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Everything posted by DenialOfTruth

  1. Nope, it actually was Naryu Sanctum, and Naryu Sanctum was the only dungeon in the second Call to Arms that wasn't nerfed into Ultra Easy mode during it. Even Halcyon was nerfed to 50% it's normal HP values, but NS 2.0 was brand new (think it also came out during that CtA?) at the time. I do agree they should cool it on the rehashes though...either bring new mechanics or a different layout to the table or leave it dead. That's what I like about early FF14 dungeons...a good chunk had a 'harder' version at level 50, but you'd be facing new foes and often go down a different path then the original...that's what I'd like to see.
  2. You forgot about the Naryu Sanctum revamp...though I will admit I cannot blame you if you had...that was hell to run and I was not saddened much to see it be rendered obsolete and dead. Technically you could get Shadow Fury weapon though Twisted Serpents Den pleb...but it takes 200 Legendary Dungeon Coins to buy the weapon mat box and you get 12 a week. This might sound like the wrong opinion but I wouldn't want too many dungeons in daily challenge, nor too many dungeons I'd 'have' to run. Still, some dungeons could be brought back. I liked The Shadowmoore and it's not slated in the dungeon revamps we'll eventually get...next should be Hall of Trials (the fourth Demonsbane dungeon) plus revamps to Starstone Mines, Ransacked Treasury and Ebondrake Lair of all places...and Aerodrome and Substratum becoming regular dungeons. But that also means some are being removed from F8/Daily Challenge...I forget which are going but I think it's Sandstorm and Brood Chamber plus one more.
  3. I have no words that others have not already spoken, but...holy crap. This update may be the worst seen yet, and speaks volumes of the disconnect between NA/EU/RU (RU is included as it is functionally identical to our version) and KR and to a lesser extent CN. Worst of all, it seems that no one at NCSoft is willing to address that these rewards are beyond worthless...or gated behind the power of whales or the truly determined. Guess this event cycle is gonna be a lot of raid logging and that's it for me.
  4. You have my condolences for your loss. It is always unfortunate to lose a loved one. As others have said...F8 is rarely used anymore. The best bet is faction chat and Ajanara Region Chat, I can fill a dungeon train group in less then 5 minutes there generally. This goes for all content...raids, weeklies, demonsbane...no one recruits with F8 anymore (though they will use F8 to go to the dungeons once full).
  5. The majority of info comes from KR, and is confirmed by RU a week in advance in most cases. Our version except language has been 1:1 to RU's for years at this point, so the accuracy of upcoming changes is 100% once RU reports them and players helpfully translate their patchnotes.
  6. You mean rerelease, right? It's been on GeForce Now before for a brief time, back when the game used Unreal Engine 3. Still upsetting news given you need a pretty powerful PC to even run the game at framerates resembling 'acceptable'.
  7. Your screenshot perfectly sums things up. You'd have to do over 50 full dungeon trains in order to afford to do that.
  8. Agreed with the prior two posts. Our income rate needs some work...even doubling it wouldn't COMPLETELY help but it would be a start. To throw some real numbers into things...as is, if I did a full train of all dungeons in F8, I would get 169g a day if not premium (220g if premium). This is not even one upgrade attempt that is liable to fail past +5 on Skystealer accessories. To make an attempt I'd have to run two characters though the train. Solo content bumps this up another 40g (52g) a day, which still isn't quite enough for an attempt but closer. I can see why there is reluctance to do so though...too much gold can disrupt the economy just as much as too little. If NCSoft does make tweaks I would honestly favor a gradual increase over time to gauge the effect on the in game economy. A 1.1x increase to all gold rewards would be a good point to try.
  9. That's somewhat incorrect, we seem to get skill patches with each major release of content, but that still often means a 1 to 2 month wait period based on current release dates for stuff. Next update isn't major unless they surprise us with the next Demonsbane dungeon, so we're stuck with what we got now probably.
  10. To get all six, if there was no limit, would require 1,200 tokens per character. At best people are getting 20 right now...40 if top 100...a week. The limit truly has no point because of the sheer effort required, though I will admit doing the 100 AD and 100 Sub runs you are statistically likely to see one of the accessories.
