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So are you just ignoring this?


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You guys claim that this game is skill based (why you don't let people macro in Esports(oxymoron)) but then all these years later you still have yet to fix the ping issues with this game.

Literally every game I play i get awesome ping, here it is just stupid.

And things like arena, I would say most of the time the winner is already decided by the time the the match starts due to ping.

I mean, I just got out of a game where i hear the countdown. Go in the match and the person is already in my face and i am already in the air getting combo with no counter play.

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8 minutes ago, Militiaman said:

I mean, I just got out of a game where i hear the countdown. Go in the match and the person is already in my face and i am already in the air getting combo with no counter play.

For your information, that's not a ping issue. That's called having better PC. The faster PC set up you have combined with SSD makes you load much faster than a regular HDD user.

So by your logic, are we going to discriminate and bash on people who have more money to spend on their PC, just because for you it's unfair?


However I somehow agree, server sided skills are a mess...

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while ping is an issue as long as you're between 100 & 150 ping or below that you should have as good a chance as anyone else playing your class, the real ping wall comes when you want to go higher, maybe around 1700-1800 rating. 


the thing with people engaging on you before you even load in is an issue due to gunners/assassins having quick long range forward dashes that can be ani-canceled with a cc. atm I recommend either iframing right when you load in the second round or just take it & outplay them. if they're cheesing like that they're most likely higher than they should be, you can legit find pve gunner whales in 1800 with no idea what a tech chase is.


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6 minutes ago, Azuzuzuzu said:

For your information, that's not a ping issue. That's called having better PC. The faster PC set up you have combined with SSD makes you load much faster than a regular HDD user.

So by your logic, are we going to discriminate and bash on people who have more money to spend on their PC, just because for you it's unfair?


However I somehow agree, server sided skills are a mess...

No, but players shouldn't be allowed to move before the other player is ready. even the minecraft ffa games I played as a kid managed to make it fair with a hunger games style face off before the barriers are lifted simultaneously.

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10 minutes ago, Dlacik said:

@Azuzuzuzu Can you explain why having arena start for both players at same time would be discriminating?

What he means is: you cannot complain about something which is the result of you not having a good gaming PC.

Load times are dependant on your hardware, so if someone has an SSD and you dont, they will load faster than you. thats not a game issue, thats a hardware issue.


Yes, having a delayed arena start after both players load in would be a way to mitigate this.

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@Grimoir The current situation is just a result of poor design. The game has some minimal system requirements and the competitive parts should be designed to give everyone same starting conditions as long as they meet these requirements.

Saying that it's ok to start arena sooner just because you've bought better PC is basically same as saying is OK to start 100m sprint 1s before everyone else just because you've bought the referees.

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26 minutes ago, Dlacik said:

@Grimoir The current situation is just a result of poor design. The game has some minimal system requirements and the competitive parts should be designed to give everyone same starting conditions as long as they meet these requirements.

Saying that it's ok to start arena sooner just because you've bought better PC is basically same as saying is OK to start 100m sprint 1s before everyone else just because you've bought the referees.

You are mixing things up. If your PC meets the game requirements that simply means you are able to run the game. that does not mean your loading time setc will be the same as someone with a better rig. Hardware components are each players individual thing, NC can only check if you can run the game, whether you run it fast / good  depends on your hardware which ncsoft has no influence on.

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I believe the point they are trying to make, is that basic game design functions can and should mitigate wildly varying factors across client platforms such as load time. However, your developer has to not be lazy, and also give a damn about their game.

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On 12/18/2018 at 2:56 AM, Azuzuzuzu said:

For your information, that's not a ping issue. That's called having better PC. The faster PC set up you have combined with SSD makes you load much faster than a regular HDD user.


Sorry, bro. Trust me, that isn't the issue :)

It has been a ping issue (connection to the server) since release actually.

Numerous places on the web can actually point it out.

Also, if it was hardware.

You would get choppyness with the game and not fluid motion.

