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Everything posted by DenialOfTruth

  1. Without modifications to gear progression newer players would not stand a chance of catching up, but what exactly do you have a problem with? This thread outlined several changes, are you upset at all of them?
  2. I don't pay much outside of premium or maybe for the odd outfit here and there and I progress just fine. I think the problem is the general attitude of the player base: many just want stuff handed to them. MMOs are almost always long term progression games as part of their design...if everything was easy to get then people would stop playing once they attain what they want. This is not to say I don't make use of F10, but my usage outside of outfits and premium is purely with HMCoin attained though my own efforts rather then swiping. I'm honestly not sure how much power one could get though swiping either and that would be a interesting if slightly off topic discussion in its own right.
  3. Did you not understand what Green Storm has posted? The first post in this topic is literally improvements to the game...improves that the community has asked for. I strongly suspect a lot of feedback from before Green Storm started managing the forums just...didn't make it to KR, for whatever reason. Sure, not EVERY request made by the players is coming, but this is a start and a good one. We just have to hope that this ball keeps rolling, that we keep getting quality of life improvements and changes that benefit the players.
  4. 15,000 is pretty close to what one character could earn in about 10-11 weeks if doing all dungeons, raids (excluding serpents den due to difficulty) and solo content in that time period. Don't need to be a whale to do that, just patience.
  5. Green Storm provided a update in this thread. Sounds like this Soul Boost Season 1 is out of luck, but Season 2 should be more accessible with more dailies available.
  6. I'm actually impressed. Before Green Storm came along, it felt as if we were being ignored by NCSoft. Now we're seeing actual meaningful changes that are improving the game. While I still find issue with a number of changes as of late (Hearts needing Sterling Crystals and thus increasing the cost of upgrading by a factor of ten, the issues with Soul Boost, ect), these changes are all solid. Please keep the good news coming.
  7. If parties are being formed and you're not joining them, that's on you. But you are known as one of the most toxic, trolling players, so I imagine most parties would actually refuse to party with you. It's a wonder you're still permitted in Academy.
  8. If you're taking in game screenshots then they're compatible with their system. Also Amulets count as gems because...reasons.
  9. Soul, Heart (good luck but still), Pet Aura and Talisman still need Scales of varying types until they're ready to be upgraded to Mythical Tier (True Netherspark to Manifest and Unleashed Supernatural to Uproar, pretty good odds we'll have Heart and Talisman's Mythical Tier next patch). Weapon still needs scales if you're intending to go Shadow Fury 9 to transfer Psyches and Mythical Enchantment status to Upsurge. This has not changed as of this post in KR and is unlikely to change any time soon. Depending on where Soul Boost puts you, you might still need a few Elder Scales and next Soul Boost might not be any different then the current one so waiting it out for upgrades may not be viable. I must question if you play the game. Your posts also seem to almost defend NCSoft's actions or blame the player for 'starting late'.
  10. It is virtually impossible without powerful friends to drag you though three Hard Mode dungeon runs. They should have just ended Soul Boost on the intended date.
  11. Because the writer of the patch notes doesn't play the game. Every patch note has had some sort of error in it since the beginning of the game. They know only what KR tells them, nothing else, so if KR doesn't explain something correctly, or their notes are not translated correctly, the patch notes end up incorrect.
  12. I have zero difficulty finding groups on both NA and EU for a majority of content and that would absolutely kill the ping for one half of the playerbase. It won't happen.
  13. That is beyond obviously a typo. Why would they give out Pentagonal Pet Gems in Soul Boost when that is the HIGHEST tier of Pet Gem? It would absolutely BUTCHER pet gem bundle sales for them. Whoever wrote those patch notes likely had zero familiarity of the difference between Weapon Gems and Pet Gems.
  14. The website states, and this is a direct quote: From May 11 through June 8, the Horde & Gourd Event will invite you to defeat up to fifteen waves of enemies for rich rewards. The Reward Redemption Period for this event will run from May 11 to July 6. The event itself was stated to end June 8th. Tickets are not used for rewards. I will note that I agree FULLY that the ticket should say it can no longer be used past June 8th though, or have a proper expiration date to match. This could be useful for Green Storm to know to pass forward, but I will note this is not the first time NCSoft has done this with event related items and will not be the last. Always spend all currencies before the end date for the event, NOT the end date listed on the item.
