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Everything posted by Arohk

  1. Yeah like i havent seen any tokens from daily quest boxes in weeks and now this!? The daily dash tokens were my and many others MAIN source for hong moon coins, sometimes i got 6 or 8 blue tokens during one period. Yes keep pissing off your players, way to go, i am not blaming you but i just dont understand what's going on in the devs mind anymore.
  2. They finally removed the garbage crafting elements nobody needs, good.
  3. same, not a single key bought this time after the complete rip off from last time, garbage 3-star with weapon skins you can't even sell.
  4. i don't know, when i played DD in hard mode i always waited for the bubble to appear and ran over with slower people like warlock or summoners, when i tried to charge over, the water killed me pretty fast or other people died because of it. If you die to it with a low geared character its no wonder. I dont think they increased the damage, thats just how it always was in hardmode, you just feel it more now because you play it with weak characters that would have never run hardmode otherwise. Usually it is no problem to survive the water, use SS and some resist shield and movement speed buff, or if you have HM block also helps. It is still a lot easier for new players now, all you need is one decent geared player in your group who can basically solo it (except for some mechanics)
  5. because you fail the machanics, you die. You're supposed to run with the tank inside the protecting bubble. I think a lot of dmg numbers are wrong atm, they deal damage like they would in hardmode.
  6. Bosses are already braindead easy, what do you want? The change of daily challenge is separate from easy mode dungeons.
  7. Went in there with my SF-alt some time ago, got onehit by KFM jumping on me then i left. I once cleared it alone and got 62 chests out of it, but that was when no one else did the zone.
  8. Dont buy them, i bought one for 8 tokens on my warden yesterday and all i got was the 10k unity charm.
  9. Parry and Block is not the same, Parry is the Block that gets you stunned.
  10. Some of them were in troves or events recently, so you will have to wait a long time to see them again. And where is my Nightmare ? still not in the game.. *sigh*
  11. they only said the boss enrage wont kill you, if you fail the single mech you will still die, so play it right and stop whining.
  12. A straight corridor you have to run through for 5 minutes, this ensures people can't do 100 runs too quickly. The boss is simply a log of wood with 3 billion HP that does nothing in Easy mode, so everyone can kill it without dieing, there is no hard mode of it because barely anyone runs hardmode anyway. Sorry, but dumbing down all the bosses is boring, if you can't wipe at them whats the point? I want to run them in hard mode but it doesn't count for daily challenge anymore, why?
  13. Trove in the current form is just a big scam, don't buy any keys. I wont explain why, because it's pointless to do so.
  14. why do you even sent them over? you don't need any gems for leveling, your unity rank alone lets you oneshot everything.
  15. This was the worst lagfest garbage i can remember, fighting that stupid ass dragon for 20 minutes and die to an unavoidable AOE due to crappy fps and getting no loot because of loading screen. Also when people farmed the enemy base and a Destroyer jumped down just to murder 10 people in one hit, great.
  16. They don't make the game for the majority of players but for the 10% who spend a lot of money every time a new trove or patch comes out, as long as they keep spending nothing will change. The removal of solo dungeons from Daily Challenge really is a pain in the butt when you try to finish 4 quests with a weak alt character.
  17. New weekly raid provides 1-3 Tokens for new pet juwels, Pet Juwels cost 2-3k gold to craft Pet juwels are account bound but cost real money to Transfer Already see people with 3 pet juwels on the first day. not pay to win?
  18. The Patch is here, nothing changed.
  19. Any idea if kfm will be fixed in 6v6? right now its just, Pull>Stomp>youre dead (or multiple people are dead). If you survive and tab out to survive, they pull you in right again and you die anyway.
  20. You must be incredibly dumb AND bad to wipe at this boss in normal mode, even if you fail the mech you wont wipe in normal mode, I mean i run ST with my alt just by picking a random group and never wiped there once, yes people fail mech all the time but you still dont wipe. Easy mode is completely unnecessary and a waste of time spend from the programmers.
  21. why do you go through the trouble of sending jewels to other characters, it cost time and money and you don't need them for simple event or daily challenges, i simply have heptas on all my alts (or better if i have spare)
  22. i still have a stage 1 Stronghold left over from before i got the new one, but i cant change it to fire or lightning.
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