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Content coming too fast...


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Hello folks,

     I'm sure there will be A LOT of people disagreeing with me here, but I feel the content is coming WAY too fast...all the work we're putting in our gear is costly, casual players like myself don't get to play many hours upon hours a day. Once I do upgrade to the current weapon set finally, then new content is already released...it's somewhat of a turn off...we have no time to accumulate gold/mats, and I don't have a bunch of money so can't spend a lot to use the exchange service for gold. We have no time to enjoy any accomplishments. I love the game, but feel content needs to slow up just a little. This was a HOT topic to more than few about the aggressive content release. How do others feel?

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Good and bad thing. Most people want full game available and I think it's better that way. Gives you more things to do, constant upgrades, etc... Flip side is people burn through get bored and economy can't stabilize fully. We still have ALOT more content to get released so don't get to worried yet.

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2 minutes ago, OmniBlade said:

Good and bad thing. Most people want full game available and I think it's better that way. Gives you more things to do, constant upgrades, etc... Flip side is people burn through get bored and economy can't stabilize fully. We still have ALOT more content to get released so don't get to worried yet.

I'm not concerned of the amount of content out there, I know there is quite a bit, I'm concerned that if the content continues to come at such a fast pace, it WILL eventually turn me off of playing because I cant keep up with my friends and just enjoy playing an alt or other things in the game.

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It isn't going to please everyone. Not being an ass but that's just how it is. If it comes out "too slow" there will be someone else making a similar thread about how boring the game is because the patches are taking too long to come out. There's a no win situation regarding patch releases. It's GOING to make someone upset either way.

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The content release is happening quickly for several reasons. The first and foremost, is that the content already exists in multiple different countries. This means that there requires very little to no development time for the new content, it already exists. It needs to be localized and tested in our version, but it's already made, most of the components are already done.


The second, being that no matter who you are or how much you love this game, you must admit that the current content pool is very small. It doesn't take long at all to bang through the levels, with the only current endgame to speak of either running the same dailies and 4 or 5 dungeons over and over to get materials for better weapons and accessories...that you don't even NEED, because you are forced to do all of the current content before you will ever have the weapons or accessories that technically scale with where you are content wise.


The combination of the two means that for a standard player, one who can play for maybe two or three hours a night. Your runs will mostly consist of repeating the same content you do every single day. When this content is expansive, and there are so many things to do in a day you can't possibly do them ALL every day, you're in good shape. But as it stands, there's just too little to do, and the developers are well aware of this.


This is why the content is being pushed at a faster pace. Blade and Soul is so much more expansive than what we have now, with much tighter balance, powerful end game skills that change the way classes work, and gives options to classes currently feeling weak, or overwhelmed. The content is harder, more rewarding, more challenging, and grinding not only starts to feel more fun, but also more productive.


Your main argument, that you have no time to enjoy reaching a plateau because by the time you get there, you are already behind, will actually be EASED by the content yet given to us, as again, it actually allows you to make MORE productive use of your time, especially if you've only got a few hours to play.


And if you don't believe any of that, you could always just go with the surface response of "they told us they'd give us most of the content really fast before the game came out" There have been several instances of developers stating they only intend to stagger content release to try and set a pace that allows the majority of players to reach a good point before adding more. Not everyone will be able to keep up, but that is very much why there's a front line, a mid line, and an end line to any mmorpg.


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TBH content coming "too quickly" is better then it coming too slow it gives u lots to do, another mmo i play literally has only like 6 content patches a YEAR in which people get bored of in like 1-2 days. For BNS the content i feel is coming very nicely spaced out.


Lots of content is better then no content

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From my understanding, they're trying to catch up to the other regions because of E-sports. Apparently they're going to try and push that in this region and they want the players who are potentially interested in that to have time to learn the classes for whatever tournaments they're planning on holding in the future.

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They want to get us caught up for worlds, since this game is an esport. Expect content to continue to be fast and furious, as thats what the community wants, and what is needed for us to be at least a level playing field content wise to the rest of the world tournament scene.

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34 minutes ago, jester15x said:

This was a HOT topic to more than few about the aggressive content release. How do others feel?


This is a MMO, therefore you need to play at your own pace. Issue solved. There is no achievement for being 1st to get this and do that. If those wants to rush and get everything on day 1, so let them. For myself? I am happily working on my 3rd class atm.

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There's no content to keep up with yet...

There are literally 2 end game "heroic" dungeons, which might I add, don't even require you to gear up past true profane to be cleared. The first seven floors of mushin, which again, don't require BiS gear.. Uhh.. Tons of dailies, if you consider that worthwhile content.. And thats it..

OH yeah!! There's PvP! Which you can pretty much run naked.. As far as gold making goes, as long as you have at least ONE level 45 character, you shouldn't have many problems making a fair amount of gold/day..

We are going to receive Spiral Lab, 8th floor of mushin and the warlock in two weeks, and it STILL won't change much as far as gearing up goes. If you think the content we've received so far came in an overwhelming pace, wait until you see the changes with the level 50 cap.

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Content isnt coming to fast, its just the current content isn't difficult nor is it abundant.  You can get to endgame in less than a month, maybe not have the best gear, but be 45, and do everything in the game very quickly.  Games these days are not made to cater to those that want to spend weeks/months in just one area, its all about speed.  Attract some ppl to the game get them to spend money and rinse and repeat.

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You aren't required to stay on the bleeding edge of high level content, so don't worry about it. Just continue at your current pace. NCWest is trying to get us caught up to the other regions so we can participate in joint tournaments by the end of the year. So you're going to see a ton of content updates over the next 6 - 8 months.  But everything in between will still be there when you get to it, so relax. 


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Content too fast?  No content is better than no content and I am a casual and I do not see how this is too fast. I work almost everyday and I find that I have nothing to look forward besides dailies.  More content means we have more source of income to upgrade our items and really make use of them.

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4 hours ago, jester15x said:

Hello folks,

     I'm sure there will be A LOT of people disagreeing with me here, but I feel the content is coming WAY too fast...all the work we're putting in our gear is costly, casual players like myself don't get to play many hours upon hours a day. Once I do upgrade to the current weapon set finally, then new content is already released...it's somewhat of a turn off...we have no time to accumulate gold/mats, and I don't have a bunch of money so can't spend a lot to use the exchange service for gold. We have no time to enjoy any accomplishments. I love the game, but feel content needs to slow up just a little. This was a HOT topic to more than few about the aggressive content release. How do others feel?

Guess what if it coming to slow u be here  talking about that 2 i am 45 not much to do atm got all best best gear all i can do farm daily for gold or farm dung for looks plus they  trying catch up to other bsn then all big updates will come slow i guess u cant make ever one happy its coming to fast or its coming to slow u cant have one or other once. An trust me they are trying to  catch up as fast as they can. 


BTw ur lucky they not rel things once a year like most games do then u an i an ever one would get bored an some what quit a game

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