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Starcaller RNG Box


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what's new? They are a sneakier Trove 2.0 with over 60 different loot tables with only 11 good pouches roll among them which need a big ridiculous amount of gold to be opened.


Edited by Cappie
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7 minutes ago, Cappie said:

what's new? They are a sneakier Trove 2.0 with over 60 different loot tables with only 11 good pouches roll among them which need a big ridiculous amount of gold to be opened.


Well yes but the gold prices are similar to that of items in trove. so in your example 2900g has Suare dyads thats why it costs so much. All together, looking at these boxes i think they are slightly better than trove, for 2 resons only:


Trove resetted daily , if you got say a 3 star crit and didnt have the gold, you were time limited else you lsot it. With the boxes, you can keep that 2900g box until you farm enough gold to open it.

also trove needed you to unlock salots, the box doesnt.


Asside that everything else is the same lol

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1 minute ago, Snowyamur said:

This doesn't sound okay... Why release something that's akin to a loot box without listing the possible rewards, especially since this box is RNG?

they released the post, was jsut delayed i guess. Just the same as trove.

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2 hours ago, Ishtar said:




Cost 150 gold to unlock, another 20 for outfit chest

Can these be sold to other players/in the market?

If they're sellable then this box might be ok. If not though this box is an embarrassment and I'm going to have to drag NC for at least another 2 weeks, once a day every day until they like it.

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51 minutes ago, Snowyamur said:

So is this like Treasure Trove but more effective, or is it slightly worse?

there are still trash pouches that offer you like 3 soulstone crystals or 3 sacret crystals.

I think over all it is more value tough.

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12 hours ago, Grimoir said:

Well yes but the gold prices are similar to that of items in trove. so in your example 2900g has Suare dyads thats why it costs so much. All together, looking at these boxes i think they are slightly better than trove, for 2 resons only:


Trove resetted daily , if you got say a 3 star crit and didnt have the gold, you were time limited else you lsot it. With the boxes, you can keep that 2900g box until you farm enough gold to open it.

also trove needed you to unlock salots, the box doesnt.


Asside that everything else is the same lol

Excuse me? having to pay for the boxes and for the reward is fare for you ? right then, keep taking it from b. Those are suppose to be rng boxes... they just came up with an idea to make an even bigger Gold Sink... Even Trove itself is debatable on the way you have to pay gold for the rewards instead of you being able to pick up freely whatever is it that you have won... because let me tell you something about trove that you should already know: you pay for the keys, also  for the expansions + you have to pay gold for the rewards which in most cases whatever it is that you pick wont be cheaper than you just purchasing from npc or f5 whatever is it that you are after...


A vivid example of what I'm trying to say here is about the Legendary Gem rolls that you can get very often from trove. Most of the time you have the option to buy 1 legendary gem by 5g... (cheap right?) think twice since you have already paid 49 hm/nc coins for it besides the gold... same deal with materials and the rest of the other trash items that you get from trove... if you just purchase 100 keys you might get lucky and land a good 3 star crit that will be worth something real or if you are just unlucky like me you wont get anything from 450 keys besides  2 -2 stars crit were the best option to choose from was a pack of 5 (yes 5) legendary gems... that by the way  happened  3 troves a go to me and after that I  have never tried again to do Trove... and yes I've been here since the start: beta tester all the time premium member max rank (that was another scam by the way)  which I stopped purchasing premium after these trove events.


Right now I'm just playing the game casually because I like it... but I grew tired of all those scams that they are running on us with that "rng" so no more money from me to them. period.


If you agree to all of this and you feel like that is fair for you having to pay 2 and 3 times for the rewards that you "might" get after spending real money? fine by me, everyone can do whatever they want with their time and money... but that doesn't change the fact that this is one of the main reasons the game has been dying so fast... (because a lot of people just don't care and they keep supporting this kind of abuse and as they (ncsoft) keep making profit from it, they just keep pushing and pushing to get more money out of those people that don't care / or they doesn't stop to think about how they have been manipulated to be part of a vicious cycle of pure spending money) while the rest of the community just give up and quit because they can not keep up (a vivid example of this is the amount of people that actually do battle grounds at competitive level... new gear+trove, new gear+ rng box).



Anyways went a bit out of topic... but  the main point is that this is another gold sink scam and I don't think that it is fair having to pay to claim whatever it is the reward you are getting from an rng box which you have already paid with nc coins#realmoney... is not like you are purchasing a box that will give you 100% something... in this case you are purchasing many boxes to see if you get lucky and roll something good... so if you get lucky why do you have to pay top gold for it? it could be 100g or it could have been 10k gold... it doesn't make it right.

