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Everything posted by Veru

  1. They forgot to add two extra 0s at the end of the amount of crystals you should be getting for such amount of money. 🤣 Very tone-deaf bundles. If embarrassing things like these are what keeps getting pushed out, then it's no wonder the game pulls in less money each quarter. How about we get some returning outfit bundles instead? Stuff like Shadow Shinobi, Olympian, or Dragon Knight sets.
  2. There's healthier ways to "support" the game if this is what you're getting at. This is also bad for players that spend and as the insanity continues and the company pushes the lines of "What can we get away with?". The Fortune Favor pets are that push. They will just move on to other games that are better investments and isn't attempting to milk them with petty rewards every given chance. If players who spend keep leaving due to these absurd monetization practices (it IS happening if you pay attention), then you really won't have a game to play anymore. It's not good to see it as black or white and your response comes across as a bit unaware. You're just here to play the game for "free" and don't care about the more dark intentions behind such monetization; there's real people who are targeted by these practices. ~$750 pets (for the ultimate forms) are absurd to most people. It is a lazy way to squeeze money out of the player base. NC themselves has even admitted to pushing out "trash" outfits in a recent Korean interview, too. The pets are no different than regular pets and some even have bad rigging (bad clipping) and low quality textures. Some admittedly look WORSE than more affordable pets. On the topic of pets, the Pet Pouches in F10 are also terrible with very low odds to get the "special" pet in there. Just let me pay for pet I actually want straight up, imo. For example, the Widow pets in Fortune Favors are dreadful in comparison to other humanoid pets such as the Hellraiser or Zulia pets, for example. The Zulia pet being in the exact same style but has way higher quality textures and rigging. Everything looks as it should with Zulia and she has higher quality textures. The Hellraiser has detailed clothing and higher quality textures. No weird clipping when looking at the pet's animations. Meanwhile, the Widows look like they're ripped out of Playstation 1 game. The textures are low quality and muddy. Very odd geometry here with limbs stretching like it's some horror game. The drawn on chest is hilarious to me but also ugly. The Scarlet Widow has some seam at her thighs too. Yes, I know they are supposed to be low polygon versions of the NPCs but there is no excuse when the pets I mentioned above look so much better. If you paid ~$500 for these awful pets, I hate to tell you that you got ripped off. There is no reason why such expensive pets look this bad when the developers have shown to be capable at much higher quality work. You should have better standards on what deserves your hard earned money. If people pay half a grand for such low quality, it ultimately just hurts the overall quality of the game. Why put effort when this garbage sells? Everything just goes (and has been going) downhill from here in terms of cosmetic quality. There's various types of bad monetary patterns that are being employed here: artificial scarcity and pay to win. As well as bad psychological manipulation such as invested/endowed value, completing the collection (literally), and variable rewards (gambling). There is a site I came across a while back that goes into detail about these types of "dark patterns" mostly employed with mobile games but MMOs are also doing it. The site is called Dark Pattern Games. As I'm not here trying to seem like a perfect person, I had been buying some of these pets in the past. I had started with the Fox Prince (this one had actual effort put in) since at least that one I could buy from other people with gold. But I will absolutely not buy these anymore and haven't for around 4 cycles, even if I miss stats. I'm stepping away from some of the flat out terrible practices of this game. It takes a bit to open your eyes all the way sometimes. The game does need to make money but low effort garbage like this shouldn't be rewarded.
