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Please nerf terrors in soulstone plains


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2 hours ago, KzE said:

ep, they need nerf...




What exactly do you want to show? That a person with gear to reach 120k is fighting the EXACT SAME terror we fight?


That's also one of the MAJOR issues with all the Soulstone Plain mobs and getting 1%: The Gear difference between players is massive.

In other versions you had 2-3 months between the next stage of upgrades, we have like what? 1 month of time.


It's signficantly harder to near impossible for not fully upgraded players to get the 1% - and hideously enough, the only realistic way to even catch up is to farm soulstone plains.


That alone is reason enough the change the stupid tagging system.



Essentially, all you need to do is 1% damage to get the box reward, move in attack move out and learn to dodge o.o

If you have no plan just stop talking, seriously.


Gear difference alone is enough of a reason to not reach the needed 1% of a boss health.


Next is ranged vs. melee. Ranged will hit the boss longer before you as a melee can, unless you charge into the terror guardian at the base.

This alone gives ranged a damage advantage.


By the time melees can attack - the boss happily charged after ranges. Good luck getting uptime when they do that.

Next is certain bosses moveset. Take Kind Grindtooth for example. Spends most of his time charging around. Good luck getting uptime.


Then there are the terror movesets - which is random and dependet on their buffs - one of them is hideously easy and they do nothing- while another is a total cluster*cricket* of abilities that will kill you. Worst ability of them all is the 3 quick hitting firebolts.


Getting the 1% as a melee is SIGNFICANTLY harder than getting it as a ranged - even simple because you can get less uptime due to boss moving around, and no melee is ever getting aggro when ranged can attack long before a melee is safe to attack.

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On 3/27/2016 at 11:05 AM, Kitah said:

Instead of nerfing them, I suggest they make it so they cannot repeatly chain you over and over. I wasn't even close to it and I somehow obtained agro and it chained me 3/4 times. 


Another thing they could do is decrease their sensors so they do not see you when they are so far inbetween a certain area.

this please. its super annoying because they have crazy range as well

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On 3/28/2016 at 8:41 AM, Some1StoleMyName said:

 please tell me more about your 3 iframes


On 3/28/2016 at 10:39 AM, Yeon said:

TaeGeun is a God. Enough said.

Granted that video does show it can be soloed, but what it doesn't show is the char's equipment, setup, and other critical information for someone to even attempt to do the same. IMHO, our patch level here now for NA/EU do not provide the equipment to even attempt it.

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3 hours ago, AttacKat said:


Granted that video does show it can be soloed, but what it doesn't show is the char's equipment, setup, and other critical information for someone to even attempt to do the same. IMHO, our patch level here now for NA/EU do not provide the equipment to even attempt it.

I'm starting to think that was the whole point. They didn't want people farming hundreds of soulstones a day so they made sure it was tuned for HM 15+ with legendary gear. I guess NCSoft wants us to practice the Plains by just carrying meteorites and dead bodies back and forth.

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actually, today AALaguna , in his stream, was leveling a warlock.


everyone asked him "why[...]?"


answer was "i need a ranged class to *farm* new content **efficiently**"


*farm*= forgot the rigth term.

**efficiently** =) i think it was the word..but i can be wrong


if writing the name of streamer is not allowed tell me and i remove ASAP. or mods can modify .


if you want to blindly come here ato show ignorance pretending that melee are good (even better than) as ranged class, please, avoid it.

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1 hour ago, StupidityKilur said:

So as I always refute retards like you, no matter how stupid they come, lets go:


1. You see small garbage, if you actually read all posts you will notice that I didn't call anyone here stupid, my forum name also don't have anything to do with it.

     So what we know about people that r stupid, lie and accuse under assumption? Yep some kind of mental disorder.


2. Quality > quantity. Sorry but majority of people on NA r just silly whiners, who want everything to be downsized to them instead of coming around it. Being ordinary player, you tuber, or w/e bullshiter doesn't help this case. Whiners will be whiners. People that suggest it is just a joke without zero skill, perfect example is guy in video:

*WHO JUMP IN BETWEEN TWO TERRORS, AND AS IT HAPPEN TWO OF THEM STANDED FAR ENOUGH FROM EACH OTHER THEY KEEPT HOOKING HIM DUE TO DISTANCE HE WAS FROM ONCE WHEN HOOKED BY ANOTHER AND VICE VERSE.* I don't need some shit kid to believe what I say, as I say facts. Facts can be checked and proven so no one have to believe them. By saying to me that I am no one u actually just show how sad you are, overall in life. No one want you or any similar garbage to go with what I ask, I like how you think, the more skilless garbage, the more of cake for people like me. Keep being bad.