  11. A friend and I have been running Substratum S41+ for over a month, usually 3-5 times a day to get him his gloves and...it has not dropped for him. The drop rate is very questionable and to deny this is absurd.
  12. Pretty much. You'd actually get a better deal buying gold off of F9, where the rate is 1g to 0.4ish NCoin, give or take depending on the day and gold on offer. They should just toss that Secret Safe off of F10 because it's pointless.
  13. Agreed. Unfortunately we do know the relatively short to mid term future for BNS: three more Demonsbane dungeons and a solo dungeon are the next major releases after Celestial Basin revamp. Some older dungeons (Starstone Mines, Ebondrake Lair, and Ransacked Treasury, I believe) as well between those releases get revamped too.
  14. I think that might be another example of KR 'forgetting' what our region is like and how we're set up, honestly. The output is similar to their output but we have a fifth of the input/gold gains. New content hasn't even made a scratch in that (there's a post somewhere on the forums that indicates the NA/EU vs KR gold gains, but it wasn't updated for Sanctum of the Masters and Chaos Supply Chain, but that only adds like 30g a day to our gains).
  15. Even though their info has been largely accurate? Who knows why we get gold nerfs, that has never been explained, but do keep in mind KR has massive RNG (the one thing I'm glad we don't have as bad as them) which may explain the difference. At this point it's easier to count the things we don't have from KR. Once Alice Kr gets info from RU it's basically certain we'll get it...at this time I will admit we do not have that absolute. All we know right now is Celestial Basin revamp is next, as RU gets info about a week in advance for...some reason.
  16. Most of the bugs are a result of KR forgetting we don't have X thing (they have less stages on their Heart and Soul for example, that's why Soul Boost didn't have enough of those stones), or forgetting we do have Y thing instead. They weren't bugs in those regions for that exact reason. Again, we are talking purely dungeons here. Why do you believe we would not get a major dungeon change? You are sidestepping the question completely.
  17. Alice KR never stated we were getting Kaebi Village (and never will, it was removed from KR recently). Mounts are PURELY a CN thing and never reached KR, so they are not relevant. Those also aren't major dungeon changes. Would you like to try again?
  18. 'Guesses' that have been virtually always correct. They are a reliable source of info of features we will get. Do you seriously believe that if a major dungeon change happens in KR we will not eventually get it? In addition, a lot of info of what's coming in the near future actually comes from RU, where the staff for that region actually communicate with their players and have frequent streams, which players have been translating for our benefit. Our patches besides language have been for over two years now (and that's as far back as I was willing to look) 1:1 to theirs, further solidifying what we will get.
  19. This won't be fixed, it has been broken for literal years at this point.
  20. They were removed from Demonsbane during a KR update that revamped some older dungeons to be relevant again. This means that eventually (possibly next month since we're likely to get the Celestial Basin revamp first according to Alice KR) they will be turned into 'normal' dungeons. Most of the loot will be split up amongst the other F8 dungeons. There has not been a time we have not gotten a major dungeon change from KR so this will happen regardless of NCWest's postings.
  21. And what bugs are those that you are talking about? I have yet to run into any problems doing Chaos Supply Chain. Of course, you have proven in the past that you don't know what a bug even is (such as skill changes, because it is utterly absurd to think that we wouldn't get a skill patch from KR), so I doubt there is any significant issues at all.
  22. Yes, lets discourage people from playing. That helps the health of a game...
  23. NCWest has no authority to make changes, alterations, additions or removals to the game in any capacity. And no one at NCSoft in KR accepts any advice or feedback provided, meaning any suggestions are pointless.
  24. Not bugged in the slightest. The skill description clearly says its conditionals for usage. Also why would you think a skill change would NOT come to our region in the first place?
  25. Honestly I'd just ignore Cupidstar at this point: they think because something forgot to be included in the patch notes means it's a bug. Never mind the fact that Flash Step was reintroduced in KR, which means we were going to get it regardless of it being documented for our region of the game. But maybe they think it's not meant for our region?
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