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Everything posted by DenialOfTruth

  1. SSP was intentionally disabled because it was disabled in KR.
  2. Too bad this thread is not discussing the Soul League, which has nothing to do with the Halloween emotes/capsules that give them.
  3. Why would a useful feature be removed?! Sure, it was buggy, but it did have some use to quickly compare different stages to each other for the current gear.
  4. They fixed that too, though they did introduce a minor bug in the process: the item name is missing from the salvage window, as shown here: Still salvages as intended though, so a major bug has turned into a minor, cosmetic one at least.
  5. Tower of Infinity largely has become pointless in the last year or so because you no longer need to do it for Soul Badge, you simply get the second best one in the game from Soul Boost. In order to make it better, it needs the following: 1) Better rewards. The rewards from it have no current value in any content, both from what you can purchase and weekly/seasonal rewards. The rank 30 or better outfit is nice, but that's the only reason I even do Tower of Infinity anymore. 2) A greater challenge. Right now, most of my characters can clear even floor 100 in under 5 seconds. The enemies just cannot compare to people wearing Starcross Tier equipment or better. Also welcome to the forums, Tulikko. We don't see new faces from NCSoft often.
  6. Give some names because I've been to Ebondrake Lair and it seemed no different on Easy. Complaining about things without specific examples of where these things are occurring honestly is useless.
  7. I think they're still trying to feel out what items are useful to NA/EU and while it's improved there's still some oddities.
  8. If you're talking about Cold Storage and Heavens Mandate, they were never solo dungeons. They get updated once in a while, this is nothing new. Just start looking for parties to do them, it's not a big deal. No other actually solo content was changed in the update.
  9. Always a good idea to never promise things unless it's absolutes. Here's to future streams though, regardless of content. There's also KR interviews the devs do that might be worth looking into if they can be translated, some of them got machine translated by various communities and provided some insights into the development of the game but I cannot think of any specific ones right this moment that would be interesting.
  10. Gold was holding a ton of people back too, you know. Any change to the gold was going to shake up the market, but it will settle and by looking at KR we can get a idea of what the settle points will be. If they take the gold away now it also could prove fatal to the game because we really don't like being teased by NCSoft like that. In addition, do you really think it is reasonable to only be able to ATTEMPT to upgrade once or twice a week, because that's what it was before.
  11. These improvements are considerable honestly...while the update is not perfect it's enough that I'm playing my alts again. Except my FM, that's having a bad time right this second.
  12. Agreed. Honestly the fact we're getting massive game improvements lately should speak more then enough volumes is plenty for me. I do look forward to whatever is done next, be it more streams, or simply just letting us know with forum and news posts. Your post did give me a thought, though...I imagine the language barrier would make it not feasible but perhaps getting to see the artists and developers in some way. It would be cool to hear from the artists since the game has such amazing visuals, but since they're all in KR, it could be a challenge to find one of them willing to conduct a interview as it were.
  13. How entitled are you? This will be fixed probably next week for sure.
  14. Honestly I think it would be very enjoyable to watch someone playing the game, joining random parties for content and exploring the game as a normal player. It would also completely stamp out the 'Green Storm doesn't even play or understand our concerns' comments for good which holds an immense value in its own right.
  15. My only problem is I can't decide if I want to do trove on my main or a alt...or both. Been saving HMCoin for a long time for this one.
  16. I've been playing several hours straight and honestly even I'm encouraged to play alts. Truly this is a great update and Green Storm you gotta tell the devs in KR one thing: keep these updates coming. We largely love these changes and want to see more along these lines.
  17. They do have to wait for a response, though. Green Storm is not responsible for any development of the game, they are effectively a community manager in a sense, relaying our concerns and feedback accordingly, and sometimes telling us the response if the situation warrants it. NCWest also doesn't do any significant changes to the patches received so it's not like Green Storm can head on down to the servers, push a button and things are fixed. It sucks but we will have to be patient.
  18. Exactly that is what I mean?
  19. Even I have little to complain about...the only major complaint would be Force Master being busted right now.
  20. My FM alt got completely destroyed by the update. I noticed a DPS loss as much as 50% during testing...it just doesn't play close to the same anymore and I'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong or if it's truly busted.
  21. You can't get Fury Amulets or anima out of any dungeon so there is no cause or reason to restrict salvaging. In addition, a LOT of items can't be salvaged. Starcross Accessories cannot either. Before you go 'they're old content', keep in mind they're still the SECOND BEST items in the game and it makes it impossible to simply buy the accessories at the vendor in Mushin's.
  22. It is the first time a feature has been announced and then suddenly cancelled, though.
  23. This. If they worked in older dungeons that alone would be so useful and save so much time for the daily train.
  24. Getting hit by avoidable attacks is not a problem with the design of the game. It's kind of hard to parse what is being said but it sounds like a complaint about mechanics. Standing in bad things is going to kill you.
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