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Warlock nerf


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Thank you NcSOFT for bringing a broken class to EU/NA, that is only good to kill mobs, and not even that properly. PvP is literlay 0, and any class with a bit of brain can wipe the arena with warlocks. Not to mention the constant PvE agros even with Thrall out, and .... I just don't even have the words to describe how bad it is. Almost 0 CC, you throw in 1 block that either works, either not, I rely on a *cricket*ing S+S skill that has a 9 minute cooldown and doesn't work either if my ping becomes high, which thank to your servers it does. Thrall takes too long to summon, stays out too less, deals almost no damage, doesn't hold agro, what is it for anyways?


Watched top streamers on YouTube to learn to PvP, even they keep losing and dying. So I guess its not just me.


No wonder nobody I met wants to main a Warlock, i mean who in their right mind do that?

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It is common knowledge that the warlock class is pretty bad right now.  This is mostly due to the fact that the class is balanced around being lvl 50.  From what i hear, the class is supposed to become much, MUCH better once the lvl 50 content is released.  Hang tight, it will get better.

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2 minutes ago, TexMex said:

It is common knowledge that the warlock class is pretty bad right now.  This is mostly due to the fact that the class is balanced around being lvl 50.  From what i hear, the class is supposed to become much, MUCH better once the lvl 50 content is released.  Hang tight, it will get better.

I'm sorry but we actually don't get better. We do gain more skill points and some HM skills , however it scales  very badly vs the other classes, especially bm.



As it stands now warlocks were nerfed hard , yes this is a fact we can't deny however it is not impossible to do well. Be patient.



However in the recent changes I believe leech is having some of its CD removed

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I don't know, I "almost" reached gold today in Arena, but even a destroyer bot beat the shit out of me. I chain him, he jumps at me, half my hp gone, by the time i use a knock down and S+S away, then while I cast something he's there agian hitting me, plus resisting 50% of the damage I deal, I get Thrall out, hes busy for about 1 second with Thrall, jumps back, jumps at me, boom I'm dead. Barely took half of his hp down. Summoners cat can hold me down indefinitely, if I manage to kill their cat which seems easy, they stay invisible and root me and kill me cause S+S has cooldown and no other iFrame. All the stuns and dazes need a skill to be casted or first use a skill then it becomes available, where do I have time to do all that when I am being butt *cricket*ed? So the only useful skill is the V and the cooldown removed on the bombard, and MAYBE, just maybe I am lucky enough to kill someone with it before I get spanked.


Also Assassins seem to own me all the time. There is no way to get them out of their stealth, I am as good as a training dummy to them.

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We got the nerfed warlock....its mostly a PVE CANNON CLASS now...if we would have the prenerf WL then it would rekt in pvp....i thought everyone learnt that by now...i suppose people never learn ._. 



Warlock > PVE < Good

Warlock > PVP < Bad


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If you're not even managing to hit gold and you're getting stomped, it's not the class, it's you ~

That being said, we've had the class for not even two weeks yet so don't feel too bad if people who've over a month of pvp experience under their belts are besting you.


Destroyer bots should easily be free wins for warlocks and probably every class with a competent player .-.

The thrall's great ~ assuming you're making good use of it's mobility skills and just casting it and forgetting about it.

-spec it for atk in pve and it does ~4k a swing, aoe in melee range while keeping ur enemies constantly targeted

-spec it for def in pvp and excluding extreme scenarios, it should only ever time out and never die.

Circle around it and cause your enemies to waste their attacks on it instead of you ~

If you're cc'd in a bad spot you can swap places with your thrall or tell it to stun & throw your opponent in the air giving you time to escape and get set up for a counter


The class is fragile but it definitely has the mechanics to be successful.

Between baiting out cc then using bastion, onrush, void walk, second wind and eclipse you definitely have enough tricks to get you by until you get a good leech off.

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I don't understand why you guys are complaining. Yes the Warlock got a hard nerf because it was almost broken on KR release so we go post-nerf version. I do fine in PvP.

The Thrall isn't a perma-pet and Warlock isn't a pet class it is meant to be a class cannon nuke range class to balance range options considering Force Master was the only range class in the game.

S+S can be upgraded to provide a root when you use it, X can be used to daze or stun not just knocked down, upgrade your 2, use F more, Get used to using Leech to get free 4s and Vs, look at your skills guys. There's specific paths that excel at PvP. I have probably a 70% win rate minus bot wins (which I'm very disappointed if you get beat by a bot. Easy method - summon thrall back step to behind it; they target the first thing in front of them for about 8 seconds which would be your pet. Take advantage to that.)

Get used to playing Dragon Helix or the Twin Dragon.. and in PvE? I have no problem doing what I'm suppose to do. No, with the damage you throw with your 4 you will not be able to keep aggro on your Thrall. I look at the Thrall as a start to a fight with added buff benefits such as the AtkP up buff. You also have Focus up buff. You get a knock up with a stun or knock down. Easily giving you more than enough time to burst a 1* dungeon boss. Use 1 more and Z. You Z can be upgraded to provide 5 resists rather than 1. Your 1 can be upgraded to give a life on block. 

*Sigh* I just don't understand why you guys cannot look at abilities and their paths and not try things. Knowledge is Power!

