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Everything posted by DenialOfTruth

  1. No, no it wasn't. It was never advertised in any region as being available for Yun. If it was, please provide proof but every time I've asked for it in the past in other communities they were unable to provide it.
  2. And? It was a supremely good idea that they've decided to toss in the garbage bin. Can't give the players too much good stuff I guess, they might actually enjoy the game!
  3. And this invalidates their feedback...how, exactly?
  4. 2 a week technically ain't sustainable either. You need to use alts to split it up, always have. Also you literally just doomed this thread to being locked as you dared to utter the C word.
  5. All as intended. The RNG is insane and it's frustrating to see someone get a drop that YOU can use! And just to put some numbers to the RNG at hand...though keep in mind exact drop chances are unknown currently, but for the sake of math, lets say it's 5%. 5% is 1 in 20 effectively. So not only do you need to get a 1 in 20 chance to roll in your favor, you additionally need to roll a 1 in 14 chance to get the correct thing in the first place! And this will get worse when the 15th class comes out, whenever that will be. This requires change without delay. It is clear that someone at NCSoft is willing and able to make our version worse: It is well known and documented that in KR, both Hall of Trials and Namdo Shrine you could get weapons and accessories at Stage 1. Why was it deemed acceptable to make it literally 60 to 80 times harder for us to get accessories (based off of HP values between Stage 1 and Stage 6)? I don't expect this to be addressed in any meaningful capacity.
  6. Soul, Heart, Pet Aura and Talisman do not have any slated replacements. Until the game gives you their Mythical only upgrades for free, they have value.
  7. Last Trove, we had the Daily Dash at the same time. Why is this not the case this time around? It feels like for every step forward this game takes, it takes two backwards to the point that I must assume it is an intentional act.
  8. That is not explicitly said in the news post. It purely reads as if you did 5 DC once, that would be enough. If that is not actually the case, then the news post has lied to every single player and deceived them.
  9. No reason was ever given for the removal of a feature of the game, and I doubt that was it to begin with. All we know is KR lost it at one point and thus we were destined to lose it ourselves.
  10. Because Soul, Heart (not that you're upgrading it), Pet Aura and Talisman haven't been replaced by anything that lacks a upgrade path. It can be useful for determining total materials to reach a given stage (like True Thunderspark to True Netherspark for example). That said the use cases are minimal and spreadsheets exist for manually checking things. Weapon still has one for those striving to convert their existing weapons to the new one that just drops, but odds are if you aren't at +11 Shadow Fury 9 already it wouldn't be cost effective.
  11. That would be greatly welcomed. As is if the new dungeon is always in DC along with Hall of Trials and CSC, that should make it just possible to get 7 DC. Having Hongsil's Workshop as well would reduce the stress slightly. As for MSP...sadly, I do not see it returning. It is immensely dead content, and dead content is never meaningfully supported. Same with the old dungeons, even though they are still absolutely CRITICAL to progression...
  12. They won't do this. Even with potential fixes they won't address the key problems with it: the fact it is currently almost impossible for a new player to complete due to a reduced amount of possible things to do for 7 daily challenges. Maybe when the update hits this will change, though, as previously all Demonsbane content was Daily Challenge. If this becomes the case again, it BARELY becomes possible once more.
  13. Absolutely agreed. Even with the extension there's multiple issues to address. Someone skilled at the game and with friends to help they could do so, but someone new to the game, with barely a idea of how things work and a community favoring speed over helping others? It's a big problem...and one that could extend into the NEXT boost, too! A number of changes need to be made, but giving more options for the 7 Daily Challenges would probably mitigate some of the issuses.
  14. I disagree about a character with that gear being incapable, but do agree that most parties would not take such a person. It's all about the massive opening burst in the first 10 seconds and people want fast runs.
  15. The Soul Boost extension does NOT address the fact that with only 9 possibilities for Daily Challenge, and two of those being dead content (PVP) and one relying on Hard Mode clears (unlikely for someone trying to complete Soul Boost), it is basically impossible to complete and should be ended with the update. I'm impressed we're getting a second round of Soul Boost at all, though. Also there is a failure to address the incorrect statements made in the original post of the thread. There is no stages for Aerodrome and Substratum anymore, and there is enough runs by multiple people to disprove that Sterling Scales (soon to be Sterling Crystals) even drop from Forest of Echoes. 1000+ is more then enough of a sample size across dozens of people at this point, proving either the lack of a drop or a drop chance so small that it might as well be 0%.
  16. Green Storm previously indicated this is intentional that it is broken, leaving players at a disadvantage forever because that's just great design.
  17. It is very likely it will never be restored at this point.
  18. Since you are the Community Manager of the game, you should be made aware that both Aerodrome and Substratum no longer have any stages in any capacity, being converted to normal dungeons with a Easy, Normal, and Hard Difficulty selection in the most recent update. I have spoken with dozens of players in other communities and not have seen even a single drop of Sterling Scales in even Forest of Echoes Hard Mode nor Aerodrome/Substratum Hard Mode. As far as I am concerned this drop does not exist until evidence to the contrary is provided. In addition, Sterling Scales replaced Sacred Vials for the MAJORITY of Heart upgrades, starting with Champion Heart Stage 1 onwards, which isn't even remotely a 'higher Heart upgrade'...to the point that before this change, a player could get to stages like True Dauntless with hard work and effort...now it is virtually impossible as the costs were not adjusted to compensate for having to use a material that literally has ten times the value of Sacred Vials. KR also does not have regular scales such as Nocturnal and Shimmering as part of the upgrade costs, but we do in our version for some unclear, never explained reason increasing the costs even further.
  19. Story of my life right there...this is the only game where you can start a evening playing and end up WORSE OFF then you started. This needs to be changed, but the devs don't understand the problem...they assume we're just like KR and like the same style of gameplay.
  20. The info is publicly released by NCSoft themselves for each quarter of the year. It would be highly illegal for them to lie on it, so it is accurate. The percentage for NA/EU is a guess, but probably not too far off because if it was much lower then that it would have been shut down by now. You can find the info here.
  21. Indeed. This is unacceptable. If you're going to end Soul Boost early, just end it. Don't 'accidentally' break it. We likely won't get the second one either as our region is designed to cause the game to be shut down.
  22. Nothing will change. The game is not adapted in any capacity for our region, yet KR literally keeps forgetting what we do have modification wise and it breaks things.
  23. There are no GMs, but even if there were gold growth alone is not a useful metric of cheating.
  24. This is rather insane for a company that makes billions a year.
  25. So accurate. They know nothing of the game and never will!
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