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On 2/22/2016 at 8:06 PM, KindleFire said:

I didn't fully understand this until I got into CBT2 for BDO, but yes, I realize this now. Honestly I'm not against group pvp or a little friendly sparring. getting pked while grinding mobs definitely doesn't sound fun, but I suppose in a way it breaks the monotony of grinding mobs. Regardless, after playing BDO I can say I'll be sticking to it at least until I've hit a point such as with BnS. 


The issue I have with pvp in BnS is that content is locked behind it: soulstones. (again, faction dailies may be pseudo-pve, but I have to flag myself, and therefore risk pvp) I never liked 1v1 arenas. I prefer group pvp by a long shot (I did plenty of CS/Fraywind and gvg zerging in Tera). BDO does not lock my blackstone income behind pvp


Paint me dumb or something, but I failed to understand this logic.


BDO - You PvE, but can get PvP'd ALL the time. It is fine so and I will stick with this game.

BnS - You PvE, but can get PvP'd because you must PvP outfit. This game sucks.

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This game is the biggest disappointment for me since Archeage, I'm not buying into this crap anymore in the future.  MMOs are a dead genre to me now, I won't ever buy a "Founder" pack type thing again in ANY game.  

- Faction Imbalances
- Ridiculous Costume Prices
- Wardrobe isn't account wide
- Gutted and Gated content to maximize profit regardless of how boring current state of game is or how it destroys the game.
- Horrid communication from NCSoft, especially on forums.
- Currency Exchange and Gear leveling system is 110% P2W, you can almost achieve all late game max gear with real money.
- Priority Focus and game changes always on Cash Shop first, what RNG boxes can we get away with and how much can we rotate/charge for costumes.
- End game is nothing but daily CHORES, none of it is fun after 1-2 days, huge time-sink for little reward.
- Arena balance is a complete bust, almost everyone has re-rolled summoner for e z wins.  Good players constantly tank rating to go back up ladder farming soulstone pouches.
- Bots Gone Wild
- Forums are a Ghost Town, there's more bot spam then there are posts.
- Toxic community full of swipe lords who defend every NCSoft move, 9/10 people aren't helpful or kind to others just here for the lel trolls.

There's a LOT to complain about and sadly it's not just NCSoft or this game.  The MMO genre and community itself is tired and need to go away for a few years until the approach has been completely revamped and someone is able to take a innovative fresh approach.  We also need to get past the current F2P/P2W Cash Grab business model, it's cancer.  Too many game companies will burn their game to the ground just to make a bunch of money upfront instead of making much more in the long run, it's sad and bad business.

In regards to the community, it's not just the mmo or gaming community that's toxic..  It's people in the internet in general.  Most people think sitting in front of their computer is a license to be a complete piece of garbage with no empathy for others.  Some people don't even understand how to communicate without being a troll, it's very sad when you take a step back and think about it, it needs to change.  We've all had those moments and at times its funny but currently the entire internet has become one huge troll.

I look forward to things changing sometime and I hope some company finally gets it right with another MMO, not only being able to produce a good product but also communicate properly with their customers and realize that none of us need the game nor company..  The Company needs us.

Warlock isn't going to save this game, nor is it going to add more then a couple weeks to its longevity.  The class should have been available on launch, so should have level 50 content.  Too little, too late.

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The truth? I was about to stay, I love the action style and female models in this game >///<

But apart from the technical problems I had, Im gonna main BDO and Sub BnS because of the community, worst of all the MMOs I played.

You name a toxic behavior, this community haves it: Kill, Ninjaloot, AFK, Trick, Skip, UnRess, Offend...

My honest opinion.


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Actually I really love this game without trying to be a fanboi. I spent more than 100 AU$ on the other superhyped game on the market (BD) and was so disappointed I wish I could get my money back. Then in desperation, trying to get back into Aion etc, I came across this game and I think it is absolutely great.

So I am happy with it and I think anybody who has too many qualms with it will find that on the market there really is nothing worthwhile playing. So this game is really the best on the market right now! jmoo

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NCsoft sadly(I'm not ther biggest fan tbh) is hosting the best mmos(for me atleast).