3. Aion is from 2009, tera is also, guild wars 1, and so many more, and guess what? Yeah u need good rigs. U see I know people with your level of comprehension have problems to understand it, let me put it this way: the amount of pc power needed for a 2009 single player game is 4+ time lower then for online game of 2009, simple due to example as: u don't have 40 people dropping 5 skills every 2 seconds in single player game and ur pc having to render it all. Then combined with bad optimization (don't bother with what that means ur head might burn over) and u have it. No one ordered you anything stupid kid, I simple said that I have over 30 fps in silverfrost, which indicates that you simple need better pc, but from that "ordering us" I guess u have a bit problem with an authority, on that one tell me do parents beat the shit out of you often? Well bns might run properly in your system... but.. your English might never run even decent in your head xd. And no sorry kid its ur fault, not company.


4. Well now I didn't think ad have to educate kids on what elitism and pro means, but I will have it seems.

    So stupid kid read very carefully.

    Elitism is when someone act so better then others in short explanation ur head could be able to process. Now I didn't acter anywhere here like that. I simple pointed the facts

    out, which again for example: no you don't blame terrors if u jumped between two of them (guy in video), you don't compare ranged and melee class and say melee is weaker

    when melees have 2x amount of iframes then ranged. Balance at it peak. Then if you have any brain at all you don't take people who whine and say that range is preferred over

    melee, especially when you see their reasons why. Reasons why they do is simple as: its so hurd to avoid dat 26m wyrm aoe, its literally one key and u did it, but why do that

    when you can play ranged... ei.... sigh.... and so on.


    Now for pro, which is short for professional, yes I am a pro in mmorpgs overall, and get around them in 2-3 days and that's if I am completely new to the game.

    The fact is: reason why you mentioned this is cuz ur butthurt, especially with part where you say that I am no one. Keep telling yourself kid how good u are while trying to

    down size others. That's the right (sarcasm, irony) way to feel good about your self. [what all of your emotionally silly weaklings be doing around this days of modern age]


All in all you should just uninstall all games you have, throw pc tr window and consider visiting a mental hospital once or twice a week, they can really help ya.


I'm sorry... Really really sorry.. I dont disagree with your point on how people want everything dumb down etc..


But please... PLEASE....

1 hour ago, StupidityKilur said:

but.. your English might never run even decent in your head xd.

Dont ever say that when you have one of the most broken English I've seen lately.



On-Topic: Yes, ranged have it "easier". Can just be lazy and free dps. But stop blaming it on the lag/optimization etc etc.... Some people are able to have over 30-40 fps even against Terrors/Blackwyrm/Grand harvest, so it is not entirely NCSoft's fault if your PC cant run it to this extent.  As for the lag... Not NCSoft fault if your internet sucks or if Level3 sucks. They cant do shit about it.


I know people that can clear terrors in TW/KR/CN from NA with over 200 ping... You have no excuse. Just get better.

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10 hours ago, AttacKat said:


Granted that video does show it can be soloed, but what it doesn't show is the char's equipment, setup, and other critical information for someone to even attempt to do the same. IMHO, our patch level here now for NA/EU do not provide the equipment to even attempt it.

This Sin has a Wuju class weapon which has 393 ap vs True Pirate at 302 ap.

I am prety sure the damage done in the video is a factor of 10 higher than a current NA Sin can do.

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At the beginning of reading this thread i thought this would be a constructive discussion, well was wrong as always about things like this XD


First before the i get the same blaming as others: I play Bladedancer (or how they are called bladecancers for some) on [DE]Frostwind in EU.

I tried several other classes, but nothing was as nice for me as the bladedancer.

I do Soulstone plains regulary, but in the last few days I never get to kill the boss in the last part because... well... as soon as mining ends, 39 of 40 players leave the chan and switch somewhere else.


So now to the topic:

The Terrors dont really need to get nerved in my opinion in the time they have between skills.

What they shouldn't have are these 3 hits after being chained! I have no problem to be forced to fight, but i have a big problem if i get chained after an aoe throwed me away and take another unavoidable 3x 16k dmg. Thats just to much for me.