  3. EU has more population and that has already been kinda answered by others who do play on there. I'm from NA so I will give my take on our server. It is a bit of a struggle. The "busiest" times would be during reset (8am EST) with some groups going around. It picks back up slightly during lunch time (12pm est) but very few. There is more going on during dragon time (3pm est). It is decent from them on but I wouldn't say fantastic or indicating a healthy population. Starts to slow down near 11pm EST. It is completely dead or even fewer groups than the other times after 1am EST or so until reset again. Unlike EU, we don't use F8 to recruit so you won't find anything there. All recruiting for any dungeon run or daily train is done from faction chat or people have statics they run with. World chat is coming this Wednesday that aims to merge the factions better but Cerelean is our active faction. Soul Boost #1 had more people coming back but was also completely ruined by the myriad of bugs within it that didn't even get fixed until almost the end cycle of that SB season. There are a few people coming back now for SB #2 and it is being handled way better by GreenStorm in terms of addressing some issues it has. I heard there are a few returning that left to play Lost Ark and realized it's bad, too. kek So they came back to BnS. Well, I'm a day 1 player that also got into the Beta. Prior to that, I waited for BnS to come to the West for a few years. I've been playing MMOs for over 15 years now so I just enjoy the experience and genre. BnS is my favorite MMO despite the "dying" population. But also, don't think that I will defend this game as I am always criticizing it harshly. When you love something, you will pick it apart. It's a very unique world they have created. While I do ranking and ultimately also play to make my characters stronger, at my core, I'm also a creative person so I like to work on the lore for my two characters and do art of them. I feel that the older MMOs from Korea, such as Tera (RIP) and BnS had more creativity to them, specially in terms of the races. BnS really just has humans, taller humans, and Lyns but the art direction of the game is what makes the humans stand out from just being stuck inside another generic MMO with elves and gnomes. They look more appealing to me than, say, the FF14 humanoid races. Other MMOs without much customization suffer a lot from "same face" syndrome. It's one of the reasons I can't really get into FF14, which is a competitor to BnS. I believe BnS has the best customization system for your character to date. Some people will argue BDO's is better but I think they look generic because it has that more realistic look, which I'm not really a fan of. Currently, the MMO genre is not doing well so I will just continue to play BnS because I already tried everything else out there and nothing really has a unique experience to offer or good looking races. I'm also lucky to have a good static to run with but I know many are not as fortunate. So I have this "cushion" of sorts to continue playing. However, I don't let my privileged position as a veteran blind me from the real issues the remainder of the population faces. I try to give feedback from what I see other players struggle with in the game or the complaints they are vocal with in faction chat. When I came back to the game 2 years ago, I exclusively made it my goal to pug everything with my best friend (who sadly quit), despite being invited back into my old clan, because I wanted to really assess the typical player experience and identify the issues. These issues still stand today so I have a good understanding of what the average player without a static would go through. In terms of exact numbers, I can't help you there. As far as the low channel number or F8 lobby, like I mentioned above, NA doesn't use the F8 lobby so if you were playing here then you won't see anything there since our population is small.
  4. Coming in here to kinda address some of these that are continuously popping up in threads and suggestions because the developers did do a 10th anniversary Q&A recently. Of course, we never see it because they only broadcast it and make it available to the Korean playerbase. BnS in the West has very dedicated players that have stuck through with this game despite it's myriad of issues, so I find it just sad that some of this information regarding the future of the game has to be relied on by 3rd parties. Thankfully, some players have kindly translated it for us and is available on a Discord server. The interview is available on Youtube. https://youtu.be/6ozfzlJM_JU And there is another recent interview with one of the game designers. https://bns.plaync.com/board/update/view?articleId=62d51d452eaf0a71c30a8014&viewMode=compact&size=18 "Questions about needing to rebalancing the classes - We can deal with it very fast if we nerf it, but we did many updates thru buffing and making new good classes/spec so it was hard to manage. We admit we were not good at it, we will try improve it." My personal take on this is that they just suck at balancing. lol To me personally, specs that are less challenging to play simply perform better. But this is also the case for a lot of different games, such as fighting games. Characters that have less complexity and in the hands of a skilled player can be easily abused and mastered. The player dedicates more time to other aspects of the game such as reading their opponent rather than pulling off complex moves on the character. There is less room for mistake. This often leads to "cheese" characters being top tier. Unfortunately this is also the case for BnS. They should still try to improve other specs continuously instead but it also seems to me that they perhaps do not have the time to dedicate a lot to this... It took them so long to rework Warlock and Force Master. Literally years. I don't even see that many Force Master players anymore, which leads to the next point below... This is also a very probable reason. lol Also, as a competitive fighting game player for some years, you can choose to use "non-meta" and if you are skilled enough, you can go places but inevitably, you will hit a wall against those using the current meta. That is just the reality of it. You just have to accept the limits or finally bend the knee to play the meta. "Request about activating Arena / 6s Content - We try to care, but it's too far gone we can't touch it right now. We did had e-sports and we know it's a good content but let us make some more people to make bigger sample. Clan / Community plan - Bns Playing experience / Dungeon play is a top priority right now. It did fall behind the priority. We are planning to add clan 본산war, but we are a bit worried about the reaction from players cuz it's based on pvp, so we're planning to implement it after clan system rework and more clan cooperating content PVP function Balancing 1. During July, 6s Frenzy / Floating Island Frenzy buff will be rebalanced for pvp combat condition upgrade, and will also make Frenzy buff 24/7. 2. We did acknowledged that some insignias are preventing from some classes' Key playing, so we're going to adjust such troubling insignas to improve unfair pvp content. 