There are times when I will do a move, and i am apparently countered and already into their combo before i get a chance to counter myself (tab, ss, etc, etc).

I would agree with you if I didn't have a 3k custom rig.

I can play Star Citizen on max setting and sit in Loreville at 70fps. Trust me, it isn't a rig issue :)

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From my play time, the easiest class to see the glaring ping issue is Assassin.

Which I argue is probably the most detrimental for ping.

If you fight a mirror (sin vs sin), and you have worse ping..... It is blatantly obvious.

In fact, the server ping issue is why I stopped playing my sin.

Hats off to those that can do it, i don't have the patients to deal with it lol.

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On 18/12/2018 at 9:56 AM, Azuzuzuzu said:

So by your logic, are we going to discriminate and bash on people who have more money to spend on their PC

Whale spotted. No, not discriminate, make the arena start at same time for both players by just changing quest zone to be direct in arena or either put the quests in journal, or give them automatic (like dynamic quests) but don't make player load just after the countdown finish because its unfair for the person that has slower setup no matter how you look at it.

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Just load both players in an arena with two rooms at both sides, separated from the arena by big solid doors. Then put a button "ready". When both click, doors lift and the battle starts. No loading required. Or use current arena, but put both players back against back, so they can't see each other and can't rotate cameras. When they click the ready, they rotate automatically and the battle starts.

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In answer to original question, unfortunately, yes, they are just ignoring it. It has been this way for many moons now. It seems that the lag in 1v1 arena is extra bad actually compared to other areas. That is not to say that it isn't a problem sometimes elsewhere too, but especially in 1v1 for example. It is possible that NCsoft's servers prioritize responses to certain areas over others. Either that or you just notice delays more in pvp because each tenth of a second matters so much more there.


You know, these things have repercussions for NCsoft now though. People quit. I have been trying to sign up for dungeons lately, and sometimes I am literally the only person posting to go to dungeons for 3-4 auto posts in a row, and I can't get a full party for a while. You know what that means. Means I am the ONLY person hosting a party at all on the whole server right now, and I can't even scrape 6 people together until the autopost matchmaker posts 3-4 times in a row from the whole server even when my show is the only show in town. That is not a good sign for NCsoft. This has been happening to me multiple times in the past couple weeks more and more.


This is the stuff NCsoft is spending your money and developmental time on: That stupid valentines pvp event. Koldrak and his irritating quick time events, and camera angle altering attacks that break your combos, lowering your DPS. That stupid soul upgrade event with that garbage "event mileage" mechanic they tested to see if we would stand for it. The humble brag / boast mechanism as if ANYONE cares about that. Pay to win all over the place after they said it wouldn't be like this when they were launching the game. (Don't say that is an old promise. The game's not even 3 years old yet in NA since they said it. Look at the Hongmoon store and tell me they aren't selling power. I saw a Warden that outgeared my main on day 1 after Warden launched. "We won't sell stuff that gives a player a competitive advantage." Yeah... uh huh. Sure you won't NCsoft.)




Tons of great looking cosmetics they could sell instead, but are only selling 3% or something stupidly low of their total amount of cosmetics at any one time. Release a new brain dead OP class that they know is OP on purpose to get people to play it, then nerf it later, pretending like they just didn't realize it was OP, and it took them that long to figure out how to fix it, screwing those people who maxed it out in the mean time over as they introduce another OP class to replace the previous one, repeating the cycle on purpose AGAIN endlessly. Let you pay to win to gear out a class for literally multiple thousands of dollars; then hand those gear items out on a silver platter to everyone a year later discouraging people from paying to gear out their characters while simultaneously encouraging it or you can't win. It isn't just pay once to win. It is KEEP paying to win, or you won't keep up with the new gear, which is even worse. The grind keeps getting more and more exponentially difficult until you throw your hands up in frustration, burn out and quit.