Sure sometimes when it goes unlucky in the random (if it really is random, but didn't find a pattern like for bloodmane till now) choice of skills you just dont stand a chance, and yes the timeframe got really short. But thats also kinda lucky, cause i can use q, e, s, v, x or if skilled to defense z in the same second when i see anything red on the ground. helps in most of the times, if didn't miss an important frame or have a little lag.So i could dodge it all if there isn't the trouble with the 1% dmg to get loot.


I have 504 AP, 50% crit and 198% critdmg. Should be more then enough to get the 1% and dodge everything else. Well absolutly wrong!

If I don't go full dmg every 30s when my c and dmg z are rdy I end around 0,7-0,9% of HP. Cause there is a huge load of other players doing dmg. I can see this every time I try harvest square event. I get to the boss at when he has 90% HP, c is not rdy, I use everything else I have and nothing comes out of it.

So instead of doing this right as it should go i totally focus dmg and even don't evade attacks that throw me back or kill me instantly, cause it is more rewarding in the end if get the 1% somehow done, die, wait till boss dies, get reanimated and take my loot.


And one (but definitly not the only) reason are the ranged classes. I met an FM with 460AP, who was really good and we both did the same dungeon solo and made videos of it. After that we counted the dmg-numbers together and it was kinda shocking. He has more then 40AP less then me, but makes nearly the same amount of dmg, thats crazy.

And here we are once again in this thread at the problem, that ranged classes don't have to care about most attacks of mobs, they can truly focus on pure dmg if someelse tanks.


And there lies another problem for melees. Since most players are scared of terrors, they use hit and run taktik. They jump in right after an big aoe, do 5-8s full dmg and run out, using standard attack in safe area to not go out of fight. So what happens to a player like me who really tries to do this stuff? I get aggro out of nowhere and how does the terror show that? with a chain + 3x 16k dmg. Well... assuming I have full live at this moments, I end with 6-7k HP after this "greeting". No matter what I do then, I am soon dead, cause at some point i will make a mistake, or there isn't a frame rendered, or my network decide to give me a 200ms ping for 2-3 packages instead of the normal 25-35.
Terrors are the only mobs/boss that have such an truly devastating unavoidable skill (if it can be avoided without resisting or lucky roll on eva, I am all ears).


But before the pros now come out and use a devastating attack on my post, i must also admit that a good 6 person team can easy do any terror. And the reason for that is they are cc-able, all of them. And during my fights on soulstone plains, i never witnessed a moment, when they would resist a cc.

All you need is a coordinated team, not a bunch of random people that just met.


Lets just asume we have a bladedancer, a blademaster, and a destroyer in the team:

Bladedancer starts fight with x skilled on being invulnerable during doing.

Bladedancer instantly uses 2 skilled on adding 2 Stuns at the same time

Bladedancer now use 4 to grab the terror and do some dmg. grab skilled to max time and

Now all others have to close in and use the 8-9s (6s grab + 3s skill for letting down) full dmg, with focus recovery or defense reduction to the upmost possibility.

After letting the terror down, the Bladedancer uses 1 + 3 combo to lay it instantly on the ground.

Now the destroyer grabs the enemy and your team get another i believe 8s to do full dmg while restoring focus on attack and get more critchance.

So 16 seconds have passed since the bladedancer used 4. 30 seconds is cooldown, so another 14 seconds to hold out.

Good that 2 on blade dancer has a cooldown of 9s, you can use it instantly again, and throw the enemy in to the air.

This gives you at least 6 seconds, so 8 seconds left to go.

Now the 3 have to combine there cc-skills to make the terror unmoveable for these last 8 seconds, before the rota starts again.


Add an FM, SUM or KFM to this team and you could do them with 4 people.

It just takes forever and assumes that no troll or someone from other faction with overpowered weapon comes to make it all go to hell.

And every time my team tried, something like that happened.


So for me, no degrading of the terrors dmg, only dropping the 3x dmg after being chained.

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6 hours ago, StupidityKilur said:

So as I always refute retards like you, no matter how stupid they come, lets go:


1. You see small garbage, if you actually read all posts you will notice that I didn't call anyone here stupid, my forum name also don't have anything to do with it.

     So what we know about people that r stupid, lie and accuse under assumption? Yep some kind of mental disorder.