3. Furthermore, we'll balance arena mods / pvp mods also. Adjustment for overpowered, Supplements for insufficient. We can't implement all of it in haste, but we'll work on it continuously." Yeah... NC is well aware and while this looks dreadful, at least they are honest that they let it die and cannot actually work on it. It is why I brought up that they seem to be having manpower issues in regards to class balancing. BnS is the game pulling the least amount of money for them for their MMOs, so don't be shocked to learn that a game that is not pulling in as much money is also doing poorly in terms of management. It's a domino effect. Bad decisions will lead to poor income, UNSURPRISINGLY. But also, the developers are hesitant to add PvP content, as indicated in the clan battle section. I don't mind PvP, when it's balanced as that allows for both players to rely purely on skill. I had a lot of fun recently sparring one of my friends in Arena and I even streamed it. You can only spar since nobody will queue up for Arena anymore. I think NC misunderstand why people dislike PvP in this game, perhaps? Why can't have the two PvP modes co-exist? Even bring back the gear balanced BG that was removed? It is a nasty habit of this game's management, imo, to bend over backwards to one side and completely ignore and take away things from the other. Always chasing after the whale money without sustainability (see chart above) and not realizing that having a healthy population of happy players to pull in MORE potentially paying customers and having content creators is what will make the game successful. They have good examples to follow already of other MMOs and even other F2P games with happier players and better populations. There is no magic to it, really. But I do think it takes magic to pile drive a great game this badly into the ground when a framework for a successful MMO has already been laid out years before. 🤣 Despite my cheeky comments, I do want the game to do better. Coming in to also say that the gold issue has INDEED NOT BEEN FIXED. Adding gold via paid measures is not fixing it. Battle Pass cannot even be bought with HMCoins. If you are F2P, it does require you to manage your free currency better but there is nothing you can do if the game flat out just denies you from using it.
  5. This will be my last post regarding the topic before we all get slapped for going off topic. No, it's really not and it's insulting to me that you assume my assessment was because I'm using cheats to play the class, when I very much have been posting in the past how against I am about the whole practice. I don't play with any damage modifications and the cc immunity still exists; I also have low ping to play it optimally. This was tested by me personally during my first few pulls during the Iron Conqueror event, the only time I was forced to switch to this braindead spec in actual ranking. I played vanilla meme Shadow and it's like hitting a training dummy, with the only time the cc immunity didn't work was the spin attack and the big aoe attack he does after his shield goes away. Those I had to either Bastion or the 1F Repulse iframe. I was forced to switch to it because my 3rd spec, which has to actually iframe and dodge in that fight, would not have been able to keep top 20 against people using meme standing still as a DPS bot. And my gear would have been more than enough to keep top 20 under normal circumstances but we all have to take Ls sometimes. I know what a lot of people use, too. Despite their rotation being automated (I mean, the Scourge rework is overall terrible and just hold RMB regardless without modifications), they have to do positioning now and use the 2 iframes that Scourge comes with if they choose to continue playing that spec. The people who were getting carried by their badge won't have their cc immunity anymore or damage they never worked towards, either. I expect to see a lot of WLs as floor mats now. Literally the class that I personally know to use old gear is Reaper Destro, who uses the Limitless badge instead of the BM badge in their current meta. It's clear NC wants to keep a linear path of progression with the current gear they release. There is no class using gear from years ago. Reading what you just wrote, you know Meme is absolute trash to play and BORING. Why you all tortured yourselves with this trash is beyond me. Now people are really going to be upset their artificial damage when they flip a switch is gone? They were all not supposed to have it in the first place. If they choose to play an entirely different game from what is intended, then it is only a matter of time before they're all kicked down a notch back to the reality. And I am not just talking about vanilla Meme, as more things were at play in making it the DPS bot it actually was. NC will never balance the classes based on the West either, with all the junk people do here just for that extra damage. It's hard for NC to balance 3rd spec now because if provided a SB, 3rd spec with TD does more damage or is equal to the other specs in vanilla gameplay. I do also wish the nerf to TD was undone but I consider myself FAR from a buff slave as 3 Vs in succession during a grab is no joke. And 3rd spec TD also lowers the cooldown of grab twice so the party will get a DPS boost as a whole from more frequent grabs and the applied debuff damage. 3rd spec has a big breaker and TD lowers the cooldown of that breaker. Unsure what you mean that Meme had more utility. If anything, it also depends on team composition. And I did manage to hold my spot in top 10 most of the time in my region despite being 3rd spec this entire time and having the fun that they could only wish to have but deprived themselves of it by choice. Last season I didn't get top 10 but that's alright, as I was gone for 3 weeks without farm. I was beating people that were using Meme (and extra things) in points on the ranking, as well. How people get beaten while flipping a switch for 20+ million more damage is beyond me. For people that think I am accusing without proof, see the last sentence of this statement for all the proof you need. What do I have to be salty about when I achieved my goals and my teams' using the "inferior" spec with vanilla gameplay? Nothing changes for me but everyone that was boosted now gets their world turned upside down. Quite the opposite to imply I would ever be salty. About what? About NOT playing a braindead spec that isn't fun? When I can achieve my personal goals playing the one that is fun? I thought games were made for fun. Nor am I boasting about ranking but show it because people keep acting like 3rd spec is the equivalent of Scourge when it was literally unplayable due to its extremely low damage that NC ignored to fix before its rework. It really isn't. I'm just pointing out facts to people in some sort of distorted reality that think Meme spec requiring no effort or skill to play was ever a good thing or something worthy of praise with the only thing they may be having to keep track of is their Prey debuff uptime on the target. But let's be honest, we both know that none of them had to keep track of anything. Proof of that was the Iron Conqueror's WL clear times.
