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Warlock nerf


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So, I always knew Warlock would be my main so I saved EVERYTHING just to transfer it all once it came out. I made it lv45 in 2 days and was surprised how bad it was compared to ALL my other classes, so I made a post just like this one. Honestly, warlock isn't ok, I have played almost every class and in my humble opinion, warlock is crazy OP the first 30 lvs, so yeah, any new warlocks would be surprised to hear this class sucks. But those like me who wants to main warlock are a little... Disappointed. Why? Let's compare it to the other magic classes:

FM don't even have to cast, they can simply hit and run and outdamage ANY warlock, don't even get my started on summoner (I own a summoner, I love my summoner, but seriously this class is just broken). Warlock have to stop to cast and get owned while doing so since it is made of glass when its defencive skills are on CD, BUT that was understandable since they were supposed to have like... crazy damage... But this version does not, so yeah... Meh.

having said (or wrote) all that... I just have to say that I regret NOTHING

Warlock it's FUN, and since it's kinda bad there aren't many out there (which is crazy since its like the "the new class"), at least on my server. And it super useful to have on a party, I mean, How come no one mentioned soulburn ?? 50% crit damage *,...,* you can really see a difference on the party damage output, so even if you're not the best DPS, you actually are the one responsable for most of damage! As a former assassin who always felt useless on a party, I really likenthe change.

So, was it terribly nerfed? Yeah, duh. (IMO) 

does it need to be buff? As it is right now, yeah, it does.

Is it fun to play with? Hell yeah

is it useful on parties? It is.

is it good for solo? Not it isn't.

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Well you got the fm outdamage part right. And soulburn is awesome. Warlock could use a buff or two or atleast lower cds on souldshackle and X skill. I wonder how warlock would be if it was not nerfed? I mained my warlock too :) awesome class not easy to play but we will get there :)

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Only thing I would like to see in Warlock would be a 'life leech' because the hp regen 5% and 25% of a crit is just pathetic. For the squishiest class, a teensy bit more survivability would be appreciated.

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Warlock is just NOT a class for everybody, it's not like grabbing a summoner and basically do pretty much anything with smashing 2-3 keys. Warlock is about learning your timings, optimizing them, and base every single point in the right skill depending on the fight/situation. Like 1, quell, with the upgrade you can block pretty much everything. Put some points in X your resist, put points in life drain/restore hp in 2, v, F, even in C if you want!. It's amazing how much you can heal while still dealing such damage.

Yes it is squishy, but the damage output is high, and no, if you learn your skills and use them properly, you won't die when you pull aggro. and if it's getting bad just put taunt in Q so you can gain time with thrall while other stuff is on cd. There's so much to do other than just SS. Hell my bf and I have been leveling our lock alts together and he's been most of the time even tanking the bosses in nightshade taking little no damage, and we JUST hit 45 so we are HM 1, have random stats nightshade blue soulshields (about 20k+ hp) awaken profane weapon, and infernal accessories.

Honestly? this class kills everything in 2 secs before the crap even gets to you.

For pvp, is not the best because it's not easy to get all the cd's right, check on bns tree for a good pvp build. I Recommend time distortion.

Imo the class is perfectly fine, the nerf was needed, it was retardedly OP when it released in KR.

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As soon as you get some decent hp for endgame content you can facetank anything anyway, especially with Quell.  "Oh no I got aggro....*holds 1*"


Plus most of the time you'll be in a group and even if you are soloing the 24's, things die so fast.  


I would LIKE a small buff in the heal department or a reduction on certain cd's but they are not NEEDED.  I just want them.

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I have pretty much quit the game because of Warlocks. I play melee classes and once I get into a dungeon (one of the things I like doing) I can't kill anything, even the bosses die in seconds before I can get half a combo off. 


Warlocks have made playing anything else in PVE totally pointless. Eventually I just sat in the middle of the party doing nothing because I really couldn't. That and the bots, constant gold spamming (yea I'm even getting gold spam adverts on the forums now) and the censored content for the West proves that NCsoft doesn't give a toss about the game, and neither shall I.

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man... I main a WL and I feel fine at it... we may don't have the lv 50 skills that is a big deal for WL but the class is ok atm.

look at this solo and take a look at Warlock section on forum, maybe someone can help you with PVP but I'm using this build for PVP (https://bnstree.com/WL?build=45010020353145034020112202201132800321703131011060320903307031040333002266031) turn on ALL your CCs and get the soulburn to refresh CD when you use all the CCs (usually you don't need more time to lose or win a battle so don't care about it)



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Overall the lengthy cast animation is not doing timing any good for general mobs, like most time when dragoncall is about to complete cast animation, mobs are often 1-5% hp left, feeling bit unfit for non boss fight.