Lin 2 - Played for years..quit because the game just turn to nyerk.They never showed a single damn about the game and how in private servers there was actually more players then in retail...everyone and hes mom was using bot in this game or cp clicker/whatever other hack there was...they never did a simple attempt to do anything.However the game was a blast,publisher not so.5 years in this mmo and I do not regreat a moment in it.


Aion - horrible mistakes one after another.Balance nada,even l2 was more balanced then this(hello l2 archer 10k AA crit).Game was uhm fun in the first 12-18 months.After that become boring and complete nyerk.Played for few extra years because simply there wasn't a single mmo to drag my attention.

And I tryed GW2,Tera,Rift and few more...bought for all of them pre-orders.


Now BNS...I didn't expected the game to come in west after so many years and I decide to try it in asia although ping from EU is really bad(whoever came with the idea to connect to asia via usa must be decapitated).Game is a real blast.Quit completly Aion and played in Asia until the annoucement.


Having fun since 15th of Jan.Didn't had such a great fun from very long time.


What I can complain about is server lag(global lag not just me but also my friends and entire server spamming in faction LAGGG) and arena lag sometimes.


Yeah I don't like summoners but as a player that pvped in other regions at 50 I can say things going to be ok vs them.Well most will reroll WL anyway.


Would I quit? Not a chance and I know ncsoft.They can't drive me away because I'm very stubborn.And honestly they are doing very good job here.Considering in the other 2 big titles they didn't care for a moment but here they actually do,which is weird.Very weird but hopefully they keep it up.

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2 hours ago, NinjaZombie said:

i agree, go play another game, so the real players can enjoy it without this attension seeking post like every other post is about

Hope youre one of hte people paying for this game otherwise, ncsoft dont take xoxoxo for reason to stay live.

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10 hours ago, Grevier said:

The truth? I was about to stay, I love the action style and female models in this game >///<

But apart from the technical problems I had, Im gonna main BDO and Sub BnS because of the community, worst of all the MMOs I played.

You name a toxic behavior, this community haves it: Kill, Ninjaloot, AFK, Trick, Skip, UnRess, Offend...

My honest opinion.


^ Same + 200ms + latency on a 2k16 MMO... and the biguest issue to me, is that you NEED TO DO PVP for the Soulstones... (ok besides the faction Q), so why the fu.. do i need to pvp to advance in Pve?

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Did not quit yet but the game is just getting boring.


PvP is fine even if there are just those brain dead classes that are just so cheesy.


Bots are running freely in PvP and field bosses and nothing is being done, like ZERO F's GIVEN.


Prices are kinda pricey and the only way for you to afford them is to play and sink a SH*T load of time into the game

for some upgrade stone and others, feel sorry for new players =(


RIP BnS.... Soon.

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I still play the game because i really enjoy the gameplay, but guess once BDO is out, guess i'am slowly going to forget BnS


-- Crap EU laggy server : that's bad and ruin the gameplay since you cant at 100% play correctly your class

And well, they look to know about that, but did they have done something... no, look like they dint give a damn sh*t about that.

-- "End game" is only about powercreep, grind for days to get money to upgrad gear, and pass the gear check for the next dungeon, repeat till death

-- Quite insane avantage when you pay regarding "gold income" ( rng box & so on ) and the game design is saddly made around that ( lot of gold needed to upgrade.. ), when, you do your daily, the gold income is also very very poor compare to what you have to spend.

-- Bot - spammer festival

-- Thoses bot farmer quite play a huge part into that non sense economy

-- SoulStone needed for everything in large quantity, but if you dont farm arena, you are screwed with the very poor faction SS income

-- Broken summoner not even correctly balanced, thats ridiculous


that game is absolutely more than enjoyable because of the gameplay ( i truly love it ), but, there is way too much ""design"" that waste the whole game ( + Crap EU server )


So yeah...


I dont rage or  whine, but that's too bad to waste a game with such bad things.




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I may end up quiting because at 27, I am still stuck in the Blackram Narrows trying to get my Blight Bangle for my FM. I pretty much log in, grab the daily and solo it. Get my daily non tradable Warlock dagger and then log off. BDO is coming out in a week, then I am done for a while.