  6. There is nothing good about a clear oversight in development after the Warlock rework that gave Scourge spec: - an infinite cc immunity. It is not even playing the game at that point if you are standing still in one spot holding down your right mouse button being immune to all crowd control. - the ability to spam Hex Storm, one of your hardest hitting moves, with almost no cool down. It also lasted way too long due to our slow skill patches. This trash has been around for over 6 months at this point. Now people have to learn how to play again instead of turning off their brains. It went against the very core of this game, which is its dynamic action combat. Standing still in one place with God mode on isn't a "good thing". As a warlock myself since the game's launch, I would never play something so shameful, boring, and braindead.
  7. First, thank you Greenstorm for making sure the feedback gets to the right people to make changes. I had to re-read your post about the change to Skystealer multiple times actually because I thought I was seeing things. I do thing that most people would prefer a set cost on accessories. Even if the cost is high for the upper tiers, it keeps players grinding and playing daily and working towards it knowing that the upgrade is guaranteed. BnS's gear progression is the worst its ever been, in my opinion. If you destroy the sense of progression, then you destroy the entire premise of an MMO. I spent hours grinding old Skystealer dungeons and guess what? My belt is still sitting at +12 even after how long Sub came out? I obtained the belt very shortly after the dungeon released too. Every day, I would try to up the belt to no avail UNTIL NOW actually. I am sitting on 23k of each crystal now from how much I grinded old Demonsbane but actually stopped playing for a while, and even stopped spending, because this RNG system is not a good gear progression system at all. So sitting now on 23k crystals shows how much I failed to progress with the old system despite grinding non-stop. Most of my stuff was at +12 or +13 going into the new tier because I would fail every day to upgrade. You can pour your heart out on this game and walk away with nothing in the end with the RNG system. Though now with the meter, it is slightly better than the progression decided entirely via a dice roll on the old Demonsbane accessories but don't get me wrong, this system is still ABSOLUTE TRASH. I don't know a single player, F2P or whale, that goes "Hmm, yes, I want to blow all my gold and materials today and walk away with nothing". A set cost would certainly be a welcomed change for the West. Now where does this change to Skystealer leave us? With a good template, at least. I got screwed over too because I already used the succession system on my old gear but it wouldn't be the first time getting screwed over while playing this game, right? So I am also 50/50 on it like other people. But also, now I see people complaining that never showed their faces to give feedback on the forums about how terrible this system is. If you do not care to offer feedback and just keep silent or laugh it off and keep telling people to "inhale more copium" or "if you don't like it, just quit" like I see way too many people do in-game, then nothing will change. This is the main place that NCWest can get feedback on our version of the game. Not complaining in the game on faction chat; there are no GMs in the game. Not complaining on Discord, either. Tell other players to voice their concerns on these forums instead because it's something I'm constantly doing when people rant in the game. This change should definitely be employed for all the new gear tiers because it's a welcomed change that unfortunately came too late. I think people should not stop playing and upgrade as much as you feel comfortable going in the current system or what your time allows. At least now, you don't entirely walk away with nothing in the end. If the old tier gets a 100% upgrade, you can work towards gathering your daily materials for a better way to progress after the new tier comes out. It can take a while to obtain the new tier as well, so it is possible to keep upgrading the old tier in the mean time.