  15. I did that a couple years ago when they made it impossible to spend a event currency and they refused to help in any capacity.
  16. Alright, here's some constructive feedback, starting with the good: Compared to last trove, this one is significantly better. Last trove had upwards of 50 to 60% useless items, depending on personal progression. This one feels closer to 10%...maybe 20% for very advanced players like myself. Well done on that front. It feels like each key has a pretty solid chance of giving something of use. Outfits come up often enough as well, and for a collector like myself, I am quite thankful for this. And now for the bad: while it is improved, some rolls are just...confusing. Maybe not completely useless, but confusing. There are multiple one and two star rolls that have unusual offerings, such as multiple XP charms of differing values or sometimes the same effective value. For example, I recently used a key, and two of the entries were for 5m EXP charms. Both cost the same, both gave the same XP, but were different items with their own icons. While not worthless, it is confusing and might make a player think that it could have rolled something else rather then duplicate items. I imagine further tweaking will be needed to eliminate oddities like this. In addition, there are still some unusually worthless rolls: Due to Soul Boost, and the fact we will be getting a second season of it next month, there is no value in the Soul Boost giving anything related to Scarlet Conservatory, as Soul Boost gives far superior everything. Even Steelbreaker stuff may be useless, but since Soul Shield rolls can be bad at times, I'd situationally buy those if they came up if I had a need. The bonus/milestone rewards could also use some work, but I'm not 100% certain what would be good ideas there. I've compiled a list of items that would be completely worthless for me and the majority of my alt characters along with the reason: Yeoharan's Accessory Exchange Ticket (superior accessories gained though Soul Boost) Ascendant Accessory Selection Chest (see above) Classic Agitator Accessory Selection Chest (Upgradeable) (see above, might have minor PVP upgrade potential though) Thornbreaker Soul Shield Selection Chest 5-8 (see above, and in addition the 1-4 Selection Chest is missing suggesting that it might have been meant to be removed) Sealed Greater Naryu Sanctum Bracelet Chest (see above) Sealed House of Idols Treasure Chest (see above) Sealed Thornwind Accessory Chest (see above) Heptagonal Obsidian Garnet Selection Chest (far superior gems of these types are available, but might be useful to those with a collection of older gems) Hexagonal Obsidian Garnet Selection Chest (see above) Octagonal Obsidian Garnet Selection Chest (see above) Brilliant Ascension Stone Chest (the game gives out tons of these and of superior quality) Brilliant Radiance Stone Chest (see above) As a note, during the last Treasure Trove, we had the Daily Dash running at the same time. I feel this is a must to have...I got ten free keys in total last trove from it, and it actually encouraged me to buy additional keys as those free ones gave me a few great rolls.
  17. IT's due to the immensely STUPID way it installs the game. Basically it is incapable of removing the compressed files it downloads once it has decompressed and installed them...until ALL files are downloaded. This won't be fixed.
  18. I wish they'd do this, but the chance to farm for those was before the update that gave us Halls (that also ruined multiple aspects of the game). Their plan now is to make them cash shop exclusive like they are in KR.
  19. I don't see a fix for this one coming, it's been this way for literal months.
  20. There has been no event dungeon in the history of the game that was accessible after the event ended and most events are four weeks long, not eight. Honestly I don't know why the tickets wouldn't expire upon the end of the event, but if you didn't check the website to confirm the event duration, that is on you and support won't help...though I agree in principle that the in game info should be accurate.
  21. He actually asked for feedback about that awhile ago, but nothing has come of that yet. Of course, Trove's feedback was partially acted upon, but it is a mystery why.
  22. With four characters you'd get a combined total of over a hundred. I suspect they are referring to tickets, though given they indicated they didn't have time to use them.
  23. Improved, but there are still many worthless items. Two star crits that have a few skystealer crystals and a fusion stone? No. At this point this is clearly the final effort to make money for this game and it's probably working.
  24. There are no good deals in F10 that give gold. This has already been decisively proven.
  25. The event ended. The end date of the event was posted multiple times on this website as well. The expiration date on items is utterly meaningless and cannot be trusted anyways and should never be taken as accurate or as a sign of when a event ends.
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