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Everything posted by DenialOfTruth

  1. 1. You check the store once a week generally, though I think the rotation is in a two week cycle for most outfits. 2. Because they only have 3-4 outfits in every cycle. They've never explained why, and as such some outfits are extremely rare and sought after.
  2. Best bet is to never open broken boxes and just wait until they get fixed, honestly.
  3. I was going to question how it was wrong, but I noticed that the Battle Pass Season 2 info never explicitly said it offered the Hexa Gem Voucher. But it 100% had it in game, as I felt the Master Pass was a bad deal at the time and got two Battle Passes instead and ended up with two vouchers. Starting to wonder if that was a error last season myself and it's intentional that Season 3 lacks the voucher.
  4. Incorrect. The Battle Pass Season 2 had a Hexa gem box. I know this to be a fact because I got the Battle Pass twice and got two hexa boxes and did not purchase the Master Pass.
  5. Why is it, whenever NCSoft has a NCoin sale, Canada never gets any sales? We can't even use Amazon's US site because for some reason, NCoin there is restricted to American customers only.
  6. Yeah, wasn't it at peak costs like 20 or so k per trove psyche? You might even be underestimating for some people. We don't see eye to eye on a lot of matters but I can see why this is a bit of a harsh blow.
  7. Calls to remove RNG are pointless...they'll never happen. It's part of the game design at this point.
  8. And? How does that matter in any capacity, when Soul Boost should be 'self contained' and provide all required items for the upgrades it is supposed to? Plus the fishing event is only a month long, and Soul Boost is six months long. What is your proposal for getting Premium Transformation Stones when that event ends?
  9. There's also the rewards at LEvel 13 and 15 being the same, offering two identical bracelet boxes which is useless to everyone. One of them likely is meant to offer the Uzume Ring.
  10. This has been, for whatever reason, confirmed as intentional. You still can complete Soul Boost, just it'll take longer.
  11. In addition, a few rewards are buggy too: the Level 13 and 15 rewards both give a bracelet, the same bracelet.
  12. 3 has been confirmed to be intentional for whatever reason.
  13. Critical Damage is still important, though its importance does decline in the end game.
  14. I'm sorry, but that seems like the worst design possible. Why are those that did the story in advance getting punished effectively, even if it is very slight? You're basically telling players that did something when it launched they have to wait a week before they can progress Soul Boost to Stage 2, but new players or those that didn't do it can do the same in two days.
  15. It does seem like a few bugs slipped though the cracks though. Five of the objectives in the attached screenshot do not mark themselves as complete if you did them BEFORE Soul Boost Season 2 launched...but you can't do them again because they're story quests. https://imgur.com/aG8wGVd
  16. To be fair, Season 1 wasn't bugged initially either...though parts of it were poorly translated. Missing items is true, but it was never bugged, that's how KR intended it to be for us because they forgot we don't have the 'awakened' stages of some items anymore. KR just skips from Stage 5 of a thing to the 'True' stage. The bugs came later when they not only reverted the change to make it so we could actually complete it, but also making it impossible to complete since almost no one could do 7 Daily Challenges.
  17. No it's not. I just did it 30 minutes ago no problem.
  18. The thing is, even with all of our input there are many that feel that since you're not playing the game (or at least seems like it) it can be difficult to grasp the issues at hand. Yet as a very busy person myself, I do get that there more then likely isn't enough time for you to sit down and play Blade and Soul as a 'normal player'. Even a full run though all dungeons in Cross Server/F8 can take a couple hours if the party is inexperienced or not well geared. I think that's part of why some players hope you'll start doing update streams again like Hime used to...they want to see you experiencing the game. I personally would be thrilled if a NCSoft employee tried it from the perspective of a normal player. No GM access, no special clients...just the game as it is available to the rest of us. And that would grant even further context to the issues we bring up. As for the regional differences, it is currently well known that there is virtually no difference between NA/EU and the RU clients except language and the timing for their anniversary event...but there are significant ones between those three and KR. Changes that do not make much sense and have never been explained to us. Why is it literally 60 times harder to get Starcross accessories and the Upsurge Weapon compared to KR, where they can just do Stage 1 of the relevant dungeons? Why are costs for upgrades set to KR values, but our income is less then a fourth of theirs? Why were gem boxes in Chaos Supply Chain reduced an entire tier in what they give? If these issues were explained and justified, that might dismiss a lot of the frustration, but as is, we need to work four times as hard to upgrade and sixty times as hard to clear content to get the base item for said upgrades.
  19. News posts about the Battle Pass and the new dungeon are up, but where's the info on Soul Boost Season 2? Surely that should be made available ASAP...
  20. Because people like things that are easy to read.
  21. Thinking about it, I'm not even sure why they bothered to update the True Skystealer Ring. As far as I am aware, no one in Yura (NA) owns one, and only a single one exists in Jinsoyun (EU). And from what I've heard in other communities, only one or two exist on the KR server. Does the rarest item in the game really need an adjustment like this?
  22. This feels machine translated. Best I can parse is they're upset at the drop rate, a common complaint...but not one likely to be resolved any time soon.
  23. They can't delete things like that, it would break the game for those that own those things and possibly make it impossible to get replacements. Plus many old soul shields have achievements for equipping all eight pieces. People already get mad when they disable an achievement or two, imagine how upset they'll get if dozens are removed without cause.
  24. I literally linked a thread made by Green Storm with the info you asked for. That is the news, that next season will be better. As for the specifics of the season itself, I suspect we'll get a news page soon with the details of what we can get. We don't want them making last minute changes to the game anyways to fix the issues with this current season because we've already seen it breaks more then it fixes. The rewards should be similar anyways so missing what's left of Season One isn't a big deal. If you're ignoring the info from others because they're not Green Storm directly linking to things written by Green Storm, that's your problem.
  25. Indeed. While I was among the doubters and perhaps slightly rude initially it is clear that there is now solid dedication to listening to the players and making reasonable changes over time. I imagine not everything we suggest can or will make it, but if even 20% of what we suggest overall gets a response we're well on the way to seeing a much better game. Speaking changes, I am of a mixed opinion on the costs for Skystealer stuff, but from what I'm seeing in various Discord communities is that at the higher end it is likely cheaper overall then facing the RNG for reaching +20.
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