  8. Aside from the out of touch remarks in the original post, here is a very serious and baffling issue with this game currently and this just encapsulates everything wrong with it. We are now getting the same RNG systems and upgrade costs from Korea. You're telling me that someone sits down and DELIBERATELY removes resources (where are sterling scales drops; no more oil/pod from events?), nerf the drop rates (ran Namdo 7 hours yesterday, floor 8; not a single pod or oil drop), and gives us basically no gold. But the upgrades we get now are TAILORED to the Korean game and their resources/income. ??????????? This makes absolutely no sense and the worst part is that this is INTENTIONAL. Someone has to sit down and program this in for our region when they do the patches. There is no way whoever makes these decisions sits down and goes "Yeah, gutting everything is a good idea for them." They gut everything knowing it's bad and for what? Reasons that we will never get an answer for. There is no way in hell the Korean developers are this incompetent. This is deliberate because they are the ones gutting everything manually. Even if you do not play the game, there is no way in hell all these changes when they are put on paper sound good to ANYONE. Take a look at our Basin refresh update in comparison to theirs. Look, here is the official Korean update post. https://bns.plaync.com/board/update/view?articleId=616d6f713001cb560926cdbd&viewMode=list&size=20 Take a look at their Basin update from the translation: Whoa, Ethereal Vials from Normal mode?! Where are ours? Ok, let's take a look at their merchant. Look at that. Someone sat down and removed the pets from our version! Why is that? I'm not even making this up. This is all public info. Here is the video. https://youtu.be/TJhFW1v0xUU GreenStorm and whoever is working in the West, I URGE you to log into the game. Just log in and run a dungeon with some players. Maybe do a little farm and see as you get absolutely nothing rewarding from it because everything is gutted. Join the community Discords, even if undercover. Throw me a DM and I will give you links to every single Discord because yes, I'm still actively playing this dead game! I really want you guys to succeed and this game to get even a little better and more bearable than it is now. This still doesn't fix the issue of the deliberate gutting of our version but it would help to put yourselves in our shoes. No, Kaebi is not enough and this doesn't solve the issue that there are no resources to even sell aside from the usual people who ran their 50 bots during the Evolve Stone event months ago. No new resources are coming in. Everything has been gutted. I very much hope that in July, we are going to get more than a measly 4 oils and packs a week. This is not enough. It was not enough since years ago. And stop putting those damn Twilight Flowers in the RNG boxes! Everything that is P2W is also outdated and unrewarding!
  9. We are now getting the same grind required as KR but we don't get the resource padding that they get. They get a lot of oils and pods from events as a means to help them upgrade. What is the actual difference now between our regions? Because it was mainly that we didn't have RNG upgrades before. So KR players needed this resource padding because their upgrades were all RNG. Now we are at the same stage but our region is starved completely of gold, oils and pet pods. Now there is yet another event that doesn't give us those measly 2 vials and packs. Yes, it is now as measly as the 1 synth stone per week we have gotten in previous events. I've always grinded a lot for hours ever since playing this game but it's now become an unreasonable grind due to how our region is handled. I would honestly say our region is now more P2W than KR, everything is locked behind the Cash Shop now to get any sort of good quantity. I took a break from all this for a month already, playing some days and not some, and I come back just for it to get worse. I took a break because I felt it was pointless to keep trying since I failed to +13 anything for an entire two months. It doesn't matter if I grinded because the rewards were worthless, which pouches tanking to be near worth nothing and I never got any sort of significant drop I could sell for gold income. Yup, honestly, this is great advice at this point for people that still want to continue and I'm ready to do it because this is getting really bad. Once people run out of the evo stones from the event months ago, it's going to get worse and the bandage solution will be to put oils into some sort of Cash Shop only event the same way they did with Sterling scales, when this doesn't put the resource available at a good healthy number because of the low player base. I'll go play in KR and I'll never be as good as here due to being ping crippled but at least my money and time are not being wasted like they are here. A bonus is also that the KR version also cares to keep their game clean from trash using 3rd party tools in their rankings if you plan on being competitive despite the ping issue. No more half baked skill patches either that are literal months behind. Everything gets balanced right away.
