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Please nerf terrors in soulstone plains


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As far as NPCs having no "Cooldown" on their abilities in general, it rather annoys me.


NPCs will constantly get "stuck" casting a single ability, and it can be a major pain when it has CC tied onto it.


I'm sure everyone's seen BM npcs spam their Z and never move into melee range, but I've also had things like KFM npcs spam their stun + knock down, CC locking me for a good 15 seconds, I've even died to trash packs by being CC locked infinitely, even after using escape skills.


Most bosses could be fought properly if they had restrictions on how often they could use certain abilities, but since they don't, it's basically "you get aggro, you die" which is kind of the exact opposite of how combat in the game is supposed to work.


The majority of world bosses in the new 50 content are way over tuned, especially the terrors, even if you're in full BiS lvl 50 gear, you're getting one shot or close to it, there's no "fighting" them, there's only zerging with enough human sacrifices that you hopefully won't get aggro. But that holds almost no reward, so they're basically just a horrible idea that ruins a lot of fun that could be had.

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I lost over 400 prestige one day because one of them stunlocked me repeatedly and killed me when I pulled aggro.

As an assassin, I have no blocks and only 3 iframes with long cooldowns. They can see through stealth.

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Instead of nerfing them, I suggest they make it so they cannot repeatly chain you over and over. I wasn't even close to it and I somehow obtained agro and it chained me 3/4 times. 


Another thing they could do is decrease their sensors so they do not see you when they are so far inbetween a certain area.

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Thats not a problem of beeing meele they will punish any range class in same way ...



18 hours ago, pixymisa said:

You need Prestige for the drums, a lot of it.


They dont "cost" prestige u just need the number of prestige (51, 101, 201) to be allowed to use it, so just use them u wont loss ur prestige threw them they just help u to hold it by giving u defense buffs and also an dmg buff. Also the Buff will stay as long as u have more than the needet prestige for ur buff.

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23 minutes ago, TofuChicken said:


Thats not a problem of beeing meele they will punish any range class in same way ...




They dont "cost" prestige u just need the number of prestige (51, 101, 201) to be allowed to use it, so just use them u wont loss ur prestige threw them they just help u to hold it by giving u defense buffs and also an dmg buff. Also the Buff will stay as long as u have more than the needet prestige for ur buff.

Is it single target buff or faction wide buff?


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The skill spam is insane, whoever had this idea, should be fired, even the ranged mobs in beastbog sometimes nail you down without any chance of escape ( in addition to the terrible terrain there, but i am getting off topic).


Anyway, should bosses not have a cooldown or cast time on their abilities especially on their overpowered ones? They pull you faster than a blitzcrank and if you use whatever escape or resist spell you have, they just shit on you and pull you again instantly.

Also what about that "chosen warrior of destiny that will save the world" story. In this new zone you feel like a worm. You get knocked around and 1shot by random low rank faction member mobs. What I always liked about Blade and Soul was the ability to do stuff alone, killing bosses alone if you just blocked or dodged correctly. It makes you feel important, kinda. But now  the bosses have big ass AOE abilities that take at least 50% of your health (only if you have good gear, if not its like 90%-100%), they cast almost instantly and can't be blocked. In addition they have way too much effective health, turning the fights into zerg battles with way too many players, that can kill your performance and just make it harder, either that or it would take too long.

BW and Terrors was at the same level of ridiculous. Sadly we now get even more battles of this kind, where you feel like an ant or a leech in a big swarm, not to mention that a lot of the players hardware cant handle these huge battles.

I would prefer having many more channels with bosses that can be killed by a 6 player party or 12 players max.
Basically don't allow the bosses to spam their abilities so much and reduce their effective health and maybe slightly reduce the dmg of spells that have very low counterplay, like the big ass AOE with less than a second cast, that can only be resisted.

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4 hours ago, TofuChicken said:

Its a buff just for u. u pick it u have it.

I didn't notice much of a difference with the defense buff against the terrors. The first buff makes you immune to only 1 AoE which they rarely cast anyway.