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I'm quitting because playing BnS became the following boring thing, everyday:


1. Open launcher and login.

2. Open email to receive security code (dynamic IP, you know...).

3. Validate special code.

4. Enter the game.

5. Report all new spammers.

6. Take Blackram Narrows daily quest for my Blight Gauntlets.

7. Go to dungeon.

8. Open the damn lockbox and receive a Bangle, a Warlock Dagger or a Lynblade.

9. Salvage the damn, useless, not tradeable weapon.

10. Close the game until next day.


I've done this for 10 days, I'm done because it's not fun anymore.


I'm stuck because I want my weapon. Also, crafting is not an option to spend time while you cannot advance in the game because:

1. You cannot get more materials if you don't level up (because you need to first gather a sample in advanced maps).

2. You just need to set the order and wait. Actually, you are not crafting. Just waiting so it's not fun.

3. To craft important items you need to do dailies to receive a special ingredient, so crafting is sloooooooooow, and rewardless. Too much effort to gain 1 silver...


Even so, I crafted items because maybe I could make money in the Auction House and try to get other stuff there... Nope, It's so hard to make money that I'm not going to bother anymore. Important items are not tradeable (WHY, for God sake WHY NOT????). Also, you got penalized for selling items in the auctioner, they add an extra fee if you sell more than X items (again, WHY???).


So, to make it short, I'm quitting because BnS became repetitive, limited and boring.





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I reached Hongmoon level 5 yesterday and directly felt discouraged from continuing with the grinding. The game is *cricket*ing great when it comes to gameplay but certain grinding aspects of the game is just terrible.


1. Soulstones... I should not be forced into PVP to progress in PVE, just no it's flatout idiotic.

2. The requirements for upgrading past Awakened Pirate i'd say is quite steep and very costly, just reduce the requirements slightly


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Want to first off say that this game is good. The art style, the characters, the classes and the combat, the combat is by far the best system that I have played with in an MMO. This game could and maybe if NCSoft actually does what they said they were going to do was be more active in the community listen to players; their issues, concerns and do a much better job at relaying the information to the dev team and showing what player issues and suggestions are being looked at/being implemented in the game. So that being said.

The game it is just not structured in a way that makes for a fun game. Having a progression system that is based on upgrading an item as you level is a cool idea, but they have found a way to make it overly complicated and there is no explanation in the game on how the system works other than those little descriptions on where the items are. Which is you are new to the game you can be pretty lost in where those things are. If they wanted to make so many items for the progression. They should have made it much more player customizable. So when you get to a transformation with an item there are different items that add more to a stats like crit, more atk, more block, etc. Having more like a progression tree but using items.

The amount of RNG boxes and RNG mechanics is frustrating and they are only there because of the game being F2P.I don't really get how you don't see the walls from the Wheels, the different currencies and items needed to just do one thing, The amount of gold you need to upgrade your gear.That really shouldn't even be there. Getting all the items to upgrade should be enough. Should not be having to PvP in the arenas to get the items needed for progression. If there was at PvP gear progression that was an option like you got to the transformation in the gear and you wanted to make the gear stronger in pvp than pve.

The Loot system is horrible! People up bidding just to be dicks. The bidding system only causes more toxic behavior. Where is the class priority and a need/greed loot system. That works and makes everything run much more smoothly. Than if no one wants to item than it should be converted into gold and added to a pool that is split between the players of the party at the need of the instance.

Its funny I just tried to do one of the 6 man purple dungeons and couldn't because I didn't have some quest done that I have no idea where it is. And another I need that purification pot that seems to be extremely expensive. Again more examples of making things overly complicated and having zero explanation in the game as to what to do. I tried to do one of the 24 mans. Thinking it was going to be a normal raid, so got invited to a group and want in. To only discover that the group was already at the end of it. Being the first time in there I had no idea what to do and where to go. It seems to be some crazy thing with a bounce of other groups running around. Why is a 24 man dungeon and not just a place on the map where you do the repeat quests as in every other area in the game? It is pure chaos.The whole game is just not designed well at all. It's like they got to the end game and couldn't agree on how to make it so they just put all of their ideas in and told the players to figure it out. Not anyway to make a game. Nothing in this game makes you feel like you are getting somewhere, and progression to any goal. It's just a hollow never ending monotony. That leaves you with no accompaniment. Makes the game unfun at least to me. 