  10. As someone who PvEs exclusively now, I agree with your points even if you enjoy PvP more and that the game feels extremely dull since there are no new raids, even as someone with a team that can do the rankings. Our team did really good last season, all ended in top 10 but this season people are getting carried via "illegitimate means" even though they put less effort as us, so there is little point to continue progressing. And really, this has been happening forever now with certain players but it was great that our team managed to even triumph over illegitimate players for a while. Anyway, back to PvP, I used to really like tuning into Arena pvp streams back when the game had a healthier population. It was honestly great to get tips and interact with others about strategies and match-ups. This was before Battlegrounds were released. I liked going into arena and it was overall a good time for me. Back then, the rewards were actually useful, since Soulstones were locked behind PvP. Now having said that, I denounce materials that are used for PvE being locked behind PvP. It's crappy design and makes no sense. I feel the same way about PvP materials or gear being locked behind PvE. I personally would love to see Arena and other PvP flourish again but there is a major issue I can point right away: TIME. The game is so extremely demanding because resources, primarily gold, are very low. I log in and have to do PvE because I need gold and this eats up all of my playtime. It's a bit ironic to keep logging in doing unfun things, honestly. I feel the game is not rewarding even if you are pouring your soul into it, like you described with your hamster wheel. I'm going 2 months already unable to +13 any of my gear. They have chosen to lock away Synth stones in a mobile game type of fashion, them being limited to FoE and 3 times per day. I don't even get a single try anymore once a day since I need 20 synth stones. Using fusion stones is a good way to burn through months of gold in less than 10 minutes and maybe not even come out with a single upgrade. And buying gold via F9, well, I'm not going to spend on gold when it was the developers that created the gold issue to start with. Why am I rewarding bad decisions, that even the community manager has acknowledged is an issue? I do spend into the game in other ways but not for gold because the issue affects every single player at this time. So you say you're barely getting a response from people and this is what I feel is the cause of that. People like me who PvE don't have the time to even have fun with casual PvP (let alone sit there for an hour trying to recruit for PvP) and this is because of the many issues I just pointed out, like the limited resources. If these limited resources are fixed, then you may get more people to do PvP even if the rewards themselves for that mode do not have much value. I'll be honest, there is a lot to do to fix PvP in this game, as there are a lot of issues but a start would be to fixing the issues that PvE has since the focus of the game is PvE. Another would be to get an anti-cheat with a heartbeat to make arena and battlegrounds a better place for everyone. I never liked battlegrounds since all I ever saw was people getting one-shot but surely it should get fixed as well.
  11. Thank you for gathering feedback about cosmetics! Like the OP said, these outfits get rotated very frequently while the game offers so many other options. Even some outfits that aren't even tailorable have gone missing for ages. One such outfit is the male only Great General. I remember this outfit being available the second week of the game's launch and literally never again. This outfit, in my opinion, has aged pretty well despite the age and comes with awesome hair. I've been personally wanting Hongmoon Ascension for 2 years already, as it was released in an update when I had taken a break from the game. It's a very simple outfit that could even be added to events instead of the same ancient ones. Another one I would like is the Olympian outfit set. Rhapsody is an outfit that many people wanted but got put into one of those 1 NCoin boxes that you are limited to buying once a day. Can you guys PLEASE stop doing this? This was not a thing in old RNG boxes and you could always buy the 1 NCoin box outfit with regular tokens gotten from the RNG box period. The option to do so was taken away recently within the past year and everyone hated it and I will see if I can find the thread about it. I don't understand not wanting people to spend on cosmetics by doing decisions like these. It's 1 NCoin a day profit for the company vs people spending money to get tokens for the outfit instead. Edit: Here are two threads about people not happy with this decision, since the outfit was actually very nice this time and not a recolor. https://forums.bladeandsoul.com/topic/252005-why-is-the-good-costume-in-the-limited-rng-box-while-the-costume-that-sucks-is-in-the-expensive-ones/ https://forums.bladeandsoul.com/topic/252069-rhapsody-outfit/
  12. I'm late to the feedback but most of what I wanted updated in Trove has been said. The super old obsidian boxes are the biggest slap in the same to me personally along with the old psyches 2 stars. Very very bad and it shows that there is a lack of understanding or knowledge about our current game content. I would really like to see old cosmetic weapons/pets added to Trove. I can't understand why the West underestimates cosmetics so much as a source of income when I know people who literally only log in for outfits or to take screenshots in said outfits. We have great weapons with effects that have not come back for so many years. There is no reason for this when they can be cycled in Trove. Stuff like the Dragonbrand weapons, which are popular even now. Would also be great to see weapons from old outfit boxes as for whatever reason, these are not added to the Mushin Tower merchant. Such as Dawning Star or Azure Dragon weapons. We have a ton of incomplete outfits at the merchant that do not come with corresponding accessories but this is perhaps a topic for another thread. Add more weapon skins instead of the same Epic tier ones, which have obnoxious effects to me personally and have been in every trove for who knows how long now. I do hope to see more old cosmetics in Trove and updated 1 and 2 star crits the next time. Last Trove was so bad, not even good cosmetics imo, and was the first one I didn't spend any money on at all. This one at least has very nice cosmetics despite still feeling ripped off by the extremely outdated items.