The biggest issues here are the spammable chain grab, double hitting blast wave on melee classes, and just all the unblockable instant casting moves these guys have.


I actually don't have a problem with the large HP pool or even the damage of the attacks if they actually gave you enough time to dodge/block them. At least half of blackwyrm's attacks gave you enough time to react (poison spit notwithstanding).


This entire zone is incredibly infuriating, as a melee especially. I can't stand the whole draw aggro and just die mechanic.

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22 hours ago, Virtue said:

I lost over 400 prestige one day because one of them stunlocked me repeatedly and killed me when I pulled aggro.

As an assassin, I have no blocks and only 3 iframes with long cooldowns. They can see through stealth.


 please tell me more about your 3 iframes

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On 26.3.2016 at 4:02 PM, Hongmoon said:

You can't really cry about nerfs if you don't try all available resources.

The point is that these, terrors, even blackwyrm and the beastborg thingy, are far more easy as ranged classes. Playing meele always had a higher risk, but now it's not even rewarding anymore.. and the only thing people get to hear is "you cant complain if you didnt try.. buffs". Great.. that hits the problem.

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On ‎3‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 6:50 AM, pixymisa said:

All I really need to say about being melee in soulstone plains, can be summed up in this vid.



Please reduce the AP on the Terrors and put a actual CD on their grappling hook move.


Yes sucking hard might be a problem, we know.


Solution is not in nerf which will take out the fun for us who love challenge (which is even just really timing defensive skill, which for some mmos out there is super ez compared to).


Solution is actually for you to uninstall - I watched video and most of those melees don't even know terror patterns (Which is almost if not entirely the same) as those in moonwater, as blood mane in bsh and nsh. Not to mention that game start to force you to learn to get used to adaptive combat even from level 20. So going to end game 50 content is a joke if you cant do simple thing as map timings in your brain and pop blocks evades and other iframes.


But yeah *cricket*ed up mentality on na will always come to whine on forum how something should be nerfed instead of learning how to come around it. *pathetic is word for it.


EDIT: I forgot to mention that when someone obviously and like a tard jump in enemy combo, everything else Is totally deserved.


If its me I would add like when people die to stupid shit like this, they need 10 minuts to respawn or something like that.


Enough whine is enough especially when you sux this much.

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2 minutes ago, Yamyatos said:

The point is that these, terrors, even blackwyrm and the beastborg thingy, are far more easy as ranged classes. Playing meele always had a higher risk, but now it's not even rewarding anymore.. and the only thing people get to hear is "you cant complain if you didnt try.. buffs". Great.. that hits the problem.

That's like saying "I don't have max gear and don't want to get it, so they should nerf 4mans to the ground so I can get in with only 200 ap and only 10k hp".

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27 minutes ago, Hongmoon said:

That's like saying "I don't have max gear and don't want to get it, so they should nerf 4mans to the ground so I can get in with only 200 ap and only 10k hp".

I dont think you get what the issue is at all.. 

Ranged: Stands outside of the range of most abilities. Isnt affected much by ping of fps.

Meele: Stands in the middle of everything, attacks are spammed and deal insane damage. Perma cc til death is possible. Shit fps or ping for some players result in not being able to do this kind of content AT ALL and oh wait.. there are 20+ players, so basically bad performance is guaranteed. 


The problem is not a lack of gear or a lack skill, the problem is that these bosses are just insanely easy to do with a ranged class compared to meele classes for no good reason. 

I'm assuming you're playing them with a ranged class? Have you tried with a meele one? Considering 90% of the players wont even have good fps at this scenario..^^

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1 minute ago, Yamyatos said:

I dont think you get what the issue is at all.. 

Ranged: Stands outside of the range of most abilities. Isnt affected much by ping of fps.

Meele: Stands in the middle of everything, attacks are spammed and deal insane damage. Perma cc til death is possible. Shit fps or ping result in not being able to do this kind of content AT ALL and oh wait.. there are 20+ players, so basically bad performance is guaranteed. 


