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Everything posted by Shekinah

  1. Hätte ich jetzt auch noch nicht gehört, dass die Stufe sinken kann. Da ich aber kein entsprechendes Abzeichen habe, bzw. jetzt mit keinem groß Kontakt habe der eines besitzt, kann ich dazu nicht mehr sagen. Vielleicht melden sich aber noch ein paar Andere.
  2. Klingt irgendwie nach einem Anzeigebug den es schon mal gab. Glaube bei Beschwöreren? Bin mir aber nicht ganz sicher. Steht da nur Phase 4 oder sind die entsprechenden Boni auch runter gegangen?
  3. I actually do have some trouble understanding what you want to say because your english isn't that good. And this is coming from someone who isn't a native speaker.
  4. Leitna may be the most geared player in eu but gear says nothing about skill level. Pretty easy to understand. Even if someone spends millions on this, or any, game it doesn't entitle them to cheat or hack.
  5. Ganz sicher nicht ist die Story mit Stufe 47 vorbei. Du solltest noch mal einen ganz genauen Blick in dein Journal werfen, und auch alle anderen die das deiner Aussage nach behaupten. Ist dir nicht aufgefallen, dass es diverse Orte auf der Weltkarte gibt wo du nie warst? Die Handlung geht aktuell bis Akt 11, Kapitel 7. Wenn man bis dahin spielt ist man Stufe 60 und vermutlich Hongmoon 12, 14 ungefähr. Das Ende von Akt 11 sollte mir UE 4 im August kommen. Mit Stufe 47 bist du vermutlich am Ende von Akt 4 oder so.
  6. Also zum ersten ist das hier das englische Forum. Das deutsche gibt's auch noch. ;) Alle von dir genannten Gegenstände gibt es noch. Aber die Sachen noch auf Erwacht 3 zu bringen ist vollkommen unnötig und solltest du nicht tun. Turm des Mushin und Seelensteinebene wurde angehoben um wieder relevanter zu werden. Turm weniger aber fürs Endgame aber für Charaktere die mit der Story fertig sind. Kaputt gepatched wurde da nichts. Wenn du noch auf Stufe 47 bist, dann mach einfach mal die Story fertig. Dann lösen sich die Probleme schon fast von selbst.
  7. NC propably didn't remember they had releases this item. They expect you to max it and switch over to reaver. Just NC moves. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Well, it's for those premium mebers that now can buy their ET or dragon pvp ss. Worth it 😄
  9. Tastes are different I say. For me Rhapsody looks okay but not great. The Dokkaebi costume from the cash boxes is finally a good looking costume for male chars. Though for females only the dress looks good. The accessoires and the hair is terrible. But I won't get either as I don't spend money or hmcoins at all for this game anymore. In generally I'd prefer it if costume would be available for direct purchase. And not behind some stupid rng paywall.
  10. Maybe. If this season pass is going to replace current premium then propably yes. Otherwise it's propably more materials, oils and such for premium. Depends on how it gets changed for us.
  11. Daily dash got replaced by daily perks and currently we have trove so no daily dash/perks. Also with UE 4 we are going to get a new season pass like system: soul boost. Premium will get better rewards there. Will propably be shown in the august live stream with UE 4.
  12. Well, then call it bug abuse. It's still something unintended by the game. And old players maybe remember that people got banned for bug abusing during level 45 times in Ogong's dungeon. It should be banable like all the other cheats. From macro, xml, autocast, gcd and so one. Sadly, I doubt anything will change here.
  13. Aktuell nein. Aber sowas gab es schon häufiger. Grund war dann oftmals, dass dein Mail-Anbieter ein Problem hat und die Mails nicht weiter geleitet werden. Dafür kommen die dann Stunden später alle auf einmal.
  14. Also ehrlich gesagt denke ich mir:"Selbst schuld." Es ist schon lange bekannt, dass die Trove, und auch die ganzen Glückskisten und so, reine Abzocke sind. Wer da Geld investiert muss sich einfach im Klaren sein, dass nichts garantiert ist. Alles zufallsabhängig. Des Weiteren finde ich es unter alle Sau, wenn ich höre, dass der Support Leuten HM-Münzen gibt wenn sie unzufrieden sind mit ihren Gegenständen und vorher genug Geld reingeschmissen habe.
  15. I agree on the overhaul part but increasing the cap is a bad idea I think. I imagine it would harshly punish people that want to get into pvp, and maybe have some gear, for not being experienced enough. Against pros it can be quite dificult to even deal damage because you die quickly. For me actions should be taken to get more people into pvp so the elo system can actually work for everyone. Not making it more difficult to get into pvp. This also means measurements against cheaters, hackers, wintrading and so on.
  16. Each Event? If you really want to defend NC at least get some facts right Grimoir. There were no divination psyches in mischief makers update (april) or soulmate (february). So it's more like one psyche every second event.
  17. Patchnotes got released yesterday, so I went and transmuted boxes for the costumes I wanted. So, there was a warning but on short term. Though, I also think that it was unnecessary to remove that option.
  18. If I recall right it was said that 3rd specs ae banned, like in shackeld isles, because not all classes had them. Doubt it would be balanced if all 3rd specs are relased. Or at least I wouln't call it balanced if it's op vs. op. Though NC has given up on balancing pvp and I doubt coming 3rd specs won't be broken or op. PvP has lost it's appeal because of bad or non-existing management and the player base cheating the heck out of the game. It's just no fun to play pvp anymore.
  19. The way the daily perks work is really weird. Runs for 4 weeks but only has items for 3 weeks. So once all items have been claimed it starts again at start. Weird, but okay I'd say. Wouldn't be surprised if we just got nothing in the last week. Now we get a one week running daily perk list and it's the same as the first row of what we already had. Making it the same items three times. -_- Just let the original run two weeks more for 1st and 2nd row. The burning devotion chest was in 3rd and would be impossible to get a second time.
  20. From what I know it'a bug abuse. And I remember the time people got banned for bug abusing in ogong's lvl 45 dungeon.
  21. Those can also be farmed in moonshade refugee- Takes time but no materials.
  22. Okay, then this is what made it seem getting more expensive. Like it was already said, the information in game is barely existing. But then this isn't true at all: Except you are talking about the standard "fusion" stones but those weren't the topic here. So, if the item is already ancient and the base item is reaching the new tier it will always require 5 additional enchantment stones. If the base item isn't ancient yet, reaches new tier and then becomes ancient the price increases by 5 enchantment stones compared to what prior tier would have cost. is that correct?
  23. Cause they don't want to talk about ignoring or forgetting regular paying customers.
  24. The cost to go ancient or increase ancient rises with each tier. Resolute +1 costs 5 enchantment stone and Dauntless +1 costs 10 enchantments stone. It's the same for all items. Another trap in this system. If you dont go ancient in the lowest possible tier, it costs way much to do so later. I am sitting on 194 fusion stones right now and don't see a reason to use them. Also some symbols of ancient items, weapon and such, just look like sh't. Luckily outside of my weapon I got no gear that can be made ancient yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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