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Everything posted by Arohk

  1. Find a clan, get some help. Also.. You don't need to remember every little detail of mechanic, only the role you have to do, which is about 1/4 of all the bossmechanics. I am the main tank in our clan, i have to remember much more mech and boss attack pattern then anyone else in the raid, and you know what i did? When we attemptt a new boss for the first time, and i don't know how i dodge or when i run where and use which ability? I pull the boss see how he attacks and die and pull the boss again and die again over and over until i remember the pattern and perfect my skill rotation to dodge everything and not get hit anymore, that often takes many many tries, and little by little you find new small improvements to do it better.
  2. how does reducing bosses HP make the game less complex? xD
  3. You're wrong, because the majority of event currency will come from fishing, and fishing only.
  4. Me in nova core 800:1400 about to win Got killed , push 4 , game crashes(like it always does) log back in > dead, cant rejoin game, lose ranking, got no battl-points, cant rejoin a new battleground for 10 minutes. Bug is known for years, no response, no intention to fix it for years. New idea : Let us exchange pearls into battle points 1:1, because you obviously care more about afk fishing than working PvP.
  5. As an option okay, not as a mandatory thing. yes keep deleting my Posts, you wont change my mind.
  6. It's the same crap as last time with the dark hearts, guess i wont get more than one or two oil the entire event again now. Fishing as an alternative to grinding is okay, you spend gold for baits and park your character there instead of grinding, >>>If you can get the materials you get from fishing in a normal way<<< >>THAT'S FINE<< BUT STOP FORCE PEOPLE TO STAY AFK THE WHOLE DAY FOR EVENT CURRENCY!
  8. The spot i used was somewhere in the middle next to one of those towers, there are a lot of demons there. Didn't walk in again after i got my 5 orbs. I agree how ever, if it wasnt a stupid afk grind but better drop rate the zone would be more interesting. Reduce the amount of drop you need by ~80 % and remove auto farm.
  9. What is it with those people, cant even AFk farm for one hour...
  10. you get all you need from the event chests, to finish the rest of them. I can understand that key 11 and 12 are a problem to get for a lot of people , but you get more than enough orbs to buy them if you farm them.
  11. whats the problem with key 10? its a 5 minute daily quest
  12. do full runs, not only first boss.
  13. Arohk


    You seriously wanna tell me both of the other two Assassin specs can deal that much damage? 2450 AP in case youre wondering.
  14. Can someone explain to me how the heck a BM can already be close to me and pull me in before my black screen is even gone? I am in the air combo before i can even react to anything. Is this some kind of mod that removes the black screen?
  15. Just play the game, experience comes with time, practice makes the Master, but there is no point in complaining about mechanics jsut because you die a few times, take your time and learn them. The difficulty of FF14 is low because it's combat painfully slow, i have played it for a little bit, up to lvl 70 or so but my subscription ran out before i got into endgame, maybe it gets more challenging later? Final fantasy is a huge Franchise to begin with, thats also why it has a lot of players, it borrows from all over the Final fantasy and Square Enix universe, for example Nier Automata has an own story line and raid there. FF14 also has difficult bosses i had to learn the mechanics, we wiped a few times in those 1 boss raids before everyone understood what to do and then we beat it.
  16. They just need to stop adding new tier of gems for at least 1-2 years so people can actually catch up.
  17. oh that, well ic an explain that f you like , its pretty simple.
  18. i have no clue what you're talking about, i have never seen such colums in sandstorm temple. are you sure that's the right dungeon?
  19. Sandstorm Temple? wut? Shadowmoor, has in fact two noob filter mechanics. 1# You get marked because you're the furthest away from the boss = stand next to the black-ink spot to trigger his enrage. 2# you don't get marked = move out of the black death zone. non of these two are difficult, you don't have to do any of Shadowmoor mechanics now, no cutting, no baiting, just dont stand in the death zone. Just trigger his enrage and move out of the death zone... If that is too hard, you're lost.
  20. Hm, indeed, how strange. I just opened 5 boxes and got 5 pet pots out of them, the chance seem to be pretty high.
  21. PvP Soulshields are too expensive to buy over and over. Also doesnt accuracy only work against dodge?
  22. Agreed, happens way too often that i used my Charge to get to the enemy and stun them, and it just reads "Block".. so stupid.
  23. are they?+ beside that... if you can hold 800k dps or 1million , thats enough to solo it, just takes a bit longer. have done it with my archer and only 650k dps too.
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