2. Quality > quantity. Sorry but majority of people on NA r just silly whiners, who want everything to be downsized to them instead of coming around it. Being ordinary player, you tuber, or w/e bullshiter doesn't help this case. Whiners will be whiners. People that suggest it is just a joke without zero skill, perfect example is guy in video:

*WHO JUMP IN BETWEEN TWO TERRORS, AND AS IT HAPPEN TWO OF THEM STANDED FAR ENOUGH FROM EACH OTHER THEY KEEPT HOOKING HIM DUE TO DISTANCE HE WAS FROM ONCE WHEN HOOKED BY ANOTHER AND VICE VERSE.* I don't need some shit kid to believe what I say, as I say facts. Facts can be checked and proven so no one have to believe them. By saying to me that I am no one u actually just show how sad you are, overall in life. No one want you or any similar garbage to go with what I ask, I like how you think, the more skilless garbage, the more of cake for people like me. Keep being bad.


3. Aion is from 2009, tera is also, guild wars 1, and so many more, and guess what? Yeah u need good rigs. U see I know people with your level of comprehension have problems to understand it, let me put it this way: the amount of pc power needed for a 2009 single player game is 4+ time lower then for online game of 2009, simple due to example as: u don't have 40 people dropping 5 skills every 2 seconds in single player game and ur pc having to render it all. Then combined with bad optimization (don't bother with what that means ur head might burn over) and u have it. No one ordered you anything stupid kid, I simple said that I have over 30 fps in silverfrost, which indicates that you simple need better pc, but from that "ordering us" I guess u have a bit problem with an authority, on that one tell me do parents beat the shit out of you often? Well bns might run properly in your system... but.. your English might never run even decent in your head xd. And no sorry kid its ur fault, not company.


4. Well now I didn't think ad have to educate kids on what elitism and pro means, but I will have it seems.

    So stupid kid read very carefully.

    Elitism is when someone act so better then others in short explanation ur head could be able to process. Now I didn't acter anywhere here like that. I simple pointed the facts

    out, which again for example: no you don't blame terrors if u jumped between two of them (guy in video), you don't compare ranged and melee class and say melee is weaker

    when melees have 2x amount of iframes then ranged. Balance at it peak. Then if you have any brain at all you don't take people who whine and say that range is preferred over

    melee, especially when you see their reasons why. Reasons why they do is simple as: its so hurd to avoid dat 26m wyrm aoe, its literally one key and u did it, but why do that

    when you can play ranged... ei.... sigh.... and so on.


    Now for pro, which is short for professional, yes I am a pro in mmorpgs overall, and get around them in 2-3 days and that's if I am completely new to the game.

    The fact is: reason why you mentioned this is cuz ur butthurt, especially with part where you say that I am no one. Keep telling yourself kid how good u are while trying to

    down size others. That's the right (sarcasm, irony) way to feel good about your self. [what all of your emotionally silly weaklings be doing around this days of modern age]


All in all you should just uninstall all games you have, throw pc tr window and consider visiting a mental hospital once or twice a week, they can really help ya.

Not even going to reply to all the trashtalk.


Just a few points -

1. Yes, MMORPGs need more resources. Unfortuantely, games like Skyforge like much,MUCH smoother on my system. And it has better graphics. BDO runs absolutely fine. I have been to Tera forums and did not see SO many threads complaining about optimisation. Never played Tera, so can't comment much. So, how does these games so well on my system and BnS does not? Oh, these games probably use magic, right?


2. " your English might never run even decent in your head " -

To the above - Every single person here knows who is better at English. And even if someone's English is not good, I do not understand why people make it a point to say that. Clearly, not everyone in the world speak English.


3. I see I have succeeded in what I was trying to do and thus the long reply from your side. My work is done. Carry on.

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I want some proof videos (you playing) from the guys saying it's ok for melee, showing their skills, preferable an entire run  of mining without edit and comparing your prestige with ranged players in the end , because anyone can talk whatever they want , but unless you can backup what you are saying showing you doing it , it means nothing, i prefer to believe what i see everyday in plains.


I can survive an entire run of mining process , it doesn't mean i'm gaining the same rewards that ranged players gain ... 

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8 minutes ago, Shukran said:

melee KFM with 504 ap after an ogdonny i take average 2-6 prestige. then i turn and look some summoner or warlick or fm with 34 prestige.







The more damage you do to the boss the more prestige you get.

If you are in a party, you also get more prestige.


If you are just solo attacking it 7-15 prestige is all you get if there are a lot of people.

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15 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

The more damage you do to the boss the more prestige you get.

If you are in a party, you also get more prestige.


If you are just solo attacking it 7-15 prestige is all you get if there are a lot of people.

i use buff in a 6men team. i usually party with a WL. i dont take more than 3-6prestige . if i continue to do pvp open i try to recrod my stats.