Suggestions that would probably get me back to the game if changed and implemented. (Not all are going to agree) 

FOr me the game does a horrible job of showing the player an explanation for what and where you get any of those items to progress and one of them only being gotten through crafting what is an RNG mob drop. Come on how can you honestly say that is good game design. You also think that mmos are only buy to play and f2p. You make is this game sub say $5.99 per month with cash shop remove all the grind walls, remove gold requirement for crafting, gear progression, change the loot system to a normal class priority, than need/greed. If after that no one in the group wants the item it is converted into gold that goes into a pot that is divided up evenly or as evenly as possible to all players. Change all the repeat quests to faction rep with the rewards being the stone turn in and the items from those wheels at higher rep. Transmutation stones be a recipe that all players can get as they level through the story quests and the mats to make them gained through dungeons, faction rep, and pvp. Create battlegrounds, or more a competitive PvPvE area. Make more arena options like normal 3v3 and 2v2 matches with no tag mechanic. Have OWPvp have objectives to capture that have unique items and instances that is only available to the faction that captures it. As much as I don't really like Aion, the game had a very good PvP design that there was a whole different map/world that was geared to PvP. Implement a much more customizable gear upgrade system that turns the upgrading of the weapons and gear have more options when it comes to what the weapon can be transformed into. For example when you get to a transformation stage, there are 3 weapons that you can choose at this step. All have more of a focus into one stat; so if you want to have more crit you would use the upgrade weapon that has more crit, you want more atk, faster atk, etc. Making the progression of the gear have more player choice and somewhat have a more horizontal progression.     

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-Community is toxic as hell in the most part


-Worst crafting experience of any game I've played. I thought tera was bad but boy o boy this drooling mess is unique.

-Crafting takes FOREVER

-Did I mention UNBALANCED PVP?

-Everything costs too much compared to how much you can earn questing, forget killing mobs, those don't even give money

-Costumes are non-sellable so you can't make cash off those, and crafted goods are mostly non profitable since what you can sell them for is slightly less or more than what it costs you to make it.

-Too much is gated behind pay walls, like sending mail, creating characters, etc. I feel those two should at least come as a free thing, people enjoying your game = more people buying ncoins. If not all character slots at least half, but 2 doesnt even give me the option to test all or most the classes to figure out which one I would like to play as a main (i already picked but before that, you feel me)

-Soulstones gated behind a pvp daily?! WHAT!?



On the other hand, much like Wildstar, I had a GREAT time lvling up and going through the zones although in BnS' case, it felt much more like a tunnel instead of a map/zone. Making another comparison to Wildstar, in WS case the story was at least fun, the dialogues felt more alive while in BnS the story was pretty shitty generic story and the voice acting for most parts didn't even match what was happening like there are scenes of people telling you bad news with a happy voice. ETC.


Il give the game a few weeks at most, since I made some friends start playing. But once they call it quits, which they will, I'll probably follow.

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Sorry, I only read your thread title. and I did not quit, but if I did it would be because of... BOTS! They are harmless little critters and yet... they even taken over half the forum in a day... enough said.


edit: oh, I shall continue. Bots in itself are no problem if it is being remedied, but from what I am seeing it becoming worst by the day. Spreading like cancer and no signs of slowly down. Next thing I know, I would have a bot playing for me...

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why i quit?

i already don't play for about a week.. i feel better and much more cooler than before... to much emosional to see game full with bot and ncsoft like dont care...


just want to express my feeling before i go.. look like this thread help me to move on... i soon move to another game..


i dont mind to pvp being kill or be killer with another player.. but how if u get kill by bot/ cheater... really so much emosional... 


i dont mind to get end game weapon and soul shield so difiicult because it's look like so much fun. But when u know the bot can Fe much faster then me. how do u feel?  this is like player 6 hours Vs player ( bot + cheat)24 hours. 


And about the communicate faction/region/etc bot spammer. even i report and block spam still can see another spam... just so on until i get tired reporting, even i mistake block my friend because of that to often...>_<


Bot now can kill world boss 

Bot can farm in brightstone/hall on agony ( there is no way i can farm like bot)

Bot can pvp in arena with cheat speedhack/ fly/ delayskill/ dmg ( there is no way u can beat them)

Bot can quest  in 24 man bsh/ poh.... 

