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Everything posted by DenialOfTruth

  1. KR does not have a season for Chaos Supply Chain, and a prior news post indicated we wouldn't get one either. The dungeon preview is in conflict with previous news posts, so it is currently unknown. No matter what however, you get LESS for top 100 because the blue venture tokens have been replaced with the green ones, and as you likely know, green ones give less HMC. The rewards have literally been cut by 80-90% for a majority of players.
  2. Please read the patch notes that have been posted in the News section of this website before commenting on things you claim to have 'missed'. It clearly states the following: - Ranks 101-500 no longer give Venture Tokens - All other ranks give far less then they did before.
  3. False. Do not complain about things that are not true, Flash Step and Stun are possible to do and I do them all the time. You have to be moving forward to trigger them.
  4. Charging this much for a class change voucher should be illegal. Another sign things are dire for NCSoft.
  5. Good job NCSoft, you've managed to kill the only fun content you've added in ages. You've made it utterly and completely pointless to run on alts and some mains by crippling or even flat out removing Venture Token rewards from the ranking seasons. This in turn will make it even more difficult to complete Soul Boost (which relies on Aerodrome being done) and more difficult to gear up at all as less people will want to do it. This change to Venture token rewards is utterly and completely unacceptable. In a instant, NCSoft has made it utterly pointless to run alts though Demonsbane content, where as before there was SIGNIFICANT encouragement to do so. Once more the game shifts to a utter pay to win grind fest, and once more I am affirmed in my commitment to never spend any money on this game again. I have cancelled my premium and have instructed my bank to block any and all transactions from my account to NCSoft, as I do not trust the company in any capacity.
  6. Not the solution I would have done...I would have done a Dragon Express purchase, but this works as well, and those with less then 14 characters could 'skip ahead' if they so wished for a bit of extra power. Thanks.
  7. The fact that none of them have worked...honestly every week it's down is costing players a lot. It's a good gold source, the Alpha Emblems are the only source for Silversteel Anima and Ores for some players, and of course it is an objective for Soul Boost. This is where a lot of anger comes from regarding it: denial of resources effectively.
  8. You'll get nothing because historically, NCSoft does not provide additional items when they change rewards from quests and events.
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