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Everything posted by DenialOfTruth

  1. How in the world does wearing a PVP outfit do anything involving Demonsbane Ranking? Can you explain this?
  2. No, it's that no one seems able to figure out what you're referring to. You've yet to provide even a screenshot or video of this 'trait' in action. Nor have you provided your gear which might indicate you're not strong enough.
  3. That...still doesn't answer anything. Are you just...instantly dying or something? The term 'red heartbeat of doom' is not used by anyone in this community, so I suspect there is a major communication barrier here. If you're referring to a red colored area of effect circle, that's just...normal attacks since enrage/unavoidable ones are typically purple colored and it's up to you to learn how to avoid them. Honestly a video would help tons, but this game is honestly annoying to record since some software can't see it due to Gameguard. Maybe a screenshot of the moment the attack in question starts but that would be tricky to time as well.
  4. No one has any idea what you are referring to specifically. How about providing that list you said you would for what bosses have this 'red heartbeat of doom' so we actually have some sort of clue?
  5. That's just it though. The rules say this, actually: No discussion so far has linked to any cheats or current exploits or discussed how to do either of them, simply that it is occurring. By the writing of the rules themselves, no one has violated that policy. If the Code of Conduct has changed to prohibit any and all discussion that they exist period and it's happening, then those rules must be updated to reflect that.
  6. It's been explained in other topics but it seems like the method they used to remove the scores had a issue and they shouldn't count for this maint. Shouldn't being the key word, we'll see.
  7. Perfectly reasonable. At the end of the day all we can do is report suspect behavior and hope for swift action. I do have my doubts about some of the times under 1:48, but it's possible there's a trick that's perfectly legit that no one else really knows right now. Still a solid event even with those trying to ruin the fun for others.
  8. Since we're giving some feedback, here's mine: Pros: -The reward setup is far better. Rather than stressing about buying 2 Vials, Packs and Crystals a week, I have the duration of the event to build up enough currency for 30 of each, plus other rewards I may be interested in. This is excellent. -Speaking of those, increasing the amount the event can give you is a A+ move and please keep it coming for future events. We're starved for Sacred Vials and items like that! 30 is a great improvement over the previous 16-18 per event. -The event is casual as heck even with a ranking season attached to it. I feel no pressure to do well at it, just completing it as time allows. Cons: -The ranking rewards are kind of bad but given the remarkable abilities of some players, it's probably needed. -The limited time windows to do the race are a major downside and clash with some schedules. Future events shouldn't be like this or have more openings to partake. -The collision on the race map is sketchy in a few locations but fairly easy to avoid once you know where they are.
  9. The best time in KR is 1:48.something. Purging the top 300 would hit innocent people as before removals there was only perhaps 160 to 170 suspect times. The rewards are meaningless anyways when you can make far, far more then the weekly rewards offer in a single day.
  10. Same. They should have just kept that, but truncated the stages required. My weapon was one of a few 'original' weapons left because I fully evolved it in each era from Hongmoon to Shadow Fury...then I used it as an upgrade mat for Upsurge.
  11. Agreed, honestly. Maybe if they upped how many you get from various reward boxes instead by 3 to 5 times, that would help.
  12. Do you believe there is a legit means to achieve the times listed?
  13. The problem is without it, we no longer have a significant source of Soulstones or Moonstones, which has made the prices of them go up by over 18000%. And inflation can't be blamed fully for this, since it was only effectively a ten times increase to gold. Either we need to get it, or get SSP back.
  14. I'd imagine any time faster than 1:45.00 would be physically impossible, even factoring in KR's best times of 1:48.xx.
  15. The event has flaws but becomes decent when you realize you just need to win in under 2:30 for max rewards since you're not going to compete with certain members of the community for ranking rewards.
  16. You'll get a generic response indicating they have no plans to release BNS on GFN and act like it was never on it when it was for a good 3-4 months. They've never given an answer for why it was removed.
  17. You are correct. They are currently utterly useless in all capacities and this needs to be addressed.
  18. While true, I hope this doesn't become a recurring theme where events get delayed, causing disruptions long term. I know you have nothing to do with what gets delayed or not, you just relay to us the good or bad news, but it is pretty frustrating. At least it sounds like we're getting an event after all, and I do got to commend the rapid work to ensure we get the Wind Chasers update.
  19. I don't agree with you often but this I do. I suspect anyone who doesn't want more items and new content wants the game shut down at this point. Shame they're getting their wish given this will be the first month of nothing new, not even an event.
  20. Guess because the main point of this patch is delayed there's zero reason to give us patch notes. Truly dire times.
  21. Because it's crippling our progression by 66%? Did you read my post?
  22. The odd part of all of this is that the crash bug happened in KR too, which means they were aware of it, fixed it in KR...and somehow cannot fix it instantly for NA/EU...? It doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
  23. Not having events for two months in a row is a major problem. Before this recent string of no content, a player playing casually with two characters could get six Sacred Vials, Pet Packs, and Sterling Crystals a week (ignoring Soul League stuff, pls bring that back ASAP). Without events however, this number is cut down to two of each, crippling our effective progression by 66%. Will this be addressed or compensated for in some way?
  24. Sure I can. All you are claiming is they have 'more hp/stats' without naming a specific system or item that is giving them. What system(s) are giving them these things? I see nothing listed in Alice KR, the biggest community fetching info from the KR server indicating as such. And again, there are things I excluded from the list because we ARE going to get some of them in December.
  25. And? This is a KR MMO, of course we're going to get stuff from KR. The gold values should have been matching KR from the START. You also failed to list any features we are missing, just going off a vague 'they do more damage'...and part of the secret there is they have much better ping. They don't have much more in the way of gear at this point (Oculus isn't a huge damage jump over Starcross and they got a few more pieces than we do, and the new Mythical Triangle Gems and Aqua/Amber Dyad aren't major game changers for damage output). Don't get me wrong, I get it. This flood of gold was sudden and unexpected, and it caused massive economy disruptions...but it's going to settle eventually. If they were to dial it back or even remove it at this point, it would be insanely destructive and empower those running 14-15 characters every 3 days to an insane level. THEY would be the sole people to dictate the economy from that point on.
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