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Everything posted by DenialOfTruth

  1. Listening to support instructions should not be a problem since they are supposed to help resolve problems, not create additional ones like scamming a player out of resources like HMC and NCoin.
  2. NCSoft is required to care about the law. If they wrong enough people legally, then they can and will be sued as they have in the past. Is this a lawsuit worthy thing? I dunno, I'm not a lawyer. Is it worth it over 60 bucks? That's up to you, though I do agree this is a problem that has happened twice now (first time was advertising an weapon skin that was supposed to come with a year's subscription to the game that didn't actually exist).
  3. Thankfully, the only CB requirement in Battle Pass is the daily quest there and all you gotta do is beat up a miniboss mob that spawns in each enemy camp. The graverobbers are closest to the quest giver. Still dumb, but probably less then 10 minutes of effort by most.
  4. It is absurd that the Master Pass, which has quite literally a tenth of the items of the Battle Pass, is worth in NCSoft's eyes the same amount. Why are they treated as equal? It is unreasonable to charge the same for less in all circumstances and speaks loudly as to the disconnect between the playerbase and those in charge of the game and its development.
  5. In KR it resets every six months. While NA/EU is not KR, it is quite possible it'll continue for us as well, with equally possible odds of different rewards. KR's second Soul Boost had some different stuff but the core of it was the same...it has to assume a player doing it has not done it before after all or they could end up 'stuck' or unable to use some of the items.
  6. I think most people here do enjoy the game in some capacity, or they wouldn't be here. But it is true the game has long been neglected and has received more bad updates lately then good. The Heart change still stands out as the worst update they have ever done to the game and one they should have reversed ASAP, but they have yet to do so and likely won't as the game is being made more KR like. In some aspects this is good, in others bad. In theory, the more KR like it becomes, the easier patches should come to us because they need to do less little tweaks, but at the same time we have crippled gold gains and KR seems to often forget that we have things X way when they have it Y way, and that causes the majority of bugs we see.
  7. Even if he did respond odds are it would be a 'blah blah blah can't explain it because i said so'. Best theory I got is some older item our mains would have caused a issue, but it also has to be something our alts didn't have...
  8. Yes, because I sure enjoy being forced to do something I don't want to do, that sure makes people want to play a game. You must too with that attitude.
  9. There is no evidence of drop rate nerfs and never has been any presented. You'd need thousands of runs to get a reliable idea of the drop rate, and no one has posted data of before and after supposed 'nerfs'. Also my comment didn't...dispute the fact they're copypasted patches at all in any capacity? That's already a known point. What are you expecting, for completely and utterly different content compared to what KR gets?
  10. Again, I refuse to change spec for any reason. Why would I play a spec I do not like the playstyle of? If the ability to CC is present I will pick up a boss, but I will never play Grim Blade for any and all reasons.
  11. I've seen very few groups advertise they want a instant grab, but quite a few that demand it after the fact. I view that behavior as toxic as no expectation was presented up front. I will never play a spec I have no interest in playing for any reason and any demand to do so is toxic behavior that I can and will report.
  12. As Cupidstar says, F8 has been dead for awhile now in NA/Yura server. Most players will recruit in open world now.
  13. I've noticed abnormalities too with that. Very strange behavior from Demonsbane this week.
  14. Thank you for the quick response, Green Storm. And an additional thanks for not letting it wait until the standard maintenance...that has happened in the past and I am glad it is not repeating itself in this instance.
  15. It is utterly and completely unacceptable to force a player to play a spec they are not interested in. Going 'just adapt' is toxic behavior. Thankfully there are ways around it...if two BDs, Wind or Lightning doesn't matter use their 2 at the exact same time at the same distance from a boss, it will double stun it. Other classes can do it too, either by matching classes or having stuns or KDs that function the same.
  16. While I agree with most of the points made, I must point out that patches kind of have to be copypaste from KR. NCWest does no modification to the patches and has no capability to do so. For whatever reason KR has deemed NA and EU must be crippled in comparison in gold income and availability of certain upgrades like Heart. That change should have never happened and the fact it did means no player will ever upgrade their Hearts again past a point. In addition, Green Storm isn't the only staff member, they're just the only public facing staff member. I don't think they do any of the tech stuff, they just attempt to communicate with us about issues when possible. This isn't defense of their set up...I for one would actually welcome being more transparent and engaging with the community, but as is, Green Storm is not responsible for development work.
  17. They are referring to the fact that no currently running event offers those two vials and pet packs. A prior event with still available rewards does not count and means that we are getting 2 less of those items per week currently, seemingly for no clear reason.
  18. It is very likely they'll continue to remove and disable features we rely upon for progression and gold.
  19. Did NCSoft decide we deserve even LESS rewards? Nothing about this is in the patch notes or any other news post whatsoever! Oddly enough, I've heard this is only affecting NA and not EU...
  20. It's not, or NCSoft would have been sued into annihilation by now. Though it should be required to compensate customers when something the company is the one that made the error. I feel bad for EU players like yourself because not only does maint time absolutely suck for you, the emergency maint probably doomed you doing much today.
  21. NCSoft is tone deaf and this update proves it.
  22. I've done quite a few runs and only saw one drop. The drop rate is not that great. Just because someone is recruiting at X AP does not mean you need X. People were doing Hard Modes with 2.5k or less, which is fairly close to what a completed Soul Boost should give you. At that point knowledge on how the dungeon works is needed more then power.
  23. That is insanely bad luck beyond belief. The odds should be FAR better then that, even at F11. But yet I can believe it...
  24. Indeed. Absolutely insane pricing, when KR was MUCH CHEAPER. Honestly pricing like that should be illegal and heavy penalties applied to companies that pull this nonsense.
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