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Everything posted by Arohk

  1. Yes, it was 6, they increased it because people sent it around to other characters, cant have free stuff can we?
  2. All Classes are broken with high gear, everyone can onehit you with something, KFM pulls you in > dead Gunner gets you aired > dead Destroyer jumps on you and spins his axe > dead Warden does what ever > dead Summoner pushes RMB > dead FM uses Ice Tornado > dead SF uses Ice beam > dead Sin Throws mine a you while aired > dead All classes need damage adjusted, it is not a problem of any specific class.
  3. i got 1200 SS and SC somehow, i dont even know what i did.
  4. They should adjust the prices of PvP Soulshields, they are way too expensive, One piece costs over 50 Bloodstones, really... Or add a Random SS box to the weekly Battleground quest, getting the right soul-shield stats and then upgrade them as well is sheer impossible.
  5. you have a very strange taste friend...
  6. Please remove this gem from the game, or bring it back in some way. It was from an event over 2 years ago and some people still use it in 6vs6 and become basically immortal if their character has a lot of dodge abilities, (KFM, Assassin) Every time you dodge you get 2 seconds of i-frames, which is ridiculous.
  7. There is no existing animal with feathers coming out of their ears.
  8. I went from Aransu 9 to GC 6 over the alternative path just to avoid the PTS needed, collected all material to do it in one go. It is an RNG luck based upgrade system that simply sucks, i am complaining about that since the beginning. Its better to require 80 what ever Transformationsstones you can actually craft with your time invested farming the materials than to push the button and fail 3 times and then have nothing. Maybe the amount required seems a lot now, but dont ignore the fact that you CANT FAIL. A Premium stone requires MUCH MUCH more material than it shows in the transformation sheet due to the absurdly high failure chance.
  9. you need to buy at least the silver chests, not the normal ones, the gold chests have ~20 moonstones in them each
  10. i also dislike easy dungeon, no one plays the mechanics anymore and everything feels so bland now, just dps the boss and ignore everything... and then people still die, so pathetic. I liked how BnS plays, quick and challenging at times, now everything is just boring like every other dull MMO where you just tank and spank the boss.
  11. You can craft Transformation stones on mass without the fear of losing progress, PTS can cost you weeks of collecting materials for nothing, it is the worst thing possible. i did not transmute any PTS in a long long time after i got 11 failures in a row, ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ that ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤, anything is better than that garbage, and having to spend Ncoin or HM coin in the store every 3 weeks to get 3 stones is also dumb just to progress your weapon a bit, a new player or free to play player wont have any HM coins to buy them. I remember when i needed PTS still for my raven weapon and it failed and failed and failed and i lost everything i collected and a lot of gold. You guys just dont understand how much better it is to not need them anymore on lower tiers. YOu only go for market value but ignore the fact that you can SAVELY upgrade your weapon by just farming without RNG.
  12. Aransu does no longer require PTS, so thats a good thing. Nothing stops your progress more than requiring Premium Stones.
  13. So far i only see improvements, maybe i didn't look deep enough yet.
  15. good question, since they removed the solo dungeons from DC i have no reason to do them anymore. And yes the gloves are extremely rare, i would say ~0.5% chance on each boss, maybe Myorang has a higher drop chance? Who knows.
  16. I think the new Daily quest boxes (..of Jiansey) have a much lower chance to grant them than the old ones that were labled (...of Seolak, ...of Gunwon)
  17. I already hit the surprise field twice in the daily dash and got two sacred vials, i want my HM coins back instead , i could buy 5 sacred vials for that in the store. why you do this?
  18. Just let the guy who spends his orb let have the loot, whats the big deal? Be happy you get the quest for free.
  19. Thank you, finally someone who gets it, there is only a handful of people dominating the leaderboard with multiple characters and get everything.
  20. You don't pay to get something others wont get, you pay for getting it earlier, so feel privileged that you already have it and others don't, for now...
  21. ) Makellose Elemente und Edelsteine sollten nicht mehr 5 Gold sondern nurnoch 1 Gold kosten, dies sind veraltete Preise als diese Noch viel teuer im Drachenexpress waren. ) 1-Stern troves generell verbessern, ein Schlüssel kostet ~44-49 Coins, im täglichen angebot kann man oft für 40 coins 10 stk Mondsteinkristalle oder 10 stk Geweihte kristalle Kaufen, in der trove hat man meistens oft nur EINEN und muss auch noch gold dafür bezahlen, 1-sterne Kisten sollten einfach viel besser sein im Durchschnitt, statt einem Kristall mindestens 5. ) Nutzlose 3-Sterne Crits handelbar machen, Waffenkisten , Kostüme ect... Komischer weise sind die oft aus den "random boxen" handelbar aber aus der Trove nicht. )Premium User sollten automatisch alle slots freigeschaltet haben, dafür noch extra zu zahlen ist die reinste abzocke.
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