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The non-cross terror aoe blast is op. Fail to avoid the first blast will get a knockdown or stunt and then further receive 2 more aoe blast to die.


Aoe floor effect trigger like in 500ms before the damage there's no enough reaction time to block, with even 70k hp + 21% defense is insufficient.

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28 minutes ago, Shukran said:

i use buff in a 6men team. i usually party with a WL. i dont take more than 3-6prestige . if i continue to do pvp open i try to recrod my stats.

The more people attack it the less prestige you get. It gets split for all the attackers, so if you only get 6 points that means there is a LOT of players attacking it.

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2 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

The more people attack it the less prestige you get. It gets split for all the attackers, so if you only get 6 points that means there is a LOT of players attacking it.

i understand this. that s why i swear -trust me- i saw players taking 34(!) prestige when i took 3-6 on a full rotation in crit buff.


i also got less prestige (and chests) than a 440 random FM.


i want to believe there is a bug.

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Don't know how do you guys feel but... In any other game ranged class play safer than others but it has its counterpart in DPS, they usually need more gear to catch up, and usually have low crit rate so they can't perform as good as melee in terms of damage.


Here in Blade and Soul ranged are gods, FM has higher crit chance than any other class, does have also tons of survivavility skills, and on top of that their skills do huge damages.


Add to it the stupidity from selfish players that play ranged, when bosses coming to the quarry they already shooting on them from the distance.


I as melee have to deal with Terror, the oposing faction scum that only uses machineguns and ice bombs to screw me up and also the stupidity from this FMs that pull the boss too early so if I get hit by something I can't even retaliate using F to roll back on the floor because I will aggro the other Terror behind me. Cool story NCSoft, please already NERF this force gayer and scummoner classes

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It's not a matter of nerfing ranged. Maybe buff melees? Or at least alter boss/enemy attack patterns in a way where they aim ranged more than melee.


But yeah, ranged outdpsing melees just doesn't feel right. This shouldn't happen. They should be ranged to make up for poorer DPS or ANY other factor to balance them in relation to melees, which isn't quite what happens in BnS. I'm sorry but there's no denying that a good chunk of the recent content is more heavily skewed toward ranged classes at the expense of melees by design.

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1 hour ago, pingal1ty said:

Don't know how do you guys feel but... In any other game ranged class play safer than others but it has its counterpart in DPS, they usually need more gear to catch up, and usually have low crit rate so they can't perform as good as melee in terms of damage.

Here in Blade and Soul ranged are gods, FM has higher crit chance than any other class, does have also tons of survivavility skills, and on top of that their skills do huge damages.

Add to it the stupidity from selfish players that play ranged, when bosses coming to the quarry they already shooting on them from the distance.

I as melee have to deal with Terror, the oposing faction scum that only uses machineguns and ice bombs to screw me up and also the stupidity from this FMs that pull the boss too early so if I get hit by something I can't even retaliate using F to roll back on the floor because I will aggro the other Terror behind me. Cool story NCSoft, please already NERF this force gayer and scummoner classes

Agreed. In all honestly, speaking as a destro, assassins should be doing the highest ST dps in this game, certainly not FM or Summoner. Summoner should be on the lowest end of DPS since they have range, utility, heals, and a pet. If FM's are going to keep their insane dps then they need to be much more of a glass cannon than they are now. If they insist on keeping the terrors tuned for HM 15+ as they are now, then those AoEs should be once shotting most ranged classes or taking their HP down to <20%.

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On 3/27/2016 at 9:50 PM, pixymisa said:

All I really need to say about being melee in soulstone plains, can be summed up in this vid.



Please reduce the AP on the Terrors and put a actual CD on their grappling hook move.



i have melee friends bet 460-500 AP they can do ss plains but it is really hard not to mention losing prestige points when you die with an OP aoe blast from the terrors.
we play at 200ping btw. We do ins and outs, we predict when will be the AOE blast. We avoid being greedy, if we know we've already inflicted damage to get a box and at least 9-12 prestige we distance ourselves to avoid any mistake. That is how we do it. BUT again it is hard for melee than ranged. :D

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On 3/26/2016 at 3:50 PM, pixymisa said:

All I really need to say about being melee in soulstone plains, can be summed up in this vid.



Please reduce the AP on the Terrors and put a actual CD on their grappling hook move.


At first I was afraid I was terrified 
Kept thinking I could never run next to you by my side
But then I spent so many runs thinking how you pulled me wrong
And I grew strong and I learned how to iframe along

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