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I happen to enjoy maining a warlock thank you very much. The class is difficult to win as, and that is something I do admire. Personally I think the nerf was a bit too hard. But still I love the class regardless. 

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I don't know guys, I reached gold, but it just too much work to do anything with it and as I said, sure you can kill "SOME" people, but 99% of people who have a brain will wipe the arena with a Warlock no matter how many points you put in 1, v, z, c, S+S


Today went up to 1650 points, at that point the real players came through, they downranked me back to 1500. From BD to KFM, to FM they all owned the shit outa me. Only happy times when I could kill some destroyer bots, which are also a threat when they keep resisting most of my cc's, their spin goes right through the quell, and I have a chain that they can jump out from, or just use S and voila. So no matter how much you defend warlock, it's shit in arena. Sure it's good in PvE ... "good". And no, I can't solo shit with it. I could till like lvl 30, at that point mobs started to kill me or die too soon and leaving my cooldowns on for the next mob, so I can run around and use Quel and maybe just maybe they wont suround me and beat the shit outa me. Only usefull thing I found in arena is time distort.

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Warlock isn't a summoner. If you want a familiar that's going to stay out long and do hella damage, then go make yourself a summoner. Thrall is pretty decent if you know how to command him. I main a warlock and I don't seem to be struggling in either pve nor pvp. 

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On 14.3.2016 at 1:02 AM, Evechan said:



Warlock is pretty bad atm, its like 30% of the class power (since warlock are supposed to start at lv 50 only) but who don't like hard mode.

I like this one. I had the opportunity winning a duel, as a WL, TOO! How are they called? Automated Destroyer Pedo Bots? I guess that's correct.


Warlock is currently broken af. Try Mushin Tower. Capture it,  without cuts, show your death count, do it with your regular obtainable SS, like profane. Not the MW bullcrap, which takes ages to gather those insignia for (THANKS INACTIVE CRIMSON MAGOTS!), and we will talk again.


It is impossible reaching F8 with the current stupid WL. Fragile af and you say "it is good"? Hell, even KFM and Sin are better to call them as a main. And yet being able to run Mushin in a single perfect run, regular SS.


Why am I not talking about weapons? Simply: No matter how much damage your WL causes, you are a freaking 1-2 hit breakfast hunt prey for those bosses. 

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19 minutes ago, SENTlENT said:

Try Mushin Tower. Capture it,  without cuts, show your death count, do it with your regular obtainable SS, like profane. Not the MW bullcrap, which takes ages to gather those insignia for (THANKS INACTIVE CRIMSON MAGOTS!), and we will talk again.


You should at the very least be able to get a hold of a blue/purple bsh/poharan shield set by the time you're 45 from the raid zones, assuming you're already familiar with the game and bother trying.


Honestly, why would you even want a class to be able to complete endgame content like the tower whilst they're undergeared & underskilled.

Your gear can only carry you so much. If you're having such a ridiculously troubling time i'd suggest you adapt to whatever it is you're facing instead of hitting a brick wall over and over and expecting it to cave in.

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9 hours ago, SENTlENT said:

I like this one. I had the opportunity winning a duel, as a WL, TOO! How are they called? Automated Destroyer Pedo Bots? I guess that's correct.


Warlock is currently broken af. Try Mushin Tower. Capture it,  without cuts, show your death count, do it with your regular obtainable SS, like profane. Not the MW bullcrap, which takes ages to gather those insignia for (THANKS INACTIVE CRIMSON MAGOTS!), and we will talk again.


It is impossible reaching F8 with the current stupid WL. Fragile af and you say "it is good"? Hell, even KFM and Sin are better to call them as a main. And yet being able to run Mushin in a single perfect run, regular SS.


Why am I not talking about weapons? Simply: No matter how much damage your WL causes, you are a freaking 1-2 hit breakfast hunt prey for those bosses. 

So you're a plat Warlock?

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On 3/12/2016 at 2:24 PM, Mucski said:

Thank you NcSOFT for bringing a broken class to EU/NA, that is only good to kill mobs, and not even that properly. PvP is literlay 0, and any class with a bit of brain can wipe the arena with warlocks. Not to mention the constant PvE agros even with Thrall out, and .... I just don't even have the words to describe how bad it is. Almost 0 CC, you throw in 1 block that either works, either not, I rely on a *cricket*ing S+S skill that has a 9 minute cooldown and doesn't work either if my ping becomes high, which thank to your servers it does. Thrall takes too long to summon, stays out too less, deals almost no damage, doesn't hold agro, what is it for anyways?


Watched top streamers on YouTube to learn to PvP, even they keep losing and dying. So I guess its not just me.


No wonder nobody I met wants to main a Warlock, i mean who in their right mind do that?

sorry but every class has the current skill change that the KR servers have right now, we just don't have the full strength of it because we don't have the lvl 50 patch.

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