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No wonder unsealing charms are overpriced


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They are the most annoying shit to make. Have to wait hours to a single sap to make a single pick, then you have to go out of your way to find a rock to mine to (assuming) get a single rock and you need 5. Then you need to wait ours to get that single sap again to make the item you need. And that's not even mentioning the sea shells, mud, and poison you need. 

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6 minutes ago, Aevri said:

It does take forever to make 30 charms just to waste it so fast.


But for one i don't understand why people sell it more than the NPC shop offers in EU region by 1silver each.

because rich players who are away from npcs need unsealing charms ASAP and paying more than npcs sell them for is ok.

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3 hours ago, Aevri said:

It does take forever to make 30 charms just to waste it so fast.


But for one i don't understand why people sell it more than the NPC shop offers in EU region by 1silver each.


Which NPC sells for 1s? I've only seen 10s.

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1 hour ago, Rastlina said:

Weird. I haven't had a problem lacking in unsealing charms. Huh. Perhaps you unseal things you don't need and waste your charms for things you do need. Conserve what you have and do dailies. You'll never run out.


You will start to run out when you're farming BSH soul shields which costs 3 charms ea to unlock. Not to mention you have to roll for the best stats so every time you roll, that's another 3 charms gone. 

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Some people in the forums commented that the KR/CN players absolutely do not use craftings anymore on the most recent content (as in, it's so bad it's not worth their time), so I'm guessing the system was so bad the devs instead chose to do something else so people wouldn't need to focus on it anymore instead of fixing stuff.


In my opinion, the main issue is when your recipe needs in some shape or form QUARTZ. The ores are usually more valuable than whatever you want to do, and the respawn time is absurd (like, 1 hour??). This is completely busted, and gets even worse when you find yourself facing mining bots who just stand near the respawn point for days, and click way faster than you (if you ever get a chance at seeing the miracle of quartz spawn).

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3 hours ago, Rastlina said:

Weird. I haven't had a problem lacking in unsealing charms. Huh. Perhaps you unseal things you don't need and waste your charms for things you do need. Conserve what you have and do dailies. You'll never run out.


I'm curious how you managed that. I have a good amount of keys even after getting my True Profane weapon, but I am ALWAYS out of unsealing charms. Granted, I didn't conserve them in my early levels (*cricket*ing Sacrifice SS...), but you still need a butt ton of them end-game.

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30 minutes ago, Eckin said:

Some people in the forums commented that the KR/CN players absolutely do not use craftings anymore on the most recent content (as in, it's so bad it's not worth their time), so I'm guessing the system was so bad the devs instead chose to do something else so people wouldn't need to focus on it anymore instead of fixing stuff.


Not just only waste time it is waste money too, on CN server before I quit Silverfrost transformation stone (next tier trans stone at level 50) cost 5G each in market but a materials cost for crafting is over 100G in total and got only 10 trans stone iirc (48 hour waiting time) so there is no point to craft it with 100G I can buy 20 stone from a market.

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