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Everything posted by Arohk

  1. There is good RNG and there is bad RNG in game, failure chance on crafting is definitely bad RNG, ultimately it doesn't mater if you invest time to get a rare drop or throw away materials because it fails, but it feels different. Losing materials you collected over a time span and getting nothing for it feels like regress, like you lost something valuable, failure...it is demotivating and frustrating. Spending time and working towards something and then finally getting it feels like progress, success.
  2. Just stop making them, it's a scam.
  3. the server: https://media0.giphy.com/media/l4FATJpd4LWgeruTK/giphy.gif
  4. Nr.3 has already been reverted, i beat stage 100 in 12.9 seconds yesterday, and also did trial arena 10 *** on all classes. I thought about giving feedback and writing my ideas, i play the game every day and know it very well. But all my suggestions land on deaf ears, but some minor things have been changed while no one mentioned it anyway, but that's mostly class changes. e.g. Madness warden had a too long cooldown on his field, which caused you to have a hole of 2-3 seconds of not having your field up when tanking, they changed that by increasing the cooldown reduction of the soul shield set effect, now your field has 100% uptime.
  5. It was doomed from the beginning, don't blame the players, blame the system.
  6. Ha i knew there must be a spot where you can just stand and enter continuously, i have done it at other portals by accident.
  7. Yes really... what are YOU gonna do when an assassin just comes at you and oneshots you. Wow, such wisdom, git gud... lmao. there is no balance unlike arena. you die in one hit , end of line, just happened to me in panda village, didn't see him coming (because invisible) , boom im dead.
  8. that's why i gave up on crafing pts a year ago, 11 fails in a row, set me back weeks of farming, i will not try the new oil transmute even once, ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ that ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤. you know, if its 50/50, it will fail 90% of the time.
  9. Creating an actual queue (like for dungeon and arena) was too hard to make, instead you have to autorun against that portal for hours.
  10. Same, got 40+fps in raid, now it stutters at 15-20 at best, What did they break this time?
  11. i have premium running and didn't manage to get in once so far, friend ran against the portal for one hour and and didnt get in.
  12. Because whales don't sell their stuff, they bunker it. they don't need the gold so why sell anything, selling your items is just a loss of gold in the long run, you sell Gem Powders for 30 gold,? but in a month they will cost 40 so why sell them, just keep them for the next update. I have a guy in my clan who has bunkered over 2000 gem powders, he just kept them for the gem update, he doesnt need the gold for anything.
  13. funnily enough, people who still had the previous 1 year sub running (and not refreshing) got the costume set ;P
  14. 1) Doesn't help, people did just group together on the battle royal as well. (got ganked by groups of three people several times) 2) Doesn't matter, just wear the same outfit as your friends to identify them.´easily. 3) make the orb a limited item (5 per week, same as oils and pet pots) , when you enter you have 30 minutes to fight/farm but if you die you re-spawn inside , you only get kicked when your 30 minute timer runs out, and then you cant reenter the same day. 4) i'm skeptical about that. I am not a game designer but i made a lot of maps in warcraft that were somewhat popular, and i always had to think about how a player could abuse a system or cheat, it is not an easy task the more complicated your game becomes, but an easy fix like my point 3 would solve so many problems for everyone. What ever , it is too late now and it is clear who ever came up with this doesn't give a ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ about fairness or fun, as long as the elite is satisfied.
  15. TOI has nothing to do with PVP, the bots don't even count as PvP targets, they do impossible moves (blocking while running, counterin attacks the moment you push the butten or SS'ing away)) and have very low cooldown on their skills.
  16. i think he's just a troll.
  17. i made you a meme, have a laugh sorry i'm just bored because the servers are down, and i have no life.
  18. They basically shoot in their own foot with this event, the richest people who now dominate this area will get so much money and stuff out of it that they wont need to buy any trove keys for the rest of the year because they get an abundance of everything., just think about f how many millions of gold they will farm there during the time it is open.
  19. i have almost 200 runs in DST and only saw it drop once.
  20. You can still buy the costume in dragon express for the 4th anniversary coins if you missed it.
  21. The small lobby area has multiple channels, not all players are in the same lobby room and try to enter that portal, there are multiple rooms with people trying to enter.
  22. Luckily, most players will never get them so it is not a problem.
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