Bot can gathering quartz ( stone for upgrade) 

Bot can solo mushin/ dg bsh/ poh 4 man using cheat speedhack/delayskill/dmg/ fly...

maybe many more i dont know... so much already share in youtube or reddit...


Really painfull to see this,  that's why i quit... 

maybe some ppl say im lame just because of bot i quit, but that's what everyone say too.. they quit because of bot and ncsoft dont care....and dont fix it quickly.. and now my friend all gone.. and i quit...

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Do the GM's even read these kind of posts? I mean there are a lot of good feedback for them to make the game more appealing to the communitybase. 
I agree with a lot of the comments here, and it should be fixed asap! I'm not going to put any money in this game until i know it's worth it. 

I keep remaking characters since it's way more funner to lvl them up then to farm, pvp, gather money for endgame content. Which you'll have to do after every new expansion, just like Tera =_=''. Hope they do read this topic and at least comment on them that we know that they take the feedback and suggestions into consideration( I know I would if I want this game to be successful).

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On 24/02/2016 at 0:33 PM, LordMarshal said:

I may end up quiting because at 27, I am still stuck in the Blackram Narrows trying to get my Blight Bangle for my FM. I pretty much log in, grab the daily and solo it. Get my daily non tradable Warlock dagger and then log off. BDO is coming out in a week, then I am done for a while.

If only I could help you. Then I would.

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12 minutes ago, Amenti said:

Do the GM's even read these kind of posts? I mean there are a lot of good feedback for them to make the game more appealing to the communitybase. 
I agree with a lot of the comments here, and it should be fixed asap! I'm not going to put any money in this game until i know it's worth it. 

I keep remaking characters since it's way more funner to lvl them up then to farm, pvp, gather money for endgame content. Which you'll have to do after every new expansion, just like Tera =_=''. Hope they do read this topic and at least comment on them that we know that they take the feedback and suggestions into consideration( I know I would if I want this game to be successful).

They do comment and they continuously say they're working on it.

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The only thing that I don't like so far bout this game is that it's swarming with bots even in arena and dungeons. It was actually tolerable at first with the gold spammers in chat cuz I've seen a lot of those in mmos but also in arena and dungeons? Like are you serious? They really need to do something about this cuz it's really annoying fighting a random bot in the arena and also doing a dungeon with a bot that's completely silent the whole and dies a lot 

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number one reason why i have pretty much completely lost interest is is runs like garbage. its very disappointing.


on top of that i cant mail things between my characters because i refuse to pay for something that runs like garbage.


i pretty much log on, lag and stutter my way through SS dailys, and if i feel up to it do one 24 man and enjoy them 11fps on the last boss. i gave up on BSH because i always end up in a pretty much empty instance. 


then i start playing warframe at 240fps with all the settings maxed. it reminds me my PC is not garbage. its just BnS.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just came here after a month to revive this post and show everyone here that problems persist and didn't even come close to being solved, I've seen thousands of post related to bots, lags and conflicts with GG also leading to unfair bans, get your conclusions guys. 


Recently, I saw a good developer/publisher(I*C) change their plans about an OBT for pressure of the community that opened the ways to CHAT and discuss with us(consumers). You don't need to accept everything that comes to you neither swallow a bad enterprise's service, there's tons of good games out there,


So, I'll leave up here to you THINK when something is not pleading you anymore and write down your critics in here regarding why have you quit.


Thanks for you attention.

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On 2/23/2016 at 3:59 AM, Kurotenshi said:

Did not quit yet but the game is just getting boring.


PvP is fine even if there are just those brain dead classes that are just so cheesy.


Bots are running freely in PvP and field bosses and nothing is being done, like ZERO F's GIVEN.


Prices are kinda pricey and the only way for you to afford them is to play and sink a SH*T load of time into the game

for some upgrade stone and others, feel sorry for new players =(


RIP BnS.... Soon.

It sounds like MMOs are not meant for you.  Seriously.  You'd be bored if you had nothing to go after and cricket on about it when there is something to work towards :p

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