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The elitism is strong with this one


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Oh boy, and I though Tera had a toxic-elitist community ... or maybe they moved to this game, who knows?


Oh, yeah, the point. More veteran elitists => less new players => game dies => "why does WoW succeed omg" and similar stupid questions

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The community in this game is much better than Tera's horrible community. The elitism is minimal in this game, mostly people that wants fast and smooth dungeon runs. There are dungeons that have enrage timers and sometimes too many undergeared players can cause group wipes and time wasted. Not everyone is willing to or can afford to waste excess amounts of time in a game so some people simply would prefer to better guarantee the dungeons they intend to run will be completed without any major hiccups.

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It's pretty much the same. Here they check only AP, not critical rate, not critical damage, not hp, etc...
In TERA they only check ilvl, even if people were coming with PvP set and deals less damage than a lower tier PvE set, they'd still pick the one with PvP because ilvl means everything to them. They don't even bother to check the rolls on the gears, or crystals. 
WoW came with ilvl, and now we got people that only want to refer to a single number (ilvl, dps, AP, prestige, etc) to guess a player ability. It's sad.

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@Els Things sure have changed! When I used to play TERA, people used to judge everything - your gear (item level included), crystal set-up, and even your skill tree if they're able to pick up on your game play once combat starts. I actually thought it was okay to look at their crystal set-up too because there have been people that queue wearing no crystals whatsoever and expect to be carried. Honestly, Blade and Soul need something like ilvl requirement for dungeons. I've seen someone in the 200s trying to do BSH.

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Yo homie,

having more AP doesn't make you deal more DPS.

450 AP with 50% Crit and 1.5k+ Crit Damage is better than 500 AP with 40% Crit and 660 Crit Damage.

Yeah I'm talking about those who rush weapons to true pirate but accessories stuck at infernal.

I see idiots with much higher AP than me but crit chance and crit damage low af.

Lmao man.

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Biggest source of elitism there is in this game is the AP requirements for the harder endgame dungeons. Some are ludicrous, others are for speedruns, while a few are more reasonable. At least when they bother with actually making the requirements. Others are you standard LFP PUGs, often without saying a word, which has its risks, but it's one option to avoid having to deal with AP requirements. Just don't expect to do well all the time that way, which is within the nature of PUGs, for better or worse.


At any rate, plain AP isn't enough to determine how successful a run will be if you don't factor in other aspects, like crit rate, crit dmg, pierce... and the less tangible experience factor. High AP without knowing full well what to do isn't much help. Just ask those who regularly run Labyrinth, Awakened Necropolis and especially Avalanche Den.

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Hardly. What difference does it make what other people are doing? If they're looking to do a speed/achievement run, stay out if ya ain't got the gear. As for pugging it, haven't had an issue past Brightstone; the groups I've been with generally stay close and explain the mechanics. :/

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Actually as far as I've seen this community is more selfish than elitist. Everyone wants a piece of that cool equipment and they'll step on you to get it no matter who you are or what you are. Due to this it's hard to find someone to level with, or to get any kind of help, or to basically do anything socially, everything should be soloed. Unfortunately only a very few classes can do that as of now, so if you don't have one of them, you're practically screwed. Another option is to enter a clan that is "somewhat" helpful, however on my server there are only a few clans left, especially on the cerulean side.

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23 hours ago, Mucski said:

Actually as far as I've seen this community is more selfish than elitist. Everyone wants a piece of that cool equipment and they'll step on you to get it no matter who you are or what you are. Due to this it's hard to find someone to level with, or to get any kind of help, or to basically do anything socially, everything should be soloed. Unfortunately only a very few classes can do that as of now, so if you don't have one of them, you're practically screwed. Another option is to enter a clan that is "somewhat" helpful, however on my server there are only a few clans left, especially on the cerulean side.

The best way i found was to make a small group of ppl and play with them, or get into a small guild and you have friends to do crap with, i used to do 100% xserv, made some riends in my serv now we do all the things together like dailies and dungeons and we arent more than 10 ppl, its quite healty for a change of pace and we share everything so its nice :)


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On 30.3.2016 at 2:15 PM, DannyMayCry said:

Yo homie,

having more AP doesn't make you deal more DPS.

450 AP with 50% Crit and 1.5k+ Crit Damage is better than 500 AP with 40% Crit and 660 Crit Damage.

Yeah I'm talking about those who rush weapons to true pirate but accessories stuck at infernal.

I see idiots with much higher AP than me but crit chance and crit damage low af.

Lmao man.

Sounds like me. :D But indeed AP doesn't tell everything about how well you do in dungeons. Also knowing what to do in dungeons (like Naryu's Be Ido) is really key point to win. I have seen people with over 470 AP not able to do anything with Be Ido other than spam blindly attacks on him without thinking what needs to be done.

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On 3/30/2016 at 3:57 PM, Mucski said:

Actually as far as I've seen this community is more selfish than elitist. Everyone wants a piece of that cool equipment and they'll step on you to get it no matter who you are or what you are. Due to this it's hard to find someone to level with, or to get any kind of help, or to basically do anything socially, everything should be soloed.

Pretty much this. It doesn't help that the game itself encourages this too.

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The problem is that there are extremists on both ends.


On the low side, it’s the guy who is sporting an awakened profane weapon with infernal accessories, who just started playing two weeks ago, attempting to take on the hardest dungeons in the game. The chances that they know what they are doing and can adequately contribute without being carried like a small child is very, very low. It shows that you haven’t been playing the game or your character for very long. Even if the player is experienced, regardless of how many 500+ AP alts you have, you will hurt more than help with less than 400AP.


On the high side, it’s the guy who is closing in on 600+ AP and thinks that anyone with less than 500 AP shouldn’t even speak with him. He has 0 patience for wipes and teaching, a true elitist. He might even mix in other requirements for this party like 500+ AP with breeze weapon. If it were up to him, he would envision a group of 5 others just like him to blow through dungeons in less than 5 minutes. This person isn’t here to enjoy the game, this person is here to beat the living **** out of this game before moving on to the next one.


Everyone else is in the middle and everyone thinks the same way. Nobody wants to be the best (most geared) player in the group. Preferably, we want a group of 5 others who are closely geared, but a little better than you. Those little dungeon posts on the left in the lobby are for people who want to control the group they enter the dungeon with. This is to mitigate bots, bad players, under geared players, time constraints, etc. If you don’t meet the requirements that are being listed, make your own. If your sitting at 400AP and wondering why you can’t do Avalanche Den, make a post: “LFM 400AP+” for avalanche den, fill your group with people in your AP range, and see if there is a reason why AP requirements exist for dungeons. You won’t blow through the dungeon in 8 minutes, but maybe 20-30 with a wipe or two is realistic. According to what people are saying, if you don’t want to pug with random people, especially other players who are similarly geared as you, you are elitist. If you want to join pugs with higher AP requirements, better your character, otherwise that makes you an elitist wannabe which is worse.

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