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  1. Fury, i believe so too, fairness and equity would definitely be an asset, they're part of the elements that contribute to the health and the stability and the longevity of any kind of system. Pvp was indeed a lot of fun, BnS's combat system is to me the best i've experienced so far, it's pleasantly intuitive, whether in pve or pvp. That being said, besides cheating, there are other elements that i believe were detrimental to pvp. It was awesome and greatly entertaining in situations where gear was equalized, but not as fun in situations where beginners or players who couldn't afford to gear up fast enough became the punching bags of overgeared players. I didn't enjoy being constantly one shot in-world or in 6v6 battlegrounds by players i wasn't geared enough to defend myself against. 😡
  2. I guess the disappointment is shared by many of us, cheating has been rampant in the game overall. And i might be wrong but it seems like 1 of the main reasons for that could be that cheaters feel like they just can easily get away with it. And there's been almost no interaction and no communication between the community and whoever's in charge at NCsoft for days now. It's like we're sailing on a ship that's been abandoned by its captain. 🏃‍♂️🚢
  3. @Emerald Sun@ASHE ENT.i feel you, and i believe the frustration and indignation are legitimate. I still hope they'll mail a bracelet to everyone. If not, then farming a necklace to trade it for a bracelet is the least tedious option (as previously pointed by @Rhiakath). Chimera Lab-stage 1 drops them quite often, and it's possible to farm it solo with soul boost gear.
  4. Definitely not into flaming, everyone makes mistakes, it's just as human as common sense! But mistakes are not fatal, they can be fixed in a respectful manner. The support team itself recommended to share our feedback in the forums so the community management team could look into the issue. It won't cost a dime to give everyone a bracelet, and it would save anyone who hasn't gotten one yet, a lot of (farming) time. And that extra necklace doesn't give any (significant) advantage in game, it won't hurt anyone if people were allowed to keep it (or keep whatever's left of it).
  5. We got the good news from Ashe that after a little struggle, support accepted to send a bracelet even to the characters who salvaged the extra necklace: I'm joining you in requesting from the NCSoft team to mail or provide (in any way) a bracelet to everyone who claimed their level 20 reward before the bug fix and got a second necklace instead, including the players who salvaged that extra necklace (or put it in compound) and have nothing left to swap it for.
  6. This is clearly unfair. Hopefully you'll get a bracelet for each one of your characters, whether from support or later by mail as they did last time they made a similar mistake. - You can try contacting them again, using Grimoir's suggested message for instance. Don't leave it at that.
  7. Very welcome Riohn! 💜 Hope you'll have a lot of fun playing the classes of your choice! And much gratitude to those who took the time to make these guides. 🙂
  8. Hello Riohn 🙂 Sorry i didn't see your message when i logged in earlier. Yes, like Lillvargen mentioned, class guides are available in the Blade and Soul Academy Discord server, but they're not all in a google sheet, some take the form of a discord message i won't be able to share here. Here are the google sheets available so far (for the classes you listed): Warlock Gunslinger Summoner Force Master - Lightning Force Master - Flame (not updated) Force Master - Frost (not updated) And for Gunslinger 3rd spec (Arsenal), Miggy posted a video guide just a few days ago, here:
  9. Chat is also there for that, for players to ask for help when they need it. You're free to help or not, no one's forcing you. And there's a universal rule: you will be treated the way you treated people, one day you're gonna be the one in need of help, and i don't think you'd appreciate it if anyone tried to make it hard for you to get that help. And as Sahphyr mentioned, our chat presents real serious issues like regular trolling from some of us, and also racism, bigotry, misogyny, and insults of all kinds, and at times people talking about their botting / cheating activities or holding any kind of private conversation in public: those are the things we should question, if we care about being a part of a healthier community.
  10. Always pleased to join a thank you bandwagon Soul Boost rewards are really cool, thanks a bunch for them 🙂🙏
  11. Hello Revxi, I had a similar problem a few months ago, and the "scan file" process is what fixed it for me:
  12. 😃That's an awesome tip, Sahphyr thank you so much! Never too late to share! 🙏 I'm currently learning how to grab on several classes and i've been trying to figure out why it's not always working, and this might be the answer!
  13. I forgot about this super cute one! 😃 It's called 'Luciole' and is exclusive to female Lyns:
  14. Thank you too, and happy 7th birthday everyone! ☺️🎉 Time flies, the first year of Blade & Soul was memorable. Unfortunately i lost the pc i was playing on and all the screenshots and videos i saved on it. I managed to find 2 screenies i shared in social media (tumblr) on January 20th, 2016, at 5:10 PM 👵 I remember the significant amount of servers, one of them was called after Old Man Cho 🥹 Some of the servers were so crowded we had to wait in queue before we could finally enter the game.
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