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Wolfskin Costume drop rate


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K I have been in the region killing this boss and collecting the stones rinse and repeat and have acquired over 150 stones and this is after I have 2/3 set and I get no wolfskin costume.  Like come on dev's did you decrease the drop rate on the last patch? Really this is unacceptable, I have better things to do than spend over 1 1/2 hours trying to get this god dam costume. Fix this, increase the drop rate  and decrease the weapon chests and shields. We are getting them galore I think I am not alone on this view. 

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I got the wolfskin costume on the 1st roll on the wheel. I got the tail feathers by roll 10, and it took hours to get the head accessory.


A friend of mine got everything but the outfit in the first couple loot wheel rounds, and it took her hours to get the outfit. 


Another friend it took over a day fo, and then some others we know got it instantly. 


Welcome to random number generated winnings. 

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry but... if you have better things to do, do them^^


In all honesty... there are bigger problems. There are bigger problems with rng too. You have to farm stones? Hell no, they are like one silver on auction house. Do some dailies, buy 800 and get 50 costumes. Problem finished. 


Nobody should be complaining about wheels lol. Go farm something actually frustrating xD

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On 1/22/2016 at 0:56 PM, Mishi said:

I got the wolfskin costume on the 1st roll on the wheel. I got the tail feathers by roll 10, and it took hours to get the head accessory.


A friend of mine got everything but the outfit in the first couple loot wheel rounds, and it took her hours to get the outfit. 


Another friend it took over a day fo, and then some others we know got it instantly. 


Welcome to random number generated winnings. 


If those are tradable, or at least account bound. There would have been far less pain.

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I got the outfit and acess on the 2nd roll, then i did him 50 more and haven't got the head piece, shame since it's perfect on my charc, continue to farm and pray to rngesus.

I have gotten like 4 outfits now, so the drop rates seem to be the same or close for all parts its just rng being rng

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There's always that one piece in any wheel for any person where it just won't drop. 


I've given up on the tail adornment. I've got head adornment and outfit already so I just gave up on the tail. 200 essences wasn't worth farming lol (it's worse than my Deva experience which needed 100+ to get full set).

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