido said:

I don't have freezes on my 2nd PC with 3570k (non OC) and GTX 1050, maybe a bit low FPS in crowded area but no freezes. Maybe you should check this forums about such issues...

Or maybe the game is poorly optimized and the servers are potatoes which causes my whole raid group to freeze for 2 seconds..

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7 hours ago, DrindiX said:

Or maybe the game is poorly optimized and the servers are potatoes which causes my whole raid group to freeze for 2 seconds..


On 6/1/2019 at 2:49 PM, SkyStorm said:

I'm not an expert on UE4, but I've read nothing that supports this statement. I've heard that most of the UE4 API is locked to a single thread, and calling functions from other threads will crash the engine. Also, the game logic cannot be multithreaded except for simple asynchronous calls that use a copy of the game data and can only return a single value.


Some of the limitations probably exist because DX9 requires all rendering to be done on the primary thread; moving to DX11/12 may provide some inherent improvements, but a game engine is/should abstract that away and provide a consistent interface, which means either going to the lowest common denominator or layering additional functionality onto DX9.


As far as my comment about consoles, as a player I'd want reassurances that a dedicated gaming device and general purpose pc are going to play well on the same server. My concern isn't cheating, so I shouldn't have mentioned xigncode. I believe that most games separate consoles and pc's onto different servers, whether it's for real disparities or perceived ones.

as far as i remember, yes the main "bulk" of the games depend on the single core power (this is why single core should be a little bit more important than multicores when buying) but ue4 does send "background" tasks like lights to the other cores so there is still a benefit from having multicores systems


one weird fix i stumble some time ago was to force the nvidia card to use the kr profile, not the other ones, it helped me but maybe other wont. sometimes it depends on every machine, also in online games ms is a huge factor for the fps, and well BnS servers arent known for being top notch


In the end UE4 is going to be as good as the ones doing the job on it, only time will tell

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UE4 is much more flexible in terms of multithreading capabilities. Firstly, dx12 api allows for asynchronous drawing, meaning you can loop stuff in the scene directly on the gpu, without bothering the cpu with update calls or object maintenance (passive objects). Subsequently, UE4 has the ability to do the same "trick" by saturating other threads with sim segments which are not essencial, such as basic foliage, background sounds, static global illuminations and what not. This helps a great deal, as you get to unload the "main" thread so it can do it's thing, like maintain consistent and convincing simulation with say 20 tick rate without having 293829832983293829382 things dragging it down. For the time being with current mainstream cpu technology, it's too early to jump to more advanced scene drawing methods, such as separating the scene into four quadrants and have four separate cameras for each one, leading to quadrupling the potential "smoothness" of an active multi PC simulation. Such method requires a thread (core) solely for synchronization, as no matter how you hack it, dx12 still needs the data required for a frame draw in a specific format and sequence. And this brings our physical minimum when it comes to requirements up to 5 cores, dragging much more bandwidth over the QPI lines and ofc, a higher threshold for ram bandwidth, as now you defacto simulate on four threads instead of one. I gather we'll see some major improvement when 16 core cpus with 64+ pci lanes and solid 100GB+/sec bandwidth on their memory controllers become the entry level articles. Until then, imo we'll be stuck in this semi single threaded limbo, excluding block building games such as MC&co, which are governed by solid state logic.

All in all, after a face value investigation, imo the revamp should at the very least improve loading times and eliminate some of the pesky micro stutter. Don't expect the game to suddenly be able to deliver 500fps when uncapped though.

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