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The 700 Club


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Had to carry this nerd in a Necro today, since this is the first 700 ap player I have met I thought I would post it for all to see and drool over. 


Post the highest ap you have seen to date.

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Had a 680 Ap legendary weapon FM in the today's Cold storage run,we actually wiped once and barely made the second try.

No ccs,nothing aside from my own CC specd frost beam and Fire tab,it was like a total braindead run..


Got the reset from the  daily dash so I ran it again,got into a lot weaker party and someone even left saying that we can't do it with this party.

Guess what,it went smoother than the one with the legendary weapon dude,figures:P

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4 minutes ago, Sithaer said:

Had a 680 Ap legendary weapon FM in the today's Cold storage run,we actually wiped once and barely made the second try.

No ccs,nothing aside from my own CC specd frost beam and Fire tab,it was like a total braindead run..


Got the reset from the  daily dash so I ran it again,got into a lot weaker party and someone even left saying that we can't do it with this party.

Guess what,it went smoother than the one with the legendary weapon dude,figures:P

majority of the legendary near 700 ap people i have seen are chinese players that probably  have money flow from gold farms or selling gold business lol. they some how spend over 10k during treasure trove to make ridiculous money and then easily get legendaries / hm energy 5. however the down side is most of them suck really bad. they have high ping, they dont even know how to get the most out of their class etc just power without actual skill to use it :P i havent met one yet that actually seems to know what they are doing.

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7 minutes ago, Shukran said:

more fun it is, there are players that think those "700" are strong.


strong like skilled i mean.


brain explode.exe

 I kinda thought that 'damn this run is gonna be fast',I couldn't be more wrong:P

So no I don't think that anymore,sure I bet such weapon is a beast in the capable hands but yeah thats something you cannot see based on stats alone.

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I was kidding about having to carry him / her, but they did make a lot of mistakes. I can imagine having 700ap would suck in a way, because people will be judging you and looking for the first mistake you make to call you bad. 

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don't hate the player hate the game


it's the game that allows pay to win, gold buying and selling, hacks and bot


for real though he prob didn't spend a dime on this game because he could have just ran bot or hack to make more than enough gold for that gear... doesn't seem ncsoft cares if people do this because I see tons of them online all the time

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4 minutes ago, Syanonn said:

The best legendary weapon players are the ones that stand afk at the start, already met like 3-4 of those.

They just buy gold then get max gear i also meet those... like 690+ AP afk all dungeon nice useless money wasted there boy

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Yday I ran Lair 6-man with a guy with 700AP, he said to go when we were 4 ppl so we went. He spent most of the fights dead and us 500+ ppl had to carry him till the end. OFC he outbid us all at the end but whatever, at least we got some of his easy earned gold. 

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Just now, Bartas said:

Yday I ran Lair 6-man with a guy with 700AP, he said to go when we were 4 ppl so we went. He spent most of the fights dead and us 500+ ppl had to carry him till the end. OFC he outbid us all at the end but whatever, at least we got some of his easy earned gold. 

Yeah well I've been saying all along people focus too much on AP and not enough on knowing how to play their class to its full potential and ignoring all other stats.


GG to you AP plebs for carrying him! :D 

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