To make the criticism constructive, what they need to do, which will also be good for their own company and sustainability of the game in the long run: Focus on the stuff that actually matters that makes a game good, and people will come. The only reason the MMO market is dwindling is because the companies make it too grindy and get too greedy. I am not going to run your stupid dungeon 200 times for 1 item that I THEN have to upgrade as well. I am just not going to do it. No. Make the ping/latency good. Sell ALL of your cosmetics all the time or 25% at a time per business quarter in a rotating schedule so that over the course of a year, it will all be available. Focus on making sure the classes are balanced. Get rid of the pay to win. Make the grind feel more rewarding more often, more consistently. (Notice, I did not say let us hit the hard cap and sit there. If they did that, people would be complaining about how there isn't anything to do within 1 month of hitting hard cap. Trust me. They THINK they want to hit hard cap, but no they don't. They need a goal at all times, and if they ever hit hard cap, they will take off the crown they worked for years to earn, throw it on the ground and quit, which is really interesting behavior psychologically if you think about it. Wouldn't you think you would want to sit on the throne for longer if it took you that long to earn?) Keep releasing new dungeons that raise the hard cap every so often. They actually are good about that part. Understand basic game philosophy: the function of a game is entertainment. Focus on making the game consistently entertaining. Stop with the deceptive and unethical business practices. Stop trying to trick people out of their money. Stop abusing your paying customers because you think they are stupid enough to fall for something and pay you for it once. That is how you lose people in the long run. Just make a good product with good content that is actually worth the money you charge for it, and focus on making it better and adding to it. Stop worrying about making ALL the money - just be ok with making a good amount of money. Priority 1 should be making a good game. Money should be priority 2, not 1. Make a good game, and the money and players will come and stay because your product will be consistently better long term over the other MMOs. THAT is how you win.

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Sadly that's how's this game is ,reason it wont reach any further than where its now and battle royal can't sAve it can't get 3 ppl q 3s how we gonna find 20..reason I hate arena.. if a class can do such a skill something should be in place for counter play....getting caught by that in arena and a interfere comes in bad player exp

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On 12/20/2018 at 11:11 AM, NorbertTheOpinionated said:

In answer [... snip ...] THAT is how you win.

So much this.  For one, it makes no sense that they hold back almost all of their "inventory" attempting to "generate demand".  Imagine if a brick-and-mortar store did that.  Sales are what bring people in for full price things.  I see so many posts asking for outfits to come back it makes me think they could have sold a ton of that outfit by then.  They could put all the outfits in store full price and rotate each for a sale.  Then they would capitalize on not making people wait.


Game companies have cut back farther and farther until you end up with games that shaft their customers with pay to win, gambling, etc.  Now companies are releasing games calling them Beta, etc. when 5 - 10 years ago they barely would have been considered an Alpha.  (Yes, I have a certain post-nuclear-apocalypse shooter in mind.)  Then they don't actually "release" for another two years... yet they've been taking people's money all that time. 


It's time gamers pushed back.  That happened in that shooter I was referring to, but it needs to continue.

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why not wipe entire game and make everyone lv45 like in the old good days... This game shouldn't be past lv 45 or silverfrost patch... Who needs level 55/60 or raids that are not evne raids but places where you wipe for 6 hours and if you don't kill anything you get nothing.

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Want to fix ping issues? All ya have to do play on the servers closest to you. If you are Closer to EU play EU servers if Closer to NA Play NA. If you EU and playing on NA expect not so great ping and vice versa. Its also a good idea to have good internet and a good PC.

If you are already playing on the closest servers then ya might want to look into getting your internet upgraded if possible and perhaps a more powerful pc.

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On ‎18‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 10:23 AM, Grimoir said:

You are mixing things up. If your PC meets the game requirements that simply means you are able to run the game. that does not mean your loading time setc will be the same as someone with a better rig. Hardware components are each players individual thing, NC can only check if you can run the game, whether you run it fast / good  depends on your hardware which ncsoft has no influence on.

Sorry but with NCS game requirements you cant install the game. 

"NC can only check if you can run the game" even in that they fail

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