Edit: PS: I'm Gold rank. I don't PvP on a regular basis. I tend to just do the PvP dailies and continue on my day, but I'm completely not nullified about how my class is suppose to perform.

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1 hour ago, TexMex said:

It is common knowledge that the warlock class is pretty bad right now.  This is mostly due to the fact that the class is balanced around being lvl 50.  From what i hear, the class is supposed to become much, MUCH better once the lvl 50 content is released.  Hang tight, it will get better.

People say this about EVERY single class.

Anyway, I have a 9 win streak with a 42 warlock in arena (with kind of a random skill build), just by spamming skills without much thought about it. With my main assassin I struggle doing my daily win - and with keeping track of all cooldowns, skill rotations, build and so on.
Yeah, that's underpowered.

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That's funny, I'm a 1701 warlock gold main and I can tell you that the assasin match up is hard, but not impossible.It's the one where you're patient. My guess is that you skillpointed the wrong abilities (like 9/10 of the locks I meet in arena) Yes locks are nerfed and weak atm, but they are nowhere near as bad as people seem to advertise them. Honestly if you wanna climb the ladder you gotta actually TRY and learn and Improve on the class. Learn the other classes, learn their condition to win, use your brain and counter it with your own condition to win. Destroyers are the easiest ones you can get matched up with. 


If you play with your brains and not just your fingers.


Also, if you want your pet to tank, (which isn't the real purpose of it pve-wise but whatever) then spec into the aoe taunt. If you take aggro ,It's natural, you obviously deal WAY more damage then your pet, you're not a summoner.

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2 hours ago, Mucski said:

Thank you NcSOFT for bringing a broken class to EU/NA, that is only good to kill mobs, and not even that properly. PvP is literlay 0, and any class with a bit of brain can wipe the arena with warlocks. Not to mention the constant PvE agros even with Thrall out, and .... I just don't even have the words to describe how bad it is. Almost 0 CC, you throw in 1 block that either works, either not, I rely on a *cricket*ing S+S skill that has a 9 minute cooldown and doesn't work either if my ping becomes high, which thank to your servers it does. Thrall takes too long to summon, stays out too less, deals almost no damage, doesn't hold agro, what is it for anyways?


Watched top streamers on YouTube to learn to PvP, even they keep losing and dying. So I guess its not just me.


No wonder nobody I met wants to main a Warlock, i mean who in their right mind do that?


You need to realize that any class that won the World Championship in Korea was going to get nerfed heavily.  What they are doing is buffing them back up, yes they were too powerful at the time but that will be fixed as time progresses.  


Thing is the Dev team that does the balancing will not listen to the US for feedback for several reasons.


1) We do not have all the content to play at a competitive level with the rest of the regions

2) They speak Korean so if you want to communicate with them, go to the korean forums, create an account and use google translate

3) You will need to convince them you are a Top Tier player for them to take you seriously (good luck with that)

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Seriously, learn to use Bastion and Sanctum.... Those are a god send when u are getting focused. Bastion alone iframes damage 5 times while active, and sanctum causes anything outside the area to not be able to target you. Stop bitching about the class being crappy (yes we know it got nerfed to hell but needed it) but learn how to effectively use it and when the buff comes (it "should" receive one since the nerf was really harsh) you will be ready to start doing much better. I find the class fun as hell, albeit squishy once your defenses are on CD, in PvE. Once you nail down your rotation you can burst shit down stupid fast. Dragon Helix becomes really fun once you get the weapon buff to the skill plus good crit dmg. Mine only has Awakened Siren +10 and those 10k+ crits back to back to back when you learn your buff windows are awesome!

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1 hour ago, Grillz said:

That's funny, I'm a 1701 warlock gold main and I can tell you that the assasin match up is hard, but not impossible.It's the one where you're patient. My guess is that you skillpointed the wrong abilities (like 9/10 of the locks I meet in arena) Yes locks are nerfed and weak atm, but they are nowhere near as bad as people seem to advertise them. Honestly if you wanna climb the ladder you gotta actually TRY and learn and Improve on the class. Learn the other classes, learn their condition to win, use your brain and counter it with your own condition to win. Destroyers are the easiest ones you can get matched up with. 


If you play with your brains and not just your fingers.


Also, if you want your pet to tank, (which isn't the real purpose of it pve-wise but whatever) then spec into the aoe taunt. If you take aggro ,It's natural, you obviously deal WAY more damage then your pet, you're not a summoner.

I meant that it was my alt character.
Me with 42 warlock -> 9 win streak

Me with main assa -> struggle to win
That's what I meant

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OP's brain might be nerfed.

You cant possibly use one tactic and expect to get by, especially when the general community knows it by heart. Learn from mistakes and chain combos. You will never win all the time but u will win most times.

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49 minutes ago, Evechan said:



Warlock is pretty bad atm, its like 30% of the class power (since warlock are supposed to start at lv 50 only) but who don't like hard mode.

Um... your opponent Destroyer was a bot? Was this screen shot suppose to be funny or was it suppose to be serious?

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7 minutes ago, Evechan said:

Both XD



Ehh... I am not that impressed then. If it was a joke, haha funny, but the Warlock isn't that bad to play.


Point is people aren't understanding the pros and cons of the class and are just looking for a free cake walk and that isn't the case with the class. I'm Gold something like 1700 or close to it and I'm about 70% win rate on non-bot players.

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