  13. I have two alts stuck at TB9 because of the missing Empyrean Stones. We are supposed to get them so I'm not going to buy them. If they don't want to put it in F10 as the other missing materials since the mats for the weapon are tradeable this time and are afraid people will abuse it, then they may have to go the contact support route since certain people won't bother to go through the trouble of that. Posting here to hopefully get a response regarding these missing items, too.
  14. I really think more of the remaining player base needs to blow up the forums regarding these ridiculous changes. I see people complaining in the in-game chat but there's no GMs in the game so it's worthless. Bumping this because it really is a terrible change. I've been farming Sub since release and have seen ONE single scale drop. I have farmed 41s over 200 times for sure by now and have farmed 51+ as well. These things are nowhere to be seen and other high geared players are not having any luck either. Hell, the loot in general at 51+ is trash and unrewarding. Thanks for the single pouch I can sell just to fail my upgrade anyways. Ridiculous. My heart needs 25 of these damn things but the drop rate is worse than winning the lottery at this point. Now the heart change is screwing over people with lower gear as well. Honestly, never mind my heart because I'm at the latest tier anyways but how are people at the lower tiers supposed to upgrade now when the supply is non-existent? What the hell are they doing at NCSoft??? I have seen so many people with high gear quit this game in the last 2 months and some now just raid log. There will be no future players to do content with if they keep nipping them in the ass on their way to better gear.
  15. What I have seen is certain people that basically lived in the Demonsbane lobby. I would log in the morning for some hours and then upon logging in late at night, the same people were still there. I have left many places in the last year that encourage the use of cheats for this game or just not even playing the game anymore and having your entire rotation in one button. To add to this, it's unfortunate that people redirect newer players to these places. It's a double edged sword because there is useful info but they are also exposed to cheats. I know snippets of the latest bs since others talk about it in more "clean" Discords and show videos of idiots dumb enough to record themselves performing cheats. Hell, I have even seen them do it myself if I somehow end up in a party with them. I think those people actually have pilots they pay to run them through the AD farm 24/7. It is a known fact that some of these players do not even play their own characters and rely on pilots. That is on NCSoft(or West) for not enforcing their account sharing policy seriously or really giving a crap anymore about the fact that this game has no clean competitive rankings anymore. They only care to keep the KR rankings clean but not ours. I'm a high gear player that was manually farming AD for exp and I wanted to hit HM30. Currently 80% into HM27. It sounds insane but I played Maplestory for many years and leveling back in the day was hitting the same mobs 24/7 basically. This is nothing hard for me to do and I actually enjoy it and just pop some music in the background as I grind with my exp soup on. When NC nerfs things like these, it only screws over legit players like myself that are still keeping it clean and do spend money in this game despite knowing my competition is not clean and using underhanded methods. So I say leave the exp alone and if they give a damn, take care of the account sharing or botting. But NC has proven to not care, as they will not even perma ban people who were dumb enough to record their own cheating. The guys hit HM40? Let them because NC allows them too. At the end of the day, anyone that has played long enough already knows a large portion of these players are not clean and the swarm all congregates in certain places discussing how much farther they can take it. Which I also don't understand because of the amount of money they have already spent would surely not let anyone hold a candle to them anyways. So why the cheating? Maybe they just want to powertrip knowing NC won't touch them or are insecure of their skills as a player. It is hard for me to recommend this game to a competitive player because even spending money is not the only factor in competition here due to how NC doesn't care to give us the same level of fairness as the KR version of the game.
  16. It's a feature. How will they pay the genius that expertly crafted that T-Pose for the bird? Whales are making sure he brings home that bread. Thanks, guys.
  17. This is a ridiculous and moronic thread. Instead of shaming NCSoft for breaking an absolutely vital component of the game for several days, you choose to sit on your fake throne of righteousness shaming whatever player this game has left for actually fixing the marketplace on their end. No, I absolutely do not condone the cheating like speedhacking that ruins rankings and choose to make fun of those who need a wheelchair like GCD to play this game but this type of thread really ain't it. We know it's Gameguard that broke F5. And you know why it's not fixed yet? Because these incompetent developers that don't care about this region KNOW that paying customers already have it working on their end; there's no way anyone that is still playing and paying wouldn't get their F5 working. And I do think they should ban those that pay that are also hard cheating rankings, btw. You need to learn when to actually raise a stink. It was deliberate that they implemented an anticheat already cracked over 3 years ago just now for our region. It's just to shut people up. Now don't be surprised if F5 isn't fixed until next maintenance IF at all. Maybe we will see 2 weeks without F5.
