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Everything posted by DenialOfTruth

  1. We'll probably see it in September, because that's been the usual month we get new classes. Can't wait to try it myself, we know a fair bit about it from Alice KR but that's not the same as playing it personally. One of the specs is extremely buff oriented and the other attack oriented.
  2. It's still possible depending on the situation, and this is actually how the mail system works in full based on multiple years of playing the game. -For most items, if you receive one of it, or it's a 'bundle' of multiple items, you can check the box then Retrieve Items. -If you receive multiple of a item you normally get one of, you need to right click on it on the right side of the UI and pick how many you'd like to withdraw. My guess is things like the EXP charms aren't 'bundled' so you're forced to right click on them instead. Nothing has changed about how the mail works for this patch, though I do agree it should be more clear in some way in game how it all works.
  3. It's not a bug, it's to avoid taking too many of a item if you have many and wish to spread it among alts.
  4. If you receive multiple of the same item, sometimes you'll have to right click on the item on the right side of the mailbox instead to bring up a prompt asking how many you'd like to pull out of the mailbox.
  5. NCSoft would just shut it down and cut their losses. If you feel the game is trash, why are you on a forum that is 100% dedicated to the game?
  6. KR doesn't have a Gilded Octa Diamond, so we can't have what they don't have (generally). Rest is accurate tho, KR 100% has number 2 and 3 on that list.
  7. Perhaps he did those runs before the change.
  8. I doubt it, it seems our region is destined to not have enough gold yet use KR values for upgrades so far.
  9. I forgot about that one dungeon at Yehara's Mirage that got removed.
  10. Agreed, it's probably the next RNG Box currency.
  11. I do agree with the rest of your post, but this is inaccurate: old dungeons are removed from F8/Cross Server, but their open world entrances still exist. The most recent removals from F8 still have rewards that are useful too, you just have to go to their locations in open world. No dungeon has ever been removed from the game except Naryu Sanctum, and even that was just for a month while we waited for the revamp. Event dungeons do not count.
  12. The checks aren't done instantly. I'd say give them a day or two first, that's about how long it took last time.
  13. I never did understand why they cut login reward XP from 1,010,000 (4,040,000 if premium) to 110,000 (440,000 if premium). This has never been explained to us, never was in any patch notes, no justification given.
  14. Perhaps you could post your gear Coga, so we can see where you stand and what might need improvement.
  15. Agreed. As is, if one did all dungeons (including those removed from F8 like Sandstorm, Stonescale, ect) they would get 266g (roughly) a day. Or 345g with premium. Numbers are rough because I omit copper from my calculations. The battle pass grants over four months of effective gold gains.
  16. Honestly, the best solution would be to slightly increase sources. Old dungeons should have the Dynamic Quest rewards capped to 6 instead of 3, and their base rewards increased by about 50% based on difficulty. This alone would probably average out to about 20-25 more crystals per day, more so if someone did all NM or even HM runs. Keep in mind most players are not bothering to +20 all of their Skystealer gear and some of it is not worth it like Belt. Many like myself +20'd a single one, and working on getting the rest to +15 instead. In addition, bringing back tradable pouches would help tremendously, giving players either something to use, or something to sell or trade with other players for gold.
  17. That is not a solution. While I will note that CURRENTLY it is a good deal and currently demolishes not only F9 but also unsanctioned means, requiring players to pay around 30 CAD is not reasonable. The battle pass honestly is too much compared to many other games that have similar systems. What is needed is either more sources (that cannot be exploited, so darthBaal's idea can't work), or a simple increase in current numbers. I think I've suggested a 1.1x increase to test, and they can keep going from there, monitoring the economy for disruptions. 1.1x is actually bigger then people think.
  18. By getting a new weapon and upgrading it from scratch. Honestly might be faster then getting the ores.
  19. NCWest does not make any changes to the game. All patches are issued by NCSoft, so NCWest will not be repairing anything.
  20. Too exploitable. People will just try to coordinate and ensure they all get 16+ kills and swap off on winning when possible.
  21. I have heard of players getting that outfit, but the drop rate is very low. Only a limited set of dungeons got disabled rewards, super old dungeons like where you can get Infinite Challenge were not part of that.
  22. When Skystealer was made to be a 100% chance to upgrade, the gold and crystal mat costs increased dramatically, though in theory less then if one tried to +20 a given accessory under the RNG rules. The same likely would happen to Starcross if it gained the same system. Note that I am not opposed to this, but I do not see NCSoft doing it any time soon.
  23. I don't see them doing that to Starcross to be honest...not without hugely inflating the gold costs.
  24. Ctrl+I isn't in KR again yet, so we'll be getting controller support first more then likely.
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