The problem is not a lack of gear or a lack skill, the problem is that these bosses are just insanely easy to do with a ranged class compared to meele classes for no good reason. 

I'm assuming you're playing them with a ranged class? Have you tried with a meele one? Considering 90% of the players wont even have good fps at this scenario..^^

1. Shit fps = ur problem I have 30 fps in those raids.

2. Lag = your problem, get good internet.

3. Melees have at least two times more iframes then ranges... but lets even go further and take destroyer as melee... YOU DONT HAVE TO EVADE ANYTHING EVER, YOUR SO INSANE DEFENDED WHEN U HAVE 400% DEF THAT 60K DMG DO LIKE 4K WHILE YOU SPIN. And as a matter of fact my main is dest and its super ez to spin. Kfm with 5 iframes + block or bm jump back and worth (assassin not even to mention on that) is ridiculously easy... get good.

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29 minutes ago, StupidityKiller said:

1. Shit fps = ur problem I have 30 fps in those raids.

2. Lag = your problem, get good internet.

3. Melees have at least two times more iframes then ranges... but lets even go further and take destroyer as melee... YOU DONT HAVE TO EVADE ANYTHING EVER, YOUR SO INSANE DEFENDED WHEN U HAVE 400% DEF THAT 60K DMG DO LIKE 4K WHILE YOU SPIN. And as a matter of fact my main is dest and its super ez to spin. Kfm with 5 iframes + block or bm jump back and worth (assassin not even to mention on that) is ridiculously easy... get good.

You cant deny that this game is badly optimized. Mostly due to the engine. Many players will bring down even the most high end rig.

I personally dont have ping problems, i just said that meeles suffer a lot more from it. Learn to read and comprehend.


And twice the iframes? You basically justneed one or two as ranged. You stand outside of the range of most attacks while meeles have to play actively to avoid stuff, while also dealing less damage overall. That's a fact. It's not even debatable lol. I have nearly every class 45+.. i know how they play, what their defense mechanisms are and how much damage they do compared to each other. If you say that meeles are not at an disadvantage compared to ranged, you are just wrong and there is nothing more to be said here.


Also did i never say that it's impossible for meeles to do, just a lot harder than it is for ranged classes while also being affected more by ping and fps.

You didnt bring any arguments against this. And you cant. Because it's true. I didnt say anything else, so stop the accusations.


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Just now, StupidityKiller said:

Alike argument? sorry you don't argument with people who cant read. "melees have 2 times iframes then ranged" which I said as argument to why melees r around same difficulty then ranged. But yeah for people like you who want only difficulty level off: jadkahai33234 to kill something, that's why u play ranged class. One who really enjoy fighting and being unstoppable while at same time killing enemy and defending yourself will play melee.

Again nothing but accusations. Based on your name i'm surprised ur still alive.

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2 minutes ago, Yamyatos said:

You cant deny that this game is badly optimized. Mostly due to the engine. Many players will bring down even the most high end rig.

I personally dont have ping problems, i just said that meeles suffer a lot more from it. Learn to read and comprehend.


Also did i never say that it's impossible for meeles to do, just a lot harder than it is for ranged classes while also being affected more by ping and fps.

You didnt bring any arguments against this.


Alike argument? sorry you don't argument with people who cant read. "melees have 2 times iframes then ranged" which I said as argument to why melees r around same difficulty then ranged. But yeah for people like you who want only difficulty level off: jadkahai33234 to kill something, that's why u play ranged class. One who really enjoy fighting and being unstoppable while at same time killing enemy and defending yourself will play melee.

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PvPvE is bullshit and it will always be bullshit, can we not just have a normal CtF battleground of some sort? 10vs10 no shit OP NPC's that oneshot everyone.

This is alsmost as worse as the Fort bosses in AION, seriously, just make a PALYER based PvP zone and not this OP Bosses that are just frustrating for every player with a melee class.


i just killed the general, died two times on the insane huge AOE that dealt 35k damage to me, comes out so fast that it is impossible to react. at the end i got 20 prestige and some ranged classes ran around with over 200 presitige.


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