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Everything posted by Arohk

  1. Maybe read what your skills do in the future.
  2. Auto farming is cancer, go play an idle game on your phone if you dont want to play your game.
  3. You can solo most of the dungeons already, depends on your gear.
  4. Is it true that you must pay a good fortune to NC Korea to be allowed to sell the good costumes because of licence rights, and thats why we never get the good ones but those barely anyone wants?
  5. I don't know what you mean, this event should be really good, for you especially, i use it to upgrade my alt characters. The event is good that regard. Saying you don't need anything and you have story line gear is just plain wrong, you get awakened raven accessory, Myorang Neck, grand celestial weapon etc. for basically doing daily challenge. The only Thing bad is the PvP/Afk farm zone. I wanted to give my thoughts about it, maybe i talk about it later. I hate all the AFk content so much, fishing, and now auto combat. please stop...
  6. Let this melt on your tongue, farming 10.000 darkrites will take you ~100 hours, and it is a PvP zone so auto combat is pretty much useless. i estimated it because i needed ~30 minutes to get 50 today, the drop rate is ery low (~20-25%) per mob. i had 45 pices after finishing the 200 kill quest (which surprisingly doesnt give any extra???) Please dont waste your time in there farming anything beside the 5 orbs for the event box.
  7. dont know where i get them, just from running dungeons i assume My other characters also got a few thousand of them. A lot of them are left overs from the craftng boxes you got, i don't know if that changed the amount you get, you just dont need to open the boxes anymore i guess.
  8. Arohk


    Enjoy... or not. reddit link, maybe someone translates this to korean and mails it to the responsible person. [removed link due to language violation]
  9. Please remove the requirement of fishing from events, it is so stupid.
  10. you can already max out all your character on pearls, because all future events will now require you to fish 7 hours per day.
  11. You're not the target audience, they build the game for people like this:
  12. You could transform the Azure Scales from the Azure Dragon Costumes into designer threads. So, wait for next time i guess.
  13. Naryu Foundry, you had to air the first boss over the flame wall or he would get a buff from it. BT, you had to air the third bosses over the lasers or they would get a buff, and 3 stacks were instant wipe. i cant think of anything else right now.
  14. No, they are not, they are challenging, but most players are too bad at the game or too lazy to learn mechanics. But once you outgear them they become faceroll easy.
  15. I got hit by an archer for 5x 150k dmg, all he did was Push his 3, that ignores block and parry as well. so laughable.
  16. available through costume boxes and premium sub. Was free when archer came out.
  17. just fcus on the main story before you do side quests, you have to unlock everything first, when you're done with the yellow Quest (main stry) you can work through your quests you get with letters. and Orange quests (raids)
  18. yes, click upgrade on them and you will see the legendary ones.
  19. You have to go to mushin tower to the guy that sells the soul badges and look what they upgrade into.
  20. Oh look what we got in F10 today, another two outfits no one asked for or wants.
  21. An actual video game addiction is rare, an addiction is life and behavior altering. I would say the most video game addicts we had were at the good old World of Warcraft times, when people played for 14 hours a day, 7 days a week. I was there i know what i am talking about. With gambling it is different, and it is a downward spiral, you will always have that litle voice in your back head that tells you, "Come try again, you already spend so much and didn't win yet, just another 50$ , you will win this time for sure" and hen you dont win and spend another 100$ because you must win. Also here is exactly what NC's strategy is with this game, you can believe me or not i don't care. -Create artificial scarcity of ingame resources (e.g. hongmoon jewel powders) -Inflate the market to drive gold prices up (e.g. Hongsil treasure hunt) -Suddenly provide a huge amount of scarce resources for a limited time for real money. -Profit. It is very transparent and you all fall for it, and worse people like @Grimoir keep defending this practice. They are now so far in creating artificial scarcity that you can't even get stuff from events,see they reduced the amount of event curency so you can't buy pet pots/oil for them, and just a short time later flood the Shop with exactly those.
  22. Macros in WoW are very limited and you can't make cast sequences with perfect timing, abilities have global cooldown, they mostly just make it easier to get the right taget without having to click on it, i consider a good macro build a form of skill in WoW. If you use a one button macro in BNS that perfectly executes a combo chain to kill someone in arena from 100-0 ( i have experienced this in arena many times) it is cheating, also there is no ingame way to create macros, you need external hardware or software to create them.
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