Edited by Cappie
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4 hours ago, Cappie said:

Anyways went a bit out of topic... but  the main point is that this is another gold sink scam and I don't think that it is fair having to pay to claim whatever it is the reward you are getting from an rng box which you have already paid with nc coins#realmoney... is not like you are purchasing a box that will give you 100% something... in this case you are purchasing many boxes to see if you get lucky and roll something good... so if you get lucky why do you have to pay top gold for it? it could be 100g or it could have been 10k gold... it doesn't make it right.

then why did you buy them? Simple question. These boxes work exactly the same way as trove, literally the exact same way you just save money on the slot unlocks and you have no time limit to open the pouches like you do with trove which is better, since I know a lot of people who did get a gem crit but didn't have gold to buy it so had to loose it, at least this way they can open it whenever they get the gold for it.


If you want to spend money do it, if you don't you don't. but complaining about it after you buy it, knowing what it is..... 

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21 minutes ago, Backstabpuss said:

RNG boxes and trove in BnS (and not only BnS) have always been a scam. I dont know why people keep buying and still complaining.

I so agree with that, it's a form of scam but as long as it's presented as a legitimate kind of business and as long as it's done with our own consent, the "scam aspect" of it all will remain obscured.

When you love a game and want to enjoy it to the fullest, it's not always easy not to give in to the temptation of buying a few boxes. 

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I don't think I'll be buying these. Sure, the lure of cosmetics is strong, but I'm not agreeing with them also having stat boosting items like gilded gems. THAT is what many consider p2w, and I'm beginning to agree with them.

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They just changed the event. Yesterday it was written on the homepage which pouche number is blue, purple and orange. Today they deleted the part which number is blue, purple and legendary. I got the C01 Pouch and it is blue and they won't change it to orange like it was said yesterday before they changed it on the homepage today.


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Hi all,

1 hour ago, Blueray said:

They just changed the event. Yesterday it was written on the homepage which pouche number is blue, purple and orange. Today they deleted the part which number is blue, purple and legendary. I got the C01 Pouch and it is blue and they won't change it to orange like it was said yesterday before they changed it on the homepage today.


there was no change to the event — just to this article on our website. We are investigating an issue were the grade descriptions (e.g. A10, C01, etc.) are different across the languages, which is why the information on the website wouldn't match. To avoid confusion we've removed this part of the table. This error happened due to a change of the aforementioned descriptions in the last minute, which unfortunately did not carry over to the German, French and Brazilian Portuguese localization. The colour coding (blue = normal, purple = rare, orange = legendary) itself still reflects the rarity of the pouches as it is supposed to in all languages just fine, so no difference there.

We are sorry for the confusion this may have caused. We will keep you posted.

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Hi all,

1 hour ago, Baskerville said:

Hi all,

there was no change to the event — just to this article on our website. We are investigating an issue were the grade descriptions (e.g. A10, C01, etc.) are different across the languages, which is why the information on the website wouldn't match. To avoid confusion we've removed this part of the table. This error happened due to a change of the aforementioned descriptions in the last minute, which unfortunately did not carry over to the German, French and Brazilian Portuguese localization. The colour coding (blue = normal, purple = rare, orange = legendary) itself still reflects the rarity of the pouches as it is supposed to in all languages just fine, so no difference there.

We are sorry for the confusion this may have caused. We will keep you posted.

we were able to identify the issue and are going to update the news article accordingly in the next minutes. Here's the proper description of the pouches in all languages in the meantime:

  • Blue = Normal = C01-C26
  • Purple = Rare = B01-B23
  • Orange = Legendary = A01-A11

If you are encountering different descriptions than these, please make sure keep your game files always up-to-date. 

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On 4/18/2019 at 2:56 PM, Pimboli said:

I so agree with that, it's a form of scam but as long as it's presented as a legitimate kind of business and as long as it's done with our own consent, the "scam aspect" of it all will remain obscured.

When you love a game and want to enjoy it to the fullest, it's not always easy not to give in to the temptation of buying a few boxes. 

I bought 20 of them to try and see. But those HM coins I bought with ingame gold and ddidnt really care. Ofc I got nothing special but I dont complain cuz I already expected it.  Trove actually is a gold sink and looses you money. It cheaper to buy mats from marketplace.

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