  18. Me and others have sent in multiple tickets, with like 10 screenshots, of certain "people" queuing up with teams full of their bots in 6v6 and trolling legit players trying to play plus also selling "totally legit 5 minute" runs of a certain dungeon. With screenshots of them blatantly admitting to exploiting, too. The community does the work for you anyways and yet you do not pull the plug on these accounts when it's blatantly obvious. We all still see them a year later. What are the employees doing? Giving people 5 day vacations over spicy F2 pictures to make it seem like they go into the office to do work? These are the only things I see support actually do something about and it's ridiculous and embarrassing that resources are wasted on this petty crap, when there is a lot of work to be done in this game. Even whales complain about these people with 6v6 bots, so I don't even understand why you refuse to ban exploiters who don't spend a dime into your game and tick off the whales.
  19. Don't count on NC to fix it either since I've been noticing this a lot on older outfits and UE4 is buggy as it is. You know, outfits I paid for in the past and were fine in UE3, like my Ghoulish. 🤦‍♂️ Maybe there needs to be more quality control because entire meshes are broken and not just textures. They have a raised ugly seam down the middle of the mesh; it's most noticeable on Lyn outfits but other races are affected too. It's good we are getting older outfits back in the shop but be wary that it's not broken for your character. I almost bought Shadow Walker and there is something wrong with the skintone! It's an easy fix for the developers since it's just the texture being read wrong but broken mesh are a bit more work. Even the 1 Ncoin box outfit Dinner Date is busted for Lyn girls. Sad.
  20. I know they said that they can't extend it but at some point, we SHOULD be getting a new system called Soul Fiesta, which is like Call to Arms but on steroids. It is a way better system for everyone and in Korea, it lasts for 6 months or so. It's meant to help newer players gear up. It's just unfortunate that it takes so long for us to get these QoL changes here in the West. I was actually hoping that Soul Boost would come instead of Call to Arms in September. If you got to stage 6 of the box, then you'll have TB6 which is still good! I wouldn't give up on the game just yet if you couldn't complete C2A and tell your friends about Soul Boost, too. Do the next event too for the Silversteel weapon mat for future use. And I do agree that they need to advertise these events better and make it a priority.
  21. My post was worded badly. I was talking about the original poster and that you should not pay attention to him. I know you're not him. Meant to edit my original post so it's less confusing, actually. But if you look at all the replies to this post, you will see it's all the same guy since they're all in broken English and similar names. Nobody in-game gets along with this guy.
  22. Pay no attention to this guy. This is just Inaxx posting on all his accounts (kinda weird, bro) and hoping to get some sort of word from staff about nerfing the HP of the bosses even further so he can continue to abuse the game. You're really not fooling anyone. Hopefully you get what you deserve if the Western team starts taking reports seriously now along with the anticheat.
  23. In the Korean server, even if someone is a "whale" and caught cheating, they get no mercy and get perma banned. How come we can't have that same treatment here? @Hime These people have no respect for competition and I doubt they have even learned any sort of proper manners, since you're literally taught in school to not cheat. I've witnesses some of these cheaters have baby tantrums when caught cheating and called out. They're dismissive of the fact they're cheating and try to justify themselves. They're spoiled. If you're not going to implement the anti-cheat, then start taking reports seriously. Countless reports are filed and you do nothing. You rather give out 3 day bans for people's F2s because it's easy. I do wonder if some of the employees go into the office and just to look like they are doing something, they do these petty bans instead of nailing down the cheaters and even the multi abusers that make people carry their afks through content. I guarantee you that there is more work to be done in this game. I pay for this game for what? Now I can finally kick them from raids since UE4 allows me to play with characters on and I can see who is a multi abuser. The game feels more alive after years and I'll never forget what another player that used to pay a lot into the game told me. "No point in spending money in this game if cheaters can buy ranks for just $5." And I no longer see this huge whale in the game anymore. He's right. There's many legit paying customers, myself included, who will spend twice as much for every single one of these cheaters you axe. It's my favorite MMO afterall, so just take out the garbage already.
  24. Could you please address Mizuki's point about the anticheat not being enabled? It's in there in the files. A lot of people are pretty tired of cheaters in the rankings and it is blatantly obvious who it is. Thank you. I pay a lot into this game, maybe as much as they do, and I'm tired of them running rampant.
  25. Cash Shop Demigod Adornment outfit is bugged for all male characters! The cape is completely black. I'm seeing other reports of textures being completely black but please try to fix this outfit because I just paid real money for this outfit and it doesn't work. People are going to be mad blowing almost 25 